Doesn't that prove the opposite? Like, he wasn't the only guy in his generation, but no one else's descendants survived.
No because it's not that no one else's descendants survived. Like, if Person A and Common Ancestor are unrelated but then their kids marry, any children from their kids is descended from both Person A and Common Ancestor.
Doesn't that prove the opposite? Like, he wasn't the only guy in his generation, but no one else's descendants survived.
I think you're mixing up "Last common ancestor" and "y chromosome adam." They aren't the same thing. (But also even for Y chromosome adam it's not that no other men's descendants survived, just that at some point the luck of the draw was their descendants just had daughters)
Ye but it being fantasy Russia that brushes against fantasy Asia it makes sense to me for their to be tigers
Kislev does not and will not have tigers just because IRL Russia has them. Kislev does not stretch nearly as far east as Russia does, and even if it did the geography is not the same. Nor is Kislev solely based on Russia, and even if it were, I'm not a fan of mapping Warhammer countries to their IRL counterparts too closely, they're more expies than direct ports.
Kislev does not and will not have tigers just because IRL Russia has them. Kislev does not stretch nearly as far east as Russia does, and even if it did the geography is not the same. Nor is Kislev solely based on Russia, and even if it were, I'm not a fan of mapping Warhammer countries to their IRL counterparts too closely, they're more expies than direct ports.
Counterpoint: C A T 🐈 :V
Kislev does not and will not have tigers just because IRL Russia has them. Kislev does not stretch nearly as far east as Russia does, and even if it did the geography is not the same. Nor is Kislev solely based on Russia, and even if it were, I'm not a fan of mapping Warhammer countries to their IRL counterparts too closely, they're more expies than direct ports.
Darn now we gotta go to Ind to get a tiger (this is mostly joking)
On the other hand, lynxes can be found in the wild while in Eastern Europe. They are the only large cats present naturally (and the Winged Hussars liked to use their fur or that of wolves to wear over their armour), so you might want to go for them. :V
But they are not large to us. They would be like regular cat sized to us