[Mafia] A Murder of Crows

I'm too tired of this back and forth to argue for or against anything now I just wanna get this over with
As far as I can tell, the Magpie just auto-loses if they end up outed, so I've been leaving them out of all talks on that pretense.
So, question is: what will Wiadi do now? I see three likely possibilities:
  1. They kill Rayday to fulfil the Jackdaws' threat.
  2. They kill -Rosen out of spite for attempting to force the Ravens' hand.
  3. They kill me for arguing for Jackdaw murder since Wiadi's post offering an alliance with the Ravens, and for picking out QTesseract as a Jackdaw pretty much from day 1.
My guess would be number 1, but you never do know. Regardless, are any of these events things we need to plan or prepare for?
Beginning of Night 3
All this theft and murder is starting to grow tiresome- it won't be too much longer until the flock is forced to let shinies be where they lay.
For now, greed wins out.

Night 3 will end

The Ravens have One Shiny Thing
The Crows have Two Shiny Things.

As we enter the endgame, I will be shortening future Days to 24 hours, and relaxing participation requirements. Tonight will be the same length as usual.
If you will be absent for a significant portion of a Day as a result of this, PM me.
Congratulations on your impending victory, Crows. Magpie: I wish you the best of luck in denying it to them, though your odds will be long. Ravens: you have chosen poorly.
So I just caught up and what seems to have happened is Crows promised to screw over Ravens if we sided with Jackdaws and Jackdaws promised to screw over Ravens if we sided with Crows. It's a no win situation and because neither Raven took the deal while I was asleep I'm going to die...

I really shouldn't have revealed myself Day 2 huh?
So I just caught up and what seems to have happened is Crows promised to screw over Ravens if we sided with Jackdaws and Jackdaws promised to screw over Ravens if we sided with Crows. It's a no win situation and because neither Raven took the deal while I was asleep I'm going to die...

I really shouldn't have revealed myself Day 2 huh?

TBH, it wasn't your fault here. We should have collectively voted Wiadi D2.

And, also, there's no way you could have accounted for jackdaws suddenly becoming a vig faction.

This post and this post are either a really great bluff though, or a very big slip.

Comi, OriginalName, Tykan, NSMS and TMR are the possible raven candidates at this point. Right after you post that a raven isn't around, Comi, NSMS, Tykan and OriginalName post on the situation.

Several hours later, you announce that ravens are still waiting on one. Then TheMaskedReader posts.

If @NSMS is the magpie, then that means Tykan/Comi/OriginalName are 2 crows and 1 raven.
So I just caught up and what seems to have happened is Crows promised to screw over Ravens if we sided with Jackdaws and Jackdaws promised to screw over Ravens if we sided with Crows. It's a no win situation and because neither Raven took the deal while I was asleep I'm going to die...

I really shouldn't have revealed myself Day 2 huh?

Should've trusted my word on counteracting the Crows' threats. Now you get to see what it's worth first-hand.
Incidentally if you'd rather survive the night I'll happily take the name of one of your teammates to target instead :V
NSMS is not a Magpie, as someone would have had to claim receiving a second Shiny Thing to CC his position. I don't think either the Ravens or the Crows would even attempt that.

That being said, unfortunately the Ravens having a Shiny Thing only narrows NSMS down from not being the Magpie (meaning I am still up for eating a D4 lynch to keep good on my D3 intentions), but it does put him at a 1/2 shot of being a Crow,so I think we can leave him be for now and look elsewhere.

Namely, I think TMR should be our biggest suspect going forward, along with ItzNarcotic, who isn't even confirmed as not a Raven at this moment.
...are you asking us to sheep you again?
@-Rosen may I have permission to give Wiadi a better path to personal victory and thus the game maintains more interest, or shall I let us just win with Wialdi killing a Raven?