Another Power Manipulation SI (Snippet 1)
"I see, for the record can you describe your powers again? As accurately as you can." The scientist next to Armsmaster requested.

I, Greg Veder was now in the PRT about to undergo power testing. would be more correct to say that this body once belonged to Greg Veder.

I was here about a year before cannon. But I didn't like fighting.

Hell. Even with power Manipulation, I was a coward.

Just as Greg was which was why even I ran to the PRT the moment I understood what had happened.

The Wards may be restricting to capes. But to me who didn't actually experience a trigger even nor had a conflict drive, it was the perfect place for me.

I nodded. "When I see a Parahuman some of them have limits on them. Sometimes I get an idea of how they would be if their lots were removed and their full potential is unleashed, though I don't see it on everyone. And I can only do it once a day. That my main power. I also have a secondary ability that can also heal others. "

The healer was the ultimate power in Worm. No one touches the healer unless you want the entire world to come down on your head. Well. That is if the healer doesn't fight... And I don't plan on doing that. I was going to let others fight for me.

"I see." Armsmaster nodded "Then can you see any limits on my power?"

I stared at Armsmaster as I took in his appearance.

I couldn't really find any other superhero that looked like him, he was pretty unique in that way.

But I suppose he could be compared to Iron man.

Yeah, his mannerisms fit him perfectly.

Originally a glory hound before eventually becoming a true hero.

Yeah, he fit Iron man's behaviour to a T.

I can definitely imagine how much he would be able to do with iron man tech.

"Yeah," I nodded. "You definitely have limits. I can see how far you would be able to go if they are released." The bleeding edge armour was seriously something.

"I see. Very well. Please proceed." Armsmaster nodded at me.

"Are you sure?"

"Yes, I have already signed the waivers absolving you of responsibility should something go wrong. It's best to do it in a controlled environment, than on the field."

I'm pretty sure he wanted whatever advantage he could get. Especially with Dauntless now taking the spotlight.

I have to be careful though. Ironman tech isn't tinker tech but mundane tech. Which means it would bring a lot of attention on me if scientists figured it, but at the same time I also need to make sure that I was valuable enough to make the PRT willing to fight tooth and nail to keep me safe.

I closed my eyes and reached within myself.

Within mind, I felt my power.

It lay there eagerly waiting for my wishes as if it were a loyal dog.

I needed to grant Armsmaster a Tinker power to make all Ironman tech and link it with his shard. Make sure that the new power black boxes all its tech just like a regular tinker power.

I felt PM respond to my wishes.

I needed 2 charges.

Add in a power that grants him multitasking up to 64 threads and accelerate his perception 64 fold when he is in combat or a delicate operation. Also a power to make him a Noctis cape.

Another 3 charges...

Hmm, not good, I need to keep atleast one charge with me in case of emergency.

What if instead of a Noctis cape power Armsmaster can choose when to sleep and how long exactly to sleep, but the moment he activates it he will fall into a deep sleep instead of in stages like normal.

This way his body can get much better rest in much less time, And Armsmaster can rest when he finds it convenient.

Two charges. Great.

So Totalling four charges power Manipulation surged forth.

I opened my eyes and aimed a palm towards Armsmaster.

"Ready," I called out.

Armsmaster nodded and with his permission granted I called it forth and a ball pure power formed on my outstretched hand.

It was like a miniature sun except it glowed blue.

The next moment the blue ball left my hand slowly floating towards Armsmaster and it sunk into his body and vanished as soon as it reached him.

The moment it Vanished Armsmaster stiffened.

"Armsmaster? How do you feel? Anything strange? The scientists asked."

Armsmaster shook his head. "No, I was simply fascinated by the effects. I didn't know that my power was limited so much."

And for the next few hours, the scientists grilled Armsmaster on the differences he felt and did several tests to make sure he wasn't adversely effected while they asked me several questions as well. After which I was taken to meet a few volunteers to test my healing powers, the volunteers turned out to be PRT agents who wanted Hazard pay.

Good news though...

I was going to be a new ward.

Bad news.

I did have to patrol atleast once a week.

Well, as long as I stayed on the Wards route and followed the procedures everything should hopefully turn out OK.

Now the question was what name should I pick?

Rule Breaker was an inside joke that no one else got since fate didn't exist here.

Chakra didn't work as I wasn't Asian.

I jokingly suggested the name Worm and got deadpan looks from the PR guys.

Gaia was seen as too pretentious and also somehow female?

Marvel was already taken.

But eventually, I was able to suggest something that strangely wasn't taken and was accepted by the PR department.

The World would soon face the might of Void.

It was neutral.

Not heroic or Villainous, which means it was up to me to make it heroic... And the PR team.

