Fammilar of Zero........ Snippet 1
It was an important day at the Tristain Academy of Magic. After all, it was the day of the Springtime Summoning Ritual, an important part of any Mage's education. Today was the day when each mage selected their familiar.

By the second year of their education, each Mage was to select a familiar. Everyone hoped for a powerful familiar such as a dragon, gryphon or a Manticore, but most likely they would get something far more mundane.

Louise Françoise Le Blanc de La Vallière however, was currently hoping for something far more valuable than a mere owl or cat. She was a mage who was magically inept, a humiliating prospect for a noble in Halkeginia. She had endured the scorn and derision of her classmates for that.

It was made all the worse by the noble pedigree that she came from. Her father's line was a prominent and important noble clan, while her mother was the renowned Karin of the Heavy Wind. The fact that she could not measure up to her parents was a rather sore spot.

Her heart beat with trepidation. While she hoped for a great and powerful familiar, to shut up her classmates, she really needed to summon something lest she be an utter failure at being a mage in all areas. She might even be kicked out or disowned out of her family.

That scared her. She lived in a land where magic was a synonym for nobility, and without magic, she was nothing better than a commoner. The best she could look forward to was perhaps be used as a bride to be married off. The worst was being cast from the nobility entirely. Wardes, her so-called fiance hadn't even visited her once nor even sent a single letter to her. He was no fiance. Just a man married to his duty.

Then there was Kirche von Zerbst. The one who twisted the knife in further and applied salt to her already painful wounds.

It hurt such that at times she thought of jumping off the tallest tower and being done with it. Only the thought of her Sister Cattleya still kept her from doing so.

But she would not fail. She must not fail. She had studied and studied up to this particular moment, trying to understand the mechanics of ''Summon Servant''. Everything had been staked on this one moment.

If she failed she didn't know what she might do.

''Miss Vallière please step forward and perform the rite,'' Professor Colbert called her.

She stepped forward hesitantly, taking a deep breath, steeling herself, then she began her incantation.

My familiar who exists somewhere in the universe…"

This was her final chance. If she failed here she would likely be expelled. No, perhaps she might actually through with killing herself.

"...my divine, beautiful, wise, and powerful servant, heed my call. I wish from the very bottom of my heart…"

Cattleya perhaps would weep. But in this society where magic was everything.. Her failures as a mage may as make her high ranking Commoner. She couldn't beat the thought of what would happen should she fail.

"...answer to my guidance and appear!"

As she completed her incantation she felt her willpower draining. It drained far faster than she had ever experienced before. Perhaps this time the spell would work?

But instead of a familiar appearing, a huge magic circle appeared around her. It was so huge that some of it appeared under the students who were waiting several feet back.

"Students step out of the magic circle," Colbert warned as he gripped his staff tightly ready for anything to happen. He had never ever seen anything thing like this happen in his life.

Most of the students began to murmur as they had never seen Louise even coming remotely close to succeeding before.

The circle began to brighten as heavy winds began to blow from it nearly pushing several students away. It then split, a copy of the circle rising around Louise as if scanning every in of her before vanishing as it rose above her head.

The circle began to brighten to ridiculous levels as the whole clearing was engulfed in a bright, blue flash, centred on Louise. That was unexpected and blinded everyone except Colbert and Tabitha who had battle experience and had managed to cover their eyes, leading to a great many yelps, shouts, and groans from several students who had spots in their eyes.

As the light dimmed down there was no familiar to be seen. This was expected. Several students gave an audible sigh of relief as they had expected a huge explosion. Even those who couldn't sense the massive amount of will power could tell that a huge amount was used from how bright the magic circle was.

Louise fell down collapsing into a heap and as Colbert approached her, he saw her face completely red. He leaned in to inspect her temperature and he found that she was completely burning up, then her whole body began to shake as she began to shiver and then fell unconscious.

Something was very wrong.

"Class Dismissed!" he called out as he cast levitation on the poor girl and hurried to the infirmary.

"How is she?" Colbert asked the healer.

"The girl is stable for now." The healer sighed tiredly. "Honestly if you had brought her in a minute later her head might have cooked itself." Colbert gasped. "Fortunately I managed to stabilize her, her brain kept trying to cook itself. It took nearly an hour of constantly cooling her off before she was stable. What the hell happened to her?"

Colbert let out a sigh of relief as he heard that Valerie was stable. He wasn't sure he would survive if the girl had died under his watch. Karin would make sure he'd be dead.

