Prince Aladdin Quest (Disney Villains *Almost* Victorious)

Prince Aladdin Quest (Disney Villains *Almost* Victorious)
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Welcome to Prince Aladdin Quest! Aka, Aladdin's Wish never got undone, as Jafar was merely a sorcerer when he "changed Aladdin back".

NOT a Genie.

Meaning, Aladdin's got money, he's got power, he's got 53 Purple Peacocks, to say the least.

Aladdin is, of course, the MC. He's got a genuinely loyal country, since the Genie's an absolute bro, and gave him people he could save, and, well, saved them.

The whole premise is that Genie created an entire nation whole cloth, complete with a population and history. And while Aladdin did know that he only became Prince Ali via a wish, presumably, not being a total dick, Genie gave him the knowledge necessary to be Prince Ali, and didn't just make him the prince of a forged nation without giving him any information about it.
French Foreign Legion Negaquest Reactions
French Foreign Legion Negaquest Reactions

LeopardLover said:
See? I told you guys we should have done Diplomacy with Queen La before it was too late! Now look what's happened! We've completely lost the chance to do it!
ktigre_alpha said:
Okay, can you stop bringing this up already? Yes, we did shoot one of her men first. But she immediately decided to attack us over it, and have you forgotten she also turned our men? That was completely disproportionate as a reaction!
Swordfish said:
Yeah, dude, I know you're super-into the idea of Hub becoming her consort or something, but that was already pretty unlikely an idea for him to entertain even if there were no other hostilities between us. Plus I think she might already be shacking up with her champion anyways?
TheOneInTheMiddle said:
Also, um, you never said anything about "before it was too late." You just kept voting for it and saying that you thought it was a good idea. that doesn't mean everyone has to agree with you about that. And yeah, maybe it'd be better if it didn't descend into an outright war, but what's done is done. Honestly I'm not sure at what point we could have prevented her from turning our men.
BlackBakeneko said:
...wait, do you think we could have gotten super leopard soldiers from this?
Swordfish said:
Well, in canon they were actually leopards turned into men, not the other way around. So I have no idea if we could have gotten leopard soldiers who still had their minds intact.
BlackBakeneko said:
LeopardLover said:
She wasn't being unreasonable! We killed and skinned one of her men like a common animal! Of course she'd be mad about it! We just kept doing things to earn her wrath. I hope you guys are happy about these results!
BlackBakeneko said:
Wait, did she even know we autopsied one of them? Also we didn't eat him, right? It's not like people didn't autopsy normal human corpses back then if there was something weird about their bodies.
Swordfish said:
Wait, are leopards even edible?
TheOneInTheMiddle said:
Pretty sure we did the autopsy somewhere far away her scouts wouldn't have seen it. Plus, yeah, I'm pretty happy about those results? Yeah, we had a battle, but we rolled really well in it and probably managed to repel her for good. And we're leaving soon anyways.
ktigre_alpha said:
Yeah, dude, stop trying to make everything about your ship not being canon, okay? It's not like this was going to be a permanent settlement or anything. How much do you bet she'd go full yandere if we tried leaving after earning her favor?
ActiveAdventurer said:
Yeah, for the record, I'll say that if you'd ended up with some kind of agreement with Queen La, there'd be a lot more complications about leaving apart from simple logistics.
LeopardLover said:
So you're saying we had a chance?
ktigre_alpha said:

A/N: I said I was gonna do it in the Discord. Username parodies are not intended to reflect particularly upon their counterparts, I just scrolled through a page and selected some random names I could think of counterparts for.
Encanto Advisors and Heroes
Finally finished putting all this together! Encanto character sheets.

Martial - Señora Guzmán +10

Señora Guzmán remembers the time before the Encanto. She remembers the smell of blood and the sound of horses in full gallop. Being one of the few inhabitants of the Encanto that actually saw military tactics in use on multiple occasions, the elder is unfortunately the best authority they have on war.

Not My Baby - Señora Guzmán loves her son more than anything else, and she will not stand for her sweet boy being harmed. +5 if Mariano is threatened.

Diplomacy - Mariano Guzmán +14

Mariano is a romantic that has a way with words. Every night before sleeping he writes his own poetry, so he is adept at the nuances of language. Being someone outside the Madrigal family also gives him a different perspective on how to communicate with others.

So Much Love Inside - Mariano is not one for conflict, and a lover to his core. DC lowered by 10% when dealing with women or negotiations with allies.

