The Apiary is HUge and I meant more get Hero Slots by creating/Modifying rooms for heroes. QM confirmed this when I ask if bases are the only way to get Hero slots.
The reason I brought forward Abarimon is cause I realize how fast we're getting members. I'm not worried about our member capacity for this turn or the next, but depending on which mission we pick during turn 5 or the ones after that, that could easily change.

Let's say at turn 5 we pick up the Reality Check and Fire in the Sky missions (follow-up missions for Hero Worship and Smoke on the Water), and manage to completely ace those two without too much complications, that would mean we'd be getting Sparksurfer, Jogōrumo, Belle Sabreuse, and future must-have member Yara Oliviera. That's three slots instantly filled, plus one that we kinda really want for Yara. Keep in mind that we're getting our 6th member this turn and unless the candidates we're inviting in Cenotaph gets in have too low tolerance, there's no way we're not making a metahuman right away.

All I'm saying is we gotta quickly grab as much bases as we can. It ain't urgent yet cause we still have wiggle room but that could quickly change the following turns.
Well okay let's assume that for ease of planning, the AP costs stay the same throughout, meaning Reality Check is 2 and PMMM is 1 alongside Taskmaster and Fire in the Sky being 2 and 1 respectively.

Turn 4 options: PMMM (1)/Demon Flamez (1)/Train Kept a Rollin' 2/First Required ND mission 2/Reality Check 2
Turn 4 with 2 cost PMMM: PMMM (2)/Demon Flamez (1)/Train Kept a Rollin' 2/Reality Check or an ND mission 2/{Pest Control or Making the Rounds} 1

Leaves for turn 5 in 1 cost PMMM world: Fellowship 2/Fire in the Sky 1 (Depending on Numbers Abarimon is maybe swappable in?)/Tracking the Taskmaster 2/Second Required ND mission 2
2 cost PMMM world: Tracking the Taskmaster/Fellowship/Whichever 2 of Reality Check and the 2 required ND missions are left (Fire in the Sky and Abarimon left for turn 6)

Wrt Shroud vs Third Person if we have a functional choice on doing one, the EB reveal makes delaying Third Person potentially very tempting as it would make it a lot easier, but its a harder hitting mission and could be more liable to have leftover injuries for Fellowship than Shroud would.
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Ain't No Rain on My Parade (AP 0): Madeline has enjoyed the good weather lately. The suspiciously good weather. The good weather that seems to only follow her around, even when it's raining elsewhere. She tried to pose for photographs during a thunderstorm "for the aesthetic", but the rain ceased as soon as she was outside. She wants her gloomy days back, and she will get to the bottom of all this . . . sunshine. (Chance of random reward off the rewards table)
As much as I want Maddie to spend her personal time improving herself, I'd like to promote taking this action for turn 4. A lot of my reasons for this is admittedly intuition-based, but let's just say with Demon Flamez mission's recently updated info revealing Le Petit Prince getting involved in the war for territory, I'd like Maddie's involvement in the narrative to be put on a bit of focus, while she figures out the cause behind this "mysterious phenomenon".

Speaking of Demonz Flame, I'd also like to promote using Spider's Web on Le Petit Prince for additional Espionage support.
So what's the order of missions again? I know we're doing Prometheus before Hero Worship, but I don't remember the rest of the order of operations for this turn.
That's correct, except I'm shifting Yankees to spot 7 with all of their other personal actions. So now it's:

  1. Break Glass
  2. Mahou Shoujo
  3. eTraction!
  4. Project Prometheus
  5. Cenotaph/Meet the Rookies
  6. Hero Worship
  7. Lost Lenore/You Live Like This?!/How 'bout Them Yankees?
So we won't have live reactions of Scarlet Maturity and Mona to the direct show of Dr Ibis?
Ok, so I have a question regarding power interactions. We know that Autobiokinesis has the same benefits as Regeneration when it comes to the latter power's self-recovery powers, but do all Synergy powers carry the benefits of their component powers? Like, if we found another combination that used Regeneration, would it also have the recovery powers, or would it carry the risk of losing them?
Ok, so I have a question regarding power interactions. We know that Autobiokinesis has the same benefits as Regeneration when it comes to the latter power's self-recovery powers, but do all Synergy powers carry the benefits of their component powers? Like, if we found another combination that used Regeneration, would it also have the recovery powers, or would it carry the risk of losing them?
Umm, I'm not certain off the top of my head, but format were the case I'd probably just also give your regeneration too? Like I said before, I consider the purpose of your build in making the powers. You'll get what you wanted if not what you asked for.
Ok... I'm little over 1k words in the "Season Finale" of BtH aka Episode 12 aka the Justice Unlimited Omake (gods I hope I don't fuck this up). I finished writing the... "Intro" (can 1k words be considered a intro?) and are now going into brief descriptions of the Fallen JU members and then the Current JU members, I don't exactly remember but are Handyman, Menagerie Witch and Châtelet known by the public? Also, do people know of Handyman's ability to change his appearance or do they think he can only change his form? Additionally, is Opale's new name public knowledge or not. I wonder if I should continue it AFTER we finish with John's Prometheus turn...
Do we had any DNA with fire as a power.
Because I think, that I may had an idea for a Synergy power, that may help the MG.
It's Ally Enhanced + Ally Empowerment + Fire power?.
It's may help the MGs to get rid of thr FT shard, because fire vs ice.
But it may not work at all. We just had to try it out.
Do we had any DNA with fire as a power.
Because I think, that I may had an idea for a Synergy power, that may help the MG.
It's Ally Enhanced + Ally Empowerment + Fire power?.
It's may help the MGs to get rid of thr FT shard, because fire vs ice.
But it may not work at all. We just had to try it out.
Seeing those words just make me think of the Final Fantasy spell Enfire aka All your physical attacks burn people. Its not a bad idea.... but it would probably need potency 13 to work. Or have something that gives a huge amount of energy...
Ok... I'm little over 1k words in the "Season Finale" of BtH aka Episode 12 aka the Justice Unlimited Omake (gods I hope I don't fuck this up). I finished writing the... "Intro" (can 1k words be considered a intro?) and are now going into brief descriptions of the Fallen JU members and then the Current JU members, I don't exactly remember but are Handyman, Menagerie Witch and Châtelet known by the public? Also, do people know of Handyman's ability to change his appearance or do they think he can only change his form? Additionally, is Opale's new name public knowledge or not. I wonder if I should continue it AFTER we finish with John's Prometheus turn...
Only Black Swan and LL have done any PR. That will change after meet the rookies.
Do we had any DNA with fire as a power.
Because I think, that I may had an idea for a Synergy power, that may help the MG.
It's Ally Enhanced + Ally Empowerment + Fire power?.
It's may help the MGs to get rid of thr FT shard, because fire vs ice.
But it may not work at all. We just had to try it out.
Closest we have is Deadman currently
Random thought: We've been focusing on Millions Minefield as the cherry on top of Wade Family Combo. But what if we spotted in Hydrocity or Mr. Hunch instead?
Hdrocity actually would work well with the Wade comboe. Id give an Element aspect to Adamants endless matter and higher potency should give a decent element.
From what I remember, the GM has said that Elemental powers aren't guaranteed to give the same element they start out with, even if we've got a variety. In addition, I don't think Potency has a major effect on what Element a combination would give.

It does seem like an interesting addition to the Wade Family Combo though.