[Mafia] A Murder of Crows

And one I wouldn't have bothered mentioning except Nictis wanted to know and I probably won't be able to tell them during the night phase.
That being said... Why did you unvote Wiadi? You claim that it's due to me not responding to questions or explaining my votes, but my votes came with pointed reason and I don't believe you ever asked me why, as far as I could tell you just hopped onto the first alternative lynch without giving any reasoning.

Gotta go, be back in a bit.
That being said... Why did you unvote Wiadi? You claim that it's due to me not responding to questions or explaining my votes, but my votes came with pointed reason and I don't believe you ever asked me why, as far as I could tell you just hopped onto the first alternative lynch without giving any reasoning.

Gotta go, be back in a bit.
I didn't think Wiadi was likely to be the Magpie anymore, and I saw no reason to ask you to clarify after you blew off the last few people to ask you to do so.
Since you asked, it's that your role was already replaced twice.

Swapping out when you have a partner you are supposed to be building rapport with would be really rough on team survival, and I think I know who the Jackdaws are. The Ravens have a QT, which makes playing with less than full attention easier, and a crow is basically a vanilla townie and can coast.

The Jackdaw has a complex role and no help, making it a logical one to feel overwhelming to multiple players.

Not a silver bullet or anything, but it is why I'd put my money there if I had to bet.

I resisted the intial temptation to vote you on those grounds because it seemed pretty low to use people needing to sub out as a game element, but given the refusal to explain your votes or communicate, I decided that was grounds enough to vote where my gut told me the magpie was, so long as I didn't bring it up as a justification.
tbh I can't speak for Broken Base or cyric but I find this uncompelling cause... if I was the magpie and feeling overwhelmed I'd just yolo it.

I don't care if life is ruining my quality of play thus sinking my chances, but I feel worse about the idea of sinking my teammates because I'm playing bad.

I also feel bad about replacing out in those conditions, but I feel it really unfair to my teammates if I'm a dead slot.

If I'm SK Or Something I don't get stressed in that way because I basically just go 'oh well! Better luck next time, darn!'

like if anything you've managed to reduce my magpie read of nictis slot, not gonna lie.
tbh I can't speak for Broken Base or cyric but I find this uncompelling cause... if I was the magpie and feeling overwhelmed I'd just yolo it.

I don't care if life is ruining my quality of play thus sinking my chances, but I feel worse about the idea of sinking my teammates because I'm playing bad.

I also feel bad about replacing out in those conditions, but I feel it really unfair to my teammates if I'm a dead slot.

If I'm SK Or Something I don't get stressed in that way because I basically just go 'oh well! Better luck next time, darn!'

like if anything you've managed to reduce my magpie read of nictis slot, not gonna lie.
That's fine. I'm not trying to convince anyone. Nictis asked and so I told him.
I didn't think Wiadi was likely to be the Magpie anymore, and I saw no reason to ask you to clarify after you blew off the last few people to ask you to do so.
Except literally nobody asked me anything. It's only been "I'mma lynch you for this" and you jumped on without any comment. Hell, you had commented on the owl routine when I started it.

I'd been pointing out quotes in response to certain things people were saying, nobody asked me to clarify with the sole exception of *maybe* Terrabrand... And that got cleared up without ending the behavior.

Nobody asked me to clarify anything. I was told that people were going to lynch me for it, that's it.
Also ngl it feels kinda dirty to want to lynch someone based on meta reads of the previous person playing the slot. Like it's one thing if they got caught visiting a dead player or scumslipped and you don't want to let off their replacement for free, but this isn't that.
I'm not really sure what you're trying to point to with that collection of quotes. Maybe it's just the 'need sleep' issue, been up for a good bit and will probably try to sleep soon, but I'm not following.

