Magical Girl Quest - The Fire That Burns

You guys did vote to set a residential house on fire in a town with heavy military presence and then go shopping where you know there are soldiers stationed instead of just leaving...
I'm not sure what you expected.
I will be honest here. While I did not vote, I expected for the MC to set a small fire close to the body so we would have time to be far way from the house by the time the house completely caught fire.

Instead she grabbed the idiot ball (at least, it looks like it) and forgot what seems to be years of street knowledge.
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Oh well... I actually thought we would make it look like an accident instead of going "Let the fires of hell spread!", to be honest.

Honestly, the vote specified to make it look like the looter did it; so just putting on a small fire would have been enough, especially because we could have gone away before the inferno started. It was even specified to make it look like an accident...

I... feel a little bit betrayed here. I know I said the fire was a bad idea and still voted for it... but

I will be honest here. While I did not vote, I expected for the MC to set a small fire close to the body so we would have time to be far way from the house by the time the house completely caught fire.

This, exactly.
Pretty much. I thought after these posts we didn't have to specify every little thing so it doesn't turn out badly.
Mmm. More specific votes then?
I like leaving semi-open ended votes so people have more free will, but I'm fine with being a bit more directed if it helps people decide?

Uhh, the write ins are optional?
Oh, I appear to have not emphasised that.

You can write in a plan for doing something, but you could also just vote "[] Try and catch a train somewhere" without bothering with the write in and that would be fine...
The write in part is if you want to do something specific, such as training or something like that.

I do like people writing extensive plans though, it makes my life easier.
stage a scene of "dumb looter sets the house on fire"
Trying to be a bit impartial as someone who never voted, this... You said no one added details of how to do it, but they kinda did?

Roaring blaze with two girls sprinting from the house is really not "dumb looter sets house on fire" in the least.

And I know you said she was panicking, but you can't have her simultaneously be a known factor of the cities criminal element and not know how to think at least somewhat with a cool head under pressure.

She still is the Fresh Meat difficulty, so I wouldn't expect to be perfect, but...
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Well, we survived so I guess we can just chalk it up as a learning experience.

To be entirely honest... with how this went entirely against expectations on what we were voting for, I think dieing would have been the better end here. That way, we would have seen what happened and maybe get to undo our choice to set the house on fire due to restarting early enough.
That only came up from fleeing the burning house actually. And I think it was hinted/brought up that... well a mall is going to have security cameras.

Although I'm wondering how those survived a two~three day blaze even with a separate security room. @Rukia
There were fragments of a recording from a store across the street. They were damaged but they managed to capture you running into the mall and something enormous coming into frame and smashing the camera. (You rolled badly)

Trying to be a bit impartial as someone who never voted, this... You said no one added details of how to do it, but they kinda did?

Roaring blaze with two girls sprinting from the house is really not "dumb looter sets house on fire" in the least.

And I know you said she was panicking, but you can't have her simultaneously be a known factor of the cities criminal element and not know how to think at least somewhat with a cool head under pressure.

She still is the Fresh Meat difficulty, so I wouldn't expect to be perfect, but...
For all that she is street smart. She was attacked by a literal demon from hell, got horrendously injured, found out she has magic, accidentally murdered a man with her bare hands and then had to hide the body.
I think those are circumstances worth of panicking over. Cerys doesn't have SV competency, she is a thirteen year old who dropped out of school at ten to take care of her sister

She managed to set up the scene as best she could, then thought I need a fire and the first thing that came to mind was Oh, I have a fire

To be entirely honest... with how this went entirely against expectations on what we were voting for, I think dieing would have been the better end here. That way, we would have seen what happened and maybe get to undo our choice to set the house on fire due to restarting early enough.
"Also, I just want to point out Crystalwatcher's Magical Girl Quest! as being a big inspiration for this, and also because I didn't think they were being mean enough."

This is supposed to be really hard. You are supposed to struggle and claw your way upwards to victory. Expect blood and suffering. But like I said, common sense.
'Terrorist' attack with fire -> Random fire starts later -> See people running from fire and also attacking soldiers (Una) -> Found the 'terrorists'
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This was pretty funny.

The paranoia regarding the military is amusing, if unjustified. (until now anyway)

Keep running and burning shit kiddies! We can flee to china at this rate!
This was pretty funny.

The paranoia regarding the military is amusing, if unjustified. (until now anyway)

Keep running and burning shit kiddies! We can flee to china at this rate!
I'm fairly sure most of us are still mildly to moderately upset that "make it look like a looter did it" was not enough to cover for her not setting the house into a giant blaze from go.

I don't care what Rukia says to justify it, they said to make it look like someone else did it and then she sprinted out of a blazing inferno.

That's just fucking stupid.
Mhm... I guess...
Let me take a closer look at all of this. Short disclaimer, nothing in the following part is meant as an insult; I will merely try to be as honest as possible when trying to describe things.

So, here I go with a short analysis of this system. Or a long one, we will see.

First of all, the overall game:
It is an original Quest set in an alternative Earth, vaguely leaning on Crystalwatcher's concept but being put far before then by player's choice. All the relevant data, except for some numerical values, are not available to the players.
Those numerical values, as they stand, basically tell us nothing.
Background Soft Stats:

Global Economy = 6 + 3 Stable Stock Market = 9
Global Standard of Living = 9 + 1 Stable Stock Market - 1 China No Longer Exporting = 9
Global Research = 9 + 2 Stable Stock Market = 11
Global Desperation = 8 - 1 Stable Stock Market = 7
Global Military = 10

For example, what does "Global Military = 10" mean? We have not the slightest idea how to put these into relation. Does 10 mean good, bad, big, small, doom? No frame of reference is given, so these data are basically worthless.

From that follows that we have not the slightest idea what is going on in the world; our character might know something, but we were not told what they know. The players are working on conjecture built on what few hints the QM puts into each update.

Overall, that can be worked with.

Next up, the system.
A quick look at the character sheet to confirm tells me that each skill has a hundred levels that can be reached. If this is just a frame of reference, that would be fine. However, previous mentions from the QM note it is not, as we can actually increase our MC's skill-levels.
In other words, the mere fact we get a list of a hundred levels thrown at us already promises we have to grind.

Again, this can be worked with.

Next up is the Shop itself. We are supposed to work with our powers and have good ideas to unlock new abilities; that is fine. We are supposed to actually spend time training instead of just buying what we want, no problem if we have the time.
The only thing that does irk me is the exponential costs on raising levels. I get that we are supposed to actually work for it, but the original concept was to start small and grow a lot, which happens through linear costs on exponential growth.
Here, we have exponential cost (Start Cost * 2^(Levels bought)) for linear growth (e.g. 5% growth for each level in Regeneration). This is actually the opposite of fast growth.

Which leads to the conclusion that this is not exponential growth, but exponential possibilities; our powers are not meant to specialise but to apply on as many different areas as possible. Unless we have years to spend on training them up regularly, they will not become powerful enough.

Once more, this we can work with.

The last part of the system is how encounters are worked out. This system relies heavily on dice rolls; not just a lot like others, but every even slightly important decision is rolled for. In other words, we are heavily dependant on the RNG to see us through this. A single bad roll can ruin not just our day, but our whole relation to a large nation; as seen in the last update.

Again, bad RNG is nothing new; this is workable.

Lastly is the characters. I like them all, but this is besides the point. They are well written and believable and... it would have been good to give some more info about them. Still, no problem here.

Now, what I am trying to say is that all of this is okay. Or it would be, if you had not thrown it all together.
No information, no good growth, hit and miss with experimentation (made worse by being so RNG-dependent), no actual base of resources to work on, no nothing.

"Also, I just want to point out Crystalwatcher's Magical Girl Quest! as being a big inspiration for this, and also because I didn't think they were being mean enough."

I understand if you want to be more mean. I understand if you think we have to work hard for success.
But with the list I just made, you are just being an asshole.

You expect us to maneuver in a world we do not know, with powers we can only control if the dice say we can, with a character who is basically powerless except for her magic and without any chance to actually get the smallest semblance of control over the situation.

