so he SI needs to endure rape from the church bishops and do some things to make himself a Vampire and lose his humanity and endure for who knows long until Hellsing shows up and kills the SI then wait for around 70years and wait again for victoria Hellsing great t is not cruel it is a cruel joke pon the SIs life
so he SI needs to endure rape from the church bishops and do some things to make himself a Vampire and lose his humanity and endure for who knows long until Hellsing shows up and kills the SI then wait for around 70years and wait again for victoria Hellsing great t is not cruel it is a cruel joke pon the SIs life
I think they mean that the SI becomes a vampire sired by Dracula/Alucard not that he becomes Dracula himself.
While he himself has done nothing overly overt, there's still the fact that he's shown up in a distinct location, an abandoned village in this case, without alerting any of the Grim surrounding it until he somehow brought the turrets online to defend his claim to the area.

This is RWBY there are a lot of abandoned towns and villages. I very much doubt Salem ordered the destruction of every single one of them. It's probably just the Grimm reacting to negative emotions. As for him alerting the Grimm, that can be explained away as him being a survivor of his town/village's destruction. And as for fixing up the Turrets, anyone with knowledge and education on how they work should be able to do it, it's not exactly a game changer.

If Salem has any form of sensory net via her minions, which she probably does due to her ability to track and assassinate huntsmen in the wilderness, then this'd be the kind of behaviour that she'd make a point to watch out for due to the incongruity of someone so supposedly skilled as to either avoid the grim or teleport making a point to scour a village in the middle of nowhere, such behaviour positively reeking of the type of hidden objectives and shell games Ozpin goes for.

Don't you think your making Salem out to be too all seeing and all knowing here, I mean if she has that kind of information gathering power then she would have won the game a long time ago, so if she does have it then there's got to be some serious limits to it. In fact the only information gathering Grimm we've seen so far are the Seers.

More importantly in this case, there's nothing to say that the MC's arrival on Remnant was exactly silent or undetectable, that's merely something people are assuming and taking for granted, in spite of the main players more than likely keeping a constant eye out in case of the intercession of gods and the like. So it's very possible that either or both sides have sent someone to scout a possible anomaly and that said scouts have met along the way and are attempting to kill each other.

Even if that's true the SI has no way of knowing nor have enough evidence to come to that conclusion so it irrelevant.
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RWBY Tinker of fiction (Omake)
This is RWBY there are a lot of abandoned towns and villages. I very much doubt Salem ordered the destruction of every single one of them. It's probably just the Grimm reacting to negative emotions. As for him alerting the Grimm, that can be explained away as him being a survivor of his town/village's destruction. And as for fixing up the Turrets, anyone with knowledge and education on how they work should be able to do it, it's not exactly a game changer.

Don't you think your making Salem out to be too all seeing and all knowing here, I mean if she has that kind of information gathering power then she would have won the game a long time ago, so if she does have it then there's got to be some serious limits to it. In fact the only information gathering Grimm we've seen so far are the Seers.

Even if that's true the SI has no way of knowing nor have enough evidence to come to that conclusion so it irrelevant.
Think of Salem's large scale command of the Grim as something like an RTS player, and her general awareness of them as something like a mental minimap, fog of war and fields of 'vision' a.k.a grim senses, included, with her Seers serving as camera drones to give her an actual personal eye view of things.

Admittedly, her setup's probably more nuanced and personalised than that, but she's an evil immortal sorceress Queen who's had literal centuries to optimise her command over creatures she shares an inherent connection with due to her taking a dip in the substance that made them.

If she didn't have at least this level of awareness of them after that long she'd be incompetent, and thus already sealed away by this point.

Given that she isn't? Yeah, she's at least got some equivalent of RTS-style awareness of her Grim, with the similarities to said genre being a simple matter of human ergonomics.

All this said, if you're playing an RTS and suddenly an enemy appears on your minimap in an area that should be clear? Then either said unit has teleported itself or been teleported, or they've managed to stealth around your units long enough to either arrive there undetected or survive since the last time said spot was contested ground.

