Merchant SI snippet 3
"No way!" the three of them shouted in disbelief.

"Yes, way. The Daimyo and Hokage sent an invitation to perform in the Hidden leaf after the Chunin exams. " I paused thinking... "Though this means we have to impress them, after all, it's likely that there a very high possibility that there will be other Kage's and other village ninja's who'd watch our performance. ... So the will have to pick a song that would resonate within the hearts of Shinobi and non-Shinobi alike. Most of the songs we've been doing were based on feelings, understanding others, and so on. While it works on most of our past Audiences, that was because most of them were non-Shinobi or people like Jiraiya who truly wishes for peace."

The kids listened closely. I might have changed their path, but their goals hadn't changed. The three of them still desired to bring peace to the Shinobi world. My adoption didn't stop them, they merely changed the way they were going about it. Slowly but surely winning the hearts of civilians. Inspiring them with music sung from their very hearts. The non-combat use of jutsu was just the tip of the Iceberg.

What made their music truly touching was the fact that they believed each word that they sang with all their hearts. And considering the Original purpose of Chakra is Understanding not combat... Well, then things start to change.

Though it also made choosing a song very difficult since I had to make sure the song's lyrics were something they would wholeheartedly agree on. So that they could sing their little hearts out!

"What about 'Wind'?" Nagato asked.

"Nah", Yahiko denied. "It's nice but we need something that will impress as many Shinobi and Civilians as well."

"Well, that's a problem, most non-Shinobi dislike 'weakness'" Konan added sarcastically. "So anything that makes them acknowledge that they are venerable and have feelings like non-Shinobi makes them antsy. Hell, I think they've even got a Rule saying that they shod not express any emotions." she finished rolling her eyes.

"So we need a song about something that both Shinobi and non-Shinobi would be happy with," Nagato concluded. "But what?"

"Flowers?" Konan suggested.

"While people do like flowers I don't think something like that would make a good first impression that would last a long time. Not to mention we are trying to stop wars from happening through music. So we need something that lights a fire int heir hearts. " I interjected.

"Love? " Nagato asked with a little blush.

"Hmmm. While that is indeed very good for a song, there are will be a lot of people who are heartbroken or some people who don't want to enter a relation shop due to something that might have happened in the past. '

They discussed for a while and eventually, Yahiko managed to get an answer.

And I think I have just the perfect song for it.

We had two months to prepare!


I sat back within the Audience as I just finished watching the final match of the Chunin exams, and Minato was being Awarded a Chunin vest as the winner of the tournament.

He was a damn genius, already having made the Rasengan beating all the completion in his way.

They were Rock, rain and Sand Shinobi as well, so I suspect the Kages of the respective villages are also watching.

As Minato bowed out of the stage the sun was just beginning to set, the sky becoming Orange, it had been a long tournament.

"And, now, for the final event, to celebrate the end of an eventful Chunnin exam, we have invited The Merchant. He has agreed to let his apprentices put up a performance, ladies Gentlemen, Shinobi and Kunoichi, I give you the Akatsuki!"

Yep, they still called themselves the Akatsuki, even the Same goddamn cloak! Except in this world, Instead of being a Bijuu capturing organization, they were Musical band!

A proud smile left my face as they began.

Honestly, when Jiraiya had first spoken of them he hadn't thought much of it except for the fact that one of the children had the Rinnegan.

But Jiraya talked about them quite fondly.
They were not his students, nor were they a member of the leaf.

Yet the fact Jiraya spoke of them fondly was an achievement of itself. Eventually, as he learned more about them it slowly became clear.

Using A rank jutsu like the Water dragon to entertain instead of Combat?

Truly they were Pioneers of a new way. He would certainly like to see who these people were.

He had been unable to make time to meet with them as it had had been quite busy with 3 foreign villages having a Genin in the final round, but he resolved to meet with him after the Exams.

He nearly dropped his pipe as the show began, the three kids using there Chakra to amplify and make sure that their voices were heard far and wide, but also made sounds of several different instruments.

No, what caught his attention was the pure emotions that he could literally hear the young purple-haired girl was singing.

Each word was filled with belief and conviction.

The fact that she had a Paper bloodline or the fact that the Rinnegan user-created Ice and the other boy, created some kind of light m, which they combined together to create a brilliant light show? That came second...

Hiruzen chuckled, he was starting to understand why Jiraya liked this group.

They were certainly a lively bunch... Heroes, Huh?