I will say it now, so that it was said: this is too much.
I previously thought it might not be that bad, but I was proven wrong here. High difficulty is fine with me, this is why I voted for Fresh Meat. But the way you make it, even though definitely harder than what Crystalwatcher did... it lacks the one thing the original Quest did have: fun.

Maneuvering in a dangerous world is fun if one has at least a base of information. Challenging the RND is fun if one has ways to get around a streak of bad luck. Trying to improve a character's situation is fun if there is actually a way in sight.
You just mashed every difficult mechanic together and it does not fit, because every element that could make it fun is sucked out of it due to that. Even your enviable grasp on the characters does not save this.

Let me make the comparison more clear.
Crystalwatcher made a hard Quest, just as the people wanted; but it is also rewarding, as interesting information and revelations are packed into it all. The MC actually got stronger, actually did something. The players have agency.
Admittedly, it had its own flaws, but enough people already picked on that.

In this case, there is no reward for any action aside from working with our magic, which boils down to "oh, you get another 5% of your measly base stats stacked on top; try to scrape another ungodly amount of EXP together if you want another 5%". We learned basically nothing about the setting so far, except that our character is taking care of her sister by herself and what bad she went through to get by. There is a little more, but I am not going back to fish for what few hints on the setting you gave us so far.

It does not feel as if anything is done; the childish curiousity with which we went about the magic is soon going to subside as well, leaving us with a slog of days passing by, where each one could be a death just because the dice decided they do not like our faces for once.

To make it short, this is a Quest. It is supposed to be a fun experience for everyone. It is supposed to be something we can enjoy, not a form of pain for us to come back to every day. Punishing is okay, but only if we actually messed up and not because of arbitrary difficulty.

This is not fun.
I like this Quest, its premise and the characters. I want to play, but playing means having fun. I can not bring myself to invest so much time into something that will just go on punishing me for the slightest mistake.

And, if you really want to go at it that way, you could at least cut us some slack. We forgot that one single line specifying to start a small fire, right after you mentioned it would be okay to only give short votes instead of detailed plans. Even though it makes sense for Cerys to be panicking, you could have just said okay and did it as we wanted anyway, simply because the system as built is difficult enough already. If the QM actually goes through our votes word for word instead of with the spirit... that makes it unplayable in the long run.

Phew... I guess that had to get out of my system. I know you want to make it difficult, but it is important not to forget to also make it fun to play; this is what Crystalwatcher was so good at. If you take the fun away, no one will be willing to play.
I am honestly not happy with what happened there and others seem to think the same.

Please correct any mistakes I made during my analysis; but please keep in mind the information you have and what of it is available to us.
And if it helps, I was orienting myself on Dark Souls for this; it is a hard game and punishes mistakes a lot, but it is never unfair about it. It does not use RNG to determine the outcome, either.

I'm fairly sure most of us are still mildly to moderately upset that "make it look like a looter did it" was not enough to cover for her not setting the house into a giant blaze from go.

I don't care what Rukia says to justify it, they said to make it look like someone else did it and then she sprinted out of a blazing inferno.

That's just fucking stupid.

Funny you say that a few seconds before I hit Post Reply.
The two of you sat shoulder to shoulder underneath an enormous tree that seemed like it would provide them perfect cover from above. Panting hard enough for steam to be escaping you in great billows, you patted the tree in a silly sense of gratitude, though you don't know why.

There is a vague naggling feeling in your magic at the thought, but it passes before you can grab hold of it, the action also making you draw back the magic reinforcing your limbs.
Something that's been nagging me from this update is the tree.

