Though I admit, the part I am looking forward to the most this downtime is what happened with Dorial's song! Here's hoping it's just around the corner :tongue:
I'm still considering my options on how to handle that one, because while Fanriel is a trained artist I have absolutely no lyrical aptitude.

My brain only has room for legal texts and obscure warhammer lore.
[X] You will ask to stay in the Chapterhouse of the Knights of the Bull.

With that said, Consensus was to relocate to Kislev city or Praag after Troll hunting (after next Downtime).
Is that still the plan?
I still advocate Praag in the near future, though I'm not sure we were necessarily doing it immediately after our next gig. Depends on circumstances and available jobs.

We will move to Praag one day, that is a no-brainer.

The thing is, when doing that I'd like to have a solid unit well above 12 people, full coffers for emergencies and a very good reputation, that will precede us. Katarin won't deal with a no-name merc with few troops to her name. Making a difference requires some prep work.
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Personally I think it makes sense to cycle through things. Do a few jobs in Praag, then a few in kislev city, back to erengrad, maybe pop down to Ostland proper for a while before back up to erengrad again, that sort of thing.
I'm still considering my options on how to handle that one, because while Fanriel is a trained artist I have absolutely no lyrical aptitude.

My brain only has room for legal texts and obscure warhammer lore.
You don't have to write down the actual song. If need be just give a description on what it was about and how people reacted to it without showing the actual lyrics. I'm mostly looking forward to it because I think it'll be really funny to see someone as stoic and laconic as Dorial become a local idol if we roll well. Bonus points if when we visit him we find him having to sort through various gifts and get well cards while he tells us about how he can't go through a day's training without hearing the nearby temple of Loec singing about how great he is.
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With that said, Consensus was to relocate to Kislev city or Praag after Troll hunting (after next Downtime).
Is that still the plan?
I think we'll do a couple more missions in Erengrad like training the Hearth Guard and maybe investigating those murders. We'll see, we're not exactly in much of a rush to leave and have incentive to stick around for a while longer to save on some money. We'll see how it goes.
Previously I wanted to get out of Erengard fairly quickly because I was really worried about being this close to Aislinn's seat of power, but assuming we move into the Bull's keep this concern would be much lessened given that we'd be that much less likely to get a surprise Sea Guard inspection at some point if we spend our nights in a fortress.

With that said, I still want to move to Praag, largely for the chance to learn magical lore there from the fire spire and Kattarin there. However, given that, I figure it would make sense to first try to gleam what magical lore we can from Erengard before making the move.

So my opinion is that I'd want to move after we spent some time getting lessons in healing arts from the cult of Isha and interacting with the Hag and Ice witches to see what we can get them to teach us. This should hopefully also give us enough time to learn Enchant Item, get a familiar from the Erengard markets and improve our reputation before we head to Praag. The first two should help a lot in studying from the fire spire and the last should help a lot in us getting a meeting with Kattarin.
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We should commission bards to sing about Dorial every time he does anything vaguely noteworthy. Make him a household name in the Old World for centuries to come. He would hate us forever but that only strengthens my desire to do it.

Teclis who? I've only heard of Dorial.

You're an elf? Do you know Dorial?!

Fanriel? Isn't that the mage that hangs out with Dorial?

Dorial: Loremaster... please... stop.

Fanriel: * writing a letter to the Altdorf Post about Dorial* ... No.
We should commission bards to sing about Dorial every time he does anything vaguely noteworthy. Make him a household name in the Old World for centuries to come. He would hate us forever but that only strengthens my desire to do it.

Teclis who? I've only heard of Dorial.

You're an elf? Do you know Dorial?!

Fanriel? Isn't that the mage that hangs out with Dorial?

Dorial: Loremaster... please... stop.

Fanriel: * writing a letter to the Altdorf Post about Dorial* ... No.

Btw, where dead Swordmasters are buried.

For sake of High Elves's sanity, I hope that it isn't Lothern
Btw, where dead Swordmasters are buried.

For sake of High Elves's sanity, I hope that it isn't Lothern

In canon Archmage Yrtle is buried in the Empire with honors after having died fighting in the GWAC despite it being entirely possible for Teclis to get his body to Ulthuan and an archmage likely ranking much higher in the tower's hierarchy then a swordmaster. I don't think getting buried specifically at Ulthuan is that much of a big deal to the High Elves.
In canon Archmage Yrtle is buried in the Empire with honors after having died fighting in the GWAC despite it being entirely possible for Teclis to get his body to Ulthuan and an archmage likely ranking much higher in the tower's hierarchy then a swordmaster. I don't think getting buried specifically at Ulthuan is that much of a big deal to the High Elves.
I am pretty sure every elven kingdom has it's own burial tradition.
Btw, where dead Swordmasters are buried.

