You can feel just how done Alec is with the Wormverse. He has some impressive self-control, but his patience is wearing thin. Terra's going to get an earful when this is over.
Not really, Alec is more the type to roll with the punches and find a legal way to punch back without getting verbal or physical. More than likely he is gonna take a year long vacation in a place where Terra can't touch. The pokemon verse would be an easy vacation. Too many powerful and skillful gods from a fighting dimension would likely rebuff any attempts to rope him back to the saddle. Alec just has to make a deal with one or two of the Pokemon Gods like giving them a supply of food from the Toriko universe.
I can understand Alec being bitter after Victoria rushing in and doing her usual punch first ask questions never routine, but even I am beginning to feel a little bit sorry for collateral damage Barbie. Alec has turned Victoria's life upside down and done more good in the world using means she would see as "evil" and villainous than any actual hero work she has done in her lifetime. Talk about a heads**k for her. She has to question her identity and everything she knows about morality which is a huge for an adult, never mind a teenager.

Yeah Victoria is a hypocrite who is excessive force and cover up inclined, as well as having a shitty mother influencing her and a master power aura she refuses to aknowledge and work diligently to control ...but she is a teenager. A dumb kid who has had her life turned upside down by Alec's petty lashing out with his comments...he is an adult. An all powerful adult with a lot more life experience. It is punching down to know Victoria is sort of handicapped to only see the world through Carols lense, to have no third party to advise her, to know he has screwed her life and she is a hormonal teen....and yet he still winds her up and sets her off either negligently or on purpose.

The PRT turning up is bound to be interesting. Arms master jealous he didn't get the glory of neutralising a threat, miss militia's own rigid legalism and morality making her hyper focus on the little picture. Confronting a known super powered killer in a hospital while he sits between a traumatised 12 year old Billie and a mercurial landmine teenager like victoria seems like a recipe for disaster. Never mind it's in a hospital filled with civilians, with the world's bets healer dealing with rape victims a couple doors away. Tact and strategic planning go out the window when shard conflict drive pushes the idiots it seems.
I can understand Alec being bitter after Victoria rushing in and doing her usual punch first ask questions never routine, but even I am beginning to feel a little bit sorry for collateral damage Barbie. Alec has turned Victoria's life upside down and done more good in the world using means she would see as "evil" and villainous than any actual hero work she has done in her lifetime. Talk about a heads**k for her. She has to question her identity and everything she knows about morality which is a huge for an adult, never mind a teenager.
I think it's equal parts, "This bitch just tried to murder me for no reason," and "New Wave is a festering pile of hypocrisy and infected and suppurating emotional wounds that are going to destroy them. Let's excise it and cauterize what's left to prevent it from becoming even worse later on."
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I can understand Alec being bitter after Victoria rushing in and doing her usual punch first ask questions never routine, but even I am beginning to feel a little bit sorry for collateral damage Barbie. Alec has turned Victoria's life upside down and done more good in the world using means she would see as "evil" and villainous than any actual hero work she has done in her lifetime. Talk about a heads**k for her. She has to question her identity and everything she knows about morality which is a huge for an adult, never mind a teenager.

Yeah Victoria is a hypocrite who is excessive force and cover up inclined, as well as having a shitty mother influencing her and a master power aura she refuses to aknowledge and work diligently to control ...but she is a teenager. A dumb kid who has had her life turned upside down by Alec's petty lashing out with his comments...he is an adult. An all powerful adult with a lot more life experience. It is punching down to know Victoria is sort of handicapped to only see the world through Carols lense, to have no third party to advise her, to know he has screwed her life and she is a hormonal teen....and yet he still winds her up and sets her off either negligently or on purpose.

The PRT turning up is bound to be interesting. Arms master jealous he didn't get the glory of neutralising a threat, miss militia's own rigid legalism and morality making her hyper focus on the little picture. Confronting a known super powered killer in a hospital while he sits between a traumatised 12 year old Billie and a mercurial landmine teenager like victoria seems like a recipe for disaster. Never mind it's in a hospital filled with civilians, with the world's bets healer dealing with rape victims a couple doors away. Tact and strategic planning go out the window when shard conflict drive pushes the idiots it seems.

Something I'd like to point out is how Alec was interacting with Vicky -before- he started to tease her about her family name. He was forthright and honest with her, answering her to the best of his ability with the information that he had.

Then, once things started to get heated, Alec is the one that backed down and addressed her by her personal name rather that doing any more teasing about what Carol got up to. Even among the Metallic dragons, you'll be hard-pressed to find ones that will back down from a challenge like that. Most would remind an upstart of their place in the pecking order.

His offer to explain things to Amelia is genuine, of course, but Alec has already poisoned that particular well. We'll see how things go, though. You can never really tell what the future looks like.
Feel like it's bad form for the Protectorate to confront a known hostile in a hospital. Like they don't even care about the potential casualties or the collateral.