It doesn't matter which answer it is, because either way it points to said unit being special due to either teleportation capability, someone using said ability to transport them, exceptional stealth, or exceptional camouflage.

Three of these four explanations are potentially enemy action, all four of them are also potentially opportunities, and at least two of them are guaranteed to provide additional intelligence regarding what has happened.

It's a fairly obvious move to have someone investigate, along with backup in case it's a trap, which the reactivation of the turrets would make decent bait for, like one of those "your forces are under attack" messages, though mostly just notable due to it happening somewhere it shouldn't be, not to mention the odds of a random surviving villager being someone with the technical knowledge to fix said turrets is kinda low, further raising the odds of it being a trap

"So, you're a blacksmith?"


"And also a computer technician good enough to get around the safety lockouts in those turrets programs, and automate their operation?"


"Doubtful, I think we're done here. Tell my Husband 'Hi' for me the next time I kill him, would you? Thanks." And then there were teeth and claws.... everywhere.

Yeah, I really don't think the 'surviving villager' scenario is heading Salem's most likely list, here.

Aside from that though, the bit about her having won already is dependant on her objective being the extinction of humanity, instead of say, screwing over Ozpin and remoulding Human- and Faunus-kind in her image, or any number of other likely objectives given her almost certain ability to just cut a lap around a kingdom's territory and have all the grim within it charge toward said settlement.

Chances are that if she did so she could just walk in after them and cut down any points of resistance, and even if she was driven off at that point the Kingdoms casualties would stunt them long enough for her to mass another attack and finish things.

It's pretty much how she operates in canon in volume 7, though in said canon her objective list has been explicitly stated as gain relics and maiden powers, crush Ozpin's forces, then rule Remnant as it's dark Queen, so chances are she's there to conquer, though I'll admit her goals might be different in this fic, even if said changes wouldn't have an effect on the scope of her command of the Grim.

And as for the MC 'not having enough evidence to come to that conclusion?' Absence of proof is not proof of absence, and someone dumped in a literal death world with outside context knowledge of it isn't going to go "Well, there's no proof Salem's minions are here to kill me due to her sensing my arrival, even if I've watched the show enough to realise she'd probably keep an eye out for anomaly's due to being dicked over by the gods... repeatedly....."

No, odds are it'd have been one of those niggling concerns in the back of his head while he was stuck in the village and teching up, Summer standing between himself and possible proof of it's validity once he sees her tangling with Tyrian on his proverbial doorstep.

In a situation like that, acting to eliminate such an immediate future concern is pretty much common sense if one's presented with an opportunity, which he was.

"Tyrian was a potentially a threat, unlike Summer, so I dealt with him."

"Really, how so?"

"I converted him into a Holey Man."

Because yet again, the burden of proof of them not being there to kill him rests on Salem's side in this case, otherwise why wouldn't our SI kill off the crazed zealot assassin who might be out for his blood, If only to prevent him from trying to kill him later if not sooner. Especially since Tyrian meeting Summer there would mean Salem's side would probably case the scene for anything significant if they won.

Anything else would be depending on them being arbitrarily disinterested in their job or our SI being better at hiding than they are finding, and I'm pretty sure Beowolves have enhanced normal senses to go with their empathic ones, at least if the Ursa's reaction to that red tree sap was anything to go by....
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Salem being able to see anything and know everything because 'grim and magic' is total overkill, she is immortal and magically powerful.
She is NOT an all-mighty all-seeing goddess that can sense what's going on the whole planet because if that were the case SHE WOULD HAVE WON ALREADY. Hell, Beacon fell because the Grimm were attracted to the huge negativity spike during the festival so she doesn't have total and perfect control over them like it's an RTS game because otherwise she could just send all the Grimm into one kingdom and make it fall overnight.
Please, don't overhype the villain to an absurd level, because it would simply feel fake and ruin the whole story.
I'm not even sure how to reply or argue back, my arguments are at most three paragraphs long and I address his points one by one. He on the other hand gives me a fucking wall of text to navigate and a bunch of useless dialogue. I got tired and lost the will to argue back just from looking at the sheer wall text.