For sake of High Elves's sanity, I hope that it isn't Lothern
Depends on the Swordmaster:

Not all of the kingdoms practice burial customs.

In Tiranoci culture, it is very important that you are buried in your family's ancestral lands alongside your forebearers, which can cause some trouble when your family are former colonists that followed Caradryel's Edict of Evacuation and said lands are populated by humans.

Ellyrians also bury their dead, but instead of focusing on ancestry each elf has a pre-designated grave, where all of their companion animals are buried (should they die while the elf is still alive). They believe that when the elf has died and been placed in the proper grave, their soul alongside those of their companions travel together to Kurnous' side.

Yvressians build elaborate graves, but they are not so fussy about geographical location- rather, it should be a site that bears importance to the departed, such as the spot where they were married, where they won their greatest victory, and so on, which can be anywhere in the world.

Nagarythians believe that once the soul has left the body it is just an empty vessel of meat and bone, and show an unsettling disregard for the corpses of their own fallen.

Burial at sea is practiced in both Cothique and Eataine, but where the latter construct elaborate funerary vessels that are cast adrift on the waves, Cothiquans just toss the bodies into the ocean to give back that which they have taken from it all their lives.

Caledorians believe that the soul is trapped within the body after death, and must be freed by burning it- preferably in dragonfire, of course- and then scattering the ashes to the winds.

Sapherians hold many similar beliefs, which some historians attribute to the influence of the Dragontamer, but instead of burning the body they simply conduct a ritual that converts it into raw magic, which is then carried away by the Winds.

Chracians also burn their dead like the Caledorians, but for a more practical reason: the smell of elven flesh has a tendency to attract the beasts of the deep forests. Once cremated, the ashes are then placed in a clay jar and buried.

Avelornians place their dead in great caverns beneath the earth, arranged on thrones of stone and clad in the same clothes that they wore whilst alive. It is customary to visit them from time to time and tell them of what has gone by since they died, and it is rumoured that sometimes they even speak back.

And, of course, there are regional variations within the kingdoms and colonies that have their own customs, either following the kingdom which originally founded them or with their own twist on things.
That was more a dark joke about fact that Lothern will be "only city on Ulthuan, that is open to outsiders", so if Fanriel actually made Dorial "most popular Elf in the Old World" and he was buried in Lothern after his death, then poor Lothernians would suffer "regular visits" from "Dorial's fandom"
That was more a dark joke about fact that Lothern will be "only city on Ulthuan, that is open to outsiders", so if Fanriel actually made Dorial "most popular Elf in the Old World" and he was buried in Lothern after his death, then poor Lothernians would suffer "regular visits" from "Dorial's fandom"

Bold move to think Dorial won't get Asur admirers as well. Asur hate Chaos champions as much as the next guy, and this song is being written by a skilled Asur composer about one of their own showing up the humans, BOTH the Kislevites and the Norscans, at how much better the Asur are.
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Avelornians place their dead in great caverns beneath the earth, arranged on thrones of stone and clad in the same clothes that they wore whilst alive. It is customary to visit them from time to time and tell them of what has gone by since they died, and it is rumoured that sometimes they even speak back.

Just noticed this because of the quote above. This looks like necromancy, but obviously it is not, no one is compelling the dead to speak and they only sometimes (maybe) do. Instead I think this may be the same odd relationship with being a corpse that the Slann have, which would make sense from the Kingdom that is the most for lack of a better word primordial, this is where the Everqueen is from.
Just noticed this because of the quote above. This looks like necromancy, but obviously it is not, no one is compelling the dead to speak and they only sometimes (maybe) do. Instead I think this may be the same odd relationship with being a corpse that the Slann have, which would make sense from the Kingdom that is the most for lack of a better word primordial, this is where the Everqueen is from.

Well, there are non-Necromancy spells that allow you to speak with the dead (with Morse code).
One nice thing about making this song about Dorial is that seems like it'd be much harder for our detractors among the Asur to try to minimize Dorial's accomplishment compared to if it had been about us. Sure, Dorial gets some blowback just from being associated with us, but it still seems that it'd be less difficult for them to dump on the criminal exile that got 745 elves killed compared to the innocent blade lord who's only crime is accompanying said exile given the magnitude of the accomplishment he managed and how injured he got while doing it.

Even among the Sea Guard, if there's one thing I'd imagine they could respect it's killing and humiliating Norscans, given that fighting Norscans is the entire reason why Aislinn's fleet is here.
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