Metal Gear Solid V: Chronicles of Outer Heaven (MGS/Valkyria Chronicles)

Kept you waiting huh?


    Votes: 68 11.2%

    Votes: 10 1.7%

    Votes: 387 63.9%

    Votes: 141 23.3%

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Is that intro referring to the same time period as this game? I swear that was the same Metal Gear hanging out in the current inventory.
First part in italics are all references to the previous quest, the middle portion was Ahabs canon fate of dying old and in battle against Solid Snake, while the final part tied into the end of Ground Zero's/start of Phantom Pain.
You guys do realize that unlike all the other Metal Gears (barring RAY), Sahelanthropus was the only one designed from the ground up to actually fight direct engagements with conventional opponents?

All the others are nuke delivery systems first and foremost, with some defensive armaments tacked on as an after thought.

Even REX would just get its shit kicked in by Sahelanthropus. As much as I love that design, it (and nearly every other MG ever) is terrifically vulnerable to the Metallic Archea grenades Sahelanthropus has.
You guys do realize that unlike all the other Metal Gears (barring RAY), Sahelanthropus was the only one designed from the ground up to actually fight direct engagements with conventional opponents?

All the others are nuke delivery systems first and foremost, with some defensive armaments tacked on as an after thought.

Even REX would just get its shit kicked in by Sahelanthropus. As much as I love that design, it (and nearly every other MG ever) is terrifically vulnerable to the Metallic Archea grenades Sahelanthropus has.

Didn't RAY not have any nuke capabilities, and it was just built to kill other Metal Gears?
Didn't RAY not have any nuke capabilities, and it was just built to kill other Metal Gears?
Hmm hm, RAY is not build to fight direct engagement against conventional opponents...unless we count cyborgs/Unmanned Weapon/Metal Gear conventional. Of course, we could say the way RAY built is much more usual than any other Metal Gear. Not build for nukes or terror, simply just an equivalent of tank destroyer for metal gear while still more than able to fight in most situation and even traverse water easily.

Then again, pretty sure if you sent any Metal Gear against conventional is seems like a waste except for propaganda or terror. Metal Gear should be reserved for epic fight against uncoventional enemies if Snake and co is busy after all :V
Hmm hm, RAY is not build to fight direct engagement against conventional opponents...unless we count cyborgs/Unmanned Weapon/Metal Gear conventional. Of course, we could say the way RAY built is much more usual than any other Metal Gear. Not build for nukes or terror, simply just an equivalent of tank destroyer for metal gear while still more than able to fight in most situation and even traverse water easily.

Then again, pretty sure if you sent any Metal Gear against conventional is seems like a waste except for propaganda or terror. Metal Gear should be reserved for epic fight against uncoventional enemies if Snake and co is busy after all :V

Also if i remember right from when I trawled the wiki there were Metal Gears built that didn't just launch nukes. Like actual bipedal tanks and battle walkers. I think that was in MG2 or Snake's Revenge or something? I hope we can field those eventually.
Also if i remember right from when I trawled the wiki there were Metal Gears built that didn't just launch nukes. Like actual bipedal tanks and battle walkers. I think that was in MG2 or Snake's Revenge or something? I hope we can field those eventually.
It was TX55, smaller lamer REX maybe is what you think. Or maybe GEKKO? Just built a bigger Walker Gear for that, though Walker gear is already more than sufficient to be honest.
As far as I recall, RAY was a Hunter Killer specialized for killing REX. I think it was mentioned in MGS4 that RAY was made to kill REX derivatives, so its value shouldn't be measured in terms of combat capability in conventional warfare, but by the purpose it was made, aka killing REX. Which if you think about it, RAY sucks at since a dilapidated REX still managed to beat one.
You guys do realize that unlike all the other Metal Gears (barring RAY), Sahelanthropus was the only one designed from the ground up to actually fight direct engagements with conventional opponents?

All the others are nuke delivery systems first and foremost, with some defensive armaments tacked on as an after thought.

Even REX would just get its shit kicked in by Sahelanthropus. As much as I love that design, it (and nearly every other MG ever) is terrifically vulnerable to the Metallic Archea grenades Sahelanthropus has.

