Magical Girl Escalation Taylor (Worm/Nanoha)

I'm not looking to go into melee range with an Endbringer- I want us to have a better chance of surviving a ranged fight. Only way we could survive melee is if we had bullshit FFXIV abilities like Holmgang.
[X] Undaunted – Specialization of Extinction Knight, teaches defensive self buffs
[X] Undaunted – Specialization of Extinction Knight, teaches defensive self buffs

Yeah, a little extra armor for anything is better then pure melee upgrades is my thinking.
If you are picking a specialization because you think it will let you successfully fight or survive an Endbringer hand to hand, YOU ARE WRONG and will be exploring the reincarnation mechanic.

A clarification for pure curiosity and hindsight (its not a spoiler unless you plan a sequel :V right?) ..... if we'd originally gone Extinction Knight, maybe with Enhancement first cross-training or something, would fighting an Endbringer hand-to-hand have been a reasonable strategy?
A clarification for pure curiosity and hindsight (its not a spoiler unless you plan a sequel :V right?) ..... if we'd originally gone Extinction Knight, maybe with Enhancement first cross-training or something, would fighting an Endbringer hand-to-hand have been a reasonable strategy?
Yes, it would have been. Even the Breaker-tier ability the Extinction Knight has is technically more of a mid-range ability, so you still would have been close at hand.

The problem with trying to emulate that through cross training is that several of the spells you would have used together for synergy you won't have access to. For instance, three of them are available through this cross-training, but they are all in separate specializations.
I mean, I think it'd be more appropriate to say that Laura would be our Nanoha equivalent, given that the way Taylor fights is more like Reverse Fate; Fate is a close range fighter with long range options, Taylor is a long range fighter with close range options.

And Fate sacrifices defense for speed and offensive power. Might as well go all the way with the theme.

[X] Undaunted – Specialization of Extinction Knight, teaches defensive self buffs
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By that logic, Undaunted wouldn't be enough to justify going into melee with Behemoth or Leviathan either. It WILL NOT make you invincible.

My comment had two parts:
First, that none of the upgrades would let us harm the big things, the Endbringers, better than our own specialization of ranged combat mage.
Second is that all other opponents we face are unlikely to call for an upgrade to that specific attack form. Defenses can help against enemies we don't know enough about to take out in a one sided, devastating strike, giving us time to observe and adapt.

It's the two together that led to me voting the way I did, not a desire to ever go into personal melee with Leviathan or Behemoth.
And that's fine. If you want Undaunted to stay on theme or for a tactical benefit to non-Endbringers, go for it. I just didn't want to deal with any salt from people who assumed "defensive buffs" meant "we can take a Behemoth punch to the face" and subsequently made asses of themselves.

Though @LancerisDead I therefore expect you to vote for Laura to become a melee fighter since that is the appropriate Nega-Nanoha, got it? :p
Just to be different:
[X] Infinite Enhancement – Teaches basic Boost spells to support your allies
Though @LancerisDead I therefore expect you to vote for Laura to become a melee fighter since that is the appropriate Nega-Nanoha, got it? :p
Let's see, Nanoha is a long range fighter with some close quarters skill to fall back on with a ton of defense, as seen in the sheer bullshit she survives relatively unharmed in Detonation.

Going with that theme, Laura would be a on-your-face fighter with some long range option, but a glass cannon overall. Maybe she could emphasise speed? Definitely not tanking a satellite with her face, though.

She would get an Intelligent Device, since given she's a guaranteed I assume she has at least A+ Rank.

Now that it's been mentioned, I wanted to talk about Templates vs. Devices. It's probably been brought a dozen and a half times already, but looking at the benefits one gets compared to another I feel there's little incentive to giving someone a Device against a Template, except being stuck in IAE for a few days.

Comparing a Templates skills to a Device's, even an A+'s, makes it feel like giving someone a Device is a detriment in the long term. It also takes away from a Linker Core's ranking, given that even if you have an AAA ranker a Device would give you only six spells versus a Templates many, many more.

