Magical Girl Quest - The Fire That Burns

Ok I missed this earlier but didn't Gaia make it so that magical girls would be more inclined to work with other Magical girls?
Gaia does not make Magical Girls. At least, none outside of Cerys and Daiyu.
She has no influence on how the regular ones work.

Of course this doesn't seem to include the current line of thought that she is aiming to kill us, in addition to you also earlier stating that you think she may go after the others during this fight with an intent to kill (which I mostly disagree with amusingly enough) If she is truly aiming to kill us, and that she may further try to kill us after this fight ends, I don't see why people arnt going with killing her here?
I honestly included that line of thinking because it is something on Cerys' mind; if Sabina goes after her, why would she not try to go after the others after that?
Seeing that she is not aware of what is actually happening, that makes perfect sense for her to worry about. Granted, I learned a thing or two from Sinar's latest post as well.

It is a worst case, but not an eventuality. Letting her off with the beating is as much of a risk as dragging out the fight.
I am personally optimistic, though; while I brought up the part, I am also one of the people who does not believe it will come to pass. Does not stop me from preparing for it, though.

Also just on the note of dark vs. Grimdark. I do recall at the start of this, Rukia's stated reason for making this quest was because he thought the original CWMGQ wasn't dark enough?

Considering how dark CWMGQ is... I feel like worrying over potential grimdark moments is entirely justified given that background.


Back on topic: @Naron I think you and I must be reading past each other because we've constantly misinterpreting both each other's votes and each other's statements.

Let's maybe start over? Or at least try to?
On the first one... that was 300k words and almost a year ago. Rukia mellowed out.
Plus, I am going to hit them over the head if they try to go grimdark on us :V

On the second one... yes, that sounds good. I will take a closer look at what you provide starting next time to make sure this does not happen again.
Then what is wrong with crushing her here?
Cause most of the arguments here seem to think that we must solve every part of this situation in this battle, which is stupid, cause the only way to solve it all now is to [END/Kill] her.

No, we're trying to start finding a solution. No one is trying to instantly solve the entire problem in a single vote here.
No, we're trying to start finding a solution. No one is trying to instantly solve the entire problem in a single vote here.
And you start by crushing her, if you want to get her attached to something other then fighting, then trying to do so while fighting her is counterproductive.
And this vote is for what is done during the fight currently right?
And you start by crushing her, if you want to get her attached to something other then fighting, then trying to do so while fighting her is counterproductive.
And this vote is for what is done during the fight currently right?
...I really feel like you're not reading what's actually going on in the votes right now...

Basically? This is an important fight. It is not a fight that we can ignore or beg off. We have to fight her now.

How we fight her is one point up for debate, but we do not need to kill her. We can use how we fight her and how we beat her as a basis for how our relationship with her proceeds.
Basically? This is an important fight. It is not a fight that we can ignore or beg off. We have to fight her now.
Which is why the vote is how we want to fight her.
Basically? This is an important fight. It is not a fight that we can ignore or beg off. We have to fight her now.
It's nice you think I missed this it really is.
How we fight her is one point up for debate, but we do not need to kill her. We can use how we fight her and how we beat her as a basis for how our relationship with her proceeds.
And this has been determined by doing so ruthlessly, this whole fight is for weather or not she will be willing to consider us master or not, which due to her current state means that crushing her will be fine. Everything else including the conversation you want to have with her is an after fight activity. Trying to do anything beyond beat her is OVERREACH and thus isn't needed.
Which is why the vote is how we want to fight her.

It's nice you think I missed this it really is.