What's wrong with it?
@Rukia If we have to make really detailed plans, Marked For Death style, we can do that - but you should probably tell us so we know how much we should expect the characters to smooth things over. The players were expecting "make it look like a looter started a fire" to look a certain way via character agency - like we were setting it up to start as a small fire in the kitchen and spread over time, rather than set the entire house on fire at once and sprint away - and it looks like you're expecting more micromanagement of the votes? Which is a little unusual but workable, but you really ought to tell the players that they need to put that level of detail into plans, because it's definitely non-standard. Especially since the default votes didn't involve anything like that level of detail, so the players had no indication that such was required.
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Also, I would just like to say that even not knowing, I personally would have voted to stop and talk to the military rather than running. I mean we do have some excuses ready for exactly this kind of scenario, and if they do decide to get hostile or try to bring us in I would rather be close up where we can melt his gun or something rather than just running to get shot in the back.
Also, I would just like to say that even not knowing, I personally would have voted to stop and talk to the military rather than running. I mean we do have some excuses ready for exactly this kind of scenario, and if they do decide to get hostile or try to bring us in I would rather be close up where we can melt his gun or something rather than just running to get shot in the back.
On the other hand, I could totally buy the character being completely unwilling to do that based on past experiences - we apparently have a backstory here.
Also, I would just like to say that even not knowing, I personally would have voted to stop and talk to the military rather than running. I mean we do have some excuses ready for exactly this kind of scenario, and if they do decide to get hostile or try to bring us in I would rather be close up where we can melt his gun or something rather than just running to get shot in the back.
On the other hand, I could totally buy the character being completely unwilling to do that based on past experiences - we apparently have a backstory here.
Yes, it was explicitly mentioned there would be a roll involved for approaching the military.

Or at least trusting them around our sister.
You guys need to calm down, @Rukia is not going grimderp on us.
They did not, for example. Burn the house down because we decided to test fire powers without a bucket of water or fire extinguisher on hand. (which was stupid.)

This was a seriously stupid decision, and it had consequences. There are good reasons ARSON is a crime. You all lost track of that because YAY FIRE GOOD! Its messy, damaging, and often fatal and crippling even if you do survive. How many people has our MC killed now? Well, now she doesn't know. How many sisters and children?

Really. Chill.

Heh, she a fire meguca, there will be no chill.
You guys need to calm down, @Rukia is not going grimderp on us.
They did not, for example. Burn the house down because we decided to test fire powers without a bucket of water or fire extinguisher on hand. (which was stupid.)

This was a seriously stupid decision, and it had consequences. There are good reasons ARSON is a crime. You all lost track of that because YAY FIRE GOOD! Its messy, damaging, and often fatal and crippling even if you do survive. How many people has our MC killed now? Well, now she doesn't know. How many sisters and children?

Really. Chill.

Heh, she a fire meguca, there will be no chill.

I feel like you are missing the point of the vast majority of the critical posts here. It's not about how people would react to the crime, it's about the manner in which we committed the crime in the first place that has people annoyed.
You guys need to calm down, @Rukia is not going grimderp on us.
They did not, for example. Burn the house down because we decided to test fire powers without a bucket of water or fire extinguisher on hand. (which was stupid.)

This was a seriously stupid decision, and it had consequences. There are good reasons ARSON is a crime. You all lost track of that because YAY FIRE GOOD! Its messy, damaging, and often fatal and crippling even if you do survive. How many people has our MC killed now? Well, now she doesn't know. How many sisters and children?

Really. Chill.
Heh, she a fire meguca, there will be no chill.
If you are counting in the story with her powers. Something among the realm of 100. The fire at the start was really bad. But that wasn't you guys, that was just how the story unfolded.
Also, I am writing a big response to Naron, it's just taking a while.
You guys need to calm down, @Rukia is not going grimderp on us.
They did not, for example. Burn the house down because we decided to test fire powers without a bucket of water or fire extinguisher on hand. (which was stupid.)

This was a seriously stupid decision, and it had consequences. There are good reasons ARSON is a crime. You all lost track of that because YAY FIRE GOOD! Its messy, damaging, and often fatal and crippling even if you do survive. How many people has our MC killed now? Well, now she doesn't know. How many sisters and children?

Really. Chill.

Heh, she a fire meguca, there will be no chill.
I don't think people are upset about setting darkness, but lack of agency. We'd just gained perfect control over our fire magic, so whether or not the fire started small or immediately burned down the entire house was entirely a decision.
I don't think people are upset about setting darkness, but lack of agency. We'd just gained perfect control over our fire magic, so whether or not the fire started small or immediately burned down the entire house was entirely a decision.
I have in no way stated that you have perfect control. The trait very specifically is named Rudimentary Control
Wew, a lot here. Right, I'll work through this in order.

