Rule 3: Be Civil - No need to descend into personal attacks
You should read some of the things about Trans rights and participation in female sports. Biology is the argument used by one side and the other goes for "transphobia" based on that biology. So yes, apparently, biology is sexist and, to add to that, transphobic now. Hell, gender is being called into question. A student in a middle school wore a shirt that said "there are only two genders" and he got suspended for it.

People don't care about the facts anymore. They really don't.
The fact is that there are more than two genders.

Doctors define 72 different genders. How Many Genders Are There? All 72 Genders List

The fact that you don't like/agree with that fact is utterly irrelevant.

So maybe you should try getting your facts right before preaching about how people don't care about facts, eh? It will reduce the chance of making yourself look like an utter nitwit.

Also Coumadin, which US pharmaceutical companies and their minions push on their victims patients.

Yes, doctors prescribe rat poison as "medicine."
Are you seriously stupid?

Many drugs can be poisons if too much of them is used. Caffeine and alcohol are obvious examples. Even water can kill if too much is drunk.

I suppose you are one of those people who swears by ivermectin and hydroxychloroquine, as prescribed by the famous physician DJ Trump.
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Ehh, that honestly doesn't really surprise me, and shouldn't really surprise you. All medicines are also poisons, it just depends on the dose. Taking all of a minute to google, I find that its a blood thinner, which does indeed have practical uses, and those practical uses are indeed the sort of thing that can kill you if you take too much or do risky shit after taking it.
And it's things like that that are the reason one of the questions I always ask when a doctor prescribes something is "Okay, what if I forget whether I've taken a dose? Is it worse to just miss it until it's time for the next one, or take it late and maybe double up?"
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And it's thing like that that are the reason one of the questions I always ask when a doctor prescribes something is "Okay, what if I forget whether I've taken a dose? Is it worse to just miss it until it's time for the next one, or take it late and maybe double up?"
Very very important question to ask!

One of the antidepressants I'm on, Wellbutrin, can cause some nasty symptoms if the blood serum level gets too high. Before I got on sustained release, I had some weird psychological episodes because I had taken a couple does too close together.

The effective therapeutic window between too little and too much of a drug can often be unfortunately narrow.
How does Standing on Giants work?
Is just passive? A range limit? Can he go to a hospital or Dojo and stand around to level up some skills?
How does Standing on Giants work?
Is just passive? A range limit? Can he go to a hospital or Dojo and stand around to level up some skills?

I'm pretty sure he needs to have a skill/trait/ability already unlocked for Standing on Giants to work.

(I don't remember if alabasters reset helps mental trauma or not if it doesn't then he's gonna be in for a horror show) :p

Al will get traumatised by it all at some point, I'm certain. ;)

That just means that Alchemist can continually traumatize him and he won't get numb from it.

See above comment. :D

We used to do a lot of things differently back in the old days. Things change, advances are made and what was right back then is wrong now. Nothing new about that.

The best way I've seen it phrased is "We know better now, so we try to be better as well." After all, we're each a work in progress until we're die, no?

At this point, I hope Alchemist secures the help of some peers of Terra and deprive her access to coffee. That'll show her.

CRUEL AND UNUSUAL PUNISHMENT! Besides, if this is how she will mess with Al when she's not even unhappy with him, how vicious will the retaliation be when she's utterly caffeine deprived? :mob::eek2:

Poking the Dragon is all fun and games until you take it too far and suddenly turn into a small and very crispy snack.

Of course, that is no small part of why it's fun...

The effective therapeutic window between too little and too much of a drug can often be unfortunately narrow.

That's a fact I am all too familiar with myself. One of my daily meds is only available here/officially approved at 3 dosages: 50, 60 or 70mg/day. :confused::(
Kinda wish Victor had died by the poison, you could have referenced lucan the elder's basilisk poetry.

Even if crusader wouldn't be sent to apprehend you if he'd been the survivor. Othala even less so.
Stop: A brief official reminder
a brief official reminder
Biological sex and a person's gender are not the same thing. Trans people are not mentally ill, nor are they making a stink about defying facts or just trying to get an edge in women's sports or other nonsense. Claiming otherwise violates Rule 2: Don't Be Hateful.

