Why don't you just teleport by sight, but from a high vantage pount? Say you port right beneath the cloud layer, you'll have plenty of time to get your bearings and port back to the ground but a significant distance from where you started. Pair with featherfall or something to extend your outlook period.

Aerial pokémon can be Very territorial, and he doesn't have a way to defend himself up there

With his luck, he falls right on top of an angry Fearow, or god forbid, a skarmory
Anime Adjacent: PokeMon 4
Registering as a trainer was so easy, even Alec could do it. The forms were all digitized and he'd just needed to get the local Nurse Joy to help him when he ran into things that he didn't have the information to properly fill in.

Thirty minutes later, literally, and the Nurse was printing off and laminating a little I.D. card for him and handing over a single, empty PokeBall.

That was it. Apparently the whole 'Journey' thing was completely optional and not actually suggested for a few more years. Kids could get PokeMon, get registered, all that jazz at any age that the Joy felt was appropriate. Some things were still absolutely prohibited, others were just frowned upon. Giving a child a Tyranitar was a bad idea for a lot of reasons. Giving a child a Mankey was just thought to be in poor taste.

That wasn't everything the PokeMon center offered- Owen, the Youngster Alec had taken over at Matron Joy's behest, had been shown a trio of Growlithe-

Fluffy little dogs that were fire-orange and had big tufts of white fur on their head and chest. The local reality was a little interesting in that everything, man and mystical animal alike, could channel the forces of reality. Growlithe were especially attuned to the element of 'Fire'.

-and the boy had found one that was especially friendly and playful.

On the opposite end of things, the Joy had tried to introduce him to several PokeMon and they got real nervous, real fast. The remaining two Growlithe had backed away, ducking low to the ground and hiding their tails under their bellies.

Some bipedal yellow and brown pig-like PokeMon, Drowzee, had been completely petrified at seeing him.

The last attempt Joy had made involved a red and brown bird, Spearow. It looked at him once and then flew away so fast it broke a window on the way out. Because it went through the window to get out.

Well, no big loss. Alec proscribed to a rather simple mindset-

If someone didn't want to spend time with him, why should he try to force the issue?

So Alec was left with two new tools. A trainer's I.D. and an empty PokeBall. Neither of which solved his problems but they were steps taken on the road to doing so.

So. Step two. Figuring out how to get money and slash or another PokeBall. Alternatively, or at least some time during the process, he still needed to find a PokeMon that wanted to come with him.

Some sort of tool for self defense would be nice, too. Something recognizable in the local region would be ideal, but it also had to carry the appropriate measure of intent. A kid with a gun would draw a lot of unnecessary attention he didn't want. He would be getting a knife at some point, they were indispensable tools, but they were also too easily overlooked.

The societal mindset to being armed was such a finicky thing. A length of pipe with some sports tape wrapped around one end for the handle made for a truly fantastic club but it carried with it a lot of less than savory associations. Alec did remember the bug-samurai guy, and he knew there were a lot of folks that carried swords as props...

"Where are we going?" Owen, the Youngster, asked as he followed behind Alec. His newly acquired friend was trotting along right beside him.

"The scrap yard." Alec told him distractedly, his mind still working at trying to think of what he'd need.

"Ooh, are you gonna try and get a Magnemite?" The kid asked, eagerly reaching down to pet his fire-pup.

"Not planning on it, no." Alec told him, thinking on what he recalled of the floating PokeMon in question. "If one wants to come along, I suppose I wouldn't be opposed, though."

If Alec was aiming for the Champion's seat, he'd have a wishlist of insanely potent PokeMon. Metagross and Hydreigon, Contrary Serperior, maybe even put together just the right conditions to sweep with a Shuckle.

But that was a lot of work and it wasn't his own dream. He didn't care about people knowing how insanely strong he could train something else to be. Assuming he actually could train a PokeMon. Hopefully, magic lessons would translate okay.

"I need to make some money and I'd rather not head over to the docks and try to convince them to let me be a stevedore." And Alec could definitely do the work. Berserk if he wanted to just brute force the issue. Teleport if he wanted to add in a bit of finesse.

He wasn't sure how to do the actual convincing part, though.

"What's a Steve-e-door?" Owen asked, confusion in his voice.

"Fancy word for people that move cargo around the ships." Alec explained as the distant trash heap came into sight. "Most of it was done by machines where I came from but there's a lot of finicky work that still has to be done by hand."

And Alec looked like he was nine or ten years old. Pre-pubescent.

The constant shifting into alternate forms and bodies... Alec was specifically not thinking on it especially hard but he still kept missing steps, thinking his legs were longer than they actually were.

