Metal Gear Solid V: Chronicles of Outer Heaven (MGS/Valkyria Chronicles)

Kept you waiting huh?


    Votes: 68 11.2%

    Votes: 10 1.7%

    Votes: 387 63.9%

    Votes: 141 23.3%

  • Total voters
Inserted tally
Adhoc vote count started by SlugSLinger on Oct 19, 2018 at 10:09 AM, finished with 276 posts and 69 votes.


I don't even know what to say anymore. You keep setting up higher expectations for me and then surpassing them constantly. Like, c'mon, we're not even in the crossover part yet! I can't imagine how things can go any higher from now, yet I know for sure that's what is going to happen!
[X]Plan Exiting In Style
-[X] R&D 2: Repairing Sahelanthropus
-[X] Main Ops 4: The Trial
-[X] Side Ops 2: Check on Paz *New Game+*
-[X] Main Ops 3: Recover the Man on Fire
-[X] Main Ops 5: Denuclearization 3 "A Glimpse of Today"
-[X] Side Ops 12: An Interview with the World
-[X] Side Ops 11: Beach Party *Must take Denuke 3*
-[X] PMC Ops 7: Wannabe Heroes

Cause love's such an old fashioned word
And love dares you to care
For the people on the edge of the night
And love dares you to change our way
Of caring about ourselves
This is our last dance
This is our last dance
This is ourselves


I don't even know what to say anymore. You keep setting up higher expectations for me and then surpassing them constantly. Like, c'mon, we're not even in the crossover part yet! I can't imagine how things can go any higher from now, yet I know for sure that's what is going to happen!
It will be epic. Is all we can say and I can't wait for parts that come from the VC character's POVs, largely because of just how we would be seen as unfathomably strong.
With how increidble DD might end up being once we transfer ver to VC, I wonder if we can repeat the same miracle that we pulled off in the first run by recruiting Isara. Hell, maybe even Welkin if we can get Venom to talk with him face to face. A few words and deeds here and there would make either of the two pack their bags and join DD without a second thought.

As powerufl as Alicia might be as a Valk, Welk and Isara would be more beneficial to DD in the long run.
With how increidble DD might end up being once we transfer ver to VC, I wonder if we can repeat the same miracle that we pulled off in the first run by recruiting Isara. Hell, maybe even Welkin if we can get Venom to talk with him face to face. A few words and deeds here and there would make either of the two pack their bags and join DD without a second thought.

As powerufl as Alicia might be as a Valk, Welk and Isara would be more beneficial to DD in the long run., did you at least watch the epilogue of Valkyria Chronicles? Cause it explains why Welkin wouldn't join us. Isara on the other hand? I'm not so sure.
Omake Ops 10.2 From the Desk of Doctor Clark by Dehgan (4CP)
Well, here's my next one. I'm a Man on fire, and by that I mean my fingertips hurt from so much typing.

From the Desk of Doctor Clark

It's the anniversary of that day again. The day that Jack left us because of my project. I know that it's what's necessary, that we're going to NEED the edge that Les Enfants Terribles can provide. We've already seen the immense potential in Subjects 1 and 3, and Subject 2 has the talent we're looking for, even if their attitude leaves much to be desired.

Idea: Convince Second of 'lesser genes' to study the psychological effects of their visible differences from Jack. Not sure any of the staff could talk up such crock. May need to put guards in coats.

But that doesn't change the fact that I miss him. Jack was always the best of us, the brightest of us. He even went out to the movies with me after the Operation was over, like we'd said we would.

I miss him. I miss those days, when we'd just started out our goals and we were all working together so closely. Zero, Anderson, Jack, Eva…

Even that Ocelot wasn't so bad, back then.

We were all so determined to achieve The Boss' vision, to make the world she'd spoken of.

Then it all fell apart, the moment Jack found out about my work. He never even spoke to me when he left. He hasn't spoken to me since, at any point. Not even a letter.

I miss him so much.


From the Desk of Doctor Clark

It's been so long since I've heard from Zero. Anderson at least talks to me occasionally, even if only over secure channels. Out of our group, we're the only two who still speak with each other as friends. Once Jack left, Zero started to become more and more disconnected from us. It was obvious that he felt it was his fault, since it was at his encouragement that I began the project.