"Thank you!" Jean gave a thankful nod.

"You still didn't answer my question. What the hell happened?"

"I don't know," Colbert answered honestly. He had no idea what had happened.

Perhaps her Magic had misfired differently? Or perhaps she had succeeded and her familiar was the cause of it? He could only hope Miss Valerie would awake soon.

What he didn't know was Louise's brain was not cooked due to a familiar or the failure of her Magic.

Rather the ridiculous amount of knowledge and information that her Brain had to process which was being provided from..... Somewhere...

A human brain is extremely powerful capable of 10 ^ 17 operations per second.

Or 1,000,000,000,000,000,000 operations a second.

The amount of information that had entered her brain was so much that it was pushed to its limit for a whole hour.

If she wasn't being constantly healed and cooled by the healer her brain would have burnt itself out trying to process all the information.

When Louise woke up next she would be very, very different.
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Issei is basically a Hentai Protagonist trapped in a Shōnen setting, perverting the Power of Friendship into the Power of Oppai and unable to go full R-18.
Similarily, Basara Toujou from The Testament of Sister New Devil is a Shōnen Protagonist who is inducted into a Hentai setting. Accidental perversion at first, then he was browbeaten into a deliberate perverted act, and things just went downhill from there. All facilitated by a loli succubus.
Issei, huh?
I watched maybe two seasons of the DxD anime and that was a long time ago, and now that I think about it... Issei is NOT a good person.
He is a pervert obssed with titties surrounded by woman that adore and love him just because he is either the beaer of the Boosted Gear or because he is "nice" to them. His only redeeming quality is that he is not someone with predejuce against other races or people because he's just such a "nice" guy to them and that only really works because everyone who's against him is just EVIL for the sake of being evil, thus making Issei's perversion look tame in comparison(How was he not arrested or at leasted kicked out of school for peeking on female students is beyond me and is just played of as comedy).
So you admit that you are talking about the character literally without knowing the plot or the details of the narrative?
Similarily, Basara Toujou from The Testament of Sister New Devil is a Shōnen Protagonist who is inducted into a Hentai setting. Accidental perversion at first, then he was browbeaten into a deliberate perverted act, and things just went downhill from there. All facilitated by a loli succubus.

At least he puts his family and friends before his fetish or whatever obsession he might have. Hell I think Ichika Orimura is still a better protagonist than Issei, in Infinite Stratos my problem is less with the protagonist and more with the Heroines. The only descent woman is his sister, pretty much all the other girls are crazies.

So you admit that you are talking about the character literally without knowing the plot or the details of the narrative?