Stewardship - Julieta Madrigal +16

Julieta is not only a mother, a baker, and a 'doctor'. She's also been in charge of all the supplies stored in Casa Madrigal for decades. Sorting, labeling, requisitioning, she's got it all down to an art.

Remedies For Real - Julieta has been using her gift the only way she knew how for decades. Feeding people to take away their pain. Removes any Upkeep costs related to medical expenses. Units cannot die outside of targeted attacks.

Gifted: Alchemical Crafting - Julieta has the 'Gift' of turning anything she processes into a magical creation. +20 when working with materials or recipes.

Intrigue - Dolores Madrigal +25

Dolores may not see all, but she doesn't have to when she can hear every rumor within several miles. Years of experience has taught her what most things sound like. The beat of a heart, the click of a lock, steps in the dirt. She's also very adept at knowing what rumors have merit after years of knowing what everyone in the Encanto whispered about behind closed doors.

Gifted: Radar - Dolores has the 'Gift' of being able to hear everything going on for miles around her. +30 When investigating in her vicinity.

Learning - Félix & Agustín Madrigal +13

The men who married into the Madrigal family are used to figuring things out on the fly. It isn't easy dealing with Gifts and the problems they cause when you are just.... you. Working together they have come up with many solutions to such things in the past. Hopefully that will continue into this new future.

Doting Husbands - Félix and Agustín have spent decades learning how to navigate the gifts possessed by their wives and children. +10 to any action directly relating to magic. An additional +5 if it's specifically a Madrigal Gift.

Accident Prone - Agustín has always been a rather unfortunate individual when it comes to his well being. roll a d3. On a 1 Agustín is injured and recieves a -5 to all rolls. On a 2 nothing occurs. On a 3 Agustín accidentally stumbles into something useful recieving a +5 to rolls.

Occult - Bruno Madrigal +20

Bruno is the one Madrigal that knows the most about the Occult. Bruno sees more than he says, and his anxiety ridden mind has spent decades researching every superstition he can find.

Gifted: Divination - Bruno has the 'Gift' of seeing into the sands of time to get answers. Answers that can be vague, and usually unpleasant. +25 when investigating a specific topic.

Ancillary: Hernando & Jorge - Bruno spent a decade living inside Casa Madrigal's walls patching the cracks. He may have gone a bit crazy. +15 to any action that directly relates to Casa Madrigal.

Isabela Madrigal

Martial - 8 - Isabela is a skilled acrobat and dancers, not a fighter. Not much of a lover though either.
Diplomacy - 15 - Isabela has spent her whole life putting on a mask of practiced poses and effortless grace.
Stewardship - 7 - Unfortunately being the golden child meant practically her entire life was managed for her. She can certainly count to 5 though.
Intrigue - 5 - Isabela is way too flashy to not draw everyone's attention when she's around.
Learning - 9 - Isabela has studied plants since she was little.
Occult - 19 - Isabela has been magically growing and manipulating plants since she turned 5.

Gifted: Chlorokinesis - Isabela has the 'Gift' to control Plant-life. Add +20 to Plant-Related Actions, or Add +3 when using this power to Defend/Attack during Martial Encounters/Actions.

You're A Bad Influence - Isabela is at ease with herself, mainly thanks to Mirabel. +5 when working with her youngest sister.

What Else Can I Do!? - Isabela has been stifled her entire life, but now she is free to express herself however she sees fit. She has a lot of experimenting to catch up on. + 15 when learning to do more with her powers.

Doing It For The Family - Isabela is willing to put her own happiness and well being aside for her family. + 10 to any action that directly benefits the Madrigals.

Careful It's Carnivorous - Despite never once having been in a fight, Isabela can summon plants to do the fighting for her. When in battle apply her Occult stat in place of her Martial stat.

Luisa Madrigal

Martial - 20 + 30(Gift) - Luisa has trained her body since the day she opened her door, and learned her gift was the strength to help her family. Even without her magic she is a strong woman.
Diplomacy - 8 - Luisa is the strong one. Years of putting up a tough facade have impacted her ability to communicate.
Stewardship - 9 - She knows how to count her donkeys.
Intrigue - 6 - Luisa has a very obvious tell when lieing or hiding something. Her eye twitches violently.
Learning - 11 - It may surprise one to learn that Luisa has studied architecture. Important when almost every day you are asked to move structures around your village.
Occult - 12 - Luisa has had magic running through her body since she was 5.

Gifted: Strength - Luisa has the 'Gift' of immense strength. When a task requires brute strength add 30 to the roll.

Strong Foundations - Any Action Luisa aids that directly involves building, or transporting cargo has the DC lowered by 20.

Relaxation - Luisa has learned to take a break and enjoy the simple pleasures of life. After performing a national action or adventure Luisa must take a personal action next turn.

Antonio Madrigal

Martial - 1 + 20(Madrigal Menagerie) - He is a small child. At most you can expect a shin kick from Antonio, but it isn't him you need to worry about. Not when he commands a small army of wild animals.
Diplomacy - 12 - Antonio once convinced a hungry jaguar not to eat mice.
Stewardship - 5 - He is still learning his maths.
Intrigue - 7 + 20(Madrigal Menagerie) - Antonio as the youngest Madrigal often goes unnoticed, and his animal friends are quite the gossips. Especially the rats in the walls.
Learning - 8 - Antonio has yet to learn the true nature of the food chain.
Occult - 6 - Antonio has only had his gift for a short time.

Gifted: Animal Tongue - Antonio has the 'Gift' of speaking to animals. +15 Diplomacy when it involves speaking to creatures that cannot normally speak to humans.

Ancillary: Madrigal Menagerie - Antonio never goes anywhere without his friends. His swarm of 'pets' will fight and spy for him adding +20 to Martial and Intrigue.

Martial - 7 - Pepa is not a fighter, no matter how threatening her glare.
Diplomacy - 9 - Pepa is too volatile and manic to be very diplomatic.
Stewardship - 12 - Pepa is a housewife, she knows how to handle chores.
Intrigue - 11 - Pepa has a daughter that can hear everything, and a son that can be anyone. She's learned a few tricks.
Learning - 13 - Pepa has spent decades studying the affects of weather, and living them.
Occult - 22 - Pepa has been altering the weather for decades, and has spent just as long learning how to suppress her power.

Gifted: Atmokinesis - Pepa has the 'Gift' of manipulating the atmosphere with her emotions. +30 when dealing with weather or the skies. Add half of Occult stat to Martial when in battle.

Clear Skies - Pepa has developed manic mood swings due to her gift being dangerous or inconvenient when paired with negative emotions. Roll a d4. On a 1 Pepa is happy +5 to rolls, on a 2 she is depressed -5 to rolls, on 3 she is angry + 10 to Martial rolls, on 4 she's having a panic attack halve all stats and modifiers that apply to her.

Ancillary: Félix & Camilo - Pepa's husband and son have become very good at managing her mood swings. When working with Camilo or Félix negate any negative affects of Clear Skies.

Camilo Madrigal

Martial - 10 - Camilo has never fought anyone, but he is very familiar with all body types and how they move.
Diplomacy - 13 - Camilo is a born actor.
Stewardship - 8 - Camilo isn't very good at moderation.
Intrigue - 14 - Using his gift Camilo can alter his clothes and body in an instant, blending into a crowd or emulating a target, but he's never able to fool his father.
Learning - 9 - Camilo is more interested in fooling around than studying.
Occult - 14 - Ever since his 5th birthday Camilo has been using magic to step into the shoes of others. He's seen and heard a lot interacting with all sorts of people.

Gifted: Doppelgänger - Camilo has the 'Gift' to alter his body into other people at will, either fully or partially. + 20 to Intrigue. May choose one other viable hero unit to emulate their stats.

Worth A Shot - Camilo is a practical joker. Mimicking others for a laugh, or just sneaking another helping at meal times. -5 to Diplomacy with anyone he's pranked before.

Martial - 0/30 - Casita may not be able to make tactical decisions, but dropping a house on a person is very effective.
Diplomacy - 0 - Casa Madrigal can communicate, but only in a limited way.
Stewardship - 0/10 - Casita is very very organized within it's walls.
Intrigue - 0/5 - A house isn't exactly stealthy, but the walls do have ears.
Learning - 0 - A house can't read. Which is weird because it can write....
Occult - 40 - Casita is the living embodiment of a divine miracle.

Miraculous - Casa Madrigal is a creation of pure divine power. A miracle given form. + 30 to Martial when brute force is applicable. +10 to Stewardship, and +5 to Intrigue within it's walls.

