Mammoth Apostate vs the World 1: "Lost in the Mist"

I say Mammoth move to point blank and light up impact point with Nemo 3 round burst. Point blank scatter weapons gain bonuses.

Roy's Raider's x7 smear the pregnant Widower stabilized sniper UNLESS taking penalty for proximity then use AK's, 3x overwatch flanks and rear.

If Mammoth misses Fortunate Son's are 7x cleanup on widower servitors 3 x flanks and rear overwatch.

Burn Unit 6x circle Widower and his cover/victim go for grapple, administer most sensible beatdown. 3x mobile remainder overwatch flanks and rear.

(OOC) And so we begin...

Mammoth steps forward into point blank range. Roll 1d10+1 Nemo Scattergun (+1 for Mammoths range stat, +2 Scatter weapon at PB) so +4 to your roll, plus the d10 equals a range of 5-14 without an opposing penalty only a natural 1 (Crit-failure is always a possibility) can cause failure.

------(Fortunate Son's are waiting in the wings on over watch to cleanup if Mammoth Crit-fails)

Roy's Raider's may roll UP TO 7x to kill the lone impregnated Widower, any unused rolls become over watchers. Roll 1d10, hit on 5+ with AK's


x6 Burn Unit circle around the Widower (doing a pole dance on their compatriot) and each soldier attempts to grapple in turn.

(SADLY, these need done one at a time as the Widower defends against each attempt, (at a penalty after the first attempt as you exhaust it with shear numbers.) Burn Unit roll 1d10 (ONE AT TIME) allow me to roll Defense, and see if a grapple roll is needed

Remember grapple attempt vs Defense, resolve if grapple indicated we'll roll an opposing grapple roll to see who generates advantage and how many points. For ease of play the Widower will be sticking with a Parry (paralytic bite) as its defense of choice... (Each success reduces his opponents numbers)
(Footnote) also roll a 1d10 (+1 Dex) Mammoth sensor roll. Your 'bubble of attention' is facing unwelcome guests, Do mammoths pilots notice the blinky proximity alert??? 5+
Rolling Mammoth sensors.

Edit: Clueless as we sight in with the Nemo I guess... Sorry all.
BadKatt85 threw 1 10-faced dice. Reason: sensors +1 Total: 1
1 1
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Killing Roys were here.

So... that's one dead widower?

Yep, AK's are still Hvy SSC weapon (does 2 pts damage) and Widowers -generally- only have 2 hits before they die. That means the other 6 Roy's join the over watch.

Edit: truth be told this one was wounded by Widow with the baby making stab and had only a single hit remaining.


Now does Mammoth fry the servitors and stun the Widow with the Nemo or Crit-Fail? Do the Fortunates need to bat cleanup?

only the dice know? so rattle some...
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Mammoth steps forward into point blank range. Roll 1d10+1 Nemo Scattergun (+1 for Mammoths range stat, +2 Scatter weapon at PB) so +4 to your roll, plus the d10 equals a range of 5-14 without an opposing penalty only a natural 1 (Crit-failure is always a possibility) can cause failure.
Highwind threw 1 10-faced dice. Reason: Mammoth Nemo Total: 7
7 7
Smiths, I know it would be near impossible to model under current grapple rules but this spider dancing on my comrade has pissed me off.

How many successful grapples would it take to grab the Widower between these hydraulically augmented jackets and rip it limb from limb?
INVOKING --> "Rule of Cool"!

(OOC) Modded to an 11!


Mammoth 'carefully' levels the Nemo focusing with a laser intensity upon the Widow and squeezes the trigger. The three round burst concusses the Widow with bowling ball sized munitions, they arc across her body, and continue to arc with each skip and bounce until they lose momentum. She slumps overcome, legs, stinger, and mouth parts convulse and then go slack as she slips into unconsciousness.

The residual electricity stops the hearts and fries neural pathways of the Widower servitors clustered at her feet, a smell of ozone and charred flesh hangs heavy in the Mist.


Although a proximity alert showed nearby aerial movement Mammoth's Concentration upon the shot was all encompassing and he is caught unaware.

Luckily the AKP's had the foresight to each dedicate watchmen who have held their shots.

A leathery thwap-thwap of wing beats is counterpointed with the almost metallic thrum of alien Vespa as a dozen(12) 'Sturgis' jockey for advantage against four(4) Antiverse Wasps as they wing into view flying at arms length above the ground dodging around cars as cover. Their flight path will bisect both the Fortunate Sons and Roy's Raider's if nothing deters them...

3 Burn Units on overwatch may contribute to aerial eradication; however the 6 grapplers are committed and if they shift their focus away would be easy meat for the last surviving widower.

6 Roy's on overwatch.

7 Fortunate on overwatch.

You are at the moment, weapons free to use AoE.
Smiths, I know it would be near impossible to model under current grapple rules but this spider dancing on my comrade has pissed me off.

