Are you sure it is a DNA scanner and not an aura scanner?
I'm not sure Oak knew about aura(or at least confirm the existence of it scientifically) at the start of the series. In the games Red and Blue are testers and basically field beta testing the Pokedex as they go. You get regular equipment updates in the games from Oak's assistants after all.
Anime Gary is Oak's grandchild and Ash's mom may be dating Oak. Either way they grew up in town together. So I can totally believe that Ash is regularly getting hardware improvements to his Pokedex at pokemon centers and they just didn't bring it up, because Ash didn't bother thinking about it.

Ash has been a fantastic investment for Oak's research. If nothing else he keeps actively confirming the existence of legendary after legendary. I think he is still carrying around the full sized Pokedex when others have those new fangled watch types. So I wouldn't be surprised if that thing has an entire mobile sensor array in it by the later seasons. I can see it being worth silly amounts of money in tech and they just didn't outright tell Ash.
Anime Adjacent: PokeMon 9
"I think this is good." Alec said aloud for his two companions as he slowed to a halt, just off the trodden path between Saffron City and Celadon City.

He hadn't been able to cover the distance from Vermilion all the way to Celadon in a single day, not with something as small or slow as a scooter.

He definitely wasn't in the video game version... But then, he already knew that.

Didn't he?

"Houn?" Sirius asked, pointing with his nose to indicate the path forward.

"Dra!" The newest addition to the eclectic group shouted.

The Dreepy had been very eager to coil itself around Alec's hat, helping to keep it in place. It wanted to keep going whilst Sirius was just wondering why they were stopping.

The pup was slow to wake up in the mornings but he just didn't stop once he got going.

"I'm gonna show you guys a secret." Alec explained as he stepped up to a tree and took off his backpack to root around for a moment. His hand came back out holding a box of chalk. Quickly taking a stick out, he placed a large 'T' on the tree in front of him. "Here, back up a bit and let me get to work."

The chalk marking was mostly unnecessary, but Alec would need something to focus on later. Even a temporary landmark would work for the spell he was about to perform.

Gathering the magic for a larger spell felt... Slower. Like Alec was pushing against something. Not necessarily resistance, at least not anything solid. It felt like there was more... Distance?

Which... Was distinctly possible, he supposed. Alec knew there were several sub-dimensions around the core world of PokeMon. The one the Unown used, the Reverse World, there was another Ghost Realm, too, but its inhabitants, the only ones Alec had ever seen at least, were a bunch of assholes.

Alec snapped his fingers as the spell finished forming and a hole rippled into the air in front of them, an unusually slow process as it expanded outwards from the middle, revealing a location that still seemed to be in the midst of its day as the current location transitioned into an orange and purple twilight.

"Alright you two-" Alec paused mid-step as he was about to enter the Gate into his private domain. There was a gap. A small one, but still. A gap in between the two sides of the Gate. Maybe only a few centimeters wide...

Alec got close to the edge and looked through it, jerking back in surprise when something massive and gray darted past it.

"Nope!" Alec was not dealing with those kinds of shenanigans! Not today! "Come on you two, hup-hup!"

Sirius hopped right through but Alec had to grab the Dreepy and drag the curious ghoul into his home so he could cancel the Gate.

"Welcome to my home." He spread his arms out, leaning his scooter against his side.

The realm he'd revealed to the two PokeMon was large, three buildings stood out among the flat plain. Directly before them was a cabin, the one Alec had once used as his home. On their right, a bit away, was another cabin. His workshop.

To their left was a modest, two-story house. It... Had many of Alec's things, many important things like his laptop and collection of spellbooks. It lacked, however, in the most important thing.

His family.

Alchemist huffed and shook his head. He was working on it. Every setback just meant he was going in the right direction.

"Lets get you both fed and we'll see about getting some training figured out." Alec said, walking towards the house. On the way they passed by a group of smaller square buildings. A giant made of metal, easily the size of a Golurk, raised itself just slightly to look at the odd group.

Alec waved and the golem waved back, returning to its slumber. Leading the creatures into the house, Alec paused to leave his shoes next to the door on an empty rack.

Sirius seemed incredibly curious. His nose was sniffing away, his tail wagging as he tried to dig his way into the cushions of the couch. The Dreepy seemed more interested in lingering with him though that didn't stop the small creature from turning every which way it could from its spot around his neck.

Alec gently placed his sword on the ground, leaning against the dining room table and took off his bag, extracting the egg from within.