I could have said no.

I should have said no.

If we'd just ASKED Jack and explained, then maybe none of this would have happened.

But we didn't. But I didn't.

Here's to you, Doctor. You drove away your best friend and are making his sons into weapons for an organization run by a man who used to be your friend.

If they ever make a movie about us, I hope I'm played by Carrie Fisher. It'd be nice to see her act as a villain.

From the Desk of Doctor Clark

I suppose I should be thankful my staff are loyal to me personally. It's probably the only reason He hasn't been able to find me yet. Another of Zero's ideas has turned around and bitten us. Typical. Not like my project. All three samples are above what I expected for them. Was Jack so capable when he was young, or is my gene therapy leading to them developing more efficiently? I wish I could know for sure.

I wish I could ask him, but it's not like it's likely now. Even if he was still with us, Jack wouldn't say a thing to me. Not back then, and not now. Not after our unleashed dogs destroyed what he built.

If Jack had just stayed, then he could have built it here. Then XOF wouldn't have become what it is and everything could have been perfect.

Or maybe I'm just fantasizing. When I think about Jack, it's not like that's uncommon.

God, if he'd heard that back then I'd have never heard the end of it.

Stupid sexy Snake.

From the Desk of Doctor Clark
It's that day again! The day that we lost Jack for the first time. Subject 2 thinks he's escaped on his own, but that's what I've come to I expect from him. You could dangle the truth right in front of his nose and if it's not what he wants to believe then he won't see it. I wonder if that's from Jack, or from Eva?

Knowing my luck, it's from me.

Since my increasingly certain death is hanging over my head, I've decided to go back and watch some movies to try and lighten up my frame of mind so I can greet my death with a smile instead of the frown I've worn for the past 10 years. Tonight's is going to be that movie that came out a year ago, Blade Runner. I haven't been spoiled on it, because I never do anything but work!

I need to get a cat, or something. Maybe a fox? I could put it into cute little outfits. Maybe a ninja one?

God I'm lonely.

From the Desk of Doctor Clark

He's back. After all these years, he's back. Through my sources, I heard about everything. How he's been under hidden care for these past years. About the attack on the hospital, and his survival. I've heard of it all.

Including his clone.

Ocelot's doing, no doubt about it. He was always one to think his way is better. Taking an already grown soldier, one of Jack's own, and molding him into a mental 'clone' of Jack. It's untested, it's untried. It's unheard of.

By the scattered information I'm getting, it seems to have worked.

If I ever see Ocelot again, he's sure to be even more insufferable than normal.

I just hope it's after he shoots me instead of before.

Either way, things are looking up. I haven't heard from Zero in years at this point and Anderson's keeping contact with me cut off for my sake, but if Jack's on the case then this whole thing should be wrapped up before the year is out.

I'm looking forward to seeing just what Ocelot's 'clone' is capable of.

From the Desk of Doctor Clark

With XOF increasingly distracted by the clone, I've been able to relax just a little bit. It's been nice to slowly inch out from underneath the shadow of my near certain death. After all, now the chances are only fifty/fifty.

Either I'll get caught by Skullface, or Jack will get me.

I wonder if he'll grant me a last request. I know what it'll be…

Jack that is, not Skullface. Not even if he wore a bag on his head the entire time.

Less disgustingly, the Clone is proving itself to be interesting in its own way. My reports aren't perfect, but the way it's acting and carrying itself… It reminds me so much of Jack from before he did what had to be done. Well, not exactly. But still, it's there!

Perhaps if we applied hypnotherapy to clones enmasse we could mass create an army of Snakes?

But then I'd have to use something Ocelot pioneered, and I've not fallen that far just yet.

From the Desk of Doctor Clark

The Clone has been putting some impressive work in. Now that XOF is on the backfoot my sources are finally proving that they're worth the fraction of the Philosopher's Legacy I use to pay them.

The Clone didn't waste any time getting back to work. It's been running roughshod all over the USSR and XOF in Afghanistan, leaving both of them reeling. Stories of a terrible one eyed ghost who takes men away in the night are popping up everywhere. Some of them say that he's a horned demon that drags men to hell, but I know the truth. The Clone is operating just like Jack used to, avoiding lethal force unless it's necessary.