@EdroGrimshell and @Arimai have both been infracted for violating Rule 2 in the manner outlined above. Edit: additionally @Fredo has been infracted for violating Rule 3: Be Civil.

Carry on.
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We got from Worm to this, somehow.

On another note, I want to see more of Alec just casting gun against other capes, I feel like we don't see enough of that in this genre.
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What most capes and civies don't seem to realize, and what the PRT doesn't want you to know, is that a 9mm pistol can and will kill or cripple most capes. Most capes lack the durability/ brute rating to resist even basic small arms, let alone a baseball bat swung by an average adult man.
When you refuse to play by the Rules As Given, and refuse to simply bow your head, most of the capes and gangers are decently easy to simply kill.
Though, the PRT will come down hard on you for breaking the illusion, because they don't want you to kill capes, because Cauldron wants to essentially do am "equip all the Greeks with Bronze weapons and have them charge Mt. Olympus".
Because they want you feeling helpless enough to Trigger, not brave enough to not trigger.
What most capes and civies don't seem to realize, and what the PRT doesn't want you to know, is that a 9mm pistol can and will kill or cripple most capes. Most capes lack the durability/ brute rating to resist even basic small arms, let alone a baseball bat swung by an average adult man.
When you refuse to play by the Rules As Given, and refuse to simply bow your head, most of the capes and gangers are decently easy to simply kill.
Though, the PRT will come down hard on you for breaking the illusion, because they don't want you to kill capes, because Cauldron wants to essentially do am "equip all the Greeks with Bronze weapons and have them charge Mt. Olympus".
Because they want you feeling helpless enough to Trigger, not brave enough to not trigger.

They do realise especially with Vikare's death and in the bay Fleur's assassination (it was the guy did so under the impression doing so would let him join the empire at a higher entry position, he got off without serving any time only to immediately join the empire at a higher than normal entry position) was only a few years ago. The problem is capes personally don't use guns unless it's something like tinker laser guns or miss militia's power cause it's basically a declaration of I'm willing to go lethal and Lisa oversold that while manipulating Taylor into villainy and the fandom took as gospel. That said Cauldron do come down hard on anyone who tries to use snipers against capes enough so snipers refuse to target capes because of the horror stories.
They do realise especially with Vikare's death and in the bay Fleur's assassination (it was the guy did so under the impression doing so would let him join the empire at a higher entry position, he got off without serving any time only to immediately join the empire at a higher than normal entry position) was only a few years ago. The problem is capes personally don't use guns unless it's something like tinker laser guns or miss militia's power cause it's basically a declaration of I'm willing to go lethal and Lisa oversold that while manipulating Taylor into villainy and the fandom took as gospel. That said Cauldron do come down hard on anyone who tries to use snipers against capes enough so snipers refuse to target capes because of the horror stories.
Sounds like an easy way for a Blank to set a trap for Craptessa.
Sounds like an easy way for a Blank to set a trap for Craptessa.
That's incredibly exaggerated example of 'it's easier said then done' right there. To start, there basically three real 'blanks' for Contessa. Mantellum the ray-man we saw earlier, entities directly connected to Arch-Priest (ie, Eidolon and the EB's, not that anyone knows they're technically the same blankspot.), and finally Zion itself.

And all of those have very roughly accurate models made around the 'blankness'. Say all you want about the plot-holes of Worm, or some of the more stupid-evil actions of Cauldron (like the Nemesis program)...but you really can't call them or especially Contessa incompetent. Working on lacking or incorrect information? Being unknowingly influenced by Jack 'mary-sue is my Power' Slash? Yes.

Actually being bad about their overall (nearly hopeless) work to save the world within the constraints they are presented as having in-universe? Or relying so heavily on a crippled ultimate-precog power when their opponent is an (effectively) omnipotent god? Well, to quote a YouTuber on the topic of indie animation...'I'd like to see you do better.'