Ancillary: Mirabel Madrigal - The Miracle that gave birth to Casita lives within the Head of the Madrigal Family. So long as she lives and the family bonds are strong Casa Madrigal cannot be destroyed.

Martial - 5 + 30(Casita) - Mirabel is an active young woman, but she has never fought anyone physically her entire life. Casita will protect her with it's own life.
Stewardship - 15 - Growing up as the normal one in the family meant she was sent on many a grocery run, not to mention her own crafting hobby. She knows how to budget, and organize resources, and lately she's learned how to apply that to people.
Diplomacy - 20 - Being the peacemaker of a rather volatile Colombian family is a full time job she's had ever since she can remember.
Intrigue - 16 - Mirabel knows how to be sneaky and spot a lie. Anyone would growing up with as much family as she did!
Learning - 12 - While a bright girl, Mirabel still grew up in an isolated village with only so much material to learn let alone study.
Occult - 10 - Growing up around, and now being, a miracle has taught her a few things.

Head Of The Madrigal Family- Despite being so young with the passing of Abuela and the reestablishment of the Miracle, Mirabel has found herself as the new head of the family. + 10 to Stewardship, + 10 to Intrigue, and + 15 to Diplomacy when it involves her immediate family as well as those from the Encanto.

Giftless - Growing up without a gift and surrounded by magic gives Mirabel a unique insight to those who don't have it themselves. +10 to Diplomacy when dealing with someone who fears and/or doesn't understand magic.

The Miracle Is You - With the candle gone, the Miracle now resides within Mirabel herself. Her life fuels the magic of the Encanto, and in turn she is protected from going out. So long as the Madrigal family bonds are strong Mirabel cannot die. She also commands Casita above anyone else. (Ancillary: Casa Madrigal)

Diamond in the Rough - Mirabel's potential is deeper than even she knows. ???

Priority: Casita - Mirabel has a kind and open heart which is what led to her allowing any in need find refuge within her home, but family always comes first. Mirabel will always put her home and those who live in it before anyone and anything else.

Martial - 8 - He had soldiers for fighting his battles! At least now he can give a good kick as a llama.
Stewardship - 10 - Growing up as an emperor Kuzco had many tutors that he never paid much attention to, and even when on the throne he never paid much attention to anything.
Diplomacy - 0 - Kuzco wasn't exactly a people person even before he was a llama, now he can't even speak. Some may say that's an improvement.
Intrigue - 4 - He didn't notice a coup even after it happened.
Learning - 10 - Growing up as an emperor Kuzco had many tutors that he never paid much attention to.
Occult - 8 - Despite being raised by a magical potioneer Kuzco never really learned anything of the occult. Since being turned into a llama and then cursed even more on top of that he's picked up a few things.

A Llama!? - Being poisoned with extract of llama has turned this former human into one. While once he was able to speak, a second dose took even that away. He can understand animals now though! +5 Diplomacy when speaking with 'fellow' animals, or those who can understand animals.

The Emperor's Groove - Kuzco's groove is his way of life! When he has a groove going add + 10 to any roll, but when his groove gets thrown off it becomes a -10 to a roll.

By All Accounts It Doesn't Make Sense - If there is one thing Kuzco has learned since becoming a llama, it's how to run away. From danger, from his problems, he always seems to be able to escape them all, at least for a time. +30 when fleeing.

Descendant of The Sun God - The ruling family of the Incans claimed to be direct descendants of divinity. ???

Nemesis: Yzma - She raised him yes, but now she has taken everything from him. His Empire, his body, even his voice, and Yzma will stop at nothing to see him dead if he ever returns.
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Analysis of the Situation in China as of Turn 12
Ok been thinking of the territorial distributions of China right now in quest by the most recent turn.

also this picture is of han china which mulan is based out of so I think this would work for now.

Ok with shan yus defeat and capture he's off the board in the war but it doesn't mean that his hunnish hordes are out for the count cause many betrayed him during his first fall and likely became petty Warlords who are right now likely vying for power in North western territories like west of Chang an and atleast north and south shu not at the capital of cheng du itself I think that's the resistance new base and where shan yu is now kept awaiting his execution by li Shang so anything is south of the capital is loosely resistance territory. The north however is likely contested by the resistance and the hun Warlords who likely have territories in the core territories in middle that is Jing.

Ok enough for that for now but basically the huns likely have control of everything west of Chang an and likely have contested territories in upper shu and the middle territories of Jing.