But most importantly for the PR guys, it was Cool and sounded cool.

Though I hope no one connects me to my PHO account...

Also on a good note. Armsmaster was making me a Tinker tech outfit. Apparently, the PR team decided to go with a space theme since I chose the name Void...

I couldn't wait to see it!

My plan to make the Heroes work for me in saving the world while I sat back and relaxed was going perfectly....

All according to CAKE. Mwuahahahahaha!
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Why give him iron man tech? Why not just modify his existing power to remove limits? I'm assuming its the cyoa v1 pm though.
Giving the once a day stipulation is a good way to keep some autonomy. And its fairly easy to copy dozens of other powers for your own use this way too.
I can see it now. At his debut when they ask him name he could pull a clockblocker, saying his name is Void... Void cowboy. Making the internet groan when they realize an idiot had become a Parahuman.
Maybe make it subtler? Just have him show up wearing a cowboy hat whenever he in his superhero gear, but never mention 'Void Cowboy' - whenever he's asked he can just say that he really likes cowboy hats.
Why give him iron man tech? Why not just modify his existing power to remove limits? I'm assuming its the cyoa v1 pm though.
Giving the once a day stipulation is a good way to keep some autonomy. And its fairly easy to copy dozens of other powers for your own use this way too.
Be dude the character is supposed to be a lovable idiot? Well meaning but not very creative? That kind of guy.
Plot Idea: MC gets ROB'd & dumped in a Pokemon death world as a Lunar Exalt. Ditto's taste like everything... and end up being the Lunar equivalent of licking toads.

Also known as - Pokémon: Taste the Rainbow, Be the Rainbow.
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Waver Velvet SI idea
Self insert as Waver Velvet in Fate zero before he goes to summon Rider, self insert also comes with a Magic core and and a few spells.

Said Spells:

Gandr-- A type of curse that can reduce the target's physical capability. If the magical energy is highly condensed, it could have the same firepower as a bullet.

Purge - Removes Curses on a target, so long as said curse wasn't inflicted by divinity. The stronger the curse the more prana is required to break the curse.

Restore - Heals wounds by restoring the state of the target body to a better condition. The more damages repaired the more prana is consumed.

Osiris - Covers target with a spherical shield made of pure prana. Takes little energy to cast and maintain. Prana cost directly proportional to strength of the attack blocked.

Ghais - can cure any matter of curse but instead requires blood as a cost with prana. Will work more efficiently under rain. Caution- Undoing Divine curses must be done in increments while taking time to rest and replinish lost blood else might result in death from blood loss.

Mana Burst-- increases in performance caused by infusing one's weapons and body with Magical Energy and instantly expelling it. Simply put using Reinforcement beyongmd the bodies limits but for a very short period of time.

Reaction Enhancement - Reduces the reaction time of the user. Halving the time from 250ms to 175ms. Further practice will reduce this. Masters of this skill can lower it to 20ms. Theoretically it is bring it down to 1ms or less though most don't see the need to.

Spiritron Enforcer - Temporarily raises all Parameters of the target by one rank. Caution- Uses a huge amount of magical energy, using this spell for an extended period of time will likely cause magic circuits to burn out from over heat.

Sense Partition- (gathers information from all the senses together and connects them together. Makes user highly aware of their surroundings.)
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Fairy tail worm crossover
What if Myrddin didn't exist or rather he was some else. What of he was never a cauldron cape and never joined the protectorate.

What if Myrddin was Makarov?

What if the Adepts were actually the Fairytail giuld that were unable to return to magnolia for some reason and decided to settle here until they figure out a way.

With most people not believing in magic and calling those that do crazy it will be an interesting idea to explore.

And then the world will start to doubt whether they are parahuman when Makarov finally has enough and completely destroys an endbringer sacrificing his life in the process while Erza and everyone in the guild try their best but are unable to, Begging him to not use the fairy law, tears in their eyes. The whole event is recorded by some tinker cameras that would be convinient ly floating around by a convinient tinker recording everthing, every word especially the words of Mavis warning him not to use Fairy law as it it's cost scales to the amount and strength of an opponent, all of event would be in HD and streaming live.

But after that... Then the world will begin to take the Fairy tail guild seriously. Makrovs noble sacrifice would attract several heroes to ally with them or become friendly despite the majority considering them mad people. All the work that the Protectorate anti PR campaign did against them would be undone then and there. People would begin to realize that the Fairy tail were truly using magic, that they were not crazy. Of course there would be several who would continue to doubt but anhillating an endbringer kind of makes it hard to ignore especially when Sion the world's most powerful 'hero' is unable to do more that drive them back.

What do you guys think?