As for Al and Contessa...does he really have remotely any reason to tangle with them, besides gaining their powers? I can't honestly think of one. They're (part) of why the Bay is so bad in accordance with their post-Zion parahuman social experiment...but their also pretty much the sole reason most global governments still exist and the economy hasn't crashed through the floor. Plus why there are only dozens of S-class disasters globally (and potentially it'd be less if Jack's 'ignore me' field rubs off on its victims and makes them lax when it comes to other crises too). Self defense is a big reason, but if Contessa is personally going on the offensive, it's pretty much going to be guaranteed that a trap won't work, or that she'll ambush the ambushers. Clairvoyant+Doormaker is ridiculously OP even without her own power.

Rather, if Al gets on Cauldrons radar, and it happens early enough that he isn't willing to pop the spell Blank and be a new 'blank' (that may or may not be rapidly adapted to, because PTV's primary restrictions are permissions, not capability remember)...negotiation is probably going to be the first and second options. Violence a distant third.
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And all of those have very roughly accurate models made around the 'blankness'. Say all you want about the plot-holes of Worm, or some of the more stupid-evil actions of Cauldron (like the Nemesis program)...but you really can't call them or especially Contessa incompetent. Working on lacking or incorrect information? Being unknowingly influenced by Jack 'mary-sue is my Power' Slash? Yes.

Eh you can call them incompetent because a lot of their actions are both that and stupid. After Siberian killed hero they chose to let him run wild for 13 years under the logic of he'll drive capes to the protectorate for protection as though he wasn't also regularly killing them and the value of their protection means squat with stuff like that and the Fallen kidnapping dozens of wards and not suffering consequences for it. There's Grey Boy too who Cauldron thought was a strong scion counter and marked as their 2nd best after Eidolon. Despite that and knowing his vial messed him up in a lot of ways including making him tell the truth to any question he's asked they thought it was a good idea to send him to infiltrate the nine because of King's preference for little boys. Shockingly King found out about this from him and managed to flip him into a hardcore nine member.

Additionally, Cauldron cannot be forgiven under any circumstances for the simple fact that they piled up mountains of atrocities to stockpile options for fighting scion but then didn't use them. The sum total of their contributions were the Triumvirate fighting, throwing the civillains they kidnapped during the Behemoth New Delhi atk at scion after giving them vials and mastering them into being suicidal and they eventually offered door privileges to people fighting which they did to access the birdcage and things like send tinkers to labs.

That's all they did because they didn't bother using a lot of the options they stockpiled. They set up groups like the elite, yangban and fallen giving them key members in exchange for favours but worse than doing nothing they were actively causing problems as they chose to atk everyone for resources and Cauldron didn't do anything to stop it under the logic of they'll fight scion because what else can they do. Not even just that they went to all the effort of setting the nine up with cloning facilities after letting them run around so long and getting control of the clones only to not use them for anything other than bodyguards in their base. Additionally, they had some vials with powers from Abaddon they believed to be silver bullets since they didn't come from Scion or Eden but for some stupid reason they chose to wait until gm started before looking for candidates for them despite knowing it would happen that year for the past 2 and were stubborn about not using them even when scion got into their base and was studying some vials he found a floor above Eden's corpse.
How does Standing on Giants work?
Is just passive? A range limit? Can he go to a hospital or Dojo and stand around to level up some skills?

I'm not too focused on the mechanics of it but, if I wanted to make it more Game functional than story functional, I'd write it as having a time, focus and proximity requirement on top of the user needing to have an appropriate skill to mimic experience into.

Give the trait appropriate time to 'spool up' before it starts generating experience, then only based on people within a close proximity to the user with more experience generated based on how much focus is being placed upon the target.

In Worm, the more focus Victor had on someone, talking, touching, eye-contact, I'd wager probably smell as well, the faster he could drain the skills out of someone. The man liked to make a show out of tracking down minorities of some notable talent that were trying to move upwards in life, capturing them and then draining them to the point of being barely coherent zombies before either killing them or releasing them to be a bigger burden on their families.