*scratches branching line into dirt*
Nictis if you keep doing that I'm going to lynch you
[X] Peck Nictis

On the one hand, I don't think they're the Magpie; they're drawing too much negative attention to themselves for that. On the other, I don't have much patience for deliberate obnoxiousness.
That isn't how it seemed to me. I'm not really in the mood to plead with you to make your case.
Also ngl it feels kinda dirty to want to lynch someone based on meta reads of the previous person playing the slot. Like it's one thing if they got caught visiting a dead player or scumslipped and you don't want to let off their replacement for free, but this isn't that.
That's why I kept it to myself, until Nictis insisted he wanted to know.
That isn't how it seemed to me. I'm not really in the mood to plead with you to make your case.
That's literally exactly what I said happened. Terrabrand is the only person who had maybe asked for clarification. Everyone else involved just said that they'd lynch me if I didn't stop. Nobody actually asked me any questions.
That's literally exactly what I said happened. Terrabrand is the only person who had maybe asked for clarification. Everyone else involved just said that they'd lynch me if I didn't stop. Nobody actually asked me any questions.
People made it pretty clear they wanted you to play the game. I'm not going to beg you to make your case against me. If that's grounds for lynching, then go ahead.
People made it pretty clear they wanted you to play the game. I'm not going to beg you to make your case against me. If that's grounds for lynching, then go ahead.
If you want to keep trying to dismiss what I've already said, and act as thought I'm demanding you lay down your pride, feel free.

For everyone else, I'm going to note that as soon as Wiadi decides to switch his vote onto me while claiming to follow Meso's reasoning, if he is the Jackdaw I expect him to be, then the wagons are going to change direction.

Forty minutes remain.
For everyone else, I'm going to note that as soon as Wiadi decides to switch his vote onto me while claiming to follow Meso's reasoning, if he is the Jackdaw I expect him to be, then the wagons are going to change direction.

...why would I want to do this?
... Just realized that I don't actually have to stick around for EoD, since we can keep talking at night. Neat.
End of Day 2
At this point, all pretenses at vengance have been entirely forgotten. The flock has devolved in to factional squabbling, and all anyone cares for is grabbing Shiny Things.

While several birds seem to want Wiadi dead, they are not persuasive (i.e. loud) enough to convince the flock at large.
I'll edit in a pun later, but for now Mesonoxonian, a Crow, is pecked to death.
He had NO Shiny Things.
Huh, looks like the other jackdaw didnt get their shiny thing stolen either. The wuestion is, is this because the magpie went fishing for ravens and decided to leave jackdaws to clean sweep it, or because they were trying to avoid all attention?
Huh, looks like the other jackdaw didnt get their shiny thing stolen either. The wuestion is, is this because the magpie went fishing for ravens and decided to leave jackdaws to clean sweep it, or because they were trying to avoid all attention?
This also means the one who stole from 1k is a jackdaw, or that narcotic is.

Actually I suppose it could be that wiadi stole one and the other jackdaw wasn't robbed?
Well fuck, swing and a miss. On the bright side the Magpie apparently either failed to steal last night or got robbed, so we're not in immediate danger tonight. The question is, is there any plan we can publicly coordinate that would help us further narrow our "possible Magpie" list down? Not immediately coming up with any ideas that wouldn't be ruined by being revealed. It's quite unfortunate that the Ravens don't have a Shiny Thing - then they could pass it to Rayday and have someone steal it who we want to verify as non-Magpie. Given that that's not an option I've got no immediate ideas.
Bad choice is bad, but I take partially blame myself for not being around for everything.

Anyway, this makes TMR significantly more likely to not be a Crow, as we now have a very likely Crow in Terrabrand (he must be in the latter half of Ravens if he is not Crow), myself and Shadell as very likely Crows (I'm actually leaning Shadell as mech-cleared Crow just because of the reasoning I've kept pushing all this time), 1K as either Crow or Jackdaw, and meso/Underling as dead Crows. That leaves potentially three Crow slots left, versus 1 Magpie slot, 3 Raven slots, and a Jackdaw slot. >50% chance TMR is not a Crow now, and that's a play I'm willing to make at this point.

@Wiadi I would advise you and your mate stealing outside of Rayday/Terra/Me/Shadell/1K at this point, all things considered. In fact, everybody should be doing that (plus Wiadi, for everyone who isn't Wiadi) in order to try and narrow our choices for Magpie candidates. Since they have no Shiny Things at the moment, we can safely run mechanical PoE to potentially turn 6 non-Magpies into as many as 12, based on how the first Night went.

TL;DR - Nobody steal from the following people:
