[Mafia] A Murder of Crows

It could but than we could have a CC for his claim. If he had a shiny and it was stolen, it'd throw way more shade onto him if he said had none.
By saying he had none and me confirming it, it's likely he had none at all. So he has no reason to lie about Comi as well.
Of course, it's also possible that you're the Magpie and you stole from ON knowing they wouldn't have anything as double-bluff to give you a way to claim innocence. Note that I'm not saying this is definitely the case or anything like, just that it's something we need to keep in mind.
Meso's and BB's unprovoked claims look good since they could have been CC'ed.

Not if the Magpie chose to steal exactly once and was not subsequently robbed. Hell, it would even be possible to be honest about a failed theft if the Magpie stole twice but only got one hit.
Not if the Magpie chose to steal exactly once and was not subsequently robbed. Hell, it would even be possible to be honest about a failed theft if the Magpie stole twice but only got one hit.
With all the Magpie paranoia that was going on last night, if I was the Magpie I'd have been very tempted to write the day off as a loss and just hit Crows to guarantee I didn't get a shiny. That way I'd give myself an alibi and avoid any chance being caught by a chain of steals while we're in active anti-Magpie mode. That keeps them safe, and costs us a day where they can't be positively identified in any definitive way.
Of course, it's also possible that you're the Magpie and you stole from ON knowing they wouldn't have anything as double-bluff to give you a way to claim innocence. Note that I'm not saying this is definitely the case or anything like, just that it's something we need to keep in mind.
That's why I have myself on the list of suspects since no one can prove my claim yet.

Not if the Magpie chose to steal exactly once and was not subsequently robbed. Hell, it would even be possible to be honest about a failed theft if the Magpie stole twice but only got one hit.
Hmm, could be.

General talk again:
We either have:
- the magpie steals twice and misses one shot.
- the magpie only steals once.

Two successfull thefts are ruled out given your and Rayday's claims.
With all the Magpie paranoia that was going on last night, if I was the Magpie I'd have been very tempted to write the day off as a loss and just hit Crows to guarantee I didn't get a shiny. That way I'd give myself an alibi and avoid any chance being caught by a chain of steals while we're in active anti-Magpie mode. That keeps them safe, and costs us a day where they can't be positively identified in any definitive way.
Don't think that really works out since the whole game won't calm down till the magpie is dead. I mean we have half the game confirmed now as not-magpie, which wasn't that unlikely a result. More mislynches and chain-nights only shrinken the pool of suspects.
I mean, it's possible but is it probable...
Don't think that really works out since the whole game won't calm down till the magpie is dead. I mean we have half the game confirmed now as not-magpie, which wasn't that unlikely a result. More mislynches and chain-nights only shrinken the pool of suspects.
I mean, it's possible but is it probable...
Partly depends what your profile was. Like, if I was a high profile player (as I was) and the magpie (which thankfully I wasn't) the anti magpie frenzy would have me wanting to try to ride crow myslynches until day eight was close enough I was no longer worth hard focusing with eg untouched raven block as the larger concern.
Don't think that really works out since the whole game won't calm down till the magpie is dead. I mean we have half the game confirmed now as not-magpie, which wasn't that unlikely a result. More mislynches and chain-nights only shrinken the pool of suspects.
I mean, it's possible but is it probable...

Beyond that, I think we should entirely disregard the possibility for today on grounds that a Magpie who did not steal cannot possibly win tonight, whereas one who did can. I'm revealed as non-Crow now so you can take my advice with a grain of salt, but personally I think that sacrificing one player would be a worthwhile risk to run for actions which may plausibly be necessary to avert an immediate loss. If we miss a non-stealing Magpie today by voting within "Magpie who did steal last night" candidates only, then as you say, it becomes increasingly likely that we'll be able to pin down exactly who the Magpie is by tomorrow - and in the meantime we're safe from Magpie-induced game loss.
Beyond that, I think we should entirely disregard the possibility for today on grounds that a Magpie who did not steal cannot possibly win tonight, whereas one who did can. I'm revealed as non-Crow now so you can take my advice with a grain of salt, but personally I think that sacrificing one player would be a worthwhile risk to run for actions which may plausibly be necessary to avert an immediate loss. If we miss a non-stealing Magpie today by voting within "Magpie who did steal last night" candidates only, then as you say, it becomes increasingly likely that we'll be able to pin down exactly who the Magpie is by tomorrow - and in the meantime we're safe from Magpie-induced game loss.
I mean this is largely the kind of logic I've been operating under. It's not good for crows that the safest plans call for lynching only [crow or magpie] candidates but I am far more worried about potential instant magpie induced losses if we ignore people who could both be magpie and also win tonight.
Oh, and for what it's worth, I can back up Tykan's claim about ON; I tried a steal from them last night as well too, and got nothing. Unless both me and Tykan are lying or the Ravens got a shiny from ON and are lying about their shiny state (which we can hopefully verify via shiny count tonight), ON didn't have a shiny last night.

As for general thoughts on Magpie tactics, their ideal situation is going into the night phase with one shiny and a solid idea of where the other two are.
Partly depends what your profile was. Like, if I was a high profile player (as I was) and the magpie (which thankfully I wasn't) the anti magpie frenzy would have me wanting to try to ride crow myslynches until day eight was close enough I was no longer worth hard focusing with eg untouched raven block as the larger concern.
Ok, so we are back to 8 suspects. Given the list I don't think it's completely beyond any of us to try that as a strategy...

