Sorry for being curt, I'm just confused and therefore irritated. Like, does she actually still have psychic damage? Does she essentially have two health tracks right now? Is White Hawk such a scrub he can't even damage her light-body? If not and he actually does damage her does it basically do nothing until it actually "catches up" with the psychic damage? Isn't benefiting from +2 to Hit from technically being "critical" while fighting people that can't actually harm you kind of lame? She isn't actually being pushed unless Seraph is involved so the risk-reward is totally screwed. Am I making any sense?
She has one track of health. She is resistant to physical attacks and vulnerable to psychic attacks. It is unlikely she can be incapacitated by getting punched. If she is kept at bay long enough for Seraph to hit her with a mental attack, she will go down. That is Crusade's plan.

I kind of thought it was obvious from how things played out.
She has one track of health. She is resistant to physical attacks and vulnerable to psychic attacks. It is unlikely she can be incapacitated by getting punched. If she is kept at bay long enough for Seraph to hit her with a mental attack, she will go down. That is Crusade's plan.

I kind of thought it was obvious from how things played out.
But like, can White Hawk not actually damage her light body? That's what's getting me confused, because if so their plan is ruined the moment Seraph is engaged with someone else. If they just wail on her without Seraph will nothing actually happen?
Someone mentioned The Philosophers a ND the idea that Key and Faust might be at odds and it raised a theory.

What if they're only collaborating as much as they need to maintain secrecy, but they're competing with each other to prove themselves to Hand? And whoever produces more results gets more favor, more resources, more manpower?
He can. It, however, would take a very long time to reduce her to her core.

And getting reduced to her core is the only way she can drop below critical from physical attacks, correct? So, even attacks that would normally give her injury levels won't do so now unless they completely wipe away her body.

Sorry to keep asking about this, I'm just trying to make sure I understand how this works.
So we're good to put her against White Hawk unless him and Sunlight Knight have some sort of Bullshit Twenty Two Hit Combo Attack. Good to know.
He can. It, however, would take a very long time to reduce her to her core.
And until he actually does so it basically does nothing because her metaphorical health boxes are already "filled". Okay, I think I get it. If so I can only post this in regards to White Hawk:

What a fucking fraud, seriously. No charisma, no intelligence, no strength, Wallmart Griffith asshole. Elysium Station is not sending their best.
Oh, and btw I forgot to make this joke while we were in the chaos of the combat planning, but:

Very much enjoyed the basketball segment. But Jalen Brunson, really? That is some generational glazing. He is peaking around fringe 1st All-NBA Team now. Even if the Knicks are currently good, it won't help against the Cavs… (yapyapyapsportsjargon :V )
My (and 90% of this Quest's reader base) honest reaction to that info:

All the words you just said made sense… until you put them into a sentence together and made it about sports.
Brass shield is another flier so atleast taking him down is another one who cant chase us.
Where was this stated?
Also, I'm gonna be nice since this this the first combat vote we've had with the EXCEED-BEYOND armor and veto any plan that involves using an ult.

You guys are way too eager to disable a third of VG's power set when you don't know what your enemy can do and you've been repeatedly told how long this fight is.
I'm assuming people were looking at the situation and going "conserving a resource for later doesn't matter if it means we die *now*", which is fair. It's a genuinely calculated risk.
You don't think any of their fliers can hit as hard as Scarlet Maturity.
. . .

Guys . . . Black Swan is Invulnerable. She has taken no damage to her construct body and thus has nothing to heal. The damage was to her brain. She is a top-5 metahuman and Crusade has none.

I'll stop reiterating this point now, but you nearly got Handyman killed in Faustian by giving Mona a shield generator she didn't need instead of giving one to him.
The fact that her construct body flickered away gave the impression it'd been damaged to me.

And I think the big thing is that Black Swan has been injured by things that also injured her teammates at the same time. I know I assumed while reading the quest for the first time I assumed that her Injury levels corresponded to how depleted her Construct Body was, and thus suffering a fourth injury would take her out of the fight.* Combined with the fact that she used her body as ammunition, it gave me the impression that she was rather fragile overall. That impression was only countered recently when I found this post of yours:
Black Swan is weird for an invulnerable character in that's she can get to three injury levels quickly (it's easy to damaged her construct-body) but is VERY hard to incapacitate her.

Do with that information what you will.
Which I think those who knew it have forgotten, since it's been 3 months.

*And yes, I know and knew about her powertesting showing her be damage resistant, but the fight with SM made me think that meant she just couldn't suffer more then one injury level at once.

Sorry, I know this must be frustrating for you, but there's some excuse for my fellow players not getting it.
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In light of clarifications this is my final plan:

[X] Plan Ending Fraudtopia
-[X] Mona doesn't need to give a shit about anyone not named Seraph or Stockpile, so just have her fire down at Joules and Ête; stop and attack White Hawk and Sunlight Knight if they try to help someone else, but ignore them otherwise
-[X] Menagerie Witch makes a HIT flying chimera and devotes all her flyers to stall Seraph
-[X] Doc Silver puts a shield on Châtelet and Handyman plus a Hustle on the chimera and goes looking for the clones with Lady Leizhi
-[X] Handyman and Valiant Gold go confront Stockpile, lead him away and into the C4 if possible
-[X] Belle Sabreuse and Châtelet take down Brass Shield

If we don't need to respect White Hawk and Sunlight Knight then I won't. Just have Mona ignore them since they are ineffective, unless they actually try to contribute to other fights. It's time for Mona to bully some losers.
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[X] Plan Have Faith

In light of clarifications this is my final plan:

[X] Plan Ending Fraudtopia
-[X] Mona doesn't need to give a shit about anyone not named Seraph or Stockpile, so just have her fire down at Joules and Ête; stop and attack White Hawk and Sunlight Knight if they try to help someone else, but ignore them otherwise
-[X] Menagerie Witch makes a flying chimera and devotes all her flyers to stall Seraph
-[X] Doc Silver puts a shield on Châtelet and Handyman plus a Hustle on the chimera and goes looking for the clones with Lady Leizhi
-[X] Handyman and Valiant Gold go confront Stockpile
-[X] Belle Sabreuse and Châtelet take down Brass Shield

If we don't need to respect White Hawk and Sunlight Knight then I won't. Just have Mona ignore them since they are ineffective, unless they actually try to contribute to other fights. It's time for Mona to bully some losers.
[X] Plan Ending Fraudtopia

you know what i'll support this along with my plan. Since it can work, BS can jsut absorb any beams from SK while WH main problem is pushing Mona away. I love the disrespect too.

You should make it clear that VG and Handyman are leading stockpile away from the rest of the team though.
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[X] Plan Ending Fraudtopia
[X] Plan Have Faith

May the dice roll our way, and may the Omake point drain be light.
[X] Plan Ending Fraudtopia
[X] Plan Have Faith

I don't know if I ever said this but one reason I'm pushing for Homer to either have a Red Huntress assassin Fitness build or a Lightstep physical domination one is the hopes that it'll help keep his Lethal Anodyne addiction issues at bay a little.