Alec's isn't as fast and it's not destructive in its function, though.

So, could Alec go to a hospital or dojo and stand around to level up some skills? Absolutely, yes. I think a more focused approach might be for Alec to go and volunteer to talk to senior citizens at an retirement community, though. Less scattergun, more focused on high-quality skills developed over a lifetime.
I'm not too focused on the mechanics of it but, if I wanted to make it more Game functional than story functional, I'd write it as having a time, focus and proximity requirement on top of the user needing to have an appropriate skill to mimic experience into.

Give the trait appropriate time to 'spool up' before it starts generating experience, then only based on people within a close proximity to the user with more experience generated based on how much focus is being placed upon the target.

In Worm, the more focus Victor had on someone, talking, touching, eye-contact, I'd wager probably smell as well, the faster he could drain the skills out of someone. The man liked to make a show out of tracking down minorities of some notable talent that were trying to move upwards in life, capturing them and then draining them to the point of being barely coherent zombies before either killing them or releasing them to be a bigger burden on their families.

Alec's isn't as fast and it's not destructive in its function, though.

So, could Alec go to a hospital or dojo and stand around to level up some skills? Absolutely, yes. I think a more focused approach might be for Alec to go and volunteer to talk to senior citizens at an retirement community, though. Less scattergun, more focused on high-quality skills developed over a lifetime.

Stuff like cooking would work, as well as mechanics, but most Soldiers were mediocre shots and not trained in hand to hand unless part of special forces

You'd want martial artists and cometitive shooters for that
Worm 15
How to Beat Fried Worms

Disclaimer: Worm is owned by Wildbow, and he can keep it.


Chapter 15: Dance!


Back when Alec picked up the little countertop convection cooker he'd put next to his microwave, he'd picked up a few extra outfits. Slacks in a few different colors with matching long and short sleeve button up shirts.

He'd always intended on using stealth in Worm. Being obvious was a great way to end up dead.

Unless he was willing to rack up a serious body count? Stealth, subtlety and subterfuge were the winning words.

Which was why Alec was backing up to the garage of Victor's home, wearing an outfit of gray slacks and an almost-matching long sleeve shirt. Combined with a ball cap that said 'Wirt's Plumbing', he could easily be mistaken for, well, a plumber. Or an electrician, exterminator, really any sort of 'blue collar' worker.

Hell, give the man a ladder and a hi-visibility vest, he could probably sneak into anyplace that wasn't the Protectorate Headquarters out in the bay or the PRT Main Office down town.

Setting the parking brake, Alec sighed, his nose whistling unpleasantly-

He... was going to hit up the hospital, in the morning. One of the many odd benefits to being legally broke? He was on the government health plan.

Ugh. He almost regretted putting his attribute points into Intelligence and Wisdom. 500 SP at 25 per minute was great, yeah, but it wasn't helping to make his face stop hurting.

-as he turned to the side and bent over, his head throbbing, to untie his shoes. Slipping them off, he opened his inventory and hovered over the human silhouette's feet before sliding his finger over. The act removed Victor's shoes, which Alec let drop out into the real world, and the man began the unpleasant process of wedging Victor's size 10s onto his size 11 feet.

That done, Alec stood up and walked down the back of his van. He slipped Victor's keys out of his pocket for a moment to press a button on one of the two fobs and the garage door began to open before Alec had even stepped out of the back of his vehicle.

The man breathed in deeply, the scent of salt strong in the air so close to the bay, and pulled a pair of latex gloves out of his pocket. He left the rear door of his van open and took a deep breath to steady himself.

He wasn't going to get more than one shot at his plans, so he didn't plan to mess them up. He'd had a serious attempt on his life.

It wasn't amateur hour, anymore.

Alec stepped into Victor's garage, the skill thief's car absent, and raised his right hand up next to his ear.

He snapped his fingers.