Kushina looked at the performance her eyes wide taking in every word. Minato-kun had said that he had a surprise for her...But she didn't know what to say.

She felt the emotions of the Performers, each word and sound was filled with emotion.

Yet their words...

They truly believed the words they said.

She had been called names in the Academy and discriminated against, even fighting against them didn't make the situation better, even after the Academy and after Minato had rescued her, she couldn't completely escape it.

They didn't believe she could be a Kunoichi.

They talked about her behind her back, belittling her because she couldn't use ninjutsu properly.

She simply had too much Chakra because of the Nine tails, it was hard to use anything other than fuinjutsu even with Chakra control exercises.

She would never be a proper shinobi. Merely a Jinchuuriki to unleash the beast's power.

But hearing their words, words she didn't know she wished to hear.

That she could follow her dreams.

Tears of happiness began to pour from her eyes, as relief flooded her being.

"Kushina, Kushina?! Are you alright?"

Well, if she couldn't be a Kunoichi then, she could be a Hero, couldn't she?

After all, strength doesn't make a Hero, all she needed to do was to stand up for what she believed in.

Let them judge. It didn't matter to her.

Not anymore.

"Nothing." She sniffed as she leaned into Minato smiling. Besides she had her own Hero after all. They could become Heroes together.
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It's the power of music Baby!
Child of prophecy who needs it, if it continues like this they might as well save the world by singing.
Paracelsus, because the guy's power isn't dependant on external factors such as tapping into the authority of the Age of Gods, and he has EX ranked item construction, meaning said stat is essentially uncapped and he can potentially build up to achieving anything, unlike say, Solomon the Golem Crafter, who just recreates a pseudo-White Titan and calls it good.

On top of this is his elemental affinity as an Average One, giving him widespread utility in learning and using magecraft, even beyond that of other Average Ones due to his fifth element being Void instead of a weaker element like Ether or similar, giving him the potential to essentially manifest impossibilities, or at the very least to use said potential as a shortcut in his other works.

Beyond all that, his nature as an Average One meshes well with his mastery of Jewel-Craft and his status as one of the fathers of Alchemy in it's modern form, meaning his mastery of those arts gives him the potential to figure out mysteries such as Etherlite or even the Jeweled Sword Zelretch or Einzbern Wishcraft, the latter two of which can easily lead him to acquire access to a True Magic.

And all of this is barring his inherent ability to already manufacture ridiculous crap like his Sword of Paracelsus, his Elemental Familiars, or Philosopher Stones, plural.

Basically? The guy has a lot of potential, and the only reason he didn't live long enough to realise it was that he realised his lack of resources due to the age he was born in, instead choosing to make a successful bid to reach the Throne of Heroes in order to further his studies. All this in addition to him being a more-or-less sane mad-scientist type. What's not to love?
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Cauldron SI Snippet. 2
I wasn't so surprised when Bugatti was not brought back after its end in 1947.

Considering all the problems including capes and everything.

However, I wanted a Bugatti and that meant I had to make one myself.

I didn't know the exact details but I did remember the things they did release to the public in the Discovery channel.

With Numberman's help I was able to Buy the Ettero Bugatti name and create a company.

Once that was done I needed to build the car factory and unlike most car factories this one was every single price of it was going to be hand-built. I knew just the place where I could get good labour and people who could use the money.


"Thank you for seeing me, Danny."

"It's fine. Now you said you required a lot of labour force?"

"They also need to be trustworthy. And capable of keeping company secrets."

"I see." He muttered "And what kind of company is this?" he asked raising an eyebrow.

I'm Jaune Pendragon, the CEO of Ettore Bugatti, I am planning on making a Car. "

"A car company? So you want workers to operate the machines?"

"No. Not exactly, you see, the car I plan on building is not going to be an ordinary car. It's going to be on a class of its own. I already have the basics planned out. These cars are going to be completely hand-built, and it's something that's going to be very special. So I need only those you are absolutely sure to trust will not reveal secrets. I am willing to pay 100$ an hour for those few people who you can guarantee can keep a secret. "

I could see his eyes widening at the declaration." This is not something Illegal is it? ".

"No" I shook my head "its all perfectly legal. "

"Good, then we can talk about a contract."


Brockton Bay might be a shithole but if you knew looked carefully there were diamonds in the rough. People who have a good education yet thanks to gangs and the cities crashing economy unable to get a better job. First on the list is to find a few Aerospace experts and engineering experts. For example, Sherrel Bailey, who had not triggered yet. She had managed to get a Masters in Mechanical engineering, but she was working as at Fugly bobs as a cashier because to clear the huge Student debt which caused her score to drop because she couldn't pay on time. This, of course, meant that no good company was likely to take her, especially in Brockton Bay.

"Greeting's Sherrel Bailey, I'm here to offer you a Job."

"Yeah, I'm kind of on the job right now so unless you wish to order something please wait until I finish my shift."

"I'm offering. To clear your student debt as well as a payment of $500 an hour."

"As I said, you can wait until I finish my shift, then we can talk."

Good, that is good I don't want someone who would just leave the job even if someone offered her more.

"Very well, I'd like a double cheeseburger with a large fries and a coke."

Alexandria marvelled at the rate her power was growing. At first, she had her doubts even if Contessa was the one who brought him.

But thanks to him, her power had grown and she had even regained her eye.

She could feel the power he had granted her was powered by sunlight the more she absorbed the stronger and faster she became and the faster she regenerated.

That's why she now had her office's small windows covered in large glass panels that let in plenty of sunlight so that every moment she could get she would get stronger. And if Alexandria was called to a situation she would make sure to take a visit to the edge of the atmosphere just to soak up more of the solar radiation.

She wondered who he would enhance next?

Perhaps there was hope after all.
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How do you think an SI as Void Shiki would fit in in the Bleach Universe, and what do you think of Almighty vs 「 」.
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How do you think an SI as Void Shiki would fit in in the Bleach Universe, and what do you think of Almighty vs 「 」.
Hmmm. That's a difficult question. Getting a hit on him is the difficult part, if he is too arrogant to assume that she isn't a threat then it'll be easy. However if he's cautious then it will be a close battle. . But as long as she can reach and slice his death lines he will still die..
Hmmm. That's a difficult question. Getting a hit on him is the difficult part, if he is too arrogant to assume that she isn't a threat then it'll be easy. However if he's cautious then it will be a close battle. . But as long as she can reach and slice his death lines he will still die..
Random thought on that, would Shiki in Bleach have Void Shiki as her Zanpuktou, and maybe vice-versa with them occasionally trading places between body and sword? There's a lot of implications there, what with Akasha being analogous to a Shinenju, who are in turn nascent Soul King class entities.

You could even argue that Akasha itself was a Soul King or Shinenju type being who evolved to the point of apotheosis into a conceptual entity, transcending physical limitations to become a metaphysical incarnation of the Root of All Things.

More than that, assuming Shiki is punted into Bleach with a pruned terminal of Void Shiki as her other, then given the fact that MEoDP are just ME of Life Perception that are attuned to Akasha, then would using her eyes to kill an enemy feed their power into Void Shiki, and possibly herself by proxy, due to said eyes now being connected to an autonomous fragment of Akasha (pruned terminal Void Shiki) rather than the whole of it?

Or even more interesting than that, what would happen if Shiki shanked a Hollow and assimilated it? Because on the one hand, Hollow's have the spiritual hollowness they're named for, but in the other hand, the Void as an element is manifest nothingness, usually meaning the manifestation of things with no material existence or who's existence is recognised by their lack of material existence, an example of which would be the absence of light that defines a shadow, and thus the application of Void granting the ability to physically manifest shadows.

It would stand to reason then, that another example would be the eternal lack of satiation that hollows suffer from, which in turn raises the possibility of a Hollow-fied Shiki spontaneously undergoing a transformation into some kind of stabilised hollow-analogous form, due to accidentally manifesting said intangible satiation at some point as a result of her affinity for Void.
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Cauldron SI Snippet. 3
"You want to bolt together two V8s? Yes, I suppose that would make quite a lot of power, but it would also take a lot of fuel, though, even when the power is not needed."

"What about controlling the compression ratio through the ECU?."

"That is a good idea! That would increase both fuel efficiency and power. But the problem is how to change the fuel compression ratio?"

"Hmmm how about this?"

"Yes, that will work, that would also likely reduce wear and tear from the power stroke."


"So, that's the engine of the new car you are building? The one my guys have been working on the past few months?" Danny asked looking at the huge engine connected to the test equipment fuel lines and the exhaust systems.

"Yes, we're about to test the engine at full power for the first time. It took a few days to break it in."

"Fuel pump activated, fuel pressure green."

"Cooling systems active."

"All checks complete ready to start boss."