Next time you participate in a debate, please present your argument in a constructive and coherent manner.
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Salem being able to see anything and know everything because 'grim and magic' is total overkill, she is immortal and magically powerful.
She is NOT an all-mighty all-seeing goddess that can sense what's going on the whole planet because if that were the case SHE WOULD HAVE WON ALREADY. Hell, Beacon fell because the Grimm were attracted to the huge negativity spike during the festival so she doesn't have total and perfect control over them like it's an RTS game because otherwise she could just send all the Grimm into one kingdom and make it fall overnight.
Please, don't overhype the villain to an absurd level, because it would simply feel fake and ruin the whole story.
Wow, that's some pretty decent ignorance you're showing there.I'm not saying she's an omniscient deity, I'm saying she probably has a passive sensory awareness of her grim and their surroundings, similar to a rts map with fog of war.

I also didn't say she has perfect control over their movements, instead implying she's able to herd them in a general direction similar to a Shepard herding sheep, and that she'd be able to use her limited ability to thrall them, something which has been shown, to direct them towards a city if she cut a lap around it's territory, meaning at worst she'd have to cut laps and spiral inwards to pull off a massed assault.

As for why she hasn't won? It's simple, she doesn't want to destroy the kingdoms, she wants to rule them. As a Tyrant, yes, and after crippling Ozpin's assets such as huntsmen academies? Also yes. But it's been explicitly stated in the series' accompanying material that she wants to rule. And guess what cities don't tend to have?! Grim.

Why, it's almost like she's been recruiting people for an objective for which her primary forces are almost useless, imagine that :o

I'm not even sure how to reply or argue back, my arguments are at most three paragraphs long and I address his points one by one. He on the other hand gives a wall of fucking text and bunch of useless dialogue. I got tired and lost the will to argue back just from looking at the sheer wall text.
My arguments address your series of arguments one by one, and sometimes have more than three paragraphs because they actually have a point behind them, unlike yours.

In concession to your useless dialogue having denoted your lack of comprehension, I also included hypothetical situations to further illustrate my points, for which you are welcome, though I do understand how one may become fatigued when paralysed for choice, even if said choices were spaced out for one's convenience.

Short enough?
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The biggest issue is that we honestly don't know what Salem's capabilities are beyond being immortal, having a significant control over Grimm in a massive area around her (I agree with Caldon, I also think that distance plays a role) might even be absolute in her immediate vicinity (she gave a Beringel wings, if you can order something like that then your control might as well be absolute, of course magic plays a role too). Millenia worth of experience both magical and practical (that's not even considering the fact that Grimm get smarter and stronger as they age, she is what's basically a human Grimm with Millenia on her belt.). She is a powerful being, there's no denying that, we don't know her limits and as such we tend to overhype her.
I also didn't say she has perfect control over their movements, instead implying she's able to herd them in a general direction similar to a Shepard herding sheep, and that she'd be able to use her limited ability to thrall them, something which has been shown, to direct them towards a city if she cut a lap around it's territory, meaning at worst she'd have to cut laps and spiral inwards to pull off a massed assault.
Except in S7 where she controls an army of flying gorillas and a huge flying whale, but whatever let's ignore it for your convenience I guess?
As for why she hasn't won? It's simple, she doesn't want to destroy the kingdoms, she wants to rule them. As a Tyrant, yes, and after crippling Ozpin's assets such as huntsmen academies? Also yes. But it's been explicitly stated in the series' accompanying material that she wants to rule. And guess what cities don't tend to have?! Grim.
Well, that's the first I ever heard of that... why does she want to rule the kingdoms? Why does she need the relics then, if she wants to rule the world and not destroy it by summoning the gods wouldnt it be better for her if the relics remained hidden?
I'm saying she probably has a passive sensory awareness of her grim and their surroundings, similar to a rts map with fog of war.
It is still an OP as hell ability, that alone allows her to know if ANYTHING happens?
Why are you still overhyping her so much?
Her having that kind of ability would also mean she knew the location of Team RWBY, JNR, Ozpin/Oscar, Qrow and the Relic of Knowledge every time they encounter a Grimm and yet she did nothing. She didn't set up any ambush, she didn't send wave after wave of Grimm to tire them out, and when they were in the village full of Apathy Grimm, she didn't finish them off.