Alec walked through the garage entryway into the Victorian house and made his way towards the bedroom-

A phantom of Alec walked through the garage entryway and into the Victorian house and made his way towards the kitchen-

A phantom of Alec walked through the garage entryway and into the Victorian house and made his way towards the living room-

A phantom of Alec walked through the garage entryway and into the Victorian house and made his way towards the guest room-

A phantom of Alec walked through the garage entryway and into the Victorian house and made his way towards...

Victor had a lot of nice things... Guns, ammunition, money...

It'd be a waste to just leave all of that in the hands of a bunch of Nazis, now wouldn't it?


Max Anders, the CEO of MedHall, was a tall and well-built man with a pair of brilliant, striking blue eyes. He wore many hats and many titles, he'd earned countless accolades throughout his life and his career was one marked by more successes than failures.

Recently, however, he'd been rather stressed. As might be evidenced by the near-empty bottle of absurdly expensive whisky on his side table as he stared out across Brockton Bay from a rather comfortable chair within his high-rise condo.

Crusader, one of his lieutenants, was dead. The man represented an important nexus of capable powers, his ghosts, and would be inordinately difficult to replace.

The power to create a flood of phantasmal copies of himself, that could fly and pass through walls? There were few better combinations when it came to hunting!

The loss of Othala, however, was far more damning for a number of reasons. The woman, barely more than a girl, really, wasn't worth a damn on the front line of a fight but outside of it? She could grant a number of different, brief powers to other people but most valuable had been her regeneration.

It made the rank and file brave. If they could survive a fight in the name of the Empire 88? Then they would get pushed to the front of the line for her healing.

It kept Brad, -Hookwolf's-, pit fights profitable. His best and bloodthirstiest fighters could get in the ring and take an absolute beating, then go on to do it again, and again and again. As often as they could stomach! At least, so long as Othala had been available to heal them up in between fights.

Gesselschaft? Othala's healing had been worth a lot of credit with the Empire's parent organization. Without her, Krieg was going to have to work harder, make more difficult promises, to maintain a positive relationship with the Europeans.

Max... barely believed the story Nathan had fed him, about how two of his best and most valuable tools had expired. Worse had been the cause behind their deaths.

A pie.

An all-American apple pie, brought to a dinner party Nathan had hosted as he was feeling out a potential recruit. Filled with enough rat poison to kill four people and then some, according to the labs at MedHall. How none of them had tasted it, Max couldn't begin to fathom.

Othala died in the hospital. Justin's corpse had been found, bent over the toilet in his bathroom at home. Nathan had nearly died as well, if not for recognizing the symptoms Othala had been suffering under upon waking up and finding her missing from his bed.

Nathan, after recovering enough that he could move, had been livid. That someone would come into his home, would laugh and joke and look him right in the eye as he was betraying Nathan's trust...

It spoke of a level of cold, ruthless cunning that Max... really just didn't believe could be found in a bottom-rung janitor.

It was something that Max would do, rather.

Nathan had demanded vengeance. The hateful, maddened gleam in his best enforcer's eyes had promised retribution.

Max wouldn't, couldn't stand in the way of that. He'd suggested Nathan at least try and be smart about things, to take a few extra men as insurance but... well, Nathan was nothing if not confident.

The Kaiser was brought out of his frustrated musings by the sound of his phone rattling on the side table, next to his tumbler of whisky. Picking it up, Max was forced to sigh as he read Nathan's message-

N.Bauerdick: You were right. Caught the fat bastard when he came home from the hospital. Fucker thought Ronnie gave him food poisoning. Barely needed more than a little persuading to talk.

M.Anders: Will you need help cleaning up?

N.Bauerdick: He's alive. If he goes back to the hospital, he might even stay that way.

M.Anders: Merciful

N.Bauerdick: A message to his handler. He talked about a friend that directed him to the range and helped him make the pie.

M.Anders: I doubt his handler cares. Your recruit was in the hospital as well, wasn't he?

N.Bauerdick: Only alive because he got sick on the way home.

M.Anders: So a patsy. A disposable one.

