If Hitler DID NOT DO THE HOLOCAUST, and donated to charities, he would be a good person. It is not that doing good makes you good and doing evil makes you evil. It is that doing Evil makes you Evil and doing Good WHILE NOT DOING EVIL makes you good.

Intention matters far less than results in this way. They could have helped the Case 53s, gotten them to join Cauldron like they did for Custodian, Doormaker, and Clairvoyant, or at least get some kind of power-backed NDA and help set up a new life for them. And even if you don't consider what they did to the Case 53s evil, there is PLENTY more. Actively preserving the Slaughterhouse Nine. Actively preventing the proper responses to the villain activity in Brockton Bay. Selling power vials to Accord. Selling powers to villains. Brainwashing Case 53s with specific triggers for the "Nemesis Program". Actively breaking federal law to maintain authority (Capes aren't allowed to work for the PRT except as Protectorate).
Aye. Hitler wanted to retire to a Catholic Monastery when he was done cleaning up the Jewish problem. He was convinced he was doing God's work by getting rid of them.
Being supportive of the Church didn't make him a Good person in the slightest. It made an incredibly deluded evil one.

Thats not how that works, its not as simple as that. One can be good while doing while doing evil stuff and the same applies in reverse.

Or just be neutral and do both.

Its not that what they do isnt evil in of itself but that they arent doing it for any "evil" reasons, they arent planning to take over the world or trying to destroy it or something like that.

If they were doing it for ANY other reason other than SAVE EVERY SINGLE EARTH AND ALL OF HUMANITY then it could be said that they are evil.

They dont do the crap they do for shits and giggles, they are in war with an actual eldritch alien god that wants to kill them all.

Its VERY easy to condem them when you know everything about the setting and only see them at their worse but the truth is that anyone else in that scenario? Any of you? Me? We would have done much much worse.

Then just replace Nazi for literally any shitty person or organization. Same thing, only used hitler since it was the first jerk I could think of.
That's not how good, neutrality and evil work.
All three are defined by what they will not do. Good has the smallest number of permissible actions to it, good and some neutral actions that deal with survival instead of bias. Good notably will sacrifice for others, particularly other Good people.
Neutrality has a broad range of options, including all good options, all neutral options, and some evil options relative to vengeance and punishment. Neutrality will sacrifice for friends and family if they have to, but expect to be repaid in kind somehow.
Evil has ALL options open to it. Kissing newborn babies and executing families because a kid scuffed your shoes. It is ALL potentially open to Evil... but average Evil tends to be lazy and simply embraces evil actions as those requiring the least amount of effort/greatest efficiency on their part, and the least amount of sacrifice. Evil people sacrifice others for their advancement, and the number of others they will not sacrifice goes down as their Evil goes up.

So, someone who calls themselves good and does evil actions is not good, they are deluded and at best are Neutral. If they sacrifice others for their own benefit, as opposed to a greater cause, they are evil instead.

Someone who alternates good and evil actions is at BEST neutral, and more likely is deluded evil who just thinks they are sacrificing themselves for others, and in reality they are just sacrificing others to get things done the easy way. Good and evil actions do not offset, as Evil characters are perfectly capable of doing good things and remaining evil as fuck.

You're trying to be pretty black and white on what is evil deeds and whatnot, when you need a more nuanced view of motivations and the overall scope of what is going on. As I noted before, Cauldron is almost textbook Lawful Neutral: an organization devoted to a higher cause, working to save humanity, NOT for their own power/amusement, endorsing whatever methods will work as they advance towards that goal in the only way they know how (The Path to Victory). The fact that Path has tons of moral flaws they might well know, but they have NO OTHER MEANS of finding that road, so they still follow it, hoping to save everyone.

