Mammoth Apostate vs the World 1: "Lost in the Mist"

Lol, me versus me (my ass) he's been corrupting my son rolling actual dice as my son is too young to play on open forums.

3rd generation nerd in the making!

:D Guilty as charged :whistle:, I swear it all started with "Whatcha doing Papaw?" Playing a game ... "what kinda game?" Giant robots punching Giant monsters... "Can I play too?" :facepalm: Um, Sure I guess... :eyebrow:
Smithsguild? Can such common sense prep be assumed as new S.O.P.

Consider them done. Emergency time sensitive things will be adjusted accordingly!

More maintenance progress Downtime Actions Template brought up to date (more bonuses for city stats hitting 5 included).
Macon Sheet accurate, Inventory up to date, Item stat sheet & Build list are both progressing nicely.

Just an FYI all these are located on page 1 of this thread for future use. The interactive research idea sheet was meant to be a cooperative venture to bounce ideas no matter how initially insane they may appear... Their is a thin line between madness and genius. Was meant to be open to all but I failed at setup and need to invite participants. (Just ask, we'll make it happen).
[ X ] Elites in Savannah
[ N ] @Nixeu Flamethrowers plz.

Jackets can be our go to first responders, matter of fact I'm leaning hard towards a dedicated Jump hawk with suits onboard 24/7 armed & charged. Elites can strap in mid-flight.

Similarly could park combat vehicles on cargo pallets, cut our response times.

Smithsguild? Can such common sense prep be assumed as new S.O.P.
Not a fan of the short range, I'm guessing? That's fair. I was mostly just tossing out the first thing I would think of mounting on a mech suit intended for a group called the "Burn Unit".

[ X ] Elites in Savannah
[ N ] @Nixeu Flamethrowers plz.
Not a fan of the short range, I'm guessing? That's fair.

The M9-7 (last US production model) had an effective range of 65 ft / 20 m, by Jellying the fuel and firing it under pressure in thinner stream
I had to hoped to justify approx half of our in universe rifle range. Upon reflection 700m or 765yds (3 1/2 football fields was -maybe- a bit overzealous)

Hell with it, if TR can have a supersonic toboggan, Burn Unit can roast a weenie at nearly 0.4 miles.
To the south west of the perimeter is Hinesville, now Hinesville's kind of a one trick pony but it has a pretty damn good trick, that being Fort Stewart. Housing a National Guard Retention Center, a Marine Reception Center an Army Reserve Center, an RMA, TMP, Auction Center, Defense Logistics Agency and the crown jewels The Fort Stewart-Hunter Army Air Field and the Fort Stewart Deployment Operations & Rail Marshaling Area. Hinesville is a place we want secured yesterday.

Having been busy w/t QM work and page cleanup tasks I've been slow to do my due diligence and following up on stuff.

This is me addressing something I should have leapt on, only a day late (or half a month who's counting). My apologizes @Cmd. Frost .

Hinesville is bordering your current sensor range (2) and well within Comms range (3), with a simple upgrade to sensors it will fall into your Area of Influence and you will Annex it as part and parcel of Savannah's territory. Or next downtime you can simply raid it for fast goodies with a regular action (kind of a smash and grab; quick and dirty raid for the obvious like in Atlanta and you raided the Naval Air Station). Either are valid choices, although having the time to comb through it at leisure will net the biggest bang for your buck.
3 votes in on elite troop disposition (BadKatt, KnightDisciple, Nixeu)

3 Votes No on weapons , use Nixeu's Flamethrower idea instead (BadKatt, KnightDisciple, Nixeu)

4 votes needed for consensus.

(OOC) Brain drained, must go sleep.
Consensus achieved, thank you Dragoon.

I will diligently TRY to post opening write up for your encounter(s) by 6 PM, RL is dragging me away I fear and I may or may not be done by then. Sheet maintenance on hold AGAIN until at least Monday.
Consensus achieved, thank you Dragoon.

I will diligently TRY to post opening write up for your encounter(s) by 6 PM, RL is dragging me away I fear and I may or may not be done by then. Sheet maintenance on hold AGAIN until at least Monday.

RL intrudes will be busy again today, I shall begin everything ASAP. Your patience is appreciated.
Somewhere in the depths of Savannah's hazardous research bunker, in a small but neatly appointed office, tastefully decorated in a unique blend of supernatural symbolism and a nouveau chic interior design aesthetic, Professor 'Glass' Cartwright goes from a casual relaxed posture reviewing translations of the Cthäat Aquadingen to sitting bolt upright, chills running down her spine with every hair on her body standing on end. She senses 'something' malign directing its essence at Savannah.

Please someone roll 1d10 (+1 for Awakened sensitivity). There is no target number to reach, just a gauge for how perceptive this feeling is and what information is gained - higher is better. Roll can explode or crit-fail.

(ooc) modified 7, very nice!