In fact, I hear he's doing a lot of recruiting in general. I'd imagine that's the 'hell' that all those men are getting dragged to. The Clone is trying to follow its programming and make Jack's 'Outer Heaven'

I'm curious to see what it does next.

From the Desk of Doctor Clark

It has recovered Subject 2. It seems that after sweeping up most of its targets and recovering the man who stole Metal Gear that it has moved it's operations to Africa, focusing on XOF's activities in that region.

Subject 2 had taken a squad of child soldiers under its command and turned on its 'leaders', going rogue. How completely unexpected of him.

It seems as if Subject 2's activities drew the attention of the Clone, and it was defeated by Ocelot's 'clone'. Of course, that isn't surprising given that Subject 2 is still early in his development physically.

Besides, this gives me a new chance to measure their development compared to a phantom of Jack's skills. That alone makes it valuable data.

In a few more years, I'm certain even 2 will be able to show up Ocelot's work anyway.

From the Desk of Doctor Clark

His Clone is better than anyone could have expected. Even I'm not certain what Skullface has up his sleeve in regards to a 'weapon to surpass Metal Gear'. I'm not certain I can believe in anything that's a more dangerous force multiplier than a Metal Gear save for Jack himself. Or, I suppose, his clone.

That one, I don't think it's Ocelot's work that makes Jack's Phantom so effective. There's simply no way he could have done it. Hypnotherapy, as impressive as it is, doesn't impart skills of that level.

It's Jack, It must be. His influence, his training. The effects he had on the man his clone was before. That's what is making his phantom so successful, so much like him.

It must be.

From the Desk of Doctor Clark

It's over. Skullface is dead and XOF is dissolved. Soon enough we'll be able to get things back on schedule and the plan can move forward.

The plan, huh? What The Boss wanted the world to be, what she died for. Or at least, how Zero saw it. But now I'm not so sure anymore. Was he really correct? It's too late for me to change now, but even so I can't help but feel these doubts in my heart.


I sounded like a little girl over the moon with her first beau. This isn't the time for that. I've come too far to start now.

From the Desk of Doctor Clark

Rumors of Jack's movement have been sporadic at best. None of it is confirmable, and it's more than likely they're more of a phantom than Jack's Clone. That one, he's really something. With XOF gone and Zero still out of contact I've been able to get more reliable information, and it's really quite something.

The one called Venom is so much like Jack… but so different from how he became. His kindness and compassion for the downtrodden are something he wears on his sleeve. The way he inspires his men to follow him, and leads by example…

Jack's Phantom is everything we could have hoped for Jack to be if things had simply stayed as Zero had planned.

As we had planned. Can't absolve myself.

I've heard something strange besides that though. They say that the Diamond Dogs have gotten rid of their nuclear deterrent. But that can't be. Jack would never do such a thing.

From the Desk of Doctor Clark

He's insane. He's completely and utterly mad. The man's even more nuts than Jack was, and considering he could recharge his batteries by eating glowing mushrooms that's saying something!

As if it weren't enough to have disarmed themselves, the Diamond Dogs launched clandestine actions all over the world, stealing or disarming the nuclear weapons of every secondary power. Everyone is in an uproar, even within Cipher.

The Powers That Be are afraid. They're terrified that they're losing control over the masses now that they've got someone to follow. The whole world is rallying behind the Diamond Dogs, civilian and soldiers. Big Boss is the name on everyone's lips, whether it's praise or a curse.

But I just don't understand. Was this really Jack's plan?

From the Desk of Doctor Clark

I was wrong. I've been wrong this entire time. He's never been Jack, not even after all of Ocelot's supposed hypnotherapy. His core, his central values must have remained unchanged. That's the only explanation that makes sense.

It was never Jack.

It was always him.

This whole time I've been trying to watch the man through the lens of 'Jack's Clone'. It took me so long to even view him as his own person, as his own entity separate from Jack's 'Big Boss'. What does it say about my supposed genius if I can't even understand something that simple?

And now all that's left to wonder is what Jack will do in response to his Phantom getting a mind of its own.

And to think about what I should do. Everything I've done for now, the vision I've been following, it was always with a greater goal in mind.

