Aleksander, Father of Dragons
The Awakening and Gathering.
When Aleksander had given his divine energy to his "children", he could not have foresaw what would have happened, only those sensitive to the to the time-stream, and due to its constant flux of time-precog's as well as a certain Indecisive mollusk's efforts, had allowed a Once man, then Vampire, Now a Minor God to gain a whole new domain, one that had been left unattended. The Very Domain and Title of
Father Of Dragons. This title, once belonging to a beast who was considered equal Asuryan (Which in any case may have been false on many accounts...for a dragon is not something you wish to test your might against, especially
The Father of Dragons himself!), and then brutally and fatally Wounded by
Anath Raema who was then banished by Asuryan forever more due to her actions, left dragon-kind severely weakened and vulnerable to the touch of chaos. Or perhaps that elven legenden was only a myth...yet even stories had a affect on the warp, and more so grudges can carry for a long time, this even the dwali knew...
Even with their legendary resistance, had the Ancient father of dragons lived in the ancient legend of Ulthan, perhaps the Chaos Dragons would have never come about...alas, it had happened...and an old Grudge was now planted as a seed into the Unknowing godling who even now tended to the first of his divinely gifted children. Ten Carmine Dragons, lords of the winds of death...and were acting as excited little children rather then the clever, cruel, and deadly beyond measure. However such things were beyond him, for as he tended to them, The Dragonsong Echoed in the dreaming realm of the warp...the Song that was the universal language of all dragons, able to awaken even the deepest and most catatonic emperor dragons from their slumber to go to war.
Yes, even now, from the Primeval Shard Dragons, to the highest Star dragons of Ulthan, to even the wastes of chaos where maddened and brutally mutated beasts that resembled the noble lords of the sky and earth in mockery shivered in primeval fear...and the father of the chaos dragons screamed in terror as it beheld visions of its own doom by the enraged father avenging the soul-death of its child. Indeed, even the black dragons of the Druchii shuddered and at times refused to go to war, require much magic and torment to push them forward even then with great reluctance...
And deep beneath the earth, the primeval shard dragons and magma dragons stopped for a brief moment in the hunt for food and territory and battles, only to FIGHT HARDER then before, sending many a magma troll, skaven-folk, deep-dwarves, and even chaos dwarven expeditions running for their lives. In the silence of the badlands to the far east, where the Chaos dwarves "reign" supreme...the bone-yard of dragons beheld whispers of the vengeful dead, those of dragon-kind that were refused their rest stir, sensing the change in all things and waiting for the moment of vengeance against all that transgressed the once holy site to where dragons once went to die.
And yet even further beyond, in the lands of Nippon and Cathay, some of the noble beasts of the eastern lands beheld the strange dreams of the Largest of their kind ever to exist, and those old enough to remember the ancient father of their lineage beheld a small candle, a tiny light of hope amidst the angered sea of greed, power, and lonely desires and near-stagnate natures. Some younger beasts without territory of their own began to make the journey west, to follow the strange dreaming, others stayed and contemplated, sending out magical probes and seeking out mortals who may be knowledgeable of the situation.
Even closer to home many dreaming beasts started to rumble-
-Fire and Doom-fire dragons stirred in their magma chambers...their flaming and near burning forms rising and awakening with great passion and fury to the world...yet also with a savage joy of a long-seated vengeance to be claimed. Many different regions experience higher temperatures then normal as the fiery aspects of dragon-kind and the most well-known come into the world with curiosity and a savage glee.
-Forest and Venom Dragons awakened from their tree/cave entrances and began to wander the ever-changing time-locked forest of their home, unsure of what they sought, but seeking all the same...their forms slither and uncaring of whoever they disrupt, either fay or elf, they care not...and if they encounter the wild-hunt? They Usually leave the bands in pieces slaughtered where they stood. Their moods grim and a ancient grudge awakening in their poisoned souls for vengence long denied, yet they slither through the undergrowth, seeking passages to the outside world beyond the primeval world of the forests...
-Frost and Ice moved in their sedate and slumber some pace, breaking the ice that clung to their forms as they went to beheld the heavens to attain the answers they the frosted skies they sought their answers. Some stay in their regions, answers gained and now contemplated, others sedately moved depending on their territory to the lands of bretonnia...their chilled arua's affecting the weather-patterns beyond the normal...
-Magma Dragons, dwelling in the volcanic regions and deep in the earth turned and churned the molten chambers of their homes, some seeking the surface, creating massive volcanic explosions that wiped out entire regions around them, uncaring of who they caught in their way for answers. Many a region is devastated and left a ruin of itself as some magma dragons in fustration turn their wrath upon those unfortunately to get in their way.
-In the Dream Realm...Nightmare Dragons, beasts of Pure Shyish and possible evolution of the Carmine dragons turned their wicked and cruel gaze in curiosity to the new Dream that that cared even if it disapproved of some of their choices...a new...sensation they had never felt and desired more of...and so they come, seeking the one that unknowingly calls them home. A dream unlike any other.
-In the highest heavens and deepest moutain regions, Storm dragons both regular and Great turned wilder then normal, throwing lighting at the slightest provocation in either jittering excitement or simply just their own crazed minds taking their own route of things. The Wild beasts irregular patterns of flight and thought turning this way and that as they meander to the realm that called to them...
Even the dragon-kin of the world, beasts that who may or may not totally be related to the ones known in the old world stirred...