You don't know what these stats mean because you haven't actually looked into them. The only reason you know these numbers is because you guys asked me to actually show you them a while ago. Otherwise they would still be hidden until you researched the state of the world. There are no upper limits to the numbers here, but they go down to 0. 0 means that there is nothing and 8 is roughly the average at Year 2000. Like I said, they are rough soft stats that exist to give you a rough idea of how the word is doing and what sort of capability they have.

They are not indicative of anything specific, just a general overview.
You don't know anything of the world because it's been three days since the start of the quest and two of those have been spent recovering from crippling injuries. No time to look into it.

There is no 'grinding' in this quest. There is training. if you want to be better at something, go practice that skill. The 1-100 level system is there to tell you how good you are relative to everyone else. The bonuses and stats you get from levelling this up is simply what you get from getting better at doing that skill. Get better at Stealth? Then you get bonuses to hiding. You don't need to dedicate any time to practising it, skills level up on their own just by doing them. You levelled Reinforcement by using it a lot to run away.

You aren't supposed to have rapid growth compared like Nepgear. This Quest is supposed to take several years, perhaps decades of story time if you go slowly. You have years to train things, and you will always have things to do in those years. Later on the quest will somewhat transition towards a management style if you choose to go that route, meaning time will pass a lot faster. Though you could keep it 1-1 if you wanted to.

I'm going to have to clear up how the dice rolls work here. This is partially my fault and partially because this is my first Quest. If you are doing something you can do without any shadow of a doubt, then there will be no dice roll. If you are doing something that has a chance, unless I ignore that chance for the sake of the story then I will roll and apply skills as makes sense. The soldiers noticing you was a roll on your ability to hide from them and their ability to find you. It's not 100% RNG. I apply Skills like Stealth and Acting at Level * 3 to each dice roll. Whoever rolls highest comes out on top, the closer the rolls the more suspicious of you they would be.

If you were trying to hide from someone in a dark room, unless is a guaranteed success then the roll would look like this.

(Cerys Hiding: Dice + Skill = Result
Soldier Searching: Dice + Skill = Result

If Cerys result is higher than Soldier result then Cerys has successfully hidden. It also employs environmental and mental factors like + Dark Room or + Suspicious.

You will get more information bout the characters, just wait slightly. I reiterate, it's been three days.
And you do already know a decent amount about the character, if you tried to piece it together I imagine that you would be able to know quite a lot about Cerys and Una.

That's mean, but fair.

You've managed to escape the town, you've literally just finished the tutorial. You now have pretty much complete control over your character and what she does. Go north to Canada? Ok. Stay here? Ok. Turn yourselves in to the Military? Less ok, but maybe if you have a good plan. Catch a boat to Europe? If you can manage it, ok.

I am trying to balance the fact that I roll a decent number of dice. You actually rolled a 23 and a 31 when getting chased, both bad rolls, which is why you got shot and then clipped, since you were carrying Una. Next time something like that happens, I'll be sure to turn it to a vote instead of assuming. That was my bad.

Things seem very slow now which is true, yes. But you've literally only had two chances to try your magic, and you've already gotten some fairly powerful abilities out of it if used properly. And it's not like every time you roll low is a chance to die. If you roll bad, bad things will happen or you will fail, but that doesn't automatically mean that you have a death sentence, just that something bad has happened.

And yes, I will fully admit that, in bold now. I MADE A MISTAKE WHEN WRITING THIS CHAPTER. I took the intent of you guys 'making it look like an accident' and ran with the thought of "Move body to kitchen -> Start Fire -> Aura starts fire"

Something that's been nagging me from this update is the tree.

What's wrong with it?
That, is actually not harmful in the slightest, you were just in too much pain to notice what it was.
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I have in no way stated that you have perfect control. The trait very specifically is named Rudimentary Control
Sorry, misremembered this
+ 15 XP Learned Thermokinesis (Complete control over temperature)
as being complete control over our fire.
I think from the chapter it looked like we stood in the house until it completely ablaze, but you're saying that wasn't actually how Cerys planned for things to happen? Because that was pretty much the only thing that bothered me here.