N.Bauerdick: His friend was a fed.

"...Fuck," Max whispered as he read that last word, his mind racing.

N.Bauerdick: I think someone found out about our business out east. Possibly in Boston.
N.Bauerdick: I'm going to hunt the bastard down.
N.Bauerdick: I'll be going to ground. I'll contact you when I can.

"No!" Kaiser demanded, his fingers fumbling over the screen. "You idiot, that's the last thing you should do!"

M.Anders: Nathan, no!
M.Anders: Nathan we need to talk
M.Anders: nathan gt bak hre now11!1!!

Message not delivered...

"Fucking..." Max stared at his phone, his blood pressure spiking. "That proud, stupid, fucking..."

Kaiser's left hand flexed painfully as his right hand wrapped around the neck of his whisky bottle. He was tempted to throw it, right through the window in front of him, but...

Max slumped in his chair and brought the bottle to his lips, skipping his tumbler entirely.

The Empire had 20 capes. The largest figure in Brockton Bay. They'd had the widest variety of skills.


Othala and Crusader were dead. And Victor just went AWOL. They were down 15% of their capes...

Over one pie.

One. Fucking. Pie.


Alec leaned forward, exhausted, as he slipped Victor's phone back into his inventory.

The Nazi's home had been a treasure trove. He'd had almost eight-thousand dollars stashed in various places throughout the house, along with dozens of guns and enough bullets to run a war.

Most of which Alec wasn't really going to bother with. He just didn't want them ending up in the hands of anyone else, ready to be used on him if things went wrong. Again.

Especially the Barret 82A1. That weapon was stored directly in Alec's inventory, rotated so that it was situated next to Victor's corpse. The gun, at 57 inches (144.8 cm) long, took up a two by five block. Combined with Victor's three by five block, half of Alec's inventory was completely... blocked off.

Alec chuckled, then froze as his face throbbed in pain.

With a groan, the man started his van and got moving.

His face hurt. His feet hurt. He... was ready for bed.

Today had been profitable, incredibly so.

Didn't mean it sucked any less.

Worm Version 0.1.5: Character Sheet
Level: 8
HP: -10/100
SP: 500

-STR: 1/20
-VIT: 1/20
-DEX: 1/20
-AGI: 1/20
-INT: 5/20
-WIL: 5/20​
  • Empowered Investor 7/20: You can invest your energy into an object, repairing it by 7%, empowering it by 7% of its original value and investing 7 points into it. Once that investment value reaches 600, the empowered object will develop a special trait. Another trait will be revealed at 1000 investment, then they will be improved or added to for every 1000 points after that. Cost: 100 SP

    Gift 1/20: You may gift a copy of your own ability, equal to half that ability's level, to a target (Limit: 1 ability, level 1 for 1 minute) Cost: 10 SP

    Phantom Force 6/20: Create a ghostly duplicate of yourself to perform additional actions! (Limit: 1 duplicate. At level 10, creates two duplicates, with an additional duplicate per five levels afterwards. Duration: 1 Minute per Level) Cost: 25 SP

    Decimation 1/20: Imbue your weapons with an effect that increases the severity of wounds and causes additional damage! Duration: 30 Seconds per level. Cost: 10 SP
  • ERROR! Previous skill levels not allocated!
    Axe 1/20
    Hand to Hand 2/20
    Short Blade 1/20
    Long Blade 1/20
    Pistols 7/20
    Rifles 7/20
    Cleaning 5/20
    Repairs 3/20
    Cooking 3/20
    First Aid 2/20
    Sneaking 3/20
    Running 1/20
    Driving 6/20
    Mechanics 1/20
    Metalwork 2/20
    Carpentry 2/20
    Trapping 7/20
  • On the Shoulders of Giants 4/20: Slowly gain experience in skills and abilities when in the presence of people with higher scores than your own!