If Cauldron was doing all it does for its own benefit, that would be classic Lawful Evil, and your judgements would be on target. However, Evil means would likely be employed without hesitation or any moral qualms whatsoever, which is not what is happening here.
Lawful Neutral can be cold and utterly pragmatic and heartless, without being evil. It's no different than a bear starting to eat you while you are still alive, Neutrality can be pretty cruel in its own way.
Is it just me, or is that both incredibly easy to abuse and insanely powerful?

Think about it. Lots of critters out there with special traits and abilities. Al can use Shadow Conjuration or Shades to summon or call an artificial one (as it's made of shadowstuff, not actual creaturestuff), PAO it into something edible, and then eat it.

A chronotyryn, for instance, is a birdlike humanoid with two brains and two voice boxes, allowing it to cast multiple spells simultaneously.

Al can use that ability repeatedly for literally any ability he wants, and it's permanent.

Better stock up on some monster compendiums, I guess.
Blue magic powers for the win!
My other favorite is spell weavers, who can cast one spell level for each arm they have, and they have six arms. So, if they want to cast six magic missiles, and they have enough spell slots, they can!
Get a build with a lot of arms (shapechange into a decapus or kraken or something) and you could get off a nice number of spells every round VERY quickly.
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Blue magic powers for the win!
My other favorite is spell weavers, who can cast one spell level for each arm they have, and they have six arms. So, if they want to cast six magic missiles, and they have enough spell slots, they can!
Get a build with a lot of arms (shapechange into a decapus or kraken or something) and you could get off a nice number of spells every round VERY quickly.

My guy I dont think posting so many times in a row is allowed... I think
Rule 2: Don’t Be Hateful
Aye. Hitler wanted to retire to a Catholic Monastery when he was done cleaning up the Jewish problem. He was convinced he was doing God's work by getting rid of them.
Being supportive of the Church didn't make him a Good person in the slightest. It made an incredibly deluded evil one.
Given all the horrors that Christianity espouses, he wasn't exactly wrong. (Have you read the Bible?)

He was just pointing it at (some of) the wrong people.
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I haven't thought about Entanglement in terms of projectile spells, though Meteor is disjointed from the caster so that simplifies it I guess.

In this instance, would the effect be something along the lines of "summon a meteorite from orbit aimed at [targeted shard]", Entangled to "ditto [Abaddon]", Entangled to "ditto [every constituent shard]"?

Since something getting obliterated is the overall result of the spell, rather than the direct effect of casting.
Damn that's a lot of Meteors though.
Worm 93
How to Beat Fried Worms

Disclaimer: Worm is owned by Wildbow because nobody else wants it.


Chapter 93: Faith


Returning to the Birdcage once Alec finished up, and sobered up, was thankfully rather simple.

The upgrade Alec had gotten to [Wraith King], then [Phantom Force], from Say... Shade...

The fat asshole wearing a flayed horse's head that was protecting Mama Mathers. Whatever his name was, he'd offered up the ability for Alec to swap places with any of his Wraiths so long as they were active.

It did not have a range limit.

Returning to the Birdcage, Alec found the cell block in chaos.

"-my power!" a deep, vaguely feminine voice blubbered from the next cell over. "It's wrong! My power is wrong!"

Alec raised one eyebrow in surprise as a small, round object ran by on stubby legs. Its mouth was wedged open, revealing uneven rows of sharp teeth, and saliva dripped down its wobbly chins.

"I can't feel him!" another voice, a man's, shouted loudly. "I can't feel my Teacher any more!"

Alec looked to the side, to his Wraith... who shrugged.

The chaos was likely caused by the death of Teacher's Shard. The alien entity didn't actually have all of the powers it had handed out through Teacher's machinations. Rather, it was networked with a significant number of lesser Shards and it forged connections, controlled through it, to the thralls.

Alec didn't know if it was a pyramid scheme or what but it made Benjamin into one of the most dangerous Capes on Bet if given time to ramp up.

Closing the door to the cell, Alec turned his gaze on to the child that Teacher had been harvesting for meat, a little bit at a time. He didn't know how the bastard had managed to lobotomize a regenerator and, truthfully, Alec didn't want to find out.

He just needed to fix it.

Stepping up next to the group of his Wraiths as they used [Rewind] to slowly move the child's personal timeline back to when he'd been healthy and unharmed, Alec set a hand on the boy's bare shoulder and began to do the same.

It didn't matter if it wasn't fast.

All that mattered was that it worked.


Panacea had always wanted to meet her father.


Meeting him?

"-so we had to send a message," Marquis was saying, recounting a story of his good old days. "And it couldn't be one his friends could 'misunderstand'."

Took a lot of magic out of the old dream of her real dad showing up one day and whisking her away to a fairytale lifestyle of cupcakes and unicorns.

"Knock-knock," a flat, familiar voice said. Hours and hours after Alec said he'd be done. Rather than waiting, the man strode into the-

Amy's mind came to a sudden halt as she took in Apollyon's appearance. She was used to seeing the hefty man wearing a surprisingly well-fitted suit, though something could certainly be said for his color coordination.

What stepped through the door was almost two meters of black, gleaming metal that reflected the dim light of her father's jail cell strangely. She couldn't tell if it was metal or some kind of glass and it was covered in strange, silver whorls that seemed to emit their own light.

"All black, huh?" Marquis asked, clearly unimpressed. "You know, a little color wouldn't be amiss. Maybe some reds, maybs the color blue? Something that's not... trying so hard."

"Your name is literally 'Edgelord'," Apollyon responded, his helmeted head tilted slightly towards Marquis before it focused on Amy. "You have a good time talking with your bone-daddy? Because when I left Teacher's cell block, they were sectioning off who got what chunk of the room."

"...What did you do?" Panacea asked. The people inside of the cage were all adults, weren't they? Why would they be doing something so... childish?

"I ripped off Teacher's head and broke his power," Apollyon admitted without a hint of shame. "Chop-chop, Pan-pan. We need to go before they start-"

The prison... trembled. It shook as a loud explosion happened somewhere up above.

"Alright. That's my cue, to skadoo-" Apollyon said as he stepped towards her.

And Marquis interposed himself, blocking the heavy man from reaching her.

"I don't suppose you've room for one more, do you?" Marquis asked, a charming smile on his face. "After all-"

"No." Apollyon, however, was having none of it. He stepped around Marquis-

And Marquis reached out, grabbing on to Apollyon's arm as bone poked out from under the villain's flesh, forming plates on his body. The man was forming his own suit of armor to-

Apollyon's arm lashed out in a sudden straight, his gauntlet slamming into her father's face. Bone -shattered-.

"No," Apollyon repeated himself as he stepped up to Panacea while Marquis reeled from the sudden, vicious assault. "N-O. Fuck. Off."

"Stop!" Marquis hollered, his voice thick and his sinuses blocked. "I can-!"

Apollyon grabbed Panacea's hand and the two vanished. Amy felt like her brain had somehow skipped a step, trailing a fraction of a second behind her as they appeared...

In the Brockton Bay park?

"...Weren't you curious about what he was going to say?" Panacea asked as she gathered her wits about herself.

"Not especially," Apollyon admitted as he began to poke at the various bits of armor on him, making them disappear. "First the charm, then the threats, then bribery. It's not exactly hard to figure out what he wanted."

"Well..." Panacea wasn't sure what to make of that. It was about as straightforward as it got, when he said it like that. "Now what?"

"For you? I don't know. Call up Glory Girl for a ride home? Sorry I kept you. There was a... situation with the last child." Alchemist sighed, long and slow as he shook his head. "As for me? I've got to figure out what to do with three toddlers and give Dragon a call."

That... sounded kind of rough, actually. Which meant that Panacea was pretty happy that she wasn't the one dealing with it.

"Well. Today was... interesting," the healer admitted as she pulled her cigarettes out of her robes. "So... thanks. I guess."

