[Mafia] A Murder of Crows

I actually have a shiny. One was stolen from me last night... however, I also stole one in turn. I've avoided mentioning it until now because I don't like handing out free targets, but seeing as this plan depends on us knowing where our shinies are...

Anyway, this is a lie.

I figured -Rosen had slipped about holding a shiny clearly enough when I missed the first cues that it risked being left on -Rosen until D5 then stolen comfortably, so I took it.

That is to say, I was the only crow starting with a shiny last night. Crows wouldn't lie here.
Anyway, this is a lie.

I figured -Rosen had slipped about holding a shiny clearly enough when I missed the first cues that it risked being left on -Rosen until D5 then stolen comfortably, so I took it.

That is to say, I was the only crow starting with a shiny last night. Crows wouldn't lie here.
I actually had it stolen on Night 4, and I stole NSMS's Shiny Thing on Night 5. If you stole from me, that's the one you got.
I actually suspect that Wiadi stole a Shiny Thing from me, since I don't think any Raven candidate would have gone for a gambit and successfully predict that I would steal successfully.
I'm not sure it's really important whether we lynch a raven or a jackdaw today. So in my interest it's the best to clear myself.

We have D3 where all three shinies are claimed. -Rosen claims one, NSMS claims one and I got the last. We know we were two crows and one raven.
Then we have NSMS claim for his robbery at N2:

I targeted Tykan, for what it's worth.
Which wouldn't be possibly if I were the raven of us two. Remember he claimed to haven't gotten anything from me but got his shiny donated by the magpie. So either he lied about how he got the shiny and stole successfully but from a different target than me. Or he really got the shiny donated. Then this Crow!NSMS runs into trouble we the theft order since with Raven!Tykan, I'd have held a shiny which he should have gotten.

Then we have the situation at N4.
The Crows have One Shiny Thing
The Ravens have One Shiny Thing
The Jackdaws have One Shiny Thing

I actually have a shiny. One was stolen from me last night... however, I also stole one in turn. I've avoided mentioning it until now because I don't like handing out free targets, but seeing as this plan depends on us knowing where our shinies are...
Quote from N4.

Anyway, this is a lie.

I figured -Rosen had slipped about holding a shiny clearly enough when I missed the first cues that it risked being left on -Rosen until D5 then stolen comfortably, so I took it.

That is to say, I was the only crow starting with a shiny last night. Crows wouldn't lie here.
And Shadell counterclaiming Crow!NSMS. I don't think there's much more to say.

[X] Peck NSMS
Eh, might as well own up. Yes, I am a Raven. I knew that claiming I was the Crow with the shiny would be a gamble, as if any of the confirmed Crows had it it would out me, but seeing as I had that shiny and it would be found even if I didn't claim...

Well, not a lot of options there. No real way to argue against Shadell's plan without outing myself, no way to go against it secretly without drawing a ton of suspicion onto myself anyway, and asking my partner to take the shiny would just out them instead, so my only hope was to gamble that the Crow shiny lay among the non-confirmed Crows. Didn't pay off, but what can you do?

Well played, Shadell. Have a peck. :V

[X] Peck Shadell
[X] Peck NSMS

Well that's that then.
[X] Peck NSMS

Wiadi either has 1 or 2 right now. Crows either have 1 or 2 right now. We peck NSMS tonight, that means ravens likely have 0 going into the final night, they can steal, at most, 1. Crows can kill Wiadi, ensuring crows get whatever the jackdaws have.
I actually stole from Wiadi last night, so I have one now. So pecking me means Wiadi gets it.
Note, this also mostly confirms Tykan unless ravens have a really clever bit going on between them with this whole thing being a set-up. Even if so, Itz *should* have stolen from Tykan last night, meaning that ravens should 100% have 0 shinies right now.

Wiadi maybe has 2, maybe crows have 2. Either way, crows can rob each raven candidate enough to ensure ravens end tomorrow night with zero shinies as well, even if we decide Tykan isn't cleared.

At that point, as long as we peck Wiadi tomorrow, crows win regardless of how many Wiadi has at the start of the day.
[x] Peck NSMS

We kill Wiadi on Day 6, and guarantee victory by stealing within the remainder of the Raven pool.