It was to reach the world that The Boss spoke of. That beautiful world where everything was reunited.

But were we right? Was what we were doing really The Boss' vision? Could it have gotten us to the world she saw?

Or is everything we've done, everything I've done, every experiment and every compromise I made on my beliefs and my oath completely worthless in the end?

From the Desk of Doctor Clark

This may be the last thing I ever write. I'm not certain I'll be able to stay here after I do what I'm planning. I can't be certain of how Zero will respond, or how the rest of Cipher will act.

But I'm finally going to do what Snake is doing. I'm not going to follow someone else's vision, or try to grasp the ideal of a woman I never even truly knew. I'm going to try to make up for my mistakes, for as long as I can before they finally catch up with me.

Though they could be a lot of things. My mistakes, many as they are. My enemies, numerous they be.

Or maybe just my own conscience.

I'm taking my portion of the Philosopher's Legacy and sending what I can spare to the man who showed me the way. It's the least I can do in thanks for everything I've written about him in my private notes. The least I could do for him showing me the way forward.

Since I'm certain my pursuers will come here first, I'll leave a few notes here for whoever finds this.

If you could pass them along to the appropriate people, I'd appreciate it.

You don't know me, not really. But I want to thank you for everything you've done. I can't say if we will ever meet in the future. In the likely case we don't, I want you to know that I believe in you.

I quit.

Thank you for having stayed my friend for all these years. I know it couldn't have been easy.

I've never forgiven your for getting in my way on my third date with Jack. It's because of you inviting yourself along that it ended the way it did. I know you were jealous that he wanted to spend time with me instead of you, but grow up.

This may be the last chance I have to even try to contact you, so I'm going to say what I wish I'd said before Ocelot butted in.

Jack, I love you.

Edit: @konamikode Here is the thing, I hope it is okay.

Editoo: Okay the word count is about 2500 I added and took stuff out after posting from my 'final version' so I'm not sure on it.
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With how increidble DD might end up being once we transfer ver to VC, I wonder if we can repeat the same miracle that we pulled off in the first run by recruiting Isara. Hell, maybe even Welkin if we can get Venom to talk with him face to face. A few words and deeds here and there would make either of the two pack their bags and join DD without a second thought.

As powerufl as Alicia might be as a Valk, Welk and Isara would be more beneficial to DD in the long run.

Eh Welk and Alicia might be better off in the milta truth be told. The Galians are desperate for good leadership and Alicia should be tied to Welk at the hip as he's the only grounding she has if she goes Super saiyen. Squad 7 sans Isara ( who would have died part way though) is best left where they are so they can do their thing.

That said we could certainly use Welk's tank as we only have light and realtively underguned tanks ( granted they can be airdropped which will break some brains in our opposition and are amphibious so more brain braking) having access to a powerful mid Tank would be good especially as we overhaul its systems to modern standards.

However apparently this insert is going to be different from the last concert so we shouldn't count on being in Gallia Or in that region.
We could be anywhere from there Africa to the land of dust we see in survive( well that i heard about I never played that game and I don't want to.)

For all we know this could be a Gate thus we fought there scenario where we just happen to be sitting near the portal that the Lord of dust created ( and we know for a fact we're going to be fighting a lot of dust because why would he miss the chance for a kaiju fight?)
I just had a thought, Venom, Vic, and Revolver. They are essentially brothers, each raised by an aspect of The Boss and grown up in conflict. Just as Solid, Liquid, and Solidus after them, each of them is damaged in a certain way due to their creation. Venom has lost almost everything of who is, and is destined to take the bullet for his brother's ambitions. Vic is blinded to his own hypocrisies and it takes his own son for it to become clear, only at his final deathbed does he finally understand everything. Revolver, always chasing after his braver brother's dreams, content to be their torturer and bagman but never really having an identity due to the life he was part of. Of the three, Venom was the only one with a chance of being better and the only one who was capable of even being close to reaching that goal. Of the three, Venom lost his soul, Vic lost his sight, Revolver lost his sense.

They are all truly Sons of The Boss. Two chasing after an ideal they don't even understand, and the one who could possibly have reached or even surpassed it gagged and mutilated to follow the other two's own definition of that ideal.

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