Lung has a limit, he's just never reached it he gave up the one time he could truly match an opponent in Leviathan; but eventually his shard has to tap out or deplete itself and die.

But the question is "is his limit before or after he sets most of the country on fire".

Of course they have a big and tall; Manpower and Lung co-own the place, just so they have a place to get clothes. There's this younger guy, Brian something that comes in sometimes.

Some PRT guy, name of Calvert shops there also.

(Taylor in Canon, was 5'8", Grue was "a foot taller" and Coil was a foot taller than Brian. ??? Methinks WB didn't think those descriptions through.)

So Lung, at a mere 6'6" is the shortest of the four. Brian is 6'8", Manpower is 7', and Coil is 7'8", if you go by canon descriptions.

So yeah, there's a Big and Tall, but 90% of it is for men.

I haven't seen a dedicated B & T store that has clothing for all gender presentations.

... I have to guess that glass materials science is further along in Earth-Bet and/or Max got scammed :evil: by marketing hype; even for three point five inch thick ballistic glass RL, to "resist" a 20mm round would be true only in the barest technical sense (i.e. slightly slowed down as it punched through). Example videos: link1, link2. Or maybe the "glass" is actually something like AlON.

Usually bullet resistant glass is bullet resistant at a certain speed determined by a combination of likely initial speed and friction losses over distance.

Though, yes, I would assume that the 'glass' was something closer to 'transparent carbon fiber reinforced aluminum'.
Maybe an error, maybe unreliable narrator.
More like inconsistent narration. Some people count building floors with the ground floor, first floor, etc. while others count it as ground floor, second floor...

I'd say requiescat in pace for Stan Lee at this point but I hold out the foolish hope his spirit will manifest and mail me a No-Prize!
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In reference to Mama Mathers getting impaled by the flagpole at the lunar landing site (to which my question is "Which one?", but I assume to be meant as Tranquility Base), she'd have to hit and bounce at least once, because the flag was knocked over when the ship took off. So she hits hard enough that the thing rises of the surface and turns, so that she can come back down and land on it.

And as for floors, is the narrator British or American? If British, it's Ground floor, first floor, second floor; if American, it's ground/first floor, second floor, third floor ...
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Well, Kins, that's kind of what I was going with; the two times the floor was called out were by different people.
In reference to Mama Mathers getting impaled by the flagpole at the lunar landing site (to which my question is "Which one?", but I assume to be meant as Tranquility Base), she'd have to hit and bounce at least once, because the flag was knocked over when the ship took off. So she hits hard enough that the thing rises of the surface and turns, so that she can come back down and land on it.
That just makes it better.
Well, heck. Now I'm picturing Daicon Girl Taylor...
Yes, but she's sky-surfing on a black sword, with red, shifting, runes, and for careful listeners, yes, it's moaning.

"Here I am, the Ultimate Weapon, to Destroy The World, and she uses me as a flying surf-board!"


There's probably re-mastered versions of this out there - repeated VHS tape copies and digitising isn't always kind...
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There's probably re-mastered versions of this out there - repeated VHS tape copies and digitising isn't always kind...

Most of the remasters are from Laser Disc rips, which are all NTSC 4:3 video. Even with AI sharpening, it's still blurry, and there's far too much bleed and bloom; possibly overexposed when shot or when scanned. What someone needs to do is find the film and scan it in 1080p or 4K.

Edit : It may not be possible to get a much better version; the original was shot on 8mm film, using a camera on a tripod with what lighting they had on hand. There was a group that was attempting a remaster of the film in 2021.

Also, the Daicon opening animations are the first works of the people who would become Gainax.
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I feel this pain deep in my soul. The most unrealistic thing about this fic is that Brockton has a big & tall store for women. Last I checked the nearest place to me that catered to the truly tall was in Denver. And my 6'-3" ass was in Seattle.
Hilariously enough, my sweety, who was six foot in her bare feet, no heels, found the best place to shop for outer clothing was an on-line buisiness in Canada that catered to cross-dressers. She needed a bit of tailoring here and there, but turns out that a dress meant for a tall man cross-dressing fit her quite well.

She'd tend to thump me whenever I laughed about that, though... :D
That's happening a lot less these days. I've heard that Chinese builders skip the number 4 when they can, which can lead to a '100 story' building that only has 81 floors ...
There's probably people who'd like to put at least one hole in every floor of Medhall, from bottom to top. We should know how many floors, so to be sure they've got enough ammo? :)
There's probably people who'd like to put at least one hole in every floor of Medhall, from bottom to top. We should know how many floors, so to be sure they've got enough ammo? :)
Oh, that's easy. One piece of rebar thrown down at the roof by Taylor. Only the one, though. Anything more than that and you go from punching a hole in every floor to a Kinetic Kill Weapon attack.
*ponders the forcefield that protects Taylor and whatever she's holding from damage.*

*Considers Alabaster.*

Hm. Hypothetically, can Taylor beat a whole group of Nazis with a Nazi, without turning her weapon into scattered body bits?

Because the idea of Taylor wading into 50 or 100 Nazis and knocking them around with Alabaster is great. Better yet, everytime she's fighting Nazis, she looks for him, so she can use him to beat more Nazis.

To the point that anytime Taylor near him, Alabaster runs away screaming.
There's probably people who'd like to put at least one hole in every floor of Medhall, from bottom to top. We should know how many floors, so to be sure they've got enough ammo? :)
Oh, that's easy. One piece of rebar thrown down at the roof by Taylor. Only the one, though. Anything more than that and you go from punching a hole in every floor to a Kinetic Kill Weapon attack.
So basically the "rods from God" concept. Except that this God is named Taylor Hebert.

... Yknow what, I can get behind that idea.
The PRT meeting feels strange. The way that they keep changing who is talking feels more like an high school presentation (where everyone had to talk) than an actual meeting (where one usually explains what is going on to the rest).
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Most of the remasters are from Laser Disc rips, which are all NTSC 4:3 video. Even with AI sharpening, it's still blurry, and there's far too much bleed and bloom; possibly overexposed when shot or when scanned. What someone needs to do is find the film and scan it in 1080p or 4K.

Edit : It may not be possible to get a much better version; the original was shot on 8mm film, using a camera on a tripod with what lighting they had on hand. There was a group that was attempting a remaster of the film in 2021.

Also, the Daicon opening animations are the first works of the people who would become Gainax.
Hmm. The name 'Misty May' comes to mind - the alleged originator of the
'Gainax Bounce'...

Yes, that was a lot more than 'fan service', it was the start of animation with something much more like 'real people movement'. (I thought Disney was maybe learning this, with the dancing movement at the start of 'Beauty and the Beast' - then I found they'd rotroscope'd that...)

How characters develop, from the vaguest of ideas, and acquire 'story', is arguably much more interesting, though. IMNAAHO.
So basically the "rods from God" concept. Except that this God is named Taylor Hebert.

... Yknow what, I can get behind that idea.
few, luckily there is ocean on the exact opposite of the Earth from Brockton Bay (given that the city isn't a thing IRL, I took Boston's coordinates). The rod will penetrate the Earth and emerge about 1000 km southwest from the Australian main islands southwestern corner