[Mafia] A Murder of Crows

Steals twice a night, wins instantly by having all 3 Shiny Things at night end, knows all roles, has no allies. Basically SK in the context of this game ("extremely individually powerful solo role").

In general the game is weird enough that you should probably at least read the opening rules posts before expecting to understand anything.

Crow = Town
Ravens = Maf
Jackdaws = 2 x 3Ps with 2 extra invisible votes
Magpie = Unaffiliated 3P with an extra steal (night action) Wins if they get all 3 Shiny Objects

Wincon for everyone is to have 2 Shiny Objects by end of D8

Everyone whos not a Magpie gets 1x Steal at night where they can steal a shiny object

Action Order:

Magpie > Ravens > Crows > Jackdaws

Vote Tiebreaks / Shiny Thing pick order (If you are vote killed with a shiny it drops)
Jackdaw > Crows > Ravens > Magpies

Honestly that was nice to type out just to get my head around it ngl half the reason I've been quiet is I still couldn't really get the rules.
From OP

The two Jackdaws! What loud birds! Surely, such a noisy bird is worth listening to?
(During day, Jackdaw votes count thrice. Each Jackdaw knows the other's identity. The Jackdaws win by having two Shiny Things in their possession at the end of Day 8)
I don't think they have a Quicktopic either (don't quote me on that) so while they might know who each other are they might not be able to have the coordination that maf does.
Okay, at the start of the night, the Ravens had one shiny thing.

It was passed from anonymous Raven X to Rayday internally (successfully) Itz Narcotic then took it and has it. (3/15 thefts)
Shiny thing 2 was a Jackdaw shiny thing and started with Wiadi. Terra stole this, -Rosen stole it from Terra, I stole it from -Rosen and 1K stole it from me allegedly. It was allegedly stolen again from 1K, presumably by a Jackdaw.

Neither of these shiny things, by virtue of the fact that confirmed non-magpies stole them, is currently with the magpie. This means that, presuming Wiadi is a jackdaw, Wiadi should know for a fact whether the Magpie has all 3 shiny things or not.

Shiny thing 3 allegedly started with Wiadi's partner (Wiadi didn't have 2 shinies to start with or the whole Terra chain would have seen 2).

This quite sucks for us, because, AFAICT, it's quite unlikely that Itz, 1K AND the person who allegedly robbed 1K (who may or may not exist) are not jackdaws. No one's mentioned shiny #3 so far, so it's probably either A: with the magpie or B: with the second jackdaw still. As it's very likely that a jackdaw ended the night with a successfully steal, this means that, unless Wiadi robbed 1K, a single jackdaw (known to the magpie) is likely holding 2 orbs atm.

If that jackdaw is not Itz, then the magpie knows all 3 orbs and can get them with 2 thefts. OTOH, it's possible that 1K was robbed by Wiadi in which case it's a bit more likely than not that Itz is a crow, which'd make the orbs fairly spread out.

Is this all correct?
Nictis failed to rob Shadell
ItzNarcotic Robbed Rayday
Shadell Robbed -Rosen
Rayday11 Robbed an unspecified Raven
mesonoxian Failed to rob Terra
1KBestK Robbed Shadell
UnderlingMaster- Was a crow, robbed no one.
-Rosen Robbed Terrabrand
Terrabrand Robbed Wiadi
Raven 2: Robbed Terra, failed.
Raven 3: Failed to rob
Raven 4: Failed to rob

Is this an accurate summation of everything here? If so, I think any crow that stole an orb that hasn't yet spoken should absolutely do so now?
Okay, breaking character for a moment here, not sure if it's been explained already and I'm not there yet, but I'm noticing a lot of confusion regarding order of operations while I read.

Grave Robbing (Lynch) goes: Jackdaw->Crow->Raven->Magpie
Tail Plucking (Theft) goes: Magpie->Raven->Crow->Jackdaw

Both grave robbing and tail plucking can only result in one shiny, meaning that if someone has two shinies but is only stolen from once, they retain a shiny.
Nictis failed to rob Shadell
ItzNarcotic Robbed Rayday
Shadell Robbed -Rosen
Rayday11 Robbed an unspecified Raven
mesonoxian Failed to rob Terra
1KBestK Robbed Shadell
UnderlingMaster- Was a crow, robbed no one.
-Rosen Robbed Terrabrand
Terrabrand Robbed Wiadi
Raven 2: Robbed Terra, failed.
Raven 3: Failed to rob
Raven 4: Failed to rob

Is this an accurate summation of everything here? If so, I think any crow that stole an orb that hasn't yet spoken should absolutely do so now?
Nobody has claimed failure to rob wiadi though. If wiadi had two shinies or one I,hzve no way of knowing based on public info. And nor should you.
I tried to rob OriginalName and found nothing, and Tykan also reported doing the same with the same (lack of) result.
I'm honestly not concerned about losing to the magpie tonight per se and, honestly feel pretty bad for the magpie for how things spiraled out here.

Because unless Wiadi is the magpie in which case our plan should get him lynched, we have...

1 raven in the open.

1 jackdaw in the open.

3~ birds confirmed not magpie due to steal timing.

Another like 3~ confirmed not magpie if the magpie has a shiny when we enter night.

We'll be able to ensure the like. Halfish of all players confirmed not magpie are stealing in the possible magpie candidates making it impossible for the magpie to wind up at three.

Don't get me wrong, we still need to hunt them. But the chance of instantly dying is about nil.
I'm honestly not concerned about losing to the magpie tonight per se and, honestly feel pretty bad for the magpie for how things spiraled out here.

Because unless Wiadi is the magpie in which case our plan should get him lynched, we have...

1 raven in the open.

1 jackdaw in the open.

3~ birds confirmed not magpie due to steal timing.

Another like 3~ confirmed not magpie if the magpie has a shiny when we enter night.

We'll be able to ensure the like. Halfish of all players confirmed not magpie are stealing in the possible magpie candidates making it impossible for the magpie to wind up at three.

Don't get me wrong, we still need to hunt them. But the chance of instantly dying is about nil.
The Magpie is not as strong as all the other factions combined, yes; as long as every other faction is working against them in specific, they are unlikely to win, yes, but that doesn't strictly rely on us eliminating targets. "Each person robs the next player down" works just as well even if we have no idea who the Magpie is.

Nictis failed to rob Shadell
ItzNarcotic Robbed Rayday
Shadell Robbed -Rosen
Rayday11 Robbed an unspecified Raven
NSMS Failed to rob OriginalName
mesonoxian Failed to rob Terra
1KBestK Robbed Shadell
Tykan Failed to rob OriginalName
UnderlingMaster- Was a crow, robbed no one.
OriginalName Failed to rob ComiTrutle
-Rosen Robbed Terrabrand
Terrabrand Robbed Wiadi
Raven 2: Robbed Terra, failed.
Raven 3: Failed to rob
Raven 4: Failed to rob