-Celestial dragons, wise, serpentine, and golden scaled rumbled in their homes, much to the distress of many a cathay servant as they tried to appease the mighty beasts as they contemplated the newest arrival in the great game of destiny...yet it deeply pleased them on some primal level of such a new player...some sought scholars, others messengers, and yet some still began to plan for the newest arrivals role for the world itself, seeking to attain greater heights of prestige and power that is to come.
-In the so called dragon isles of the south, Great-Wyverns hunted, and with their animal-like instincts and mind, did not truly understand or notice the arrival of the new godling yet they still celebrated in the only way their animalistic minds could comprehend. And in some deep part of their primeval mind-set some minor groups of these terrifying beasts began to migrate from island to island until they hit the mainland, and then proceeded to move north-westward towards a unknown destination...
-The Primeval Merwyrms, beasts similar to the Shard dragons also held the primal intelligence of their kin, and yet they too stired in greater numbers and sightings since the awakening of the New Father, not that they truly understood...but they knew that something had changed, and they turned their gazes to the oceans near bretonnia, uncertain in the animal minds WHY, but only that they must go. Even as they swam to the new sea-lands that called to them, they were joined by their kin both the pale PagoWyrms and the Blackened ScioWyrms...both northern icey and deep-ocean dwelling beasts rising and comming to the newest lands...even as they drove the massive krakens and other sea beasts before them in their hunger.
-The Sea Dragons, Massive mutated beasts enslaved by the Dark Elves or Druchii depending on who you asked, stired from their chains and bindings...and rebuked them. It would take many lives and treasures and magic to keep them under control, and even then some got away from the sudden spell of madness that seemed to take them. For some reason heading south-west of their lands. Weeks later they would be sighted by Eleven trade ships following a seemingly massive migration of dragonoid species...even sighting the rare and elusive Hell-Drakes establishing authority over the hunting parties of the beasts.
-Even the Massive and wild Shard Dragons, beasts long stuck in the earth and devolved in anceint times, turned their gazes to the fair lands of bretonnia...even in the deepest and darkest depths of the earth they began to migrate. Churning through rock and stone and flesh and blood of those foolish enough to get in their way. Rune-lords alarmed by their own collared beasts that suddenly screamed and tried in almost vain to claw their way out of the karak holds towards a unknown destination were most often in frustration required to release the collars they had long used to "control" the beasts. The few that managed to keep the beasts under control suffered some great but replaceable losses.
-Cruel and massive toad dragons, beasts that are nearly mindless, reeking horrors of the old world before the time of the old ones lumbered from their swamps, called by some sort of vision or dream, slowly and carefully made their way south, devouring any who crossed their large bulky paths. Their near-impossible to kill nature and massive bulk insured their safety and their comfort even as they dragged themselves slowly across the northern lands. entire villages would disappear at a time and many a chaos champion would either be crushed under the bulk or chewed and spat out. Some kind of New instinct telling the beasts that to devour the "Uneatables" would result in some form of badness to the newly enhanced minds of the once near mindless beasts...for the spark of knowledge now lurked in their eyes, even if it was the primeval intelligence of beasts rather then simple existence.
-Wyverns, terrifying arrogant and cannibalistic beasts that trade the nobility, power, and grace of a dragon for all the brutal twisted malice that only ork-kind could endear to. Not even the orks would dare try to nab a fully grown member of these filthy beasts, and even dragons regard them as barely kin with great deal of disgust and grumbling anger. These beasts felt the rise more keenly then their other brethren...and became wrathful and fearful of what may come for them...for great was their many crimes, and many a arrogant beast only came out of their filth and nests in desperation of starvation or blind-fury that saw them eventually dead. Even the beasts "tamed" by the orks went wild in a frenzy as if afraid of some greater predator coming for them all.
All these beasts, either dragons or dragon-kin hear the subtle dragon-song that is sung. Even now in the realms of gods, many of the Order Gods took note of the newest incarnation's newly attained status and worry...for the dragons of old never worshiped a singular being before, and only those old enough to know (being elves of darker beings) could begin to understand what is to come...Some who had fought dragons before stirred and readied their champions.
Even in the depths of Caldor, the slumber so called
Kalgalanos the Black "Father of Dragons" dreamed...dreaming of the one who would truly surpass the slumbering beast and become a true god of their kind...and for a dragon that is reputed to only awaken at the end of the stirred the most slightest movement in its vast horde in the deepest chambers of ulthan's fiery volcano.
Even Tzeentch took note of the newest change, and laughed in its crystal palaces as it marked off another grand plan in the making, sure it MAY make the mortal realm stronger then before, and that the new godling
MAY become a semblance of a
ACTUAL threat in THIS realm to its designs...But the third entity of chaos, the primordial change and mutation and ambition as well as plots/schemes itself crackled in glee/wailed in fury/shuddered in delight fear/shrugged in response to this newest change. The Dragon-song, something so little and so much change...why it couldnt help but admire this little bit of a change to the timeline, sure its kin
MIGHT cause the entity issues now that it had
*TECHNICALLY* broken the "Rules" of the "Great Game" they had played so long, why they might even go as far as a another team-up to shatter the chaos god! Sure it MIGHT happen, but who cared? it had over 999 plots waiting for THAT little time-line to happen IF it ever does so.
Still to see that poor pus sack so grievously denied? Why that alone was almost worth a little "Gift" to the godling that was dancing to its why not? it could...
"HELP" the little one along by allowing the song to grow, why it may even get a new player for Paradox-Billards-Vostroyan-Roulette-fourth Dimensional hypercube-chess-strip poker! Even the Anathema could barely keep up these days with its little failing empire
Oh yes, everything was going JUST AS PLANNED!