Shirano sense not one, but two malignant minds harboring a deep abiding loathing for Savannah, her people, but most specifically Mammoth Apostle. These minds are so alike, they could be described as mirrors... They are connected inexplicably, yet are both distinctly separate independent beings filled with a destructive RAGE. She has a feeling that although the threat is worlds away it is approaching quickly...

She stands pondering who to take her new found 'feeling' of imminent danger to, she decides if anyone would believe her it would be Councillor Knight ( @KnightDisciple ). She grabs a phone and dials his extension, but the line is busy. She bolts out of her office heading to his office in the Shatterdome, her short legs churn as she ducks and dodges her way through the halls. She flags down a Civil Defense Patrolman in a jeep, who is keeping the more secure off limits to people without proper credentials requisitions him to get her to the Councillor with all haste.


On board the oil rig a gunner sitting inside the cupola of the Avenger air defense vehicle spots an unusual actinic blue white flash on the horizon farther out to sea. It does not sit on the water, but is suspended in the air 25 m above the dancing waters. In less than a heartbeat the light winks out, the water under that point goes glass flat out for a kilometer, all waves obliterated. Another heartbeat, water swirls skyward like a waterspout, a pencil thin column too thin to be a tornado over water, tendrils of fog begin to form 20-25 km away from the rig, the same preternatural fog that heralds unearthly danger...

(OOC) the stage is set, I will be taking the rest of the eve to be with Mrs. Smithsguild marathoning Netflix 'The Punisher'. I may or may not check back in...
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(OOC) I think all page 1 documents are up to speed and all inclusive. If someone wants to peep them and point any goody I may have missed I'd be appreciative. I re-read the entirety of the thread and am 99% sure I caught it all and everything should be fully documented.

Edit: Some highlights? Costs for Hungry Hungry Hippo (super hvy - nest harvester), Stats for the MIRV Strategic warhead from the Black site, your Mystical goodies and Alien radioactives. All Jaeger parts, augments, modifications, and weapons. Including but not limited to new Jaeger frames and engines up to Mk. 3.
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I for one appreciate the effort, I know cleanup and maintenance are activities you loath. They -really- needed it (didn't want to bitch as I realize how many hours a week you already put in to research/writing/and actually running the game).
I for one appreciate the effort, I know cleanup and maintenance are activities you loath. They -really- needed it (didn't want to bitch as I realize how many hours a week you already put in to research/writing/and actually running the game).
He's not alone there, amongst QMs. I play several games with one who is significantly worse about doing such updates (I.E. it's a cause for celebration when he finally does so). Of course, that's partially because he often runs more White Wolf-style games with a lot less structure, making our abilities much harder to quantify (or rather, the correlation between skill level and abilities are kinda unclear), and partially because he needs to translate/transcribe his notes, which are probably both somewhat short-handed and also have stuff we shouldn't know.
(OOC) I'd -like- to feel worse about not being up on my maintenance. But in my eyes it's like my sink full of dishes, better off done, needed eventually, but I'll get too it after this really cool sub-boss. (& then the cut-scene, & the post combat loot evaluation, etc.)
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Channeling Nixeu, I will attempt to do an analysis of Smiths IG posts.

She senses 'something' malign directing its essence at Savannah.

Awakened have supernatural spidey senses? It makes sense in a mystical sort of way. Being aware of more than the muggles is kind of their whole shtick.

Shirano sense not one, but two malignant minds harboring a deep abiding loathing for Savannah, her people, but most specifically Mammoth Apostle. These minds are so alike, they could be described as mirrors... They are connected inexplicably, yet are both distinctly separate independent beings filled with a destructive RAGE. She has a feeling that although the threat is worlds away it is approaching quickly...

Only entity(s) I would think would qualify would be a re-born set of tentacled conjoined twins who I'm sure aren't tickled about being vivisected 'for science' or more likely IMHO the reappearance of Sammael #1 & #2. The clincher being their hatred of Mammoth.

On board the oil rig a gunner sitting inside the cupola of the Avenger air defense vehicle spots an unusual actinic blue white flash on the horizon farther out to sea. It does not sit on the water, but is suspended in the air 25 m above the dancing waters. In less than a heartbeat the light winks out, the water under that point goes glass flat out for a kilometer, all waves obliterated. Another heartbeat, water swirls skyward like a waterspout, a pencil thin column too thin to be a tornado over water, tendrils of fog begin to form 20-25 km away from the rig, the same preternatural fog that heralds unearthly danger...

We may just have witnessed the birth point of a new incidence of the Mist phenomena, only magic could explain such unnatural behavior of water.

@Smithsguild if this IS a Mist incident, I would like both Mist Life Science & BPR&D branches taking samples and doing some joint research burning next downtime's actions if need be. We can only investigate the Mist when their is some Mist to investigate. BPR&D will be the lead team.
(ooc) modified 7, very nice!


Shirano sense not one, but two malignant minds harboring a deep abiding loathing for Savannah, her people, but most specifically Mammoth Apostle. These minds are so alike, they could be described as mirrors... They are connected inexplicably, yet are both distinctly separate independent beings filled with a destructive RAGE. She has a feeling that although the threat is worlds away it is approaching quickly...

