I'm honestly starting to think that the Pokedex is meant for the player rather than the in-game character.
The anime completely messes with the pokedex. In red and blue you are clearly told to go out and fill out the pokedex. That's why entries only show up once you capture a pokemon, the 10 year old kid is the one that wrote it.

The anime wanted to use it as an exposition device to feed knowledge to views through empty headed Ash. So they treated it as if all the entries were already in it and therefore came for a professor, but left the entries themselves alone which means it spouts random bullshit sometimes.
How so? Either way it seems like BS.

In-universe, if you gave me some of those explanations? I'd be asking for your accreditation as a professor.

Lets look at Larvitar as an example-

Born deep underground, this Pokémon becomes a pupa after eating enough dirt to make a mountain.

Alright. Well. We have some basic information, a short little blurb really. It doesn't offer any details, sources or citations. It's pure anecdote.

Similarly, we also have Magcargo.

Magcargo's body temperature is approximately 18,000 degrees F. Water is vaporized on contact. If this Pokémon is caught in the rain, the raindrops instantly turn into steam, cloaking the area in a thick fog.

I've done some metal work in the past. Cast aluminum.

Lots of fun.

The melting point of Tungsten is 3422 degrees Fahrenheit. The temperature coming off of Magcargo wouldn't just melt Tungsten, it would boil it and turn it into a gas.

So, that in mind- I am firmly willing to believe that the Pokedex is aimed at us, the viewer and that the information in it is meant to be attention getting and exciting, not necessarily accurate.
Has there been a single psychic that didn't come out of Al's presence with nightmares?

To be fair he's a Void Dragon, their very presence can completely and permanently alter a location permanently by just being around. I'm more surprised that the undead village hasn't had any changes that we're aware of but that could be explained with the presence of the Gods also vying for influence on the village.
With magcargo, I think it's the max temp output average for the species. They probably live an extremely long time and in really hot areas like deep in the earth or volcanos.

It might not be an exaggeration, but most magcargos are trainer kept and trained to not instantly vaporise everything they slither and touch. I mean how else would the get around without instantly killing or burning the local environment.

Or they might have some pryrokenisis or thermokinesis along with the pokemon moves. Something that goes with the pokemon's aura.

Edit: Then again it could be a random entry made to look scientific when in actuality the more complexities are hidden so that some 10 year old doesn't decide to poke the lava snail. Probably a setting in the pokedex to make the entries more scientific or helpful. + their shell is really brittle, so they might not appreciate getting poked and prodded by kids.
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Edit: Double ninja'd. Actually what's the Pokémon equivalent of ninja'd?

The Pokemon equivalent would probably be Ninjask'd.

Or maybe Shedinja'd.

Shedinja I think.

Or Ninjasked.
There's a particular pokemon that's very disappointed no one remembered him for the ninja party.

Seriously, it's one of the most popular pokemon ever, how did no one think of Greninja when talking about ninja pokemon?
The temperature coming off of Magcargo wouldn't just melt Tungsten, it would boil it and turn it into a gas.
The Sun is about 15000 farenhiet. According to the dex, Magcargo are hotter than the local star. Nevermind the in universe legend of a bunch of Volcarona replacing the sun over an area that got sun blocked by a volcano for a week with no side effects.
In regards to what to use for ninja'ing in a Pokemon thread...given this is still Kanto, you could also use Koga, one of his trainers, or Fuchsia in general. Just because it's Pokemon world doesn't mean humans aren't important, too.
i'm imagining Dreepy using Infestation, confuse ray, and dragon tail to Annoy Al's enemies.
Considering Ponyta and Rapidash can choose not to burn the person riding them without extinguishing their flames, Pokémon choosing whether or not to burn their surroundings wouldn't surprise me.
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Considering Ponyta and Rapidash can choose not to burn the person riding them without extinguishing their flames, Pokémon choosing whether or not to burn their surroundings wouldn't surprise me.

I'd be willing to believe it, honestly.

I'm just suggesting that the lack of use for the Pokedex in-game primarily indicates that the articles are written for the audience reading it. Which would be us. Well, actually more like a little kid, maybe a teenager. People that are more impressed by the size of the number than its qualitative attributes.