I know there's the story reason that a Template is actually remembering the original skills and abilities through use, but I want to ask if you could revamp how Device mages work a little. Like, maybe they're slower than Templates at reaching new skills, or get less starter skills, or they need to put more effort to pump up their abilities. They could even work with the old roulette system that Taylor used way back then!

Sorry if I'm intruding and telling you what to do:p. I just got to thinking and thought it would be cool if Laura got something different from the templates.
Going with that theme, Laura would be a on-your-face fighter with some long range option, but a glass cannon overall. Maybe she could emphasise speed? Definitely not tanking a satellite with her face, though.

She would get an Intelligent Device, since given she's a guaranteed I assume she has at least A+ Rank.
Why would she need an Intelligent Device to be an in-your-face fighter? If anything, that would be a perfect reason to give her an Armed Device.
Now that it's been mentioned, I wanted to talk about Templates vs. Devices. It's probably been brought a dozen and a half times already, but looking at the benefits one gets compared to another I feel there's little incentive to giving someone a Device against a Template, except being stuck in IAE for a few days.

Comparing a Templates skills to a Device's, even an A+'s, makes it feel like giving someone a Device is a detriment in the long term. It also takes away from a Linker Core's ranking, given that even if you have an AAA ranker a Device would give you only six spells versus a Templates many, many more.

I know there's the story reason that a Template is actually remembering the original skills and abilities through use, but I want to ask if you could revamp how Device mages work a little. Like, maybe they're slower than Templates at reaching new skills, or get less starter skills, or they need to put more effort to pump up their abilities. They could even work with the old roulette system that Taylor used way back then!

Sorry if I'm intruding and telling you what to do:p. I just got to thinking and thought it would be cool if Laura got something different from the templates.
Actually non-template Devices have an advantage in that their mages get a bunch of spells upfront rather than needing to remember them one by one, plus you get to mix and match more freely after A-rank so that you get someone like Fate, who combines close and long-range abilities, without needing to wait for a template to get to S-rank.

But I can see your point. In hindsight, I gave the templates too many spells, even if you guys barely use most of them. Seriously, I could cut Taylor's list down to 6 spells, 7 with Guardian Beast, and I think it would take a while for anyone even to notice. :rolleyes:

I would like for them to be a little better matched up, though, especially as there are a couple of people who I would like to see without templates too (and one who I will basically forbid you from giving a template), so if you or anyone else have any suggestions for how to make regular Devices more appealing, I'd be happy to hear them.
[X] Undaunted – Specialization of Extinction Knight, teaches defensive self buffs
I would like for them to be a little better matched up, though, especially as there are a couple of people who I would like to see without templates too (and one who I will basically forbid you from giving a template), so if you or anyone else have any suggestions for how to make regular Devices more appealing, I'd be happy to hear them.

Tease :p

There IS one big advantage to a device over a template: Templates destroy Rare skills. Devices do not. Should we encounter a good enough skill, even on a relatively weak core, it might be worthwhile to use a basic Device.

You know, thinking about it, scythes are nowhere near as bad of a weapon for mages as they are for mundanes. The entire purpose of a scythe's shape is to gather stalks of grain together and force them against the blade. To get the same effect on a person* would require a massive scythe, and still wouldn't do that well against anybody who can strike the haft of the polearm to interrupt the swing.

On the other hand, look at how we use flare blade. We hold it locked to our side and drag it through the air at insane speeds with blitz action. We are getting the effect that would take so much leverage to get in a purely mechanical approach, and that's before you consider how much harder it is to hold a sword in such a striking position. I wasn't in SCA** long, but you really start to appreciate how much work it is striking things hard when that work is being done by your arms. CW is doing that work with her magic instead.

I don't know if this actually works out or whether my brain is being extra screwy. I just wanted to share the idea.

*A non-grain person. I don't want to be accidentally specist here =P
**Society for Creative Anachronisms. Geeks with blunted weapons.