The egg. That had really been the part that told him which reality he was in. In the games, there were only two egg models. A standard one, white with green flecks and a special one for a kind of legendary pokemon that was blue and yellow. After someone took enough steps, the egg would hatch and reveal whatever PokeMon was inside.

In the anime, things were... Different. While the eggs still certainly had a generic egg shape, they also took on the colors of the PokeMon inside, sometimes in a pattern that would look like what it would change into.

And change was the key word. Eggs in the anime didn't hatch. They evolved. Usually.

The egg that Alec had pulled from the water was red and black. Not colors he typically associated with water types. Not even fighting types. Alec didn't think it would be a Sneasel or Misdreavus egg, possibly a Litten? He wasn't sure.

And he wasn't going to worry about it. The egg would hatch, or evolve, or whatever it did whenever it did it.

Instead, he turned on the stove and grabbed a pan. Spaghetti with sausage sounded pretty good tonight.

While the water was heating up, he dug through the cabinets to retrieve a pair of plates. About half of the pre-made chow went on to one, for Sirius, and two tablespoons were put on the other one.

He wasn't actually sure what the Dreepy would eat. On the one hand, deep-sea dragon and he knew they liked to knaw on the claws of some crab or lobster PokeMon back when they'd been alive. On the other... Ghost.

Well, he'd figure it out.

"Sirius, come here!" Alec called as he crouched to set down the food. The mage looked up when he heard the dogs nails clicking against the hardwood floor and froze.

Sirius had a rope toy in his mouth, his stubby little tail was wagging away.

"Food..." Alec tugged on the rope but Sirius didn't want to let go, happily pulling on it. Alec almost ripped it from the dogs mouth, his hand shook with how hard it was clenched.

"Dr~ah?" Dreepy asked, pushing its head against Alec's chin.

Sirius didn't notice how the man had frozen, too busy trying to twist the rope out of his hand.

"Food, food first." Alec swallowed, the pit in his stomach felt like it had been filled with lead. He didn't think he'd be able to eat much. "Then we'll get to some training."

Alec let go of the rope and Sirius nearly fell backwards at the lack of resistance. Instead, Alec pointed at the dish of pureed meat and berries.

The dog stood in place, looking painfully conflicted as it tried to decide if it wanted to play or eat. Eventually, as it always did where dogs were concerned, food won out.

"You, too." Alec told the Dreepy, running a finger over its head before placing the floating serpent down in front of its own dish. "We won't get much done on an empty stomach."

Something Alec knew from constant, personal experience.

"Just keep moving forward..." Alec told himself as he stepped back into the kitchen and towards the pot of simmering water. "Even if it's only one step, keep moving forward."
Red and black egg, something a sailor would have but wouldn't be particularly valuable? Assuming the colors of the egg correspond to the colors of the Pokemon, a Fletchling maybe? Pikipek? Kricketot? Venipede? I'm just spitballing here.
Hm...Red and Black, restricting to Kalos PokeDex (not just Gen VI, but Kalos in general, because I don't want to limit things too much) because of the Legendary used in swearing, and first evo Pokemon...Litleo? Venipede? Volbeat? Zorua? ... Well, Yveltal wasn't an option I was thinking about, but is also red/black.

So, if it's based on team, I'd guess Litleo. Kinda makes sense on the 'tossing it overboard' if the ship has a ship's cat that keeps...laying eggs. And a lot of people IRL complain about cat overpopulation, so maybe the sailor is one of those types. And cat/dog antics with Sirius. Plus Kari has a cat, so it could make sense from that angle as well.

If it's based on old companions, Zorua. Because Zorua could become fast friends, or rivals, with Jinx.

If based on pure irony/bullshitedness/narrative weirdness, Yveltal. Because being the Pokemon the sailor who threw it off the ship swore by would be the height of divine irony.
The egg that Alec had pulled from the water was red and black. Not colors he typically associated with water types. Not even fighting types. Alec didn't think it would be a Sneasel or Misdreavus egg, possibly a Litten? He wasn't sure.

Red and black?

ZORUA, an illusion-casting trickster similar to Jinx-imouto-chan!

Link: Zorua (Pokémon) - Bulbapedia, the community-driven Pokémon encyclopedia

Jinx: :ogles: "I see you are a fox of culture."
Zorua: 🦊"OWO"
Alchemist: (rolls eyes) :eyeroll:
Yeah, Shuckle!


Yeah, Shuckle! Part 1/?