Ok it's shens turn his territories are basically all of coasts of eastern China and its cities though likely stopping atleast the provincial capital jianye down south as of the latest turn due to heavier but I presume he atleast took control of Lake south of jianye cause he has his massive navy to do that.

Now going north he likely has control of all the provinces till the provincial capitals ji and jinyang since with shan yu gone and the resistance mostly concentrated done the south it was free real estate to shen and likely the locals welcomed him with open arms to protect them from hunnish raids which shen trying to look he was a good emperor to his people would do and has likely set up fortification there and sent troops to patrol the area for hun raiders gaining the peoples support.

For the provinces in the middle between ji, jinyang to the north and jianye to the south are likely shens greatest powerbase since I believe gongmeng city is located there since it's a river nearing coast city so I'm gonna think it's located in pingyuan since it's near the coast and is part of the haihe River system which would be make shens navy very maneuverable and make his conquest quick and easy.

And he's likely consolidated the provinces under his rule with his promises of peace and order and the end of the hun threat of which he has in the past been shown been beating for awhile and that has likely made the people living In those provinces believe in him and trust in his rule and shen has used that to industrialize and create more forges and smelters for his ever growing armies and canons which the provinces will gladly provide.

Note: these provinces were the most industrialized for the time and highly populated and centralized as it was close to the capital and were greatly favored for it by the emperors.

Now moving with shan yu gone the capital of louyang was ruled for a time by hunnish Warlords killing each other until shen arrived with army to liberate city which is great for since its a big urbanized for the time city with half a million residents and it's the seat of power of the old han regime so more prestige for him but it's likely that it didn't stop him so he likely took over the old capital of Chang an which is also a big city to be forward most position in the west against the han likely is preparing for a push.

Lastly moving to the middle provinces it's probably the most contested for shen cause of the now ascending resistance and remaining hunnish hordes in the area so he likely doesn't have total control of them barring likes of shongchun and ancheng since there close enough to either his armies or navy.

But places like xinye is likely a mess of huns, resistance and shens vying for control with likes of dark spirits and bandits using the chaos to terrorize the locals making it the middle provinces a bloodbath.

Ok basically this is what I think shens territory is right now its basically magical Wei China with parts of the kingdom of wu and he's got alot of the advanced urban centers for han china and so he's got an advantage when it comes to skilled folk and his territories are quite profitable and centralized. But his issues that the north is all where the huns that shan yu once had while for now there not united they are likely constantly raiding his more northern territory making him garrison more troops to stop those raids and a two front war with li Shang is likely not gonna be good for him. And there's still threats of dark spirits that could put a wrench in his plans so he's gotta think carefully else his gains fall through.

Ok to li Shang it's likely that he has consolidated control some place I'm gonna think shu cause it's thematic and likely far away from the fighting to make a base for now and he's been trying to unite the disparate bands of rebels to his cause to end the wars engulfing china with good success I might add with his defeat of shan yu and the Phoenix now being his familiar and the mandate of heaven going to him he has uphill going for since his Territories aren't what you call the most suited for aiding In a united war effort against the likes of the industrial shen but he has a safe barring attacks from huns to the north location to start building out of and the prestige of the mandate of heaven.

So to put simply he has the territories that I didn't mention in the huns and shen areas with shu, lower Jing and southern wu at his side but the issue is that he only has direct control of shu due to the distance and the fact that the middle is likely packed with dark spirits and bandits making communication sporadic at best and now with shan yu defeated how's he gonna unite the resistance as with the first time that shan yu was defeated the resistance faltered to the fact they didn't anybody to unite against anymore.

He could very well paint shen as a usurper Akin to shan yu but comparably that's flimsier since he didn't well start the fall of the han empire with his takeover and shen himself has been styling himself as a bringer of order and a vanquisher of the hun menace to his territories so making people who've now known order and peace fight against the one who brought is likely not gonna fly good.

Also the fact the resistance and the people at large are likely tired of fighting and they could see the sign of shan yus defeat as the end of this horrible fighting and would call for peace since the big threat has been defeated.

So it's likely that a growing number of people would want peace and would start asking li Shang to begins talks with lord shen for a ceasefire to atleast stop the warfare between the two chinaish factions and focus on fighting against the huns. Well effectively creating two kingdoms of China.

Oh boy this was a long one sorry. Though that's my thoughts on the whole china thing mostly on the territories.
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