Jfc, Alec's not like that but it says something when the heroes rely on a "villain's" restraint on inflicting damage and banking on such a risky and dangerous gamble.

Alec's an out of context problem, but they don't really know that. They have very little actionable information actually, other than his demonstrated powers and MO, a little of his psych profile but nothing verified until proven in the moment. Thinker powers don't work on Alec after all. That means that that's probably a standard procedure for parahuman contact. Worm, ffs.

Also trauma. Lot's of trauma.

And GG starting fights because she wanted to let off steam and punch someone since life at home is pretty shit at the moment.

Thanks for sharing.
I really love how at times it seems Alec can't help himself. The nature of the Void Dragon bringing secrets out is probably the best part of Alec's character. Always true, especially the lies.
and, at the center of the attention, a man wearing an armored suit with eye-catching blue lines running along the seams that implied 'power!'

Velocity, Miss Militia and Armsmaster.

This was going to be great, Alec could feel it.
Ability Purchased: Vehicle Mechanics
Vehicle Mechanics 1/40: Add the level of Vehicle Mechanics to any appropriate Skills or Abilities when creating, repairing or modifying vehicles of any kind!


=(1) How fast does "On the Shoulders of Giants" level-grind? When Armsmaster is in the same room as Alec, how much will "Efficient Craftsman" go up?

=(2) Armsmaster is NOT a vehicle tinker, but his Efficiency specialty does include vehicles ("the Arms-cycle"). Will Armsmaster's presence cause "Vehicle Mechanics" to go up?

Would Dragon's physical presence cause "Vehicle Mechanics" to go up?

Does Kid Win's hoverboard count as a "vehicle"?
On the Shoulders of Giants has gotten a lot faster but it's not up to the point where it can grind out a level in passing.

Similar to Victor, more focus allows the skill to generate more experience faster.

As to the Armscycle- There is no Armscycle. It's fanon. A fun idea, to be sure, and one that we fans have taken and run with like we stole it but the 'Armscycle' from Taylor's first meeting with Armsmaster was just a heavy duty bike from the motorpool.

As Dragon is not the source of Vehicle Mechanics, her presence would not offer up experience.

Kid Win's hoverboard does count as a vehicle, yes.

I do have a plan to levelgrind Vehicle Mechanics. It's surprisingly simple and also grinds up another ability in the process.

Also! Give me a minute and I'll have the outline of how I'd initially thought of Alec getting Vehicle Mechanics!
I do have a plan to levelgrind Vehicle Mechanics. It's surprisingly simple and also grinds up another ability in the process.

Also! Give me a minute and I'll have the outline of how I'd initially thought of Alec getting Vehicle Mechanics!
How to acquire and level-up Kidnapping and Vehicle Mechanics:

Step 1: Kidnap Squealer.

Step 2: Sit on her (quite literally) as a void dragon until Vehicle Mechanics levels up.

Protip: Hose her down* from a distance first. She's filthy and disgusting.

*Preferably using an industrial-strength fire hose.
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The other way to get mechanical skills!
It was a cold and miserable night in Brockton Bay, an experience Alec found far too familiar as of late.

He'd been hunting, tracking, tracing the drugs of Brockton Bay back to their distributor. He couldn't get rid of them, he knew that, nor was that necessarily his goal.

Making it harder for that poison to get to its victims, however?

Well, that was simple enough.

In the skies over the Bay, nobody noticed him watching and following. With the loss of the Empire and the Azn Bad Boys the small time dealers had gotten more and more bold.

The Merchants that he remembered from Worm didn't exist, not quite yet, but they'd been forming around the nucleus of Skidmark and his pet Tinker. And Alec's actions had just catalyzed their cancerous growth. That fact... irked him.

Tucking his wings close, Alec descended before flaring them to slow his fall into a controlled landing onto the roof of a warehouse next to the bay. It was similar to the one he'd used to trap and slaughter the Empire, really. Big garage doors and easy access to the filthy waters beyond...

Alec silently growled as he looked through an old skylight, the glass long-since broken. Arcing sparks down below indicated an actual presence, though a more thorough look did not yield the dragon's desired prey. The beast ran his tongue along his teeth in irritation before nodding to himself.

The Tinker would do. Without her, the Merchants would find themselves reliant on Skidmark and that man didn't really have much going for him besides his power and his personali-

Alright, Alec couldn't lie to himself. Skidmark's personality matched his name. In color, consistency and odor especially.

Slipping through the broken panes, Alec silently dropped to the ground. Once he landed, the dragon took in the great monstrosity that was forming.

It looked as though someone had taken one of the great, big tar machines used for roadworks and filled it with a handful of woodchippers. What purpose the great vehicle was supposed to serve, Alec could not divine.


Not like it would matter momentarily.

The dragon watched and waited patiently as Squealer worked, he kept a pair of watchful eyes on the woman's hands as they danced madly between tasks. He waited, his claws poised, as the woman used an acetylene torch to carve through the metal.

