The reason I brought forward Abarimon is cause I realize how fast we're getting members. I'm not worried about our member capacity for this turn or the next, but depending on which mission we pick during turn 5 or the ones after that, that could easily change.
Let's say at turn 5 we pick up the Reality Check and Fire in the Sky missions (follow-up missions for Hero Worship and Smoke on the Water), and manage to completely ace those two without too much complications, that would mean we'd be getting Sparksurfer, Jogōrumo, Belle Sabreuse, and future must-have member Yara Oliviera. That's three slots instantly filled, plus one that we kinda really want for Yara. Keep in mind that we're getting our 6th member this turn and unless the candidates we're inviting in Cenotaph gets in have too low tolerance, there's no way we're not making a metahuman right away.
All I'm saying is we gotta quickly grab as much bases as we can. It ain't urgent yet cause we still have wiggle room but that could quickly change the following turns.