In all sincerity REX is a beast even among Metal Gears - largely thanks to Otacon actually putting in close combat support for it (i.e. kicks, rams, bites and so on even though his bosses told him not to), but also due to how nigh indestructible that thing is. It took Solid Snake abusing an intentional design flaw just to disable the thing, and after a decade of "hibernation" in the Alaskan winter it got right back up and was able to smack down a Metal Gear explicitly designed to kill other Metal Gears. While badly damaged and without its primary weapon.

I won't deny the vulnerability to the Metallic Archea grenades, but it'd be a much closer (and badass) fight than you would think.
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Away with you demons. I will not suffer your presence here.

Gently, I turn ever so slowly so that I can rest my chin against the neck and cheek of the girl who so desperately wishes for the comfort of her mother and father.

Not when there are younglings that need looking after.

Not when there are souls that must be guarded.

I don't know why, but I just imagined DD's mind being uploaded to Bladewolf so that he can keep on living.
In all sincerity REX is a beast even among Metal Gears - largely thanks to Otacon actually putting in close combat support for it (i.e. kicks, rams, bites and so on even though his bosses told him not to), but also due to how nigh indestructible that thing is. It took Solid Snake abusing an intentional design flaw just to disable the thing, and after a decade of "hibernation" in the Alaskan winter it got right back up and was able to smack down a Metal Gear explicitly designed to kill other Metal Gears.

I won't deny the vulnerability to the Metallic Archea grenades, but it'd be a much closer (and badass) fight than you would think.
True, REX durability is a beast. I guess it will be too expensive or something to apply that durability to every other mass produced metal gear.

But if we don't mass produced it...ehehehehe. I want my RAY versus a dragon or something damn it!
No wait, I remember what it was. Metal Gear Gustav. They're kinda underequipped according to the wiki since they've only got 12.7 and 20mm guns, I figure that's just integral weapons. Swappable weapons would be a smart idea for those. Plus they were apparently meant to act as 'mobile command centers' so that officers could control information from comparative safety or something.

No wait, I remember what it was. Metal Gear Gustav. They're kinda underequipped according to the wiki since they've only got 12.7 and 20mm guns, I figure that's just integral weapons. Swappable weapons would be a smart idea for those. Plus they were apparently meant to act as 'mobile command centers' so that officers could control information from comparative safety or something.

We could always use a repurposed apc or something like those no? To fight on the field, dozen Gekkos or even Walker Gears would be better too.
@konamikode exactly how long is each Turn?

A month generally. Playing with the idea of 'Operations' when DDogs commit fully to a particular theater for a set amount of time.

Hmm... What do we have then? Stolen Vodka, maybe? Lucozade? Maybe just regular coke mixed with ragnade would work? Perhaps a solution with coffee? Too many ideas coming in at once.

Red Venom: It's in your veins.
heh, Red Venom sounds good for a energy drink! now we need the Blue Fries for the whole meal!!!

Also blade-wolf for D-Dog, YES...a way for him to live on, copy his will into the machine and turn it into a super-mechanical wolf mini gear!

Also Rex was awesome, true its expensive as fuck, but holy hell that sucker survives shit that other gears just cant handle, plus it was being operated by Solid snake, while LIQUID was piloting its Would have been killer! I REALLY want to see Rex developed, hell it could be a AI Sal and REX piloted by Ahab being unleashed on some poor fools group in the valk world!

I think we could destroy a entire regiment or something akin to that on our own if we did that. that's if we also didn't upgrade Rex to NOT have the design flaw, as well as using the metallic Archea as a way to recreate armor for REX to "Heal" itself...making it EVEN MORE DURABLE! Good old REX would be so durable then that it would put any other technology to shame for how good at surviving shit it would be.

so please guys...if we ever get the chance to make REX happen...we make it even better then what snake fought and piloted in the original verse!!!
Hm, looking over Rex

any one get the feeling that it look like Zeke with Sahe head ?

2 thing that Otacon parent work on

he probably remember Sahe in the back of his head when making Rex, which would explain the similarity