There was something... wrong with her motions. Despite what she was doing, the risk involved with her work, her limbs were sluggish and her actions stilted. It wasn't as though the woman were high, though she likely was.

More, it seemed as though she were possessed.

A fact the dragon took note of as he waited.

Finally, when she set the torch aside and made to grab a hammer, he struck!

Alec lashed out, his great claws grabbing the woman from behind and ripping her away from her monster.

"What?!" Squealer shrieked. "What's goin'- Ah!"

And was silenced when she was held, face first, against the crumbling brick wall of the rotting warehouse.

"You know?" Alec asked as his proportions shrank and he assumed a human guise. "I've always wondered something about you."

"Fucker!" Squealer shouted. "The fuck you think you're doing?! I'm gonna rip you fuckin' balls off!"

Alec waited, patiently, as the woman fought in his grip and cursed at him until she ran out of breath.

"You know?" Alec asked as the woman began to recover. "I've always wondered why you didn't join the Protectorate. They'll bend over backwards to get a Tinker, especially one with a specialty like yours."

"Man, fuck you!" the woman screamed. "You don't know fuckin' shit!"

"I suppose I don't," Alec agreed as he pulled back the hand on the woman's head, recalling his Omni-Weapon to it. It took on the form of a pistol and Squealer's struggling came to a very sudden halt as he put the barrel against her head. "I just figured I should at least try and ask."

Merchant drugs had been causing a rash of overdoses in Brockton Bay. More and more as they expanded into areas that had previously been 'serviced' by the other gangs. It may not have been Alec's city but he did, at least, have a hand in the current problem.

"The... the drugs help," the woman babbled wetly, suddenly much more talkative. "Help me forget! Okay!?"

"Forget... what?" Alec asked, curious despite himself.

It had always been one of his worst traits.

"My girl!" Squealer sobbed. "I- she- they took her from me! I didn't even get to hold her! I get high and I ain't gotta think about her, okay?!"

Alec inhaled slowly as he inventoried his Omni-Weapon.

So Squealer had a sob story. That didn't forgive what she was part of...

Alec spun the woman around and grabbed her chin, looking the woman directly in the eyes.

"SLEEP!" the man demanded, utilizing the aspect he'd ripped from Valefor's corpse.

As the woman's eyes slid shut and she began snoring almost instantly, Alec sighed before he carefully let the woman down. He hit her with a brief Gift of Temporal Perfection as he debated what he needed to do.

Coming to a decision, Alec pulled the woman's phone out of her pocket and pressed her thumb against the lock screen before he pulled up the phone app.

"PRT Hotline, what's the nature of your emergency..."

Alec hated Earth Bet. With every fiber of his very being.
While I don't see anyone except Armsmaster confronting Alec in the hospital, they are more likely here for the presence of parahumans and them being teleported into the hospital instead.
Armsmaster might cause a scene depending on how things go.
Edit: Just saw the new apoc. That's kinda dark depending on who took her baby. Wonder what's the story there?
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Wait if the merchants weren't around yet how early is the story?
Has Emma got confronted by the ABB? (2 years pre worm)
Is Taylor's mom still around?
It's after the locker but before skittering fights lung.

Also if mc is trying to make a better van I'm hoping chariot has got his powers already. Imagine kid win + arms master +squealed + chariot.
Wait if the merchants weren't around yet how early is the story?
Has Emma got confronted by the ABB? (2 years pre worm)
Is Taylor's mom still around?

The way the Merchants were described in Worm, like just about everything else, didn't make a damn lick of sense.

Now, could a gang called the Archer's Bridge Merchants survive in a city like Brockton Bay for years at a time? Maybe, but it'd be a pretty serious ebb and flow. Likely fading in and out of existence as people fought, died, aged out or just moved on before some poser started the same thing all over again.

What I've been aiming for is that the Skidmark and Squealer are in the process of making the gang a bit larger and more 'formal' as they draw in nearby smalltimers, in as much as they can. Right now in-story it'd be late January/early February and the Archer's Bridge Merchants would be stable enough and recognized by about early March, provided nothing happens to destabilize the formation.
"My girl!" Squealer sobbed. "I- she- they took her from me! I didn't even get to hold her! I get high and I ain't gotta think about her, okay?!"

I've seen this used before in another fic but I can't exactly remember which one. I think she got pregnant by some preacher or high mucky muck in her town and her parents turned on her and had her kid taken away when she was born.
Sounds familiar. I'm kind of a sucker for a good redemption story.

Or a good 'Kill 'em all!' story.

Not so much romance, these days.
QuickDeath007's Right-Minded did something similar with Skidmark, he was a passenger in a car with his sister and her kids, car crash with only him surviving, and the drugs cloud the memories.

Also, it has "Be redeemed, or Die!" Best of both worlds, eh?