And this has been determined by doing so ruthlessly, this whole fight is for weather or not she will be willing to consider us master or not, which due to her current state means that crushing her will be fine. Everything else including the conversation you want to have with her is an after fight activity. Trying to do anything beyond beat her is OVERREACH and thus isn't needed.
Crushing her is fine, but unless you've changed your advocation without me noticing, you were pushing for outright killing her, which I oppose most strenuously.
Crushing her is fine, but unless you've changed your advocation without me noticing, you were pushing for outright killing her, which I oppose most strenuously.
(which I mostly disagree with amusingly enough)
I was asking why people who thought she was truly aiming to kill us and possibly other people we care a dam about wasn't planning on killing her.
The second you pointed out why they didn't, did I (other then this post) use the word kill again?
[X] Plan Obi-Wan
-[X] Keep Omega up, close to your skin to block Sabina's spells
-[X] Halt her, then beat her down without killing her. Watch out for attacks while charging.
--[X] If she wants to continue after that, beat her down again. As often as necessary
-[X] Remind her that while no one minds sparring, she should keep this kind of thing far away from Una and Cuifen
--[X] And if these feelings of hers are as heavy as she says, she should get herself a hobby to take her thoughts away from them
-[X] When all is said and done, thank Omega for keeping you safe and ask if it wants a little treat
Went through hell and back to edit this... have a Continent-Class Divine Being, @Rukia . One willing to aid Gaia, and by extention, humanity as a whole. Figured this version of humanity could do with more allies when shit invariably hits the fan.

Verdict's yours, though.

Goddess-Seraph Vittoria

The Goddess Who Rose, Vittoria

Humanity... you are the bringers of hope. Gaia's Favored Offspring.

Even after the hardships you've endured, the Foes you've faced...

You still soldier on. It is admirable, courageous even.

I shall stand by thee, Gaia, and your Children, if you so desire.
Health: 17,000,000
Base Damage: 2,240,000
Base Resilience: 1,480,000
Magic Modifier: 1,120,000
Affinities: Judgement | Light | Hope | Purity | Salvation | Survival
Staff of Victorious Souls
Level 91
Attacks Per Turn: 2
Affinity: Judgement | Light | Hope
Ability: Demonslayer | Supremacy | Purge
Holy Feather Shower
Level 92
Base Damage: 11,200,000
Magic Modifier: 1,120,000
Affinity: Judgement | Purity | Hope
Ability: Rain of Light | Homing | Target:Army

Light of the Sanctuary
Level 84
Base Damage: 7,400,000
Magic Modifier: N/A
Affinity: Light | Purity | Salvation
Ability: Vorpal | Purge
Edge of Mortality
-This Divine Being cannot be touched by spells incapable of affecting continental change.

Tectonic Combat

-This Divine Being is capable of waging war on a continental scale.

Zone of the Seraph

-Vittoria lowers the Base Damage of all enemies nearby by 5,000.

Priority Light Field
-Spells of allies near Vittoria cannot be interrupted. (Applies 35% boost in Intercepts)

Radiant Field of Stars
-Allies near Vittoria regenerate 7,400 Health twice per per turn.
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Went through hell and back to edit this... have a Continent-Class Divine Being, @Rukia . One willing to aid Gaia, and by extention, humanity as a whole. Figured this version of humanity could do with more allies when shit invariably hits the fan.

Verdict's yours, though.

Goddess-Seraph Vittoria

The Goddess Who Rose, Vittoria

Humanity... you are the bringers of hope. Gaia's Favored Offspring.

Even after the hardships you've endured, the Foes you've faced...

You still soldier on. It is admirable, courageous even.

I shall stand by thee, Gaia, and your Children, if you so desire.
Health: 17,000,000
Base Damage: 2,240,000
Base Resilience: 1,480,000
Magic Modifier: 1,120,000
Affinities: Judgement | Light | Hope | Purity | Salvation | Survival
Staff of Victorious Souls
Level 91
Attacks Per Turn: 2
Affinity: Judgement | Light | Hope
Ability: Demonslayer | Supremacy | Purge
Holy Feather Shower
Level 92
Base Damage: 11,200,000
Magic Modifier: N/A
Affinity: Judgement | Purity | Hope
Ability: Rain of Light | Homing | Target:Army

Light of the Sanctuary
Level 84
Base Damage: 7,400,000
Magic Modifier: N/A
Affinity: Light | Purity | Salvation
Ability: Vorpal | Purge
Edge of Mortality
-This Divine Being cannot be touched by spells incapable of affecting continental change.

Tectonic Combat

-This Divine Being is capable of waging war on a continental scale.

Zone of the Seraph

-Vittoria lowers the Base Damage of all enemies nearby by 5,000.