Azure Dreams did the same thing with its monster manual, had cool little things written into it that didn't have any in-universe significance but it fleshed out the world for the player. It didn't tell you that you could feed the dragon familiar coins off the ground. Or that you could smuggle items into the tower through the Picket's stomach.
Well I guess it wouldn't be Al if he wasn't assuming the worst of at least one person based on crap from fiction instead of judging a person by their own merit. Hope the Jynx suggestion mindwamy stuff wears off her quickly once he leaves. Also Dreepy is pretty fun, dragon ghost is a fitting typing.
Well I guess it wouldn't be Al if he wasn't assuming the worst of at least one person based on crap from fiction instead of judging a person by their own merit. Hope the Jynx suggestion mindwamy stuff wears off her quickly once he leaves. Also Dreepy is pretty fun, dragon ghost is a fitting typing.

Could've been a lot worse, easily. Sabrina referenced a legend from the Electric Tale of Pikachu and Al made a Missingno reference. If he'd been invested in really feeling her out, she'd be asking why a random kid thinks she's working for Team Rocket.

Instead he made references to the Anime wherein she used her psychic powers to miniaturize people and put them into death traps for her amusement.

I feel like the authors had some very strange ego/id missmatching going on during those episodes...
. . . That just reminds me of the loose ends in the canon fic.

Have Alec unleashed a tide of Jynx dopplegangers now?
I'd be willing to believe it, honestly.

I'm just suggesting that the lack of use for the Pokedex in-game primarily indicates that the articles are written for the audience reading it. Which would be us. Well, actually more like a little kid, maybe a teenager. People that are more impressed by the size of the number than its qualitative attributes.

Azure Dreams did the same thing with its monster manual, had cool little things written into it that didn't have any in-universe significance but it fleshed out the world for the player. It didn't tell you that you could feed the dragon familiar coins off the ground. Or that you could smuggle items into the tower through the Picket's stomach.

Oh man, imagine if they were actually things that existed in-universe, but it's the equivalent of the "10% of your brain" thing, pseudo-science and bad science that gets propped up by fiction until it's a "known fact" that causes all professors everywhere to groan, but the Pokedex references crowdsourced information. In an ideal world, that lets anyone put forward information on new pokemon, but in actuality it means some bullshit can get in there and the professors don't care enough to go through the COPIOUS effort to get them to remove it.
I mean there's a charmander entry that says if it's fire ever goes out it'll die. Sounds pretty bogus. Their tail flames been seen as an indicator of their mood as well as general health. It wouldn't surprise me if it burns a sort of chemical out of it's tail (flammable oil that ignites on contact with air). Or if it's just fueled by it's aura.

It probably doesn't bathe using dust (can't imagine it surviving in a desert). Also it doesn't constantly set everything in fire with it's tail. I'm pretty sure it bathes in shallow water and it's tail could survive going underwater. Though if it does go out charmander's are cold blooded (lizard) and it's tail is usually it's source of heat and needs it.

Actually it could just cleannitself with fire of a flame charge or something like that. But it probably would have been wiped out if a large-ish puddle/pond is a threat to it's health.
I'd be willing to believe it, honestly.

I'm just suggesting that the lack of use for the Pokedex in-game primarily indicates that the articles are written for the audience reading it. Which would be us. Well, actually more like a little kid, maybe a teenager. People that are more impressed by the size of the number than its qualitative attributes.

Azure Dreams did the same thing with its monster manual, had cool little things written into it that didn't have any in-universe significance but it fleshed out the world for the player. It didn't tell you that you could feed the dragon familiar coins off the ground. Or that you could smuggle items into the tower through the Picket's stomach.


my never ending search to acquire more and more obscure pieces of Pokemon media has lead me to understand some wild shit in gen 1 and 2. like anytime you think “oh that’s weird, why is [thing] like...
the Kadabra one at least is actually because of a short story.

i do like the idea that stuff like Magcargo is more "this is the temperature they could theoretically reach, but don't due to understandable reasons/the temperature of their core way inside of them"
I see Alchemist is once again causing SAN damage to a psychic just by being himself. Hopefully this doesn't go as bad as when he introduced bloodborne to that one other guy.