True, we should be careful, especially with our human recruits. Fortunately, Kislevites don't really have an history of fighting necromancers, so a slip up would be less problematic than in the Empire.

The Asur also forbid the use of necromancy, and a reputation among Kislevites for acting like a necromancer could also end up spreading to Imperials.

Again, it seems like something that should be used with real care. We have a fair of tools in our arsenal right now, so IMO we shouldn't hurry to use that one specific tool that we've just been warned about the dangers of its use unless it has necessary properties that our other tools can't provide.
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The Asur also forbid the use of necromancy, and a reputation among Kislevites for acting like a necromancer could also end up spreading to Imperials.
Any Asur caster would instantly notice that we're not using necromancy. There's several other Shyish spells used by the Asurs that human would think is necromancy.

Again, it seems like something that should be used with real care. We have a fair of tools in our arsenal right now, so IMO we shouldn't hurry to use that one specific tool that we've just been warned about the dangers of its use unless it has necessary properties that our other tools can't provide.
True, we should be careful, especially with our human recruits.
And our non caster swordmasters and Asur recruits?
Our SM would trust our word. I also doubt we went alone in the countryside, so several of the SM probably witnessed us casting the spell in the first place.

And for our other Asur recruits?
"I'm a Loremaster, and I have a spell to conjure elementals from all 8 Winds."
And if that doesn't work:
"You still don't believe me? Here are the 8 different kinds side by side."
[X] You will ask to stay in the Chapterhouse of the Knights of the Bull.

Easy 200 upfront GP, as well as even more GP as time goes on, and the start of building some connections in the northern Empire as well as Kislev.
[X] You will ask to stay in the Chapterhouse of the Knights of the Bull.

Easy choice. Why hoard a favor when we could be hoarding money?
By the way thanks to this two:

Ulgu Elementals are difficult to perceive unless in direct light, resembling indistinct figures of thin smoke when exposed to sufficient illumination. It would be a stretch to call them assassins, for like other Elementals they lack all concept of subtlety, but they would be terrifying foes to fight at night, when the man next to you suddenly has his throat torn out by invisible claws.

Shyish Elementals are… eerily reminiscent of undead, to the point that you are glad there is no-one around to witness them and accuse you of Necromancy. They look like ragged black cloaks floating through the air, the frayed edges of fabric uncaring of the wind, but underneath the stooped hoods there is nothing but darkness. From within the folds of the cloak droop long iron chains, which seem to move of their own accord, rattling and shifting like serpents. It is these that they use to attack, strangling their victims to death and feeding upon the Shyish that is drawn to a mortal soul departing from its body.

Where the other Elementals will eventually dissipate unless continuously fed more of their constituent Wind by a spellcaster, Lesser Shyish Elementals are capable of sustaining themselves indefinitely so long as they keep on killing, even repairing damage to their forms.

Now we can be absolutely devastating in ambushes or night raids.

Imagine unleashing a swarm of Ulgu and Shyish Elementals on a sleeping enemy encampment. Silent invisible killers stalking in the dark and killing soldiers left and right. Then the commanders start calling Priests to "banish the Daemons" or "exorcise the foul undead", but when the Priests try something, it dosen't work, and now even more people start panicking thinking the gods abbandoned them.
By the way thanks to this two:

Now we can be absolutely devastating in ambushes or night raids.

Imagine unleashing a swarm of Ulgu and Shyish Elementals on a sleeping enemy encampment. Silent invisible killers stalking in the dark and killing soldiers left and right. Then the commanders start calling Priests to "banish the Daemons" or "exorcise the foul undead", but when the Priests try something, it dosen't work, and now even more people start panicking thinking the gods abbandoned them.
Again, the option of night raid attacks really gives an incentive to get an owl familiar, so we could use an owl's phenomenal night sight to direct such raids.
Still need a way to comunicate with the troops quickly and silently if you want to direct a night raid. And i am afraid the radio is not been invented yet.

I thought the idea was that we would be doing a raid with elementals? We don't really communicate with those. We just give them an order when they're conjured and then they work at it until they disappear. With an Owl's sight we could see what's going on in an enemy encampments at night and then give the elementals orders of what to do based on what the owl sees.
With eye of the pack we could literally just have pre written orders and then pull them in front of our eyes as needed in order to get a message across to our swordmasters.