Priority Light Field
-Spells of allies near Vittoria cannot be interrupted. (Applies 35% boost in Intercepts)

Radiant Field of Stars
-Allies near Vittoria regenerate 7,400 Health twice per per turn.
Wrong thread man
[X] Plan Obi-Wan
-[X] Keep Omega up, close to your skin to block Sabina's spells
-[X] Halt her, then beat her down without killing her. Watch out for attacks while charging.
--[X] If she wants to continue after that, beat her down again. As often as necessary
-[X] Remind her that while no one minds sparring, she should keep this kind of thing far away from Una and Cuifen
--[X] And if these feelings of hers are as heavy as she says, she should get herself a hobby to take her thoughts away from them
-[X] When all is said and done, thank Omega for keeping you safe and ask if it wants a little treat
Number of voters: 13

Vote Locked
Wonder no longer. Your hand snaps up, sense rushing outwards as you clamp your magic around her, enforcing your will on making her Halt.

She doesn't even try to dodge it, face frozen in a wide smile as her sword disappears from her hand just before your spell sets, a flash of reflected light blinding you as it reappears, millimetres from your face. OMEGA. You don't even have the chance to widen your eyes before light explodes from the falling sword, the world burning orange as your barrier tears it's way free, exploding out of you with enough force that you feel the spell being slapped away.

Your vision returns to normal and you stumble back, eyes finally having the time to widen as the blade in front of you disappears. You react in a heartbeat, spinning around and smashing the falling sword aside with your gauntlet, gritting your teeth as you feel it reappear off to the side. Fuck off. This time you ignore it, trusting Omega to take care of it as you shunt magic through your legs, ploughing straight through the waves of light, sword raised in a two handed grip.

You land next to her, using your flight to transfer your speed into your swing, turning it to the side before the edge reaches her. The wide smile she wears visibly twitches in the grip of your spell and you grunt when you see her sword reappear, falling into the path of your swing, a dark orange light brimming along the edges.

(Infinity Edge: +1898 Base Damage, +452 Dice, x3 Crush, +2820 Ramming Speed = 9870 Total Damage


Soul Edge: +1000 Base Damage, No Dice, -999 Dropped Blade = 1 Total Damage
Soul Edge: +1000 Base Damage, No Dice, -999 Dropped Blade = 1 Total Damage
Sever: +3000 Base Damage, +372 Dice = 3372 Total Damage
Sever: +3000 Base Damage, +301 Dice = 3301 Total Damage
Sever: +3000 Base Damage, +157 Dice = 3157 Total Damage
Sever: +3000 Base Damage, +24 Dice = 3024 Total Damage
Sever: +3000 Base Damage, +68 Dice = 3068 Total Damage
Sever: +3000 Base Damage, +221 Dice = 3221 Total Damage

19,145 Total End Damage

9275 Damage Difference, Soul Edge Wins

9275 Intercept Damage

Alpha and Omega)

Magic explodes from the edge of her blade as you make contact, shoving you back and nearly wrenching your sword from your hands, the rest of the spell vanishing into Omega's hungry grasp. Ugh. Planting your feet, you stop your slide, tearing a long trench through the dirt as you feel your spell lose it's grip, your opponent rolling her shoulders and stepping out of her frozen position as she deliberately lets her sword land point first in the ground several metres off to her side. Clever girl. You are begrudgingly impressed, but more than a little annoyed she's using it against you.

"That..." She hugs herself as she bounces, excited smile plastered across her face. "Was amazing." You build up your magic again, ready to cast as she giggles, brushing lingering patches of your magic off of her arms. "I guess I can't hurt you, and you almost got me." You lift from the ground slightly, not enough to be visible as she shakes her arms, still bouncing excitedly. "This is perfect." She lifts a hand and you Halt her, dashing towards her from above, ignoring the massive waves of magic slamming into you harmlessly, diving at her faster than she can follow.

Your blade connects, but hers is there to meet it, appearing at the last moment and throwing you back a dozen metres into the air. A frown pulls at your face as you look at your blade, running a finger along the jagged edge where her spell cut into your blade. Useless. You let it disperse as Sabina steps free of your hold, another blade forming in your hand as she tilts her head to look up at you, one hand keeping the sun out of her eyes as the other flicks towards you lazily.