"I guess you're welcome," Apollyon fired back. "If you need anything? You don't have my number for a reason."

With a jaunty wave, Apollyon snapped his fingers and disappeared.

Panacea inhaled deeply and put a cigarette to her lips, her hands fumbling for her lighter.

It was... great that Apollyon decided to help a bunch of kids, she guessed. And meeting her dad was actually pretty neat.

Disappointing, yeah, but still neat.

Lighting up, Amy took a deep draw and filled her lungs with acrid, burning smoke.

It was kind of a shame that Apollyon was such a prick, though. She almost thought he was cool.
Bit of a nothing burger of the interaction between Amy and her bone daddy, but that's pretty good. Her meeting her dad really isn't as important or ground shaking as some fics like to portray.

Can't wait to find out who Alec fucks over next time
So why was Al wearing his battle armor? There's not a whole lot here that can mess him up, even in the 'cage.

If it was actually important, maybe edit in the reason?
So why was Al wearing his battle armor? There's not a whole lot here that can mess him up, even in the 'cage.

If it was actually important, maybe edit in the reason?
He did just say that the block he had just walked out of was in the middle of a civil war. Oh, yeah, and Marquis literally attacked him right at the end of the chapter in an entirely foreseeable move.
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It was kind of a shame that Apollyon was such a prick, though. She almost thought he was cool.

Glory girl paused mid flight, watching a man frantically wave his hands in front of her sister… is that a head in a toilet?

"No wait! I am cool! See? Here's a Skibidi! That's cool nowadays right?!"

She didn't even bother questioning when Amy taken up smoking as she fell behind her, scooped her up and quickly flew back home.
Congratulations! You have reached...
Level -1!
You have gained...
255 Attribute Points!
255 Ability Points!

Well, that bring up some interesting points.

1. Abaddon is dead for sure, never assume anything. Though Abaddon like Zion was just the controller of his group of shards Did all his shards go with them or are the ones left going to choose a new controller? I'd guess the entanglement got them but hard to check.

2. A quick look but I did not see any skills that his basic level itself effected so being at level -1 should not have any downside really. I do wonder what gaining another level will do though, would it not change or go to -2? Maybe zero and then 1 all the way up again? I'd think this matters as each level needs more exp right?

3. In the character sheet for Ch 92 it listed 88 Attribute Points and 40/40 in all stats so I'm assuming he had 255 Attribute Points and then used all but 88? Is he max level now? I mean thanks to taking out Eidolon in ch 48 he doubled his attribute cap from 20 to 40 but is any other cape or shard going to be able to do that again to make those points useful?

Eidolon has been reminded that he is mortal.
You have gained: 150,000 Experience!
You have become: 300,000 USD Richer!

Special Ability Acquired.
The Omni-Potent.
Increase all attribute, ability, skill and trait level caps by 100%. Increase all ability, skill and trait experience gains by 100%.

4. Ability Points! he has a bunch to spend, what to focus on?.
4. Ability Points! he has a bunch to spend, what to focus on?.
This late in the game, only a few days before he kills Ziz, Zion, possibly the entire local Shard network, and hopefully goes home? The only abilities that matter are the ones he wants to keep.

Thus, spend those points on upgrading abilities he already has, or on common types of powers he might find twenty of at the Ziz fight. Master Blaster, for example, would be easy to upgrade to level 20 with purchases, not that he seems interested in using it. His two recent Tinker abilities, on the other hand, would be very hard to upgrade with Ability Points.

And then there's Human Resource Management.
Warning: There are entire pantheons that are concerned over this...
An amazingly useful tool in certain circumstances. Amazingly easy to abuse. A quiet, ever-present, easily reached temptation to change people for their your benefit. Why bother convincing people when you can just force them to act, or even to change their minds.

I'm not sure about Alec, but I would want to NOT keep that power.