I nodded. "Good, start it up."

My heart leapt to my throat as I heard the engine start-up, chugging fuel and air.

"Oil pressure rising. No knocks detected. Idling at 700 RPM."

"increasing throttle.... 2000 RPM.... 2500...3000"

" 400 horsepower, 500....600 and still climbing! Engine oil pressure rising!"

The engine began to roar as I held my breath.

"Cooling systems active, coolant pressure rising!"

"Turbo Spooling up!"

"3500RPM...4000.... 4500...5000."

"800 Horsepower.... 900.....1000...1100.... 1200"

"Full Turbo pressure reached!"


"1300 Horsepower.... 1450... 1600...1750.... 1900."

"7500...Revlimiter engaged! Engine limit reached. Decreasing throttle and setting to idle."


"What's the peak power?" I asked as engine quite down idling once more. This was better than I had hoped for.

"2001 Hp"

The room was silent for a few seconds before all the researchers erupted into cheers.

"2000? Is that huge?" Danny asked.

"Danny, let me put this in perspective." I began. "The average family car will have 50 to 150. 200 if it's a rich guys family car. The current non-tinker tech fastest car in the world has just over 600 horsepower and it gets harder and harder to increase more power. This place, we just made history. By breaking the 1000 horsepower barrier twice! Now you understand why I asked for employees who you can trust to keep a secret?"

I finished as I saw Danny's eye widen. In understanding, once the car is complete and we release the news people will flock to Brockton Bay to see it. Rich people will come to buy it especially collectors and the money from the tourists and the buyers will help breathe some life into the economy which will, in turn, reduce the crime rate. Which will make it safer for the tourists who in turn will stay here longer.

"Guys... I smell smoke!" one of the testers called out interrupting the celebration.

Checking the engine room sowed the problem. The Exhaust system on the roof was on fire!

I grabbed the fire extinguisher and ran outside climbing out the roof.

The fire reached high but it didn't affect critical systems. Iimmidietly pulled out the pin and began putting out the fire when I sensed someone else behind me I didn't know who it was nor did I care or hear what they had to say. I was merely focused on putting out the fire which was thankfully not too large and I managed to put it out with a but out a struggle.

"So, what was that?"

I spun around only to see two people.

Vista and one of the people I had enhanced a few days ago with basically a supercharged Time Alter.

Clock blocker.

"Oh, that? That was just an experiment."

"What kind of experiment?" Clock locker asked without hesitation.

"A successful experiment."

"What kind of successful experiment ends up with your roof on fire?" Vista asked incredulously.

They were not going to let this go, were they?

"A secret experiment."

"We can keep a secret!" Clockblocker grinned.

"and why should I trust that you can keep a secret?" I raised an eyebrow as I kept down the fire extinguisher and folded my hands.
"Company secrets are supposed to stay secret for a reason."

"Well, when it catches fire and might cause a danger to the public?" Vista put her hands on her hips.

I sighed. "You kids are not going to let this one go aren't you?" before letting out a small laugh.

"Nope," Clockblocker shook his head popping the P.

"Alright, if you promise to keep it a secret then I'll tell you alright?" the two looked at each other and turned to me before nodding.

"As long it's not against the law...." Vista added.

"Good," I relaxed causing their tension to drain as well. I gave them a grin. " The fire you saw here was a result of a new engine."

"OH, I see" Clockblocker nodded before pausing. "Wait then why did you say that the experiment was successful?"

My grin vanished for a moment. "Because it was. Vista, Clockblocker." I paused for dramatic effect. "The place you are standing on now is likely going to have a slight historic significance."


My grin burst out again. "Because this place just became the first place in history that broke the 1000 horsepower barrier for car engines."

I could imagine there eyes widening. Vistas mouth opened in awe.

"Twice," I stage whispered at them.
"We have just made the first non-tinker car engine capable of producing 2000 horsepower. What we didn't anticipate was that the exhaust system would fail due to how hot it was at full power. That's something we have to figure out."

They were silent for a moment.

And then a very loud "BULLLLLLSHIIIIT!" was heard all over Brockton Bay.
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Amy altpower!
An idea for a Amy alt power... Seriously Taylor alt power is so overdone!

So instead of Biomanipulation Amy triggers with power of summoning heroes from other universes when she is in danger, Amy will have no control over her power nor will she even notice it.

The summoned hero will return back to their home wold once whatever is threatening Amy is eliminated.

Basically Amy gets knights in shining armour!