A group of wild Rattata fled as Alec pushed open the unmanned gate into the scrapyard. It was a mess of rust, broken vehicles and tossed-out appliances. Televisions, washers and dryers, all sorts of things that were eminently recyclable in the near future. Most of the stuff was too big for Alec's interests, carrying them would be awkward and uncomfortable.

"Woah..." The kid trailing him murmured, looking at the tetanus trap like he'd just been brought to a new playground.

"Grow!" His dog barked before pushing his nose against the ground. "Grow! Grow-lithe!"

"Don't climb anything." Alec said, likely being ignored by the Youngster. "Don't catch anything on fire- If you guys want to practice, find something non-flammable and set it up a bit away from everything, alright?"

"So cool..." The Youngster whispered, his eyes locked on a broken washing machine.

Well, if he wanted to catch something on fire with his arson puppy, that was a good option. The sheetmetal case on the outside should keep the burning internals from causing too much of a mess...

Alec walked away as Owen started yelling, calling out for his puppy to use Ember.

Yeah. He was going to have to summon a rain storm before they left...

He ended up poking around for a solid half an hour, looking over the surface wreckage and actually following his own advice for a change. There was no shortage of options that would certainly meet his interests... If Alec had a truck.

He'd had no luck finding a wagon or anything else that would work to carry anything with, so he was stuck using his own arms.

The trip had been enlightening, though, for a number of different reasons. Primarily, it let Alec know what people were throwing away. CRT Televisions, VCR players, big computer monitors and the few computer cases he'd cracked open had RAM sticks in them that measured in the megabytes.

Alec pursed his lips, elbow deep in a computer tower as he was busy extracting the RAM and Processor.

The prevalence of 3.5 floppy drives should have been a pretty big tell, too.

Ignoring the overhead shadow as a trio of Magnemite flew over, Alec picked up the real prize after pocketing his minuscule amount of precious metal. A reasonably large televideo unit. A combined TV/VCR player. Mending could repair it but it wouldn't bring the remote control back.

Repair, futzing with time, had basically conjured the thing right on top of the unit in a glitter of golden sparkles.

Awkwardly settling the heavy device on his shoulder and holding it in place with his left arm, Alec paused as he heard something growling at him. Slowly turning around, he had to look down to meet the black eyes of a dog. A small, black thing covered in bony protrusions with a stubby little tail. Smoke trailed out the sides of its bared fangs.

Alec stared into the frightened eyes of the smaller creature for a long second before slowly turning back around.

He hadn't been paying attention but the shadows that were creeping across the ground indicated that, yes, night was coming.

"Owen!" Alec shouted as he started to move. He could hear the PokeMon behind him shuffling after him. "You ready?!"

"Yeah!" The kid shouted from a few piles over. Coming in to sight, Alec was absolutely unsurprised to see that the budding arsonist had loaded more things into the washing machine. "Alright Growlithe! One more Ember!"

The puppy, just as eager as Owen, happily opened its mouth to spit a mouthful of flames at the burning trash.

"Conglaturations." Alec grinned at the kid, the confused look on his face practically enough to make him laugh. "You are the win!"

"What?" Owen asked, jogging to meet up with Alec as he left the scrapyard. His Growlithe was more than happy to run along beside him, tongue lolling out the side of his mouth.

"Nothin', kid." Alec told him, snapping his fingers. Overhead, black clouds swiftly blocked out the feeble light of dusk. "C'mon. Let's go find a pawnshop."

Behind them, one very confused PokeMon stared at the retreating humans. It had never been ignored by one that was so small before, nor had it ever felt primal terror just by gazing into a human's eyes.

Confused, it began to return to its den just to jump in fear as a lightning bolt struck a nearby broken car, briefly illuminating a growing crowd of Magnemite in the sky. Rather than try to find safety between the rain and cluster of hungering electric types, it turned back in the same direction the humans had gone and ran.
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Is that a Houndour? ...How jealous is Ash going to be if she comes with the rescue party and finds Alchemist with a new hellhound-ish puppy?

Ash: Henlo fren!

Houndour?: Houn! Dour!

Ash: No~o. Bacon.

Houndour?: Hound... Kin?

Ash: Ba. Con.

Houndour?: Ba-dour. Ba-dour. Hound-kin... Ba... Kin.

Ash: Yay! Bacon!



Jinx: Did you actually think this through at all?

Al: Honestly, you're giving me a lot of credit if you think I had any kind of a plan to begin with.

Kary: I know, sweetie, but this seems to be a theme with you.


Houndour: Bacon!


Al: Yeah. Yeah it does.
When God-Kitteh Naps
Omake: The Truck

Celebi looked at Mew.