And of course cauldron will start to have an interest in them as well.
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Ah yes, he dies, and later on returns. Which in canon storyline COMPLETELY kills off the drama of the sacrifice. Why make it so dramatic, to simply make that character to return like it never happened. Saying that it was anticlimactic was an understatement. To be fair though I felt similar with Gai being casually rescued after 8 Gates sacrifice...

To be fair Fairy Tail was a pretty fun shounen early on. Nothing too incredible, but still enjoyable. Later on though... lust/pleasure magic, I swear...

Any way to move from the topic, I think it may work. I think only One Piece character could give a similar vibes, whole 'family', 'nakama', 'friendship', 'determination' thing vibes. I think this could also be interesting with One Piece crossover in some way, especially as World Nobles would fit with Worm's worst villains like a glove, competing on who is worse.

But yeah, I don't think this concept works for more than few chapters. Make it fast paces, with good battles, which Fairy Tail was good with, and lots of corny speeches, and it will fit Fairy Tail well.

No. He won't return... Its his end.. That's that... This isn't dragon ball.

I suspect this is the case. I just said what happened in Fairy Tail. And Fairy Tail later on gets... REALLY weird at times (like mentioned whole pleasure magic WTF arc). This is still Worm, we can't have too good endings, and all.

But overall I would read it, the way you presented it, but yeah, I don't see the need for this to be longer than a few chapters.
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Ah yes, he dies, and later on returns. Which in canon storyline COMPLETELY kills off the drama of the sacrifice. Why make it so dramatic, to simply make that character to return like it never happened. Saying that it was anticlimactic was an understatement. To be fair though I felt similar with Gai being casually rescued after 8 Gates sacrifice...

To be fair Fairy Tail was a pretty fun shounen early on. Nothing too incredible, but still enjoyable. Later on though... lust/pleasure magic, I swear...

Any way to move from the topic, I think it may work. I think only One Piece character could give a similar vibes, whole 'family', 'nakama', 'friendship', 'determination' thing vibes. I think this could also be interesting with One Piece crossover in some way, especially as World Nobles would fit with Worm's worst villains like a glove, competing on who is worse.

But yeah, I don't think this concept works for more than few chapters. Make it fast paces, with good battles, which Fairy Tail was good with, and lots of corny speeches, and it will fit Fairy Tail well.
No. He won't return... Its his end.. That's that... This isn't dragon ball.
Kaleidoscope Copy Wheel. EYE.
Mangyekyou Sharingan translated into Kaleidoscope Copy wheel eye.

Sound familiar?

What if the all sharing a contained a fraction of the power of the Kaleidoscope?

It would explain all the varied abilities and why most abilities of mangyekyou Sharingan messed with space or time in some way.

What if when Itachi killed the clan the power that was once diluted among hundreds of clan members not fell into a single child before he activated his Sharingan.

Upon its activation just as Itachi left Sasuke's already traumatised mind shattered as he went insane. Then sane.. Then insane again, then sane and finally became completely apathetic.

His Sharingan glowed the colours of a rainbow instead of the usual red.

His Sharingan showed him the Kaleidoscope.

It showed him every single possibility.

He saw everything.

He saw truth he saw the falsehood.

It showed him this entire universe, it showed him every single universe, it showed him Infinite Universes.

The Human mind Cannot grasp the concept of infinite.

As such him mind shattered.

For he had tried to comprehend infinity.

As such he went mad.

But one can only be mad for so long and he eventually madness became sane and tried to comprehend it again.

Which caused his mind to snap and become mad again.

And so the cycle continued for an indefinite amount of time until his mind finally shut down.

He saw infinity.

But he couldn't comprehend it.

So he ignored it.

It didn't matter.

Nothing mattered.

After all, when each action he did, each action someone else did, each breeze of the wind, every breath of a cat the universe split apart.

For each action the universe split.

No matter what he did nothing mattered.

He even saw one his selves become one the strongest ninjas in his universe.

But it was nothing to him.

He could see every single possibility and take it into account. He could literally create paths to anything. He could even destroy the leaf in a few steps... In fact, there were about 57 steps.

That's all it took.

With his Mangyekyou he would be able to summon anything from any universe that included energy. He could. Even visit other universes.

But what was the point?

Nothing mattered.

It was all pointless.

For Sasuke, it was an eternity.

If Itachi had turned around he would have seen the incomplete rainbow Sharingan flickering for several seconds before he fell unconscious.

When he woke up Konoha would be greeted by the most apathetic uchiha ever.

So apathetic he might have been mistaken for a Nara...

But that's a story for another time..
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This story has many possibilities.
I imagine him using this acquired knowledge to alter the invocation of the impure world and blend it with the summons of the Nasu servants.
Imagine Hokage Servants.
Hashirama Servant ???.
Tobirama Servant Caster.
Hiruzen Servant Lancer.
Minato Servant Rider
Edit: I just realized now that it was not in English.😅
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Shippuden Sasuke SI snippet 1
I blinked as I found myself standing in front of what seemed to be Orochimaru's dead body.

Right... I did specifically request that... Though I didn't think the email was real...

The process seemed impossibly smooth. I could feel the Chakra in my body flowing ready to obey my whims. I had Sasuke's instincts as well as his Chakra.

I felt the three empty Noble Phantasm slots and the mental archive at the back of my head.

But this wasn't the time for lollygagging.

As I felt Kabuto right behind me at the door waiting. Unsure of whether his master has completed the transfer.

"Orochimaru sama?" he called out hoping that his master was the one in control.

I turned towards him my Sharingan activating...

"Orochimaru failed to take over my body."

"Then..." I could see Kabuto's denial.

"However, he isn't dead."

"He's not?" Kabuto blinked as disbelief gave way to hope.

"His soul is present within my body but he simply failed to take it." He was within The curse seal to be exact. Orochimaru had put pieces of his soul within them... Though I don't think Kabuto knew that.

"I see" Kabuto pushed up his glasses "What do you intend to do now? Are going to kill Itachi?"

I paused.

That was a good question.

I wasn't a citizen of Konoha as such I had no kage or a superior to serve. i wasn't Sasuke so I did not need vengeance.

But Sasuke's memories.

I had them...

The things that Orochimaru did...he would have made a perfect Magus. He would do anything if it meant achieving his goals. Even cutting open a child.

He just had to replace the goal for immortality and Jutsu with searching for the root.

And Sasuke... He saw the things Orochimaru did... And he didn't care. His thirst for revenge was so great that he ignored everything else.

The people in the locked up starving in the dungeons.

The people who were suffering in tubes results of his experimentation.

This place might be might be hell. But it was a place where I had the authority since I had just killed Orochimaru.

It was also currently had the highest tech excluding the land of snow. And even then we had far more high tech in Biological experimenting equipment due to Orochimaru's fascination with immortality.

Decision made I spoke.

"During the ritual, I saw something, it showed me the true nature of the Universe, it gave me so much knowledge that Orochimaru would be willing to kill himself to get it."

"You mean true immortality?" Kabuto inquired eyes wide.

I accessed the mental archive, I responded immediately to my, enquiry and I nodded to Kabuto.

"There several ways to attain immortality. But for now, we will have to wait until he comes back. Until then I will be taking over as Otokage."

I had a lot of work to do if I wanted to turn this hell into a decent place... Maybe even a scientific powerhouse. Besides, unlike all the other villages the sound didn't have a Daimyo that it served which gave it freedom that other villagers didn't have.


"Yes, I'm taking control of Oto from here on." My Sharingan glowed, spinning slowly as I glared at Kabuto. "Unless you have a problem with that Kabuto?"

He didn't have an excuse either and in somethings, he was worse. But he wasn't a leader but a follower, hell in Canon he even went as far as to inject Orochimaru SI's DNA to try to become like him.

A drop of sweat poured down Kabuto's forehead as I began to exert pressure, Killing intent leaking out from my Chakra.


"Very well, until Orochimaru returns." he nodded stiffly.


Then it was time to get to work.
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I'm not sure, but can the Orochimaru's soul access the host's memories?
If he (SI) is screwed.
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Hey, quick question out of context ... what would it be like if Ritsuka had a Sharingan or a Byakugan?
This, this is beautiful.

Hey, quick question out of context ... what would it be like if Ritsuka had a Sharingan or a Byakugan?
Sharingan? Ritsuka gets a crash course in magecraft, possibly loses a limb trying to mimic reinforcement tailored to someone else, and is otherwise pretty much fine until they try to mimic magecraft from the Age of Gods, at which point they trip ass over head.

Following the restoration of the human order, though? Ritsuka would probably receive a Sealing Designation if they failed to keep their Sharingan secret, and/or have magi chasing them with magecraft-enhanced eyescream scoops.

Byakugan? Ritsuka shows up wearing a hoody and blacked out aviator shades, hood up, and eventually becomes competent enough to earn a place upon the Throne as a 'blind' magus Archer.

Also, in the meantime? Minor to intermediate buffs on magecraft education and escape, evasion, tracking, and trap avoidance rolls, to name a few. May also end up chased by magi with enhanced eyescream scoops, depending on how well Ritsuka plays off their eyes as a minor curiosity unworthy of 'research' or a Sealing Designation.

There's also a good chance in both cases that Ritsuka ends up learning how to think with portals and ends up jumping ship to another Earth, probably with Mash, especially if the whole Kotomine incident goes down similarly to canon.
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