"A suit. Something semi-professional. Shirt, jacket, pants, gloves and tie. Shoes? Do you do shoes?"
Is he going to be called G-Man?

🐀🐭Mouse Protector is going to be horrified by Goonion's bland, professional business suit.

It's almost as if Alec is deliberately trying to play the straight man foil to MP's hammy comedy.

MP: (gasp) :o "Are you un-ironically wearing a business suit?!?!"
Alec: "What? It's both practical and professional."
MP: (pretends to faint from shock) :o :confused: :sour: ?!?!
Isnt Parian having a shop fanon?

Perhaps so, but I can't find anything explicitly saying that she doesn't run a shop. Just a mention that, from Taylor's perspective, Parian only uses her powers for entertainment and business purposes.

It's entirely possible that the 'dollhouse' is an open secret. A case of the people who do know just turning their heads because it wouldn't be worth the time or energy to make it an issue. Especially if Parian has some quiet but important backers.
I thought Parian's shop was canon? Granted, it's not big, main room is almost 80% of the first floor, and the last 20% being storage/back of a tailors shop. Second floor is actually her home for much the same reason it was built with a second floor on the Boardwalk.

Also, Shoulders should of woken up and done stuff considering Parian actually did switch her major from engineering to fashion and actually learned how to sew/stitch/cut/glue all the outfits she has sold in her store for a couple years now. Hence her dresses being the main product she sells in between her puppet shows and those are mostly built up off cuts.
It's fanon. She does promotion on the Boardwalk, but there's nothing about a shop of her own. I'm not sure where the idea originated from, but it's fairly popular.

Nothing wrong with fanon, though, if it's well-written and (mostly) makes sense.
Rather, in double-checking my information, I was reminded of the fact that they're toxic. Short-sighted, violent, they only respect each other and they're willing to sell anyone else out for the right incentive. I'd debated having Al offer the secret of Leet's problems to them before my review of how they live and act in Bet.
besides the GTA stream they did which could arguably they could have paid the hookers to take a dive for... what other toxic behavior did they do in canon? I don't remember the canon very clearly so there could have been more but that's the only one that sticks out in my mind
"Armor inserts. Likely aluminum if I can't get my hands on titanium. Perhaps about 1 centimeter thick?"

Will it be visibly obvious that Alec's suit has armored inserts?

MP: o_O "Are you wearing a padded chestpiece?"

Alec: (honest) "They're armored inserts to protect me from bullets."

MP: (skeptical) "Uh-huh, sure, and it just so happens to make your pecs look larger."

Alec: o_O "Why are you paying attention to my pecs?"

MP: (suddenly awkward and sheepish)
MP: :oops: "...oh, no reason... LOOK A DISTRACTION!!!"
Wonder if one of the handguns could be upgraded with a Shapeshifting trait like the omnitool. Make it so they can adjust to fire any ammo placed in them. Alec doesn't have to worry about how expensive ammo is anymore and he can do fun stuff like shooting Shotgun shells or special tinkertech ammo at someone from an unassuming handgun nobody thinks is much of a threat
I think a good general upgrade for the pistol/carbine would be something like an auto-aim ability, just make it so your bullets are more likely to hit where you intend. Could be good as a factor against powers that would deflect and/or manipulate the path of bullets.

The Barret is pretty much your "lethal:yes" solution, so giving your carbine some non-lethal ability could be useful. Leave the pistol for coup-de-gras and make the carbine a stun rifle, something like bullets don't cause lethal injuries.
all those reasons aside it could be his temporary name assigned by the prt because of what they know of him cause "janitor" job and it sounds more respectful to him than "road rage" does when all he wanted was to stop a 9 attack. :p
No, no, the PRT, being stupid, just takes the first name that anyone comes up with and makes it stick. Thus how Taylor got stuck with Skitter, and now Alec will be stuck on all his official paperwork as Goonion.
I thought Parian's shop was canon? Granted, it's not big, main room is almost 80% of the first floor, and the last 20% being storage/back of a tailors shop. Second floor is actually her home for much the same reason it was built with a second floor on the Boardwalk.