It wasn't just any Mew, it was Celebi's mother, the Great Pink Menace, She Who Must Not Be Annoyed, The-

Right, not important just calling her mom would do.


"Mom why are you under that truck?"

"I am waiting."

Celebi blinked then looked around, there was no one else but the two of them.


"Yeah, there is a Human Self Insert who may try to look under this truck."

"Okay but what if he doesn't?"

"I do something else then, now I am gonna take a short nap. Go away to nag a different kid, I called dibs."

"Okay, love you mom."

Then Celebi left to nag a different kid.


"Mom there is a pink plushie under the truck, can I have it?"

Mew opened one eye, meowed and then teleported the kid, his mother and the truck away into Mount Moon.

"Dammit, now I will have to find another place to sleep."

AN: Never wake up a God Cat unless you have food to offer them.
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Warning! Tentacles are for enemy use only!
Owen: "How are you gonna catch that Houndour?"

Alchemist: "I'm not."

Owen: "But it clearly wants to be caught!"

Alchemist: "Does he?"

Owen: "It's been following us for literally days. Why else do you think it'd do that?"

Alchemist: "Okay, I guess. Houndour, I...um...choose you?"

Owen: "It's a wild pokemon. I think you have to damage it first, and then throw the pokeball at it."

Alchemist: "Is that how that works? I guess it is just like the games, then."

Owen: "But you don't have a pokemon. How are you gonna damage it? I don't think attacking it with that knife you got is such a good idea."

Alchemist: "I guess not. Well, here goes nothing. Fireball! Lightning Bolt! Evan's Spiked Tentacles of Forced Intrusion!"

Houndour: "Houn! Houn! Houn!"

Owen: "Whoa."

Alchemist: "Okay, so that wasn't the Spiked Intrusion version. But still! Do you think he's ready, yet?"

Houndour: "HOUNDOUR!!!!"

Owen: "I...think that's a yes?"
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Mew: It was a bitch.

Celebi: Mom! Language!

Mew: I meant that Houndour is a female dog Pokemon aka a bitch.

Celebi: Why are you following this Self Insert anyway?

Mew: Because your Grandpa Arceus didn't read the freaking manual so he has magic, he is part golem and part dragon and basically is running a custom D&D campaign character.

Celebi: Oh so you are dating again?

Mew: Al here already got several females who want him and a mate.

Celebi: So again, are you gonna date him?

Mew: No, I am in Gitch watching duty.

Celebi: Ugh... I hate those.
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Considering he's not using his inventory to transport things? (I know he has Owen with him but there's no reason he couldn't stick things in there until Owen was not with him and pretend he took two trips) I think Alec doesn't has access to the gamer system again.
Wasn't there a bicycle worth, like, one million pokebucks?

Well, I specifically went and googled how much the Pokedollar was worth for the monthly wage that Oak pays and according to google it was one pokedollar = .006297 USD.

Which actually kind of works out pretty well. It makes those multi-thousand Poke payouts into something reasonable. The cost of a PokeBall is then equal to about a buck twenty five (1.25 USD) which would normally be absurdly cheap but I'm attributing that to the Lab Trainer Discount that was advertised as a perk of working for a Professor.

So one million pokedollars is... 6,297 bucks. Which is ruinously expensive for a standard bike but the ones in the Pokeverse can stand up to all kinds of insane terrain, do amazing tricks and really only fall short when it comes to Thunderbolt via Pikachu.

Less number crunchy- That's the retail price for a brand spankin' new bicycle. Alec'd be lucky if it was still half that once he rode it off the lot! Anything he can dig up in the scrap yard is going to be last years model, at the least. If he could get 100k I'd be surprised.

Alec, upon finally reaching Viridian Town, notices a suspicious lump out behind the PokeMon center. His raccoon-like dumpster diving senses tingling madly, he quickly goes to investigate.

What luck! He found a bicycle that had been completely destroyed. The frame was warped, the seam melted and the gear was practically bent in half!

Someone had done something truly horrible to the bicycle. A girl's bike, if the missing straight bar was any indication. Quickly casting repair, Alec once again thanked Kazuma for championing gender equality and pedaled off, heading north towards Pewter. In short order he passed by a boy, wearing jeans and a denim vest traveling alongside a girl wearing shorts with overalls and a yellow tank-top.

Rather than stop, he simply zoomed right past.

Misty: Isn't... Hey! That's my bike!

Ash: Pretty sure your bike is broken, Misty. I was there.

Misty: I know that! But that's my bike! Somehow! Hey! Get back here!

Alec, rather than getting back there, simply pedaled on.