How many successful grapples would it take to grab the Widower between these hydraulically augmented jackets and rip it limb from limb?
INVOKING --> "Rule of Cool"!

Let's get some hands on using standard rules, if you can generate a shared advantage pool of 8 pts I'll allow gory drawn and quartered goodness.
Grapple roll of 7, rolling Parry(bite)

Parry Success, rolling bite

Bite Missed :cry: (Barely)
Smithsguild threw 1 10-faced dice. Reason: Parry Total: 8
8 8
Smithsguild threw 1 10-faced dice. Reason: bite? Total: 4
4 4
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Bite Missed :cry: (Barely)

Tch, tch, Don't go all precursor/mist friendly now Smiths.

Believe me, you had me pulling hair out when the Widow implanted a Widow nymph and attempted to throw prego Widower out into the dark in a zero visibility environment to disappear and start a native breeding population. I was wondering in Iceman's Trek why the Widower's hadn't bred and overwhelmed well, everywhere... They were lacking a Misses.

I don't want to be the ones to let that nest of vipers out of Pandora's grab bag. If it takes a widower to host a widow, I'm betting everything else the Widow impregnates host only males...

that do this on a single Widow sting to make these:
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I also want to point out Smiths word choice 'Nymph' : Unlike a typical larva, a nymph's overall form already resembles that of the adult -and- not Eggs.

I'll put money down She injects immature tiny Widow/Widowers that feed to speed growth, but are probably already viable and capable of hunting on their own (tiny Arachnophobia inspired babies :o:o:o)
I also want to point out Smiths word choice 'Nymph' : Unlike a typical larva, a nymph's overall form already resembles that of the adult -and- not Eggs.

I'll put money down She injects immature tiny Widow/Widowers that feed to speed growth, but are probably already viable and capable of hunting on their own (tiny Arachnophobia inspired babies :o:o:o)

You know that would be a really interesting line of Research...
Grapple roll of 10, rolling Parry(bite) at -1 (second grapple same round)

Parry Crit fails, please roll for contested grapple Widower is -1 cumulative and -1 more for crit flail. Yes, it's flailing its fore limbs trying to ward you away and instead offered a handhold.

I'll post it's grapple HERE: (in effect a 4)

I need a grapple roll from somebody to rate potential advantage
Smithsguild threw 1 10-faced dice. Reason: Parry-1 Total: 1
1 1
Smithsguild threw 1 10-faced dice. Reason: grapple roll -2 Total: 6
6 6
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I need a grapple roll from somebody to rate potential advantage


And If your not a grapple fan there is shooting to be done.

A leathery thwap-thwap of wing beats is counterpointed with the almost metallic thrum of alien Vespa as a dozen(12) 'Sturgis' jockey for advantage against four(4) Antiverse Wasps as they wing into view flying at arms length above the ground dodging around cars as cover. Their flight path will bisect both the Fortunate Sons and Roy's Raider's if nothing deters them...

3 Burn Units on overwatch may contribute to aerial eradication; however the 6 grapplers are committed and if they shift their focus away would be easy meat for the last surviving widower.

6 Roy's on overwatch.

7 Fortunate on overwatch.

You are at the moment, weapons free to use AoE.
Rolling for Roy's Raiders.
Edit: Using the airburst grenades? Should we vote for whether we want them to use the airburst AoE or something else?

...I'll roll the Fortunate Sons in the meantime.

Edit 2: seems like we have only one miss.
Highwind threw 7 10-faced dice. Reason: Fortunate Sons Total: 51
7 7 9 9 10 10 7 7 4 4 6 6 8 8
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Rolling for Roy's Raiders.
Edit: Using the airburst grenades? Should we vote for whether we want them to use the airburst AoE or something else?

...I'll roll the Fortunate Sons in the meantime.

Edit 2: seems like we have only one miss.

Declaring targets would be cool.

You know when there are two opposing faction involved in combat and a 3rd party jumps into the fray shit tends to get 'weird'.

When you target 1 species it tend to view you as a threat, their enemy might view you as an unasked for ally. You target both sides shit becomes a free for all.
Using the airburst grenades? Should we vote for whether we want them to use the airburst AoE or something else?

Airburst versus flyers? hell yes. I support this, I could even argue for a small bonus for likely number of targets AoE effects.

Edit: I'm thinking of the 2, the wasps are faster and likely more durable (thinking back to the little bird with a wasp in the lexan canopy wearing a clip of SSC before going down. Take them out if we catch Sturgis in AoE so be it. No friends in the air anyhow.
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Let's focus on the Sturgis and if our bullets and airbursts hit the wasps... well, that's just unfortunate for them. It's really hard to pick targets in a furball without IFF, you know?
Grapple #2 modded 4 vs 9 , you have generate 5 advantage points to fold, mangle, and mutilate at will or hold off towards the 8 point (shared pool) death by dismemberment rule of cool non-standard death BadKatt85 envisioned. (I just narrate, you run the show)