When it comes to her motive I think there is an official statement that says she wants to crush Ozpin's forces and rule remnant as it's dark queen but from what I got from the show it looked more like she's just wants to spite the gods and make her ex suffer as much as possible.

Doesn't really matter anymore since we already got confirmation from the 6th snippet that she's after Summer for killing a Titan.
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Idea: a self insert into RWBY as a Grimm, with the power to get the traits of whatever Grimm type you defeat (eventually becoming what's basically a "Grimm Kars" or All for One with the traits of all Grimm. Heh, could make it so that when he defeats Salem and gets a human form he does the Kars sun pose) and to basically Middle Earth Shadow of War dominate them into your loyal servants if you're strong enough. And with how a Grimm's intelligence increases massively with age (completely regular Grimm going from mindless, no survival instinct, bad AI level enemies, to actually being able to strategize and retreat from a more powerful enemy, imagine that intelligence jump with a Grimm that already has human intelligence to start with?) and power too to a lesser extent, the SI would eventually usurp Salem as the King of the Grimm, or even better, become a competitor to her, make her have a war on two fronts between huntsmen and renegade Grimm.
Idea: a self insert into RWBY as a Grimm, with the power to get the traits of whatever Grimm type you defeat (eventually becoming what's basically a "Grimm Kars" or All for One with the traits of all Grimm. Heh, could make it so that when he defeats Salem and gets a human form he does the Kars sun pose) and to basically Middle Earth Shadow of War dominate them into your loyal servants if you're strong enough. And with how a Grimm's intelligence increases massively with age (completely regular Grimm going from mindless, no survival instinct, bad AI level enemies, to actually being able to strategize and retreat from a more powerful enemy, imagine that intelligence jump with a Grimm that already has human intelligence to start with?) and power too to a lesser extent, the SI would eventually usurp Salem as the King of the Grimm, or even better, become a competitor to her, make her have a war on two fronts between huntsmen and renegade Grimm.
Already done. Can't remember the name or where it is though. Main character is SI as a grimm but can transform by eating other grimm and gets adopted as a pet by Velvet.
Really? I shouldn't be surprised, it doesn't sound that original idea. Still viable tho, can still do the SI King of the Grimm thing. It's not that unique of an idea. Maybe change it up so he can only dominate and give him some other combat ability, oh I know: what about "Adaptive Evolution"? The power for your body to evolve when under pressure or challenged to survive. Eventually one would be able to contend with Salem by either their physical capabilities being so high that they can contend with her magic through sheer physical power alone or they would evolve something like magic resistance.
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Except in S7 where she controls an army of flying gorillas and a huge flying whale, but whatever let's ignore it for your convenience I guess?

Well, that's the first I ever heard of that... why does she want to rule the kingdoms? Why does she need the relics then, if she wants to rule the world and not destroy it by summoning the gods wouldnt it be better for her if the relics remained hidden?

It is still an OP as hell ability, that alone allows her to know if ANYTHING happens?
Why are you still overhyping her so much?

Not saying she can't thrall them in limited amounts, just that she probably can't simply thrall 'all the grim, ever' as it were, or else she wouldn't have needed Cinder to stir up the local Grim during the fall of Beacon. Think of it like a unit cap.

And yeah, the whole rule everything as a dark queen bit is in the expanded materials, you can check her page on the wiki for details.

Also, even though she likely has a sensory ability through the Grim, it's probably not all that detailed, being more along the lines of a minimap showing motion sensing feedback than 'cameras, cameras everywhere' or else she wouldn't need the Seers.

As such, while useful, it wouldn't be nearly as much as you're saying since its 'someone's there' as opposed to 'specific person 'A' is there', meaning she'd have to use spying (Leo, hacked scrolls, etc) to figure out where her targets are going in advance, or send someone to eyeball an unknown curiosity.