To be fair he's not wrong, in fact I think he pretty much hit the mark.
It's always fun to watch people assert their judgment about characters and stories they haven't read.
I was talking about the Issei that I remembered from the anime, and don't you think it is a little unfair to demand from people that they need to read a light novel version and ignore the anime? If the anime got Issei wrong, then it is not the viewer's fault for not liking a character. So, maybe instead of acting all smug about reading the LN about an oppai loving pervert, please explain why do you think that others are wrong?
Because the Issei that I remember from watching the anime is a guy who gets more angry about people's boobs being shrinked than his parents being threatend...
So since people post idead her and i dont want to forget my idea before posting it somewhere
Louise summoning a clone of herself same timeline right infront of her with her full memories but with a self insert driving the seat
So since people post idead her and i dont want to forget my idea before posting it somewhere
Louise summoning a clone of herself same timeline right infront of her with her full memories but with a self insert driving the seat
So she'll be summoning a SI that's possessing her body from the future? That would be quite hilarious, especially if the SI would have some split personality problems, but what about Saito then?
I was talking about the Issei that I remembered from the anime, and don't you think it is a little unfair to demand from people that they need to read a light novel version and ignore the anime? If the anime got Issei wrong, then it is not the viewer's fault for not liking a character. So, maybe instead of acting all smug about reading the LN about an oppai loving pervert, please explain why do you think that others are wrong?
Because the Issei that I remember from watching the anime is a guy who gets more angry about people's boobs being shrinked than his parents being threatend...
Because in LN, Issei didn't get angry anymore about the breast threat.
At LN, he trite did not believe that he could protect something as valuable as his parents. More precisely, the threat of death to his parents became a trigger that enabled Issei to activate Azazel's device.
The problem is that Vali quickly defeated Issei, which emotionally put pressure on Issei. He began to doubt his own abilities.
When Azazel mentioned boobs, Issei was able to strengthen himself and come up with tactics, because he was distracted from thoughts of impossibility. In a sense, Issei did not consider himself capable of protecting something as important as a family. He morally did not perceive himself as someone who was capable of this.
Well, women's breasts are not comparable to family in value, so Issei had no problems with emotional intensity in relation to such an insignificant thing. As a result, the chest in this moment was nothing more than a distraction.
The actual relationship between Issei and his parents is well illustrated in the twentieth volume of the ronobe. As well as the fact that this time Issei no longer needed a distraction to fight for more of his family.
Because in LN, Issei didn't get angry anymore about the breast threat.
At LN, he trite did not believe that he could protect something as valuable as his parents. More precisely, the threat of death to his parents became a trigger that enabled Issei to activate Azazel's device.
The problem is that Vali quickly defeated Issei, which emotionally put pressure on Issei. He began to doubt his own abilities.
When Azazel mentioned boobs, Issei was able to strengthen himself and come up with tactics, because he was distracted from thoughts of impossibility. In a sense, Issei did not consider himself capable of protecting something as important as a family. He morally did not perceive himself as someone who was capable of this.
Well, women's breasts are not comparable to family in value, so Issei had no problems with emotional intensity in relation to such an insignificant thing. As a result, the chest in this moment was nothing more than a distraction.
The actual relationship between Issei and his parents is well illustrated in the twentieth volume of the ronobe. As well as the fact that this time Issei no longer needed a distraction to fight for more of his family.
Ah, so LN Issei is the superior Issei and only needed something Shi- Er, bouncy, waved in front of his face to distract him from his choice anxiety long enough to get things rolling. Cool, that's a lot less flanderized than a male broken bird equivalent that'd pieced himself back together with spit, bailing wire, and paper mache'd nudie mags, repeatedly, suddenly deciding he values the relative curvature of his girl over the lives of his parents.
QA self insert (Alter)

Taylor smiled as she walked through the school once more.

Her mind was finally at peace. The anguish she had was finally at rest.

Even the insults that Emma was hurling at her seemed so pointless. The insults that Emma hurled at her completely fell of her, like water to a duck. She registered it. But it no longer hurt her, Because she had a friend now.

That moment when her mind nearly broke she instead gained something else.

She gained a friend that would stay by her side forever.

The friend who was playing music within her head to reassure her. She let out a giggle and smiled as she bobbed her head slightly and danced lightly as she continued to her class completely ignoring the Trio.

Madison was surprised, Sophia was curious and Emma looked at Taylor's serene face as faced through the halls in disbelief as she just saw Taylor completely unaffected. It was as if she couldn't hear them.

She had gotten to know her new best friend in the past month while she was stuck, admitted in the hospital.

She had triggered.

She was a Parahuman.

Her powers?

Her powers gave her the one thing that she desperately craved.

A friend that would stay by her side through thick and thin.

Her power was her friend.

A very very powerful friend one more than willing to destroy Sophia, Emma and Madison if she didn't stop him.

It was a very strange scene indeed, to see Taylor's genuine smile.


"What are you doing in here?" Emma asked. "You know pigs are supposed to eat outside, right?"

"Maybe she's high? She must have gotten drugs from the merchants." Madison suggested with a smirk.

Sophia was silent, observing her for some reason.

Insults aside, that was actually a good question.

What was she doing at school?

A favour to her father sure, but beyond that Taylor wasn't sure.

It was a good question.

Why was she staying here?

The purpose of a school was to get an education to secure her future.

But this school was horrible with ignorant teachers and bystanders, this city was horrible with gangs infesting every corner while it's heroes were unable to do much other than holding them back due to a lack of resources, and this world was horrible with the endbringers slowly destroying the world.

There were better places that her friend had shown her.

Places where people were nice and the world was not being destroyed.

Places where magic was real!

Why was she waiting here?

"You're right." Taylor nodded Emma's sneer turned to one of confusion. "I see no reason why I need to stay in this place. A purpose of a school is to get an education in order to secure a future. But this place? I received no education from this place which means that there isn't a reason for me to stay here since my future is already secure. "

"What?" Emma questioned confused. Sophia was looking with narrowed eyes.

Taylor smiled once more her smile even brighter than before as she heard her friend assure her that there was nothing to worry about.

It was true, her friend was was the literal expression of power itself. All she needed to do was ask and anything she desired would be provided. Hell, he was even doing things for her when she didn't ask for them.