Also, Shoulders should of woken up and done stuff considering Parian actually did switch her major from engineering to fashion and actually learned how to sew/stitch/cut/glue all the outfits she has sold in her store for a couple years now. Hence her dresses being the main product she sells in between her puppet shows and those are mostly built up off cuts.
It is absolutely fanon, and in fact would have been illegal if it did exist. It is exactly the kind of legitimate business that NEPEA-5 was meant to kill, and is the reason the Elite exist as a group: Cauldron, in its Path to Build a Parahuman Peasant Levy (what Fortuna/Contessa, a medieval peasant girl, understands an "Army" to be), needs to ensure that parahumans remain peasants so they can still be conscripted; if any of them were rich or comfortable they'd be landed gentry and therefore ineligible to be pressed into service in that way.
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make the carbine a stun rifle, something like bullets don't cause lethal injuries.

Special bullet effects sound like something that would be better to do on individual magazines, for ease of switching them when the situation calls for it. That's also where the "hold more than should physically fit" or "self reloading" effects should go, while the guns themselves stack up durability/reliability, stealth, and aim bonuses.
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We're in Brockton Bay. The winters are cold and the summers are humid. I'd like to wear something I won't die in because of the weather.

Ironically part of customising the bay to make it a good location for Taylor's power was making it's Summers cooler and it's Winters warmer than a lot of the surrounding area.

Remember how Al framed the Feds as being responsible for poisoning three E88 capes?

And now he's got a Men In Black suit.

I'll let you do the math on this one.

He's totally going to buy something like a sonic screwdriver toy to pretend to be the memory erasing thing and buy a fedora isn't he.

I did consider them, actually. I've worked out how I want Tinker powers to work, so that wasn't the reason I changed my mind.

Rather, in double-checking my information, I was reminded of the fact that they're toxic. Short-sighted, violent, they only respect each other and they're willing to sell anyone else out for the right incentive. I'd debated having Al offer the secret of Leet's problems to them before my review of how they live and act in Bet.

In summary? Al would be more likely to interrupt one of their 'streams' and then outgame them. Mostly because they irritate him but, also, professional pride ;)

Being fair not all tinkers are that bad like the Chicago ward Tecton or Rain in ward for example.

besides the GTA stream they did which could arguably they could have paid the hookers to take a dive for... what other toxic behavior did they do in canon? I don't remember the canon very clearly so there could have been more but that's the only one that sticks out in my mind

Aside from how they in general commit crimes while dressed as heroes from games such as Mario they were willing to help Bakuda out at the storage yard provided she wore a bomberman outfit and later worked for Coil including making a scanner for Trickster to scan Taylor's power to make a device to counter it and a device to teleport her into a building meant to be her tomb for Coil's plan to kill her instead of releasing Dinah which Taylor had insisted on as a price of working with him to take over the city. He also would have been fine making the teleporter outright kill her but QA liked Taylor enough to go to bat for her so he wasn't allowed to build one that didn't give her a fair chance at surviving.
Here's an idea for the pistol and carbine:

Make them pull ammunition from Alec's Inventory instead of their magazines like Doom.

When Alec uses them, they have seemingly bottomless magazines. If anyone else gets hold of one it fires once and locks open on empty.

The only possible issue is how that interacts with the shadow clones....
One option for the pistols for cape fights is doing something to make the pistols Less Lethal. If they did nockback, or always did flesh wounds. Hit with the same energy but as if they had more mass and less velocity (so large impact momentum). Or perhaps taking advantage of bullets being hot things fired by explosions and making handguns of fire bolts (or an increment in that direction to start).

Something that makes them more 'rules' compliant, but keeps them effective. Also get them looking Tinker as fast as possible.
the obvious theory that everyone is going to have is that he is related to the Elite, there is that one cape in anchorage that can make clones and is a member of the elite, he traveled to New York, where one of their cells is located and uses a business suit as a cape

No, go for it! I don't mind hearing another point of view or discussing different ideas. I've certainly changed a variety of things thanks to reader input and I imagine that'll keep happening.

okay so, the ideal use for the gun is that you can add accessories and make them better, most guns are highly modular

silencers that silence better, muzzle breaks that reduce recoil above what should be possible, a stock for the pistol that makes it more accurate, extended barrel that can be screw on the end and increases velocity, laser pointers that make the bullet follow the laser, or a muzzle attachment that made the bullets non-lethal

there are also going to be different laws about accessories, and Al isn't caring about them anyway, so they will be very useful, in worm in particularly utility and versatility almost always trumps direct power and lethality

enhancing the armor inserts will work well, but in particularly a probability field that make it less likely for bullets to hit the target anywhere but the armor, it means that the area defended

the use of enhancing ammunition is also very promising, as the bullet is definitely capable of being enhanced, even if it is disposable

also enhancing the mousetraps would be possible, until they receive the ability to attract rats without bait, meaning you can keep them going for way longer

One option for the pistols for cape fights is doing something to make the pistols Less Lethal. If they did nockback, or always did flesh wounds. Hit with the same energy but as if they had more mass and less velocity (so large impact momentum). Or perhaps taking advantage of bullets being hot things fired by explosions and making handguns of fire bolts (or an increment in that direction to start).

Something that makes them more 'rules' compliant, but keeps them effective. Also get them looking Tinker as fast as possible.

Coil has mercs using rifles with laser attachments, he could easily apply all sorts of modes to those lasers

self repairing is obviously the most useful, but there are dozens of uses for a laser

in fact one of my OCs used a laser pistol whose only Sci-Fi characteristics was being able to use all function of a laser known to man in a single pistol, this includes microphones, cooling, laser-taser, incendiary, invisible microwave lasers, holograms, etc

Here's an idea for the pistol and carbine:

Make them pull ammunition from Alec's Inventory instead of their magazines like Doom.

When Alec uses them, they have seemingly bottomless magazines. If anyone else gets hold of one it fires once and locks open on empty.

The only possible issue is how that interacts with the shadow clones....

Wonder if one of the handguns could be upgraded with a Shapeshifting trait like the omnitool. Make it so they can adjust to fire any ammo placed in them. Alec doesn't have to worry about how expensive ammo is anymore and he can do fun stuff like shooting Shotgun shells or special tinkertech ammo at someone from an unassuming handgun nobody thinks is much of a threat

again he can enhance the magazine separate from the gun itself, make it pull ammo from nearby and resize ammo and your golden

Ironically part of customising the bay to make it a good location for Taylor's power was making it's Summers cooler and it's Winters warmer than a lot of the surrounding area.

He's totally going to buy something like a sonic screwdriver toy to pretend to be the memory erasing thing and buy a fedora isn't he.

Being fair not all tinkers are that bad like the Chicago ward Tecton or Rain in ward for example.

Aside from how they in general commit crimes while dressed as heroes from games such as Mario they were willing to help Bakuda out at the storage yard provided she wore a bomberman outfit and later worked for Coil including making a scanner for Trickster to scan Taylor's power to make a device to counter it and a device to teleport her into a building meant to be her tomb for Coil's plan to kill her instead of releasing Dinah which Taylor had insisted on as a price of working with him to take over the city. He also would have been fine making the teleporter outright kill her but QA liked Taylor enough to go to bat for her so he wasn't allowed to build one that didn't give her a fair chance at surviving.

"who is but the form following the function of what and what I am is a man in a suit"

there is also the possibility of using a tranquilizer gun that actually function, even if it only injects people with water, it's not like you need the poison, and it also works with your poisoner perk
Heh. If Al gets hold of some of Coil's Tinker tech laser guns and strips it, then adds the parts to his upgraded guns, suddenly he can shoot homing rainbow Legend lasers.

Maybe an upgrade could be "is compatible with Tinker tech weapon attachments." As in, add the weapon to the gun and it becomes an attachment for it.
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Just got back from the range with my wife.

Had a lot of fun, ruined a handful of targets. Great time.

Al's go-to weapon any time he needs to use one will definitely be the carbine. Control is the name of the game and that is significantly easier to control in comparison to a pistol. That doesn't mean he won't keep the pistol with him, you'd be an idiot to not have a holdout weapon in Worm, just that it'll be a secondary concern for him.

Also went ahead and did some research for an option that Al will look up for his guns. Rubber bullets exist for the caliber Al uses and they're... reasonably affordable. Can't buy them at a store, at all, but they're hardly difficult to get a hold of. I don't think the purchase would trip any alarms, either.

Thinking the Carbine's first trait will be Ammo Enhancement: Improves the special effects of non-standard ammunition.

The pistol would probably start with Aim Correction: Better track mobile targets to ensure accuracy. I'll figure out secondary traits later.
"A suit. Something semi-professional. Shirt, jacket, pants, gloves and tie. Shoes? Do you do shoes?"

QUESTION: As Alec invests charges into his suit, will it improve "aesthetically" as well as provide armored protection?

I know Alec deliberately concentrated on having his step van outwardly look the same when he invested charges into it, but now that he has an official cape costume Alec may not care about cosmetic changes so long as it (A) looks like business suit and (B) provides armored protection.

Cue Alec's suit going from "bank manager" to "billionaire playboy" with a dash of "Mafia gangster" for flavor.

Question inspired by "Brockton's Celestial Forge," where the protagonist Apeiron wears clothes of such immaculate craftsmanship that he's given a Stranger rating by the PRT/Protectorate.

Alec: (struts down the sidewalk)
Miss Militia: :o "Dang girl! I thought you said he wore a frumpy business suit!"
Mouse Protector: "He did NOT look that fine we I saw him yesterday!"
Just got back from the range with my wife.

Had a lot of fun, ruined a handful of targets. Great time.

Al's go-to weapon any time he needs to use one will definitely be the carbine. Control is the name of the game and that is significantly easier to control in comparison to a pistol. That doesn't mean he won't keep the pistol with him, you'd be an idiot to not have a holdout weapon in Worm, just that it'll be a secondary concern for him.

Also went ahead and did some research for an option that Al will look up for his guns. Rubber bullets exist for the caliber Al uses and they're... reasonably affordable. Can't buy them at a store, at all, but they're hardly difficult to get a hold of. I don't think the purchase would trip any alarms, either.

Thinking the Carbine's first trait will be Ammo Enhancement: Improves the special effects of non-standard ammunition.

The pistol would probably start with Aim Correction: Better track mobile targets to ensure accuracy. I'll figure out secondary traits later.

Actually this could be solved by combining both weapons by having a pistol with a removable stock, those are illegal in our world, but may be perfectly legal in Worm, especially since their gun laws would focus on more lethal ammo types, rate of fire and larger calibers due to cape and gang concerns

also, could you post the specific type of guns that Al has? It makes choosing attachments easier, as well as finding reference art
Here's what I was thinking for the carbine and handgun. I know I mentioned he got them from the same maker to make getting cross compatible magazines easier and the carbine is literally factory-standard to use the same magazine receiver as the pistol.
Regarding terra though... Is there any sort of restrict/thing preventing him from foisting this world off on her?

As in the main story she said after the death of the gods of a jrpg world with ra seru she took over it... Is there a way to "forcibly" add this to her portfolio as a white elephant gift/make her take over running it?

Like building a cult/religion and having them outergod style invoking her to rule this plane?

As with how shit worm earth is... Being forced to run it and constantly intervene to prevent it blowing up/rebuilding it would be a gigantic cheeky middle finger (while technically respectful as he gave her control of it/spread her divine influence)
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