I don't remember if you mentioned a difference in time in previous snips, but if this is just after Marques was sent to the Birdcage, Amy was still really young in that flashback, so the timeline would have to be pretty far back. So, what is Aegis doing there? I could maybe see Triumph, although he would have to be in the wards, but not Aegis as he didn't show up until way later.
SI as Kaido in the disastrous life of Saiki K. With the Ability to use choose any one person's powers from any anime or book to use every day.

The power dissapears atidnight and the SI can choose another power.
Amy's Angel.
Amy Dallon smiled.

She was happy.

She smiled and hummed as she healed her patients.

The staff definitely noticed it.

Her patients noticed it.

Even some of the PRT guards within the hospital noticed it.

They wondered what had happened but they did not ask. They were happy that she was finnaly enjoying herself again.

Even with how rude some of the Patients were, her smile could not be dimmed.

Why you ask was she so happy?

Well, ladies and gentlemen.

Amy Dallon has a Boyfriend.


Yes you heard that right. She has a boyfriend.

He however was not an ordinary boyfriend.

He was there with her since the beginning.

He was there with her when times were bad and when times were not so bad.

And now she could see him, now she could feel him.

They were together in a way not like any other.

They were completely aware of each other what they felt the other felt.

Their very souls were linked together.

They were soulmates.

He was her angel.

The one who showed her the truth of the world.

He had even taken her up to see Heaven.

And how could she not be happy after seeing heaven?

For she knew even if she did die, she had her beloved waiting for her, and she knew for a fact that Heaven and hell existed.

It had lifted a huge burden from her.

But she wondered if anyone other than her would ever see him?

Even if they didn't, even if they thought she had an imaginary friend it didn't matter. For she knew that he was real.

She pressed a finger on her lips, reminiscing the first kiss she had with him as she skipped leaving the hospital, her shift done for the day.
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I'm not really a WORM fan, simply because I never heard of it until a few months ago so I had to check up whos Amy and...
Damn, that's some good fluff.
Do do dodo dododododo dodo do.
*humming cruel angel's thesis*
Well, this very interesting, I'm definitely exited to see where it goes if it continues. This is also pretty intriguing as we don't actually know what would Amy's sexual orientation have been without being by her sister's "love me" aura 24/7.
I wonder what kind of Angel the SI is, is he like Sephiroth? Is he Nephilim/Angel like Tabris from Eva? What is his name? So many questions.
Aren't those 'Angels' basically just magical weapons that are not sentient?
A little of column A, little of column B, but if you stuck an SI into the drivers seat then you'd end up with something more than a external power-governance type psychopomp, so the potential is there at least, and it'd be a good match for Amy's power, offloading it's impulses til what's left becomes manageable.
I *think* I may have figured out his name:
Raphael, the Archangel of Healing. It certainly fits with Amy's style. Or maybe it's Azrael like the Archangel of Death since "opposites attract".
Or MAYBE he's something from the things we mentioned before, heck, for all we know he might simply be Tabris from Eva with the Kaleidoscope and showed Amy heaven with that.
Self insert as Lung with Ninja Magic and apprentice about an year before Canon?

Add in the ability to summon ninja from the Naruto world who will be absolutely loyal to the SI....
Lung SI. Snippet.
The ABB had changed.

It was noticeable.

There was no more protection rackets going on.

The Brothels themselves seemed as if they were clean and of someone made a move on the girls they were kicked out immediately.

Did leadership change?

No one knew.

Thugs that used to roam within the ABB territory were no where to be seen.

The streets in the ABB territory were clean and the citizens notice it.

The empire thought that they might have become week and probed the area by sending in Hookwolf and storm tiger to test the waters.

They walked into the territory and people noticed them.

There was no one to dissuade them as they walked the street.

Or atleast it was so until they tried to hurt someone.

A citizen who had asked them to leave.

Whether it was bravery or foolishness no-one would know.

Because the moment he was about to be attacked a masked man, with one of his eyes covered by a head band dropped from a roof and landed right in between them.

"Maa, Maa. I have to ask you not to attack those under our protection Hookwolf san."

The metal wolf snorted. "And whose gonna make me cyclops? You?"

"Yes, me." The man made a few handsigns and both Hookwolf and stormtiger fell unconscious. Their face hitting the pavement.

Chakra existed in every living being. But even if these Parahumans had a little more they had absolutely no training in it at all. As powerful as they are, they were completely susceptible to Genjutsu.

"Ah, could you please inform the Authorities? I'll wait until they arrive!" The man said as he took out a book from his pouch and began to read.

"Excuse me. Who are you?"

"Hmm? Oh, well I suppose I can introduce myself. I'm Hatake Kakashi, a highly level ninja of Lord Lung." He eye smiled before turning back to his book. Completely ignoring the people staring at him.

He couldn't wait for his shift to end so he could go back to relaxing.
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... you mean like normal underlings or can the SI bring in Kage level ninja?
He could summon anyone but the more powerful the ninja he summons the greater the cooldown before he can summon someone else.

For example if an S Rank ninja is summoned the cool Down until he can summon another would be a Month.

A genin and chunin about would have a cool down of week.

SSrank Ninjas or jinchuiriki would have a 6. Month cool down.
He could summon anyone but the more powerful the ninja he summons the greater the cooldown before he can summon someone else.

For example if an S Rank ninja is summoned the cool Down until he can summon another would be a Month.

A genin and chunin about would have a cool down of week.

SSrank Ninjas or jinchuiriki would have a 6. Month cool down.

Honestly it also depends on what kind of interpretation you go for here when it goes to some techniques.

Like go with more extreme fanon explanations (or more positive canon ones pretty much) on Kawarimi, Henge and in a smaller way Bunshin, and you can do some really damn impressive things with them alone.

So reasonably well trained academy student may be actually pretty good 'parahuman' by Worm standards.

Also in canon Henge is in fact true shapeshifting, so... yeah, saying that this have potential for power abuse is an understatement in the hands of the right munchkin.

Kishimoto presented those as very basic skills, barely explained them in detail, and had really no idea what he introduced in his setting, and how strong those can be. Most fanon explanations actually nerf them pretty hard.

Heck, Bunshin (especially if you fix lack of shadow problem or use it outside of sunny places/light) mixed up with more normal clones can be pretty damn confusing to deal with.

Clones alone (pretty much all types) can be bonkers. That Earth Clone that runs at you? Whoops, it's not the real guy. Oh, what is that piece of paper and those strange Kanji letters on it? AH, PAIN, EXPLOSION!

Yeah, exactly. Also Itachi and his ability to add explosions to the clones he summons... proves that you may add chakra to clones, and make them explode like suicide bombers.

I duno kurenai would be much more terrifying than itachi. Because lets be honest, he was an unimaginative emogoth. Plus kurenai is much cheaper.

Also if fillers are available - you have Yakumo Kurama. You know, a girl with illusions so damn strong they literally affect reality, and work more like summonings, than illusions. Just summon her, give her something to paint with, and watch fireworks.

Also 2nd Mizukage. You know, guy strong enough, while being only GenJutsu user, to get a deadly draw with Muu, guy with a stealth ability so bullshit I wouldn't be surprised if he received Stranger 10-12 by Worm standards, and Dust Release technique that disintegrates everything on subatomic level, and possibