Magical Girl Escalation Taylor (Worm/Nanoha)

...You know, I was going to suggest calling the protectorate (Legend could probably get here fast enough to matter) but that could lead to some awkward questions.

"The Simurgh stole a piece of tinkertech we made!"

"Oh no! What does this tinkertech do?"

"Rip out someone's mind and stuff it into a tiny magical fairy body."

"...And why did you make something like that?"

"...It made sense at the time I swear."
Ragnarok is all but explicitly stated to be a nuclear explosion. We'd die with how our Barrier Jacket is set up like @RoninSword states.
We're flat immune to both fire and radiation, at this altitude a nuke can't hurt us. (Air pressure would have been an issue, but I'm given to understand that we're very high up.)
Not to say that Ragnarök is necessarily a good idea here, but if it's a bad idea it's not for this reason.
Maybe, but that line of thinking makes this vote pointless no matter what doesn't it?
It's a Simurgh fight. The Simurgh Always Wins is hard-coded into the narrative laws of the universe unless you have some kind of serious cheat -- which, IIRC, we explicitly do not.

Still, might as well pretend that we actually have a chance to defeat the plot device.

[X] Destroy the Unison Device
Just double checked Ragnarok. Nuclear, yes. Explosion, not clarified. It is an offshoot of Solar wrath which is clearly a beam that at full power we felt the warmth from it, but it was negligible. By the sounds of it, this is minimum ten times stronger based on cartridge count so at worst burned hands and singed hair regularly.

The question on loweted defenses coming in makes me ask if it is lowered as in rpg debuff logic, or lowered as in star wars shield technology where that translates to disabled? In the end, no matter what in such a situation, I only see us getting one solid shot before Ziz up and trolls us.

Btw, why not apply Nanoha logic on the waiting game? How often do villains change sides there?
which, IIRC, we explicitly do not.
Well, IIRC, then every time we use telepathy, it acts like a trigger event, and thus messes with precogs including the Simurgh. Which is why she attacked us in the first place. (She went after Brockton Bay specifically to get a closer look at us.)
[x] Wait and watch what happens

Food for thought, at the current time ziz can't telepathically intrude on people with unison devices, but that could possibly change with magitech. On the other hand we've already created 2 devices before and there was no real reason she couldn't have yoinked one of those instead. You also have endbringers being machines enslaved to their programming, so attacking or stopping ziz could have some pretty unfun consequences.

By this logic, what are the random odds Ziz is jacking the device because Eidolon wants an out to get his powers back and all campaign Calamity Witch has been getting shoved in his face? The thought that Ziz wants to empower Eidolon is different at the very least to the usual.
[X] Wait and watch what happens

All these options are bait but this one is by far the most entertaining.
Edit: Also, why didn't Dragon know that the Simurgh has moved? She keeps a continual watch on the Simurgh while she's in space, so it seems a bit of a surprise that she didn't see her moving. I would expect her alerts for a Simurgh attack to be blaring from the moment the Endbringer moved, under the presumption that this was her moving into position for an attack.
How did Dragon not notice that?
Next chapter will probably explain this.
@Silently Watches is it possible for her to use it on us and trap us inside the device? Or does us already having one via IAE protect us from that.
A Device should protect against that degree of telepathy.
... Why the hell is Pinhead being quoted here? Did I miss something or are things going to get even crazier?
Because the box was designed after the Lament Configuration, and Ziz is an evil angel, and the Fallen worship her…

It made sense at the time, I swear.
[X] Wait and watch what happens

I have always thought Cassiel was the Simurgh, though I had some doubt when they started talking about the Fallen. But I am still... 70% certain it is the Simurgh. Which makes this part of the plan and quite possibly either a really bad idea or it could possibly be the best idea ever!

Either way, it's gonna be fun!
Likewise. Could be funny to have Simmy's old body left derilict in orbit while her mind is freed of Eidolon's subconscious and comes down to join Taylor and friends.

Of course, that will still leave the Endbringers as the final bosses of the quest, because there are how many more!? Simmy taking herself out doesn't matter when Khonsu/Tohu and Bohu/the rest of the others can still wake up to counter one of their number making a Heel-Face-Turn.
Of course, that will still leave the Endbringers as the final bosses of the quest, because there are how many more!? Simmy taking herself out doesn't matter when Khonsu/Tohu and Bohu/the rest of the others can still wake up to counter one of their number making a Heel-Face-Turn.
I said in a comment at the end of Arc 3 that Zion's suicide scattered Eden's shards, which hastened the loss of Eidolon's powers. He can't subconsciously activate the Endbringer Engine, so the Second Generation Endbringers will never come online.
I don't think we should let her have it. People are freaking out and thinking the Simurgh is the one we are trying to help. I don't. Unless she was working through a proxy she has no way of actually psychically contacting us due to our device. While it may be possible she herself gets sucked in I doubt it.

Which leaves the question of who she wants to suck into it and why.

@Silently Watches is it possible for her to use it on us and trap us inside the device? Or does us already having one via IAE protect us from that.

The Simurg could contact us telepathically for exactly the same reason Cassiel did: The signal was weak enough and precise enough that PS didn't register it until it had happened several times. PS blocks telepathic attacks, but not all telepathy.
The "Simurgh is Cassiel" theory is really tempting, but at the same time, I recall a bit about Cassiel's grandmother being a problem. If Cassiel were Simurgh, the grandmother would be Eden. However, Eden is dead. Very dead.

Anyway, votes. I don't see any point in choosing 'Run.' While it would probably net our survival, we would have lost our chance to find out just what is going on. Fighting the Simurgh could go multiple ways, depending on how the Simurgh decides to use its telepathy at this altitude. I think that whether the Simurgh kills us is up to it. While I like the 'Wait and See' option, I'm going to choose 'Fight' so we have some variety in our votes.

[X] Fight the Simurgh
-[X] Use Misteltein once and see if it dodges.
-[X] If we hit, drop below cloud cover and fire Ragnarok straight up. If we miss, attack with Flare Blade on lethal.
This is a disturbingly good point. I'm going to try and track down our previous Cassiel interactions and re-read them from that perspective...

Yeah, Im Sorry I Thought It Was Obvious.

I mean, an angelic telepath associated with the Fallen who was being fundamentally puppeted by her family and wants a way out of their control, that was kind of screaming (ha) Simurgh to me. Additionally, I'm fairly sure our first contact with her was around the Simurgh fight, and if I remember that dream sequence correctly (I might not, it's been quite a while since I reread), she didn't directly invade our mind, she sent something like an invitation ping and we went after her to get into contact.

[X] Wait and watch what happens

I mean, this is all going according to plan so far, even if we didn't realize who exactly we were helping.
The "Simurgh is Cassiel" theory is really tempting, but at the same time, I recall a bit about Cassiel's grandmother being a problem. If Cassiel were Simurgh, the grandmother would be Eden. However, Eden is dead. Very dead.

Well, it's perfectly possible that Cassiel does exist and she did manage to contact Taylor and ask for help... without realizing she's just a pawn in Ziz's plot to acquire the Device.