You don't even bother avoiding the spells, just moving your sword behind you to save it from being damaged again, slowly floating down to the ground until you are standing just a few metres away from her. "Why are you fighting me?" You check, but her sword is sitting in the ground five metres behind you. "You aren't going to win."

She shrugs and you can't tell if her breathing is heavy from exertion or excitement. "This, this is what I wanted." She raises her fists, smile growing again as you let your sword float next to you, hands similarly raised. If she tries to use her sword against me, I can freeze them both and she knows that, I'm safe from her spells so I can ignore that. "An opponent that is equally matched but still better than me." She steps closer, closing the small gap between you as she swings a pretty sloppy punch at you. "Show me you are my better!"

There is absolutely no way a punch from her could hurt you, but you've seen how tricky she is and you really don't want to get caught off guard again. So you shove a hand past hers, grabbing her by the collar and sweeping her leg, slamming her into the ground by the neck as you pulse your magic in-time with your throw.

The ground gives in first, and she hits a rocky underneath hard enough to bounce, not even a wince appearing on her face as she vanishes, her mass of heat appearing behind you and kicking you in the side of the knee. It's a solid hit, your armour letting out a loud clang, but nothing more, leg not moving in the slightest. You take advantage of her awkward position and spin around, grabbing her by the front of her uniform and plough her into the ground again, following her down and trapping her under your knee as dirt sprays around the two of you.

She grits her teeth as she struggles to move from under you, clearly having difficulty breathing with all of your weight resting on her chest. Before she can free herself, you reach down and clamp your hands over her wrists, pinning them into the dirt as you push down on her chest even harder. Just when you think you have her, she suddenly disappears, her arms locking shut around your own neck as she falls onto your back. Why are you such a pain in the ass. You carefully urge Omega just under your skin to avoid hurting her as you shove your head down, trapping her arms and taking advantage of your kneeling position to move into a roll, crushing Sabina between the ground and you again.

She doesn't let up on her grip and you start to feel how tightly she's pressing down on your throat, roughly shoving your fingers under her arms and taking the chance to gasp, your other hand grabbing her elbow and squeezing your claws into the side of the joint. She suddenly lets go with a loud yelp, flashing away as you push yourself to your knees, keeping a hand across your throat as you breath roughly, coughing as you step to your feet.

A few metres away, Sabina is rubbing her arm, shaking it and wincing. Must have caught a nerve, good, so long as she doesn't keep teleporting I can get her eventually. You check where her sword is, sighing when you see that she's moved it next to yours. Never gonna make this easy for me, are you? "Sabina, you won't win. Give up."

She stops rubbing her arm and smiles a little coyly. "Is that an order, Master?" You blink at her words, not lowering your guard as she steps forwards, not even bothering to form some kind of defence. She can just teleport out of my grip too.

"And what if I said it was?" You have no clue what she's thinking, but this feels like the right way to go. "Surrender."

Abruptly, she shivers, hands pressed against her chest in a ball as she bounces. "Yes, that's it." You let a sudden punch bounce off of you as she appears in front of you, slamming a knee into the side of hers and grabbing her by the neck, throwing her into the ground as hard as you can, not bothering to follow her down so she can escape again. Taking a moment to shake off the impact, she jumps back to her feet and nods. "That's right. You're my better." Steeping back, she lets her transformation fade, sword going with it. "I follow you because you are my better, and I will until you are not." She pauses, before adding. "I think."

You can't stop your eyebrows from raising, not letting your armour disappear just yet. "You think?"

She shrugs. "I don't know, since I first transformed everything been so..." She shrugs again, waving a hand up and down. "I'm so fucked up in the head I don't even know what I want." Another shrug. "But, I'm a sword and you are my wielder, why wouldn't I follow you?" This time, she nods firmly, waiting for your response.