Oh, and for what it's worth, I can back up Tykan's claim about ON; I tried a steal from them last night as well too, and got nothing. Unless both me and Tykan are lying or the Ravens got a shiny from ON and are lying about their shiny state (which we can hopefully verify via shiny count tonight), ON didn't have a shiny last night.

As for general thoughts on Magpie tactics, their ideal situation is going into the night phase with one shiny and a solid idea of where the other two are.
The problem is, they have a solid idea. ItzNarcotic HAS one and there are probably 5 crows revealed. Given the night start info, the last shiny is either owned by a Jackdaw or 2-3 crows. (ALL under the assumption the magpie DID successfully steal)
[x] Peck Wiadi

Since, if meso's claim is to be believed, Magpie!Terra could not have stolen two Shiny Things on Night 1, meaning between the two, Wiadi is mechanically the safer bet. If Wiadi does flip Jackdaw, we get a *very* likely Magpie!Terra on Day 3.

That being said, I'll be placing my steal on Terra come Nighttime, and I would highly advise everyone else to steal elsewhere, including Ravens and Jackdaws. On the off-chance that Terra is *not* the Magpie, we still need to ensure that the real Magpie has the lowest possible chance of retaining any of their Shiny Things.

That being said. . . @mesonoxian if you are lying about your initial claim, now would be the time to speak up, as we have our votes between two candidates now.
No, I reported accurately. I tried to steal from Terra and got nothing. (And I am a crow).
At this point, I don't know for sure if Wiadi is the magpie or not, but I am content with pecking a noncrow.

[X] Peck Wiadi
I am hard claiming crow ftr.

Also mechanics question since it impacts plans;

@InterstellarHobo does the magpie win in the event he is robbed from in the same night he (or she) steals to three shinies?

That is, if the magpie has 1 shiny now, is steal dogpiled, and correctly targets both other shinies, is that a magpie win or does it only check for victory at the start of each phase?
The magpie does not win in this circumstance. See below.
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I am the best at running games
I have given out contradictory information.

The Magpie was informed that they won at end of phase in their role PM.

When another player PM'd to ask what 'immediately' means, I gave exactly the opposite answer.
Now, when asked publicly I have given out the exact opposite answer again.

We are going with the original PM. The Magpie must retain all Shiny Things until the end of the Night to win early.

I apologize for the bumbling.
Do we want to try to push everyone to claim their thefts?
Hell no. The Magpie knows who the ravens are and who the jackdaws are. If we make everyone admit to their roles, they immediately can trace each shiny out from the person who had it originally along the chain of steals to where it now resides. That cuts down the solution space immensely and voids the entire hope of anonymity.
At this point, I don't know for sure if Wiadi is the magpie or not, but I am content with pecking a noncrow.

[X] Peck Wiadi
Why vote for someone simply for being noncrow? If Wiadi's the Magpie then Terra's plan will result in his death and if he's a Jackdaw then he'll survive and be helping town against the only scum who can win early. There were enough votes on him for that plan already, why not try to push on one of the others who are potentially the Magpie where your vote would have some weight instead?
Why vote for someone simply for being noncrow? If Wiadi's the Magpie then Terra's plan will result in his death and if he's a Jackdaw then he'll survive and be helping town against the only scum who can win early. There were enough votes on him for that plan already, why not try to push on one of the others who are potentially the Magpie where your vote would have some weight instead?
There aren't enough votes on him for that plan, though? There were three votes, I am the fourth, and there are 15 players.
And if this plan doesn't come together, I am cool with pecking a Jackdaw or Raven today, too, though getting the Magpie is ideal.
I really dislike how Mesonoxian is trying to push us off of Magpie hunting, especially since they're one of the prime suspects for it.

[X] Peck Mesonoxian
And if this plan doesn't come together, I am cool with pecking a Jackdaw or Raven today, too, though getting the Magpie is ideal.
If we do aim for pecking a Jackdaw or Raven, it probably shouldn't be aimed at one of the ones who've revealed. It's kind of distasteful to do that when the only reason we know to target them is because they've revealed it themselves to help us.
There aren't enough votes on him for that plan, though? There were three votes, I am the fourth, and there are 15 players.
There is only one other person with any votes on them and even then it's only one vote. Voting has been slow enough for those three votes on him to be the majority and there is still more than enough time left in the Day to respond to any swings in the near future. You were already on my suspect list, so maybe I'm overreacting, but something rubbed me the wrong way and my gut says you're more suspicious than not.
I really dislike how Mesonoxian is trying to push us off of Magpie hunting, especially since they're one of the prime suspects for it.

[] Peck Mesonoxian
There is only one other person with any votes on them and even then it's only one vote. Voting has been slow enough for those three votes on him to be the majority and there is still more than enough time left in the Day to respond to any swings in the near future. You were already on my suspect list, so maybe I'm overreacting, but something rubbed me the wrong way and my gut says you're more suspicious than not.
I'm not sure I'd jump that far. It's distasteful to target Wiadi with intent to have them pecked, sure, but it is a valid tactic if we can't figure out who the Magpie is (and at the moment we seem to be stuck with no way to narrow down the list). They're not one of the players who guaranteed reveal-safety, after all (I think).