She stands pondering who to take her new found 'feeling' of imminent danger to, she decides if anyone would believe her it would be Councillor Knight ( @KnightDisciple ). She grabs a phone and dials his extension, but the line is busy. She bolts out of her office heading to his office in the Shatterdome, her short legs churn as she ducks and dodges her way through the halls. She flags down a Civil Defense Patrolman in a jeep, who is keeping the more secure off limits to people without proper credentials requisitions him to get her to the Councillor with all haste.


On board the oil rig a gunner sitting inside the cupola of the Avenger air defense vehicle spots an unusual actinic blue white flash on the horizon farther out to sea. It does not sit on the water, but is suspended in the air 25 m above the dancing waters. In less than a heartbeat the light winks out, the water under that point goes glass flat out for a kilometer, all waves obliterated. Another heartbeat, water swirls skyward like a waterspout, a pencil thin column too thin to be a tornado over water, tendrils of fog begin to form 20-25 km away from the rig, the same preternatural fog that heralds unearthly danger...

(OOC) the stage is set, I will be taking the rest of the eve to be with Mrs. Smithsguild marathoning Netflix 'The Punisher'. I may or may not check back in...
Ugh sorry I have just been fried the entire week. I'm feeling sprightly right now and I have some time, so! I'll follow this up with a separate post with more detailed thoughts on Jackets etc later, but that post will be what this one references. Anywho.
Councilor Knight had been on a long conference call. He'd had several ideas for future developments of their infantry technology, both as upgrades or side-grades to the Combat Jackets, and other, more advanced ideas. Their research and development teams had spent the last two hours making notes and vague, thoughtful noises at those ideas, only even partially committing to a few of them. He sighed as he hung up the phone, leaning back in his chair.

After a few long moments, he reached for the barely-warm mug of tea on his desk, downing the whole thing in one go.
"Too much, too soon? We haven't got a choice..."
He frowned.

A few moments later, he stood up, slowly walking to his door. Something
But what?
(OOC) @KnightDisciple with your kind permission I am going to play Knight as a nascent Awakened, If we were to assign a level Cartwright she is a lvl 1 awakened; Knight is a lvl 0 , riding the cusp with no real natural predisposition.

His abilities will be just an extension of his FAITH coupled with hard work developing his force of will and organizing his mind, and (perhaps) enhanced by repeated exposure to things beyond our understanding.

Please roll a 1d5. Again no target number, 5 can explode for another d5 / Crit-failure is possible.


@Smithsguild if this IS a Mist incident, I would like both Mist Life Science & BPR&D branches taking samples and doing some joint research burning next downtime's actions if need be. We can only investigate the Mist when their is some Mist to investigate. BPR&D will be the lead team.

Spending actions require consensus, your suggestion calls for spending TWO. I'm okay with joint research and mid-Mist incursion is about the only time to do this kind of research. But you -STILL- need to garner popular support.

Councillors are you willing to back this research?

[ ] please give us a Y/N

Once both of these are resolved we'll continue.
(OOC) @KnightDisciple with your kind permission I am going to play Knight as a nascent Awakened, If we were to assign a level Cartwright she is a lvl 1 awakened; Knight is a lvl 0 , riding the cusp with no real natural predisposition.

His abilities will be just an extension of his FAITH coupled with hard work developing his force of will and organizing his mind, and (perhaps) enhanced by repeated exposure to things beyond our understanding.

Please roll a 1d5. Again no target number, 5 can explode for another d5 / Crit-failure is possible.


Spending actions require consensus, your suggestion calls for spending TWO. I'm okay with joint research and mid-Mist incursion is about the only time to do this kind of research. But you -STILL- need to garner popular support.

Councillors are you willing to back this research?

[ ] please give us a Y/N

Once both of these are resolved we'll continue.
I'm fine with this. Rolling that 5er.
KnightDisciple threw 1 5-faced dice. Reason: ??? Total: 2
2 2
I'm fine with this. Rolling that 5er.

Councillor Knight has the vaguest sense of foreboding, his animal brain screams a predatory is stalking nearby, his rational brain can't quite shake the primitive warning in spite of being in the seat of Savannah's power, with armed men nearby and two Jaegers on call.

A short woman attractive in a plain understated way hovers at his door only for a second, before darting into his office uninvited. He recognizes her from the briefing on a sensitive person actually making inert coins -glow-.

"Councillor, I sensed danger, two minds filled with rage and hatred turning their gaze to..." She pauses mid-sentence, looks towards the Ocean "Oh god, they are here! I feel them drawing substance and building vessels for their essence."

Alarm klaxons begin to blare...


In Loccent screens glare brightly:

Code Red Alert - Non-Antiverse Event reported by radio, Mist formation spotted 25 km due east of the Oil rig, it has not reached our sensors yet for independent confirmation. This is NOT a drill, prep shelters and sound battle stations.
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