[Mafia] A Murder of Crows

Terra. His fellow raven has already confirmed him, he's definitely not the magpie.

Outside chance Ravens are opting to work with the Magpie after receiving an implicit offer of cooperation from Nictis's original post on the subject. Not my expectation at this point but it's not impossible.
@Terrabrand I chose you and Rosen because you are mechanically confirmed to be Crows. Not because I specifically wanted to stab you in the back.

You are wrong about me fucking over my team. It doesn't become more or less difficult for my team to win if they're facing two more jackdaws or two more crows, but it does become more difficult if my team is dying.
@Terrabrand I chose you and Rosen because you are mechanically confirmed to be Crows. Not because I specifically wanted to stab you in the back.

You are wrong about me fucking over my team. It doesn't become more or less difficult for my team to win if they're facing two more jackdaws or two more crows, but it does become more difficult if my team is dying.
Actually, it slightly is because crows might not neccesarily know the other is a crow and might waste robberies or overlap targets. Like, there's not much advantage for you here, but you should be trying to end up with 2 crows 4 ravens if you can manage it.
Terra. His fellow raven has already confirmed him, he's definitely not the magpie.
That doesn't actually follow given prior concerns non-crows might pocket the magpie for personal benefit.

Regardless, if Nictis wants to claim I'm spouting bullshit and then act like me being angry at him for a backstab expressly directed right at my face, he's not getting any benefit of the doubt in a game of lies.

You don't want me to call you a liar and shit? Don't goddamn start that shit yourself. Seriously.
Terra. With all due respect.

Drop it. I've already asked for a replacement or a modkill.
That doesn't actually follow given prior concerns non-crows might pocket the magpie for personal benefit.

Regardless, if Nictis wants to claim I'm spouting bullshit and then act like me being angry at him for a backstab expressly directed right at my face, he's not getting any benefit of the doubt in a game of lies.

You don't want me to call you a liar and shit? Don't goddamn start that shit yourself. Seriously.
I'm going to be honest, i don't see where nictis is lying. His proposal ends up with crows and jackdaws having an ~50-50 chance of winning, each. Maybe if jackdaws defect day 5 it gets a little lower but we're still talking somewhere in the 30, 40% area. Like obviously it's bad really bad for us but that's something he's said.
Terra. With all due respect.

Drop it. I've already asked for a replacement or a modkill.
I don't care. You calling me a liar and then being all offended when I return the favor is bullshit.

You don't want to be called a liar, then don't fucking use 'I think you are a liar' when what you actually mean is 'I think you are wrong'.

And certainly don't use fanciful provacative ways of calling someone a liar and then be surprised when trying to piss someone off pisses them off.
I don't care. You calling me a liar and then being all offended when I return the favor is bullshit.

You don't want to be called a liar, then don't fucking use 'I think you are a liar' when what you actually mean is 'I think you are wrong'.

And certainly don't use fanciful provacative ways of calling someone a liar and then be surprised when trying to piss someone off pisses them off.
We can talk about this later, or in private. After we both cool off.
Like. Let's be perfectly clear here.

i am pissed.

I am pissed and self censoring. This is sufficently assholish I am seriously considering never playing mafia on a site I know you to be on again, because a solution of 'always tank the game by killing nictis asap' is not an actual solution.

There are lines. I am not backing off because you're hurt, because ai, am incredibly hurt, and this is the second game in a row where I risked playing mafia only to get burned, by you, in specific.

Nope. You can modkill me if that is what you want. Iam not dropping it again because 'oh, nictis is hurt'. I am sick of being hurt by nictis and then expected to back off when he cries foul.
Man... this degenerated quickly...

@Wiadi I personally prefer you without your kill in play, even if that kill lands on my head, I think you're most likely to survive with it gone and seen as a lesser threat than with, from a purely strategic standpoint. With it maintained you risk people who didn't pre-ordain amnesty going for you, without you get to fire mostly however you want at this point and whatever you kill sort of gives you personally a direction for your group as to who you are siding with.
Night 2 is over.
(I have, and will continue to, accept last minute thefts if you forgot to send one in and I have not finished processing)
Please refrain from posting during this time.
End of Night 2
Once more, there is great outcry- this is a flock of thieves! These other birds are avaricious and cruel! Clearly, the only solution is to kill someone so you can take their stuff.

As the Night ends, Nictis (A Raven) and Terrabrand (a Crow) fly off, leaving any shiny things their nests may have unguarded.

If anybody did not recieve a PM, please message me as soon as possible.
I am delaying start of day, for reasons that I will not yet specify.
The day is likely to start in ~8 hours.

Please continue to refrain from posting, and let's all enjoy this quick break in mafia activities.
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Okay @Rayday11 @Wiadi, any objections to having those on the magpie sus list be the first to declare anything up with their thefts?

We gain less definitively from a shiny reveal, but it might still shift the odds around.

Alternatively @Rayday11 is there anyone you want to push particularly hard from the unknown list?
Dawn of Day Three
Dawn comes with more wild accusations, as birds try to find someone rich to mug a thief to bring to justice.

12 Players remain. Hammer is at 9 voters.

The day will end naturally

Please be kind to each other.
Aside from the murder thing, that is.

You're free to start posting, by the way.
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Okay @Rayday11 @Wiadi, any objections to having those on the magpie sus list be the first to declare anything up with their thefts?

We gain less definitively from a shiny reveal, but it might still shift the odds around.

Alternatively @Rayday11 is there anyone you want to push particularly hard from the unknown list?
Busy all day my brothers lease is up so im driving 3 hours with a Uhaul to pack him up and drag him home.