Fuck everything, I want to go to bed. You rub your face with a hand, armour fading before the jagged edges can cut you. "Alright, are you done fighting me then?" She nods. "For good?" She shakes her head and you sigh. Of course not. "Will you do as I say?" She nods quickly, looking pleased and you sigh harder. "Fine, first order." She bounces slightly. "You are not to challenge anyone else like this. Understand?"

She nods, pauses, then tilts her head. "What about people you don't like?"

You blink, mentally sighing. "Don't care, if I'm fighting them you can do whatever." She smiles. "Second order." Her eager smile grows. "Go the fuck to sleep, I'm tired and it's been a long day, I'll talk to you about this in the morning." She opens her mouth to object, but closes it after a second, nodding and turning away. She vanishes, teleporting back towards the house and leaving you along in the middle of a wrecked arena.

You don't bother to hide the long sigh that escapes you, tiredly rubbing your eyes as you begin to float, ready to fly back. Your journey is stopped before it starts by a booming clapping, the sound of metal on metal bringing your eyes to a form on the far side of the arena, amongst the top rows. The giant form of the Knight moves from sitting to standing as he continues clapping, a single leap taking him from the stands to you. He lands softly, barely moving the dirt underfoot as he stops clapping. "Very well done, thy sword is a fierce one, but she is more loyal than she wishes to show." He nods. "I have doubts that she would have turned against thou had thy lost."

How the fuck did I miss you sitting there? You hadn't had your sense that far out, but how did I not see him. You keep your questions to yourself, tired enough not to care that much. "I somewhat doubt that, she was completely unhinged."

He chuckles, patting you on the shoulder. "Aye, she was, but she had not lost her senses, after all she gave thou a fair fight." You reluctantly nod, still not really agreeing with him. "I have seen her like before, of both kinds. If thou can maintain her loyalty, then there is no better companion, if thou cannot, then she will surpass and destroy thou, it's in their nature." He nods. "Thou are a clever lass, I believe that thou have a good handle on this." He steps back. "But alas, thou should sleep, exhaustion is the bane of any warrior." He jumps back to his seat, lifting his sword with a quick motion and nodding back to you, then he walks out over the back of the arena and off into the forest.

Saying I should sleep as he goes back to training, stupid not needing to sleep. The flight back is quick, you slip back into the house silently. Sabina has rolled the kids onto the floor and reclaimed her sofa, you pass her quietly, ruffling Una's hair gently before climbing the stairs and falling into bed, letting out a relaxed sigh as you close your eyes. Thanks for the help. Omega rumbles comfortably, a gentle warmth lulling you to sleep.


Breakfast is a little awkward, since you never bothered to change before going to bed, everyone is well aware of your scruffy state, not helped by Sabina staring at you all morning and staying as close as you let her. Daiyu looks a mixture of amused and concerned, while Gaia is excitedly plotting something with you sister and her new friend. Considering that it includes a pink notebook you decide rather firmly to ignore it, shifting uncomfortably in your seat as the muscles in your back twinge.

A day to relax would be nice. You turn over a picture Gaia handed you, soldiers of The Light arrayed in a line. But things are happening, I need to train.

You may pick to either Relax or Train, not both.

[] I need a break
-[] Beach
-[] Picnic
-[] Gaia's holiday to Japan
Red and White Uniforms?
[] Training is more important
-[] Action 1
-[] Action 2
-[] Action 3
-[] Action 4

+50xp The Sword Within
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Sooo teleporting Sword that swings and fights autonomously to Sabrina...Yanno, I can't help but recall an old Soul Caliber 2 pre-fight announcer quote.
"A Warrior desires a Sword, and a Sword desires Truth."...How applicable that is to here I dunno but basically we've gotta keep earning our keep with Sabrina eh?
[X] I need a break
-[X] Gaia's holiday to Japan

Feed your mother's anime addiction Cerys...
The flight back is quick, you slip back into the house silently. Sabina has rolled the kids onto the floor and reclaimed her sofa, you pass her quietly, ruffling Una's hair gently before climbing the stairs and falling into bed, letting out a relaxed sigh as you close your eyes. Thanks for the help. Omega rumbles comfortably, a gentle warmth lulling you to sleep.
Ghost edit is spooky :V

(To be fair, I forgot to mention it missing, too)