Alec didn't really mind carrying the egg with him as he traveled to and fro across Kanto. Between his other PokeMon, it was nice to have something that was so... Non-committal. He didn't need to talk to it, tell it what he intended, convince it to do something crazy as part of a battle plan.

Just, keep the heavy thing in his backpack.

The mage was humming to himself as he watched his Dreepy playing among the waves on the beach south of Fuschia when he felt something. There was jerking and jostling coming from his backpack!

He turned sharply, one hand resting on the hilt of his blade and ready to draw, but he found nobody. He did, however, still feel the shifting on his back.

"I'd rather not get attacked. Again." Alec said out loud as he pulled off his struggling pack and set it in the sand. Keeping it at arms length, he slowly unzipped it-

And saw a yellow tentacle wriggle its way out of the opening.

"What the hell?" He asked, quite ready to stab whatever had snuck into his backpack.

Instead of needing to do anything too drastic, his backpack flumped over on its side and another yellow tentacle reached out, the two limbs working together to unzip his bag the rest of the way.

"Ooh, yeah!" A voice called as something wormed its way out and on to the sand. "That's the stuff!"

Well, it actually said several variations of the word 'Shuckle' but Tongues was absolutely amazing at translation.

"You're pretty talkative for a newborn." Alec stated, watching the small mass of yellow tentacles attached to a holey red rock.

"Oh yeah, that's me! Shuckle! I'm awesome, baby!" The critter shouted, turning one tentacle towards Alec's face. "Got sent to the PokeMon world, even got ol' Arceus to gimme some tentacles! The ladies love it!"

"...I'm pretty sure they don't." Alec seriously debated stabbing the creature immediately, before it could lay eggs.

"Woah, wait, what? Bro, you understand me?" The Shuckle looked deep into Alec's eyes and then waved its stubby tentacles in what Alec assumed was excitement. "That's awesome! Oh yeah! Arceus, you godly goat, you! Even put me right in line with the perfect person to make my dreams come true!"

"...Do I want to ask?" Maybe fire, Alec debated. You could always kill it with fire.

"Maybe. Maybe. How would you feel about getting me a Galarian Ponyta? Maybe naming her Rainbow Dash?" The Shuckle tried to wiggle its non-existent eyebrows.

"Doubt that'll work out." Alec immediately disagreed. "We're in Kanto. No rainbow ponies here."

"Aww, Shucks." The disgusting little pile of worms drooped slightly before perking back up. "But that means Misty is here!"

"She's, like, ten." Alec was not going to deal with this. He picked up the main body of the Isekai-cel.

"I ain't read about no age of consent in Kanto, brah!" The Shuckle wiggled it's little tentacles and Alec threw up a little bit inside his mouth. "Besides, I'm a PokeMon! It's totally okay!"

"Right..." Alec disagreed and looked out over the shoreline. "No."

"...What?" The new-born Shuckle asked, confused, as Alec took a pitcher's stance and reared back his arm. "Dude, no, wait!"

Alec did not wait.

Alec used Fling.

As the Shuckle disappeared over the seas to the south, screaming about his ladies, Alec allowed himself a grim smile.

"Super Effective."
Yeah, it can get hard to judge people's ages when the show they're in runs for over two decades... But Misty is damn young yo! Now her three adult sisters on the other hand, who enjoy being flirty and outgoing and wearing provocative clothing? Why, hello there!
Red and black?

ZORUA, an illusion-casting trickster similar to Jinx-imouto-chan!

While Zorua is the right color, I can't imagine throwing a Zoroark's eggs into the ocean would end well. They're pack-driven Pokemon and very protective of their kids. And would be very, very angry at that sort of thing, which isn't great considering how strong and smart Zoroarks are supposed to be.
Salandit (male) is gonna be my guess, fire/poison seems fitting and since the males can't evolve it would stay a small little guy that hangs out in Al's backpack.
I want to say it could be a shiny charmander, since shiny charizard is black and red. But I also know absolutely nothing about Pokémon breeding lmao
I'm not sure that the egg colouring could be the difference between the anime and the game world. Mostly because epokemon here typically don't instantly forget a new move jn order to gain a new one. There's no 4 move cap and a flying pokemon won't suddenly require a HM to you carry you on their back.

I mean in the pokemon game world I doubt that all eggs their look directly identical regardless of pokemon size (especially ditto x ditto producing a warlord that hatches fully grown from that tiny egg).

Would be interesting if Ash isn't a thing here, just red and the video game protagonists. But it could be a crossover of the 2 taking elements from both.