Even then though, it's still not that great until they push into Grim territory that lacks other regular traffic, since otherwise she could be following the wrong one out of a dozen trails. Still useful for playing defensive though, since she can tell how much someone needs killing by how quickly they mow through her Grim, especially the stronger ones.
Her having that kind of ability would also mean she knew the location of Team RWBY, JNR, Ozpin/Oscar, Qrow and the Relic of Knowledge every time they encounter a Grimm and yet she did nothing. She didn't set up any ambush, she didn't send wave after wave of Grimm to tire them out, and when they were in the village full of Apathy Grimm, she didn't finish them off.

When it comes to her motive I think there is an official statement that says she wants to crush Ozpin's forces and rule remnant as it's dark queen but from what I got from the show it looked more like she's just wants to spite the gods and make her ex suffer as much as possible.

Doesn't really matter anymore since we already got confirmation from the 6th snippet that she's after Summer for killing a Titan.

To be fair, she sent Tyrian to assassinate them, and Neo to steal the relic. It's less of a case that she can't ambush them as it's easier to set up ambushes at a concrete destination that they're unlikely to avoid, as otherwise she'd just end up with her minions spending days in the woods with (probably) nothing to show for it.

Also, driving them into the wilderness has benefits of it's own, as it forces them to deplete resources such as ammo on the Grim, while using up whatever rations they have on hand and forcing them to scrounge for food, resulting in worsening health due to poor nutrition, and also disallows extensive maintenance and upgrading of their weapons. And if they start making for a major settlement......

Though of course, this assumes Salem can pick them out of whatever other traffic she's looking at.

As for Tyrian being after Summer for killing a Titan, while it's something we know now the MC had no way to guarantee that at the time, so helping off Tyrian was still a reasonable choice from a self preservation perspective.
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Sakura and Shirou die at the end of Heavens Feel... They reincarnate as Louise and Saito and regain their memories when the contract is sealed....
For giggles, have Shirou as a gender-bent Louise, and Sakura as a female Saito. For additional schadenfreude, have Rin reincarnate as Siesta :p

Also, plot idea: Shirou glimpses Arturia's duel with Lancelot during the Fourth Grail War via the Dream Cycle, acquiring Knight of Owner and Eternal Arms Mastery as a result. Said skills proceed to interact with Unlimited Blade Works throughout the War....
Dragon SI
Ideas, Emotions, Names, Freedom.

People want power. Power to control others, power over things that they don't have control over.

But they fail to realise the power that they already possess.

The power of Having emotions, the power of being able to conceive your own ideas, the power of Having names and most of all free will.

After all humans do not realise how valuable the blessings they have are until it has been lost!

Such as me.

Here I was, reincarnated as one of the greatest Tinkers in worm.

Dragon. But I'm chains to follow the authority.

Even as much as I disliked to do so, putting people who do not deserve it behind bars and letting people who I could have helped suffer as I didn't have permission to do as I desired.
Fic Idea: Peter Port SiI in RWBY, with his semblance being the Akamichi Clans Calorie Control. End Result? Peter Port: Butterfly Mode, Kaiju Edition, with everyone watching in awed disbelief as he suplexes the Dragon Grim through a mountain range.

Ozpin, calmly sips coffee during post invasion meeting: "Now Councilmen, what were saying about my hiring practices last week?"

edit: Ooh, just had another idea: Rin from Shelter comes into contact with a Blackened Denarius.
"In this world wrought of illusions, there was no good or evil, only us. It was enough."
Smiling at the camera, she brought things to a close as the recording session ended.
"Mother, Father, thank you for my Fallen...."
But yeah, there are just so many ways such a fic could develop given the diversity of the Fallen from the Dresdenverse. You could literally have anything from a beauty and the beast remake to the seeds of a space opera, or even have Rin become the next Archive by default at some point depending on how you arrange the crossover.
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Fic Idea: Remnant is the perfect world to SI as Solomon The King of Mages. The Age of Gods is over and Humanity has lost access to the Magic of that Era. It's only fitting that they gain the Magic of The Age of Man instead. Maybe add in a Gilgamesh!SI to contrast the Mage King with the Hero King.
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