    Timed Hits 2/20: It's not just a matter of where you do something, but also when! And now you've got a better sense for when the right time to do something will be!
  • Poisoner 1: Poisons you inflict cause an additional 10% damage per tick
  • Weapons
    9mm Pistol (+403)
    9mm Carbine (+403)
    .50 Caliber Rifle (Barret 82A1)
    Multitool (Pliers, knife, screwdriver, can opener, scissors) (+498)
    1990 Chevrolet Step Van (Legendary) (+750)
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Eldery Enemies Erudition
I'm not too focused on the mechanics of it but, if I wanted to make it more Game functional than story functional, I'd write it as having a time, focus and proximity requirement on top of the user needing to have an appropriate skill to mimic experience into.

Give the trait appropriate time to 'spool up' before it starts generating experience, then only based on people within a close proximity to the user with more experience generated based on how much focus is being placed upon the target.

In Worm, the more focus Victor had on someone, talking, touching, eye-contact, I'd wager probably smell as well, the faster he could drain the skills out of someone. The man liked to make a show out of tracking down minorities of some notable talent that were trying to move upwards in life, capturing them and then draining them to the point of being barely coherent zombies before either killing them or releasing them to be a bigger burden on their families.

Alec's isn't as fast and it's not destructive in its function, though.

So, could Alec go to a hospital or dojo and stand around to level up some skills? Absolutely, yes. I think a more focused approach might be for Alec to go and volunteer to talk to senior citizens at an retirement community, though. Less scattergun, more focused on high-quality skills developed over a lifetime.
Elderly Enemies Erudition

Alec in a bid to hide from the EE8 finds himself in the next town over living in his van.

With his only skills and licensing being related to janitorial and medical sanitation his job prospects were quite niche.

So it is he finds himself with mop in hand and working in a retirement home for the elderly and infirm.

It is good work. And his On Shoulder of Giants is giving him skills that he never would have expected. Old lady Muriel was a prize winning chef and baker in her time. Cooking going up to [5/20] in less than a week.

Old Henry gave him a boost to his mechanics and repair skills.

Margaret a surprising skill in first aid from her time as a nurse on the front.

Mister Phan Son and Mister Isiah Peterson both give him enough skills in what he could now consider war crimes. The two old men are known to spend their days just glaring at each other with open hatred. But when Alec gets close he only hears muttered racist insults as the two glare at each other. A better person would have steered clear and respected their privacy or tried keep them separated. Sneaking [8/20], Short Blade [8/20], Pistol [10/20], Trapping [10/20], Rifle [10/20].

But Alec is very much not a better man as he lets the skill gains flow freely. Far be it from him to interfere with long standing grudges.

So with mop in hand he stands in their agreed upon no man's land. Afterall he has a job to do.
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Hey, the threadmark's not in the right order.

Nice chapter though, great to see Max so angry.

Thank you for the heads up. I'm not sure what was going on, but I finally managed to fix it.

I have to ask, are you having troubles posting your chapters? I keep getting multiple mails for each new chapter on this thread, and this thread only. It's weird...

That was on me. Every time I posted the chapter, the threadmark would end up nested way back with the BNHA stuff I used to work on. I spent a bit of time fighting to get it figured out before managing it.

I'm sorry for the inconvenience.
Othala and Crusader were dead. And Victor just went AWOL. They were down 15% of their capes...

Over one pie.

One. Fucking. Pie.

Boston? Hmmm...

Coil might give Accord a curtsey call to inform him about 🥧"the Pie-Maker" or whatever ridiculous nickname capes tend to give each other.

Tattletale: (gasps) "You're 🥧the Pie-Maker everyone has been looking for?!?!"
Alec: (unhappy about his stupid nickname)
Regent: (laughs) :lol::rofl:😂
Boston? Hmmm...

Coil might give Accord a curtsey call to inform him about 🥧"the Pie-Maker" or whatever ridiculous nickname capes tend to give each other.

Tattletale: (gasps) "You're 🥧the Pie-Maker everyone has been looking for?!?!"
Alec: (unhappy about his stupid nickname)
Regent: (laughs) :lol::rofl:😂
"The name's Peter. Peter Punk N. Eeter. Get it right."
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