Okay, at the start of the night, the Ravens had one shiny thing.
It was passed from anonymous Raven X to Rayday internally (successfully) Itz Narcotic then took it and has it. (3/15 thefts)
Shiny thing 2 was a Jackdaw shiny thing and started with Wiadi. Terra stole this, -Rosen stole it from Terra, I stole it from -Rosen and 1K stole it from me allegedly. It was allegedly stolen again from 1K, presumably by a Jackdaw.
Neither of these shiny things, by virtue of the fact that confirmed non-magpies stole them, is currently with the magpie. This means that, presuming Wiadi is a jackdaw, Wiadi should know for a fact whether the Magpie has all 3 shiny things or not.
Shiny thing 3 allegedly started with Wiadi's partner (Wiadi didn't have 2 shinies to start with or the whole Terra chain would have seen 2).
This quite sucks for us, because, AFAICT, it's quite unlikely that Itz, 1K AND the person who allegedly robbed 1K (who may or may not exist) are not jackdaws. No one's mentioned shiny #3 so far, so it's probably either A: with the magpie or B: with the second jackdaw still. As it's very likely that a jackdaw ended the night with a successfully steal, this means that, unless Wiadi robbed 1K, a single jackdaw (known to the magpie) is likely holding 2 orbs atm.
If that jackdaw is not Itz, then the magpie knows all 3 orbs and can get them with 2 thefts. OTOH, it's possible that 1K was robbed by Wiadi in which case it's a bit more likely than not that Itz is a crow, which'd make the orbs fairly spread out.
Is this all correct?