Ah, One-Punch Worm, the Marvel edition. Nice to see Stabbypuppy put down like he was.
Good wordz. Very tasty.

I like that you're redeeming Lung immediately, instead of turning him into the monster he is in canon.

I'm actually the other way with it.

I was hoping he'd be doing something truly egregious that would give Taylor a good excuse to test the limits of his regeneration and showcase just how fireproof she is.
I'm actually the other way with it.

I was hoping he'd be doing something truly egregious that would give Taylor a good excuse to test the limits of his regeneration and showcase just how fireproof she is.

At this point, something like that is kinda pointless. We already know Juggy would curbstomp him. The only reason I can see for them to fight is if Lung organized a match to see how they matched up. Then Juggy would curbstomp him.

Actually, at this point I'm treating this fic as entirely a comedy, because I can't see any conflict with Taylor in it NOT becoming a Juggy curbstomp.
That was, indeed, one of those days for a lot of people who frankly deserved it. And I like how Skidmark managed to duplicate that other Vicky's whamming effect in order to save his own ass.
Thank you for updating this. It's a guilty pleasure to read a story with a pure Brute = Yes, Taylor sometimes. This is one of those times. Ah, when the answer to all your problems is to just Use More Power. It has a simplicity to it.

Villain of the week: "Hahaha! Allow me to use my convoluted plan to ensure your demise!"

Brute Taylor: "...how about no?" *STOMP*

Villain of the week: *is very *STOMPED*

Brute Taylor: "Puny Villain."
Mama Mathers vs Taylornaught would be funny

Mathers: "I control your senses now you can't…urk."

Taylornaught: "I always know which way my goal is. Tag, you're it. I'll see if Simmy wants to play catch…' YEET!
OWN: Melissa told me that most dresses in shops made for someone her height (5'3") were either made for young girls, and far too small for a grown woman with breasts, or for woman that were... overweight, and far too big around the hips. She ended up having to have most of her clubbing dresses made for her. While Taylor doesn't have the preteen dress issue, a good many of the dresses I found online that would fit someone that tall and broad through the shoulders were cut for crossdressing men.

I feel this pain deep in my soul. The most unrealistic thing about this fic is that Brockton has a big & tall store for women. Last I checked the nearest place to me that catered to the truly tall was in Denver. And my 6'-3" ass was in Seattle.
I'm ready for Lung to issue a personal challenge, to be fought in the wasteland. A very politely worded challenge, so they can each get a feel for each other. Lung can go all out, so can Taylor.

I think they would end up with some mutual respect?
Maybe an error, maybe unreliable narrator.

Bottom of the window in question is at the top of the 25th floor, Max' office is the 26th.

Or there are 25 floor's beneath it, or something.

Just go with imperfect knowledge or approximations from the party mentioning things, and your disbelief suspenders shouldn't snap too hard.

I feel this pain deep in my soul. The most unrealistic thing about this fic is that Brockton has a big & tall store for women. Last I checked the nearest place to me that catered to the truly tall was in Denver. And my 6'-3" ass was in Seattle.

Such generic Big & Tall stores cater mainly to the big side of things, not so much the tall. Des Moines has one notable big & tall store, and it's mostly Big, not so much Tall.

The few times I've had to go shopping in a Women's Big and Tall store, I was buying my sister a gift. She was definitely big, but not tall. I believe that as far as tall went, they had the generic T (as in 2XLT, which would be a Size 18-20 for someone taller than 5'6"). Taylor will probably be able to find things like bras, socks, and blouses / t-shirts there, maybe some skirts. A full length prom dress, however, is going to be a custom job. Hence, Parian's. The most embarassing part? Parian's somewhat on the shorter side, and has to use a step stool when measuring / fitting Taylor.
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I'm ready for Lung to issue a personal challenge, to be fought in the wasteland. A very politely worded challenge, so they can each get a feel for each other. Lung can go all out, so can Taylor.

I think they would end up with some mutual respect?

They'd have to put hard limits on the collateral damage. Taylor has NO limits, and I don't know if Lung's upper limit has ever been reached. Even fighting in a wasteland isn't helpful if their conflict can reach levels where earthquakes are being caused.
Random idea for a powerset that would be pure Crack.

(Nun) Shikanoko nokokoko koshitantan. Shikanoko nokokoko koshitantan. Shikanoko nokokoko koshitantan. Shikanoko nokokoko koshitantan.
The twenty-five millimeter thick, tempered glass window that could resist twenty millimeter cannon fire.
... I have to guess that glass materials science is further along in Earth-Bet and/or Max got scammed :evil: by marketing hype; even for three point five inch thick ballistic glass RL, to "resist" a 20mm round would be true only in the barest technical sense (i.e. slightly slowed down as it punched through). Example videos: link1, link2. Or maybe the "glass" is actually something like AlON.
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