"I see that I have no reason to stay here," Taylor repeated. "Thank you for reminding me, Emma." She got up from the table leaving her lunch as is as she began to walk out of the Cafeteria.

"Hey, wait! I am not done talking with you yet!" Emma grabbed her shoulder bringing her to a stop.

"Yes?" Taylor asked tilting her a bit.

"Where do you think you are going?'

"I'm leaving this world."

Emma looked at her in disbelief, Sophia was looked curious. Madison looked horrified.

It's ready Taylor.

Oh! Which world is it? Does it have Magic?

It's a world where dreams and fantasy turn into reality.

Oh! Oh! Are there fairies?


A joyful smile appeared on her face confusing the Trio until a Kaleidoscopic portal appeared in front of her.

As the portal stabilised it showed a beautiful world on the other side. A world of fantasy.

People were looking at her and portal wide-eyed and some were even taking out their phones likely to take pictures.

But she didn't see any of them.

She stepped forward through the portal onto the grass on the other side without hesitation and turned around.

She saw Emma, the little girl who was once her sister in all but blood staring at her in disbelief. This would probably be the last time she saw her. Since Emma wanted her out of her life so much maybe she should grant it to her.

"Goodbye Emma," She gave a sad smile. "I hope you will be happy without me holding you back any more."

She had hoped that perhaps her friend would eventually come to her senses. But she didn't. Still, she didn't hate Emma. After all, how could she? Even after all she had done, she was still the one who comforted her when mom died and when dad was a wreck. When she was broken. Those few weeks meant the world to her.

So she endured.

She endured without retaliating.

She accepted everything Emma did in hopes that she would eventually come to her senses.

In hopes that whatever anger she had would die out eventually. But that didn't happen.

Sophia was looking at her with shock. Well, that was expected and Madison had. Variety of emotions playing on her face.

The portal glow led and began to shrink as her friend looked likely sensed her distress.

It also seemed to snap Emma out of her state of disbelief.

"Taylor wait!"

The portal accelerated shut just before Emma could enter it.

Taylor felt a weight lifted off her shoulders.

She hoped Emma would be happy now that she wasn't there.

Now then she turned towards the city filled with shimmering lights and slowly took off the ground, activating her flight powers.

The best ability her friend granted her.

You're welcome, Taylor.

Joyous laughter bubbled out from her as she began to fly through the air the wind whipping past her face as one her childhood dreams were fulfilled at that moment.


Unlike what Taylor had hoped though. Emma was not having a good time.

Without Taylor around, Emma didn't truly have anyone she knew. All the others in school were either people above her or those trying to be popular by getting closer to her.

No matter how badly she treated Taylor, Taylor was someone she relied on.

It took nearly a month of feeling miserable, each day feeling worse than the last that she finally understood.

She understood how much she needed a true friend. Someone who she could confide in.

Someone like the person she had been using as a crutch but at the same time pushing away for years and she finally succeeded.

She should be feeling escatic right?

Yet now, without Taylor, she felt vulnerable.

She felt week.

The recordings of it had spread online, which attracted the PRT.

And now Sophia didn't come to Winslow.

She didn't even answer her phone.

Without Sophia around some of the tougher girls in school were now smelling blood in the water.

She couldn't tell mom and Dad about this.

Her sister was on college.

And Sophia would probably call her prey and if she tried to confide in her.

She had no one who she could confide in.

She had just thrown away the one person who would have stood by her through thick and thin.

The only person she could rely on...if only she understood it sooner.

But now it was too late.

She might be slowly going insane.


She didn't think she could keep up like this for long.

Taylor... Please come back.....

Please come back.....

I'm Sorry....



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Also, people may start asking some very uncomfortable questions about Taylor. And why she has powers in the first place. Protectorate/PRT knows exactly how people get powers, and they should very quickly find out that she landed in the hospital. And rest should follow afterwards.

And well... now that they smell blood in the water there is literally NOTHING to hold people back from let's say releasing those 'locker event' scenes on the internet or something.

See Emma? Sophia? Madison? Allowing people to record it was absolutely stupid (but also everyone allowed them to act untouchable for some reason, where I know in real life some people would put them in place), and it should backfire here very soon.

Also, I suspect this is why Sophia 'disappeared'. Colin and his lie detector found something off, they investigated, and she's back in juvie or transported somewhere else.

Also yeah, you reap what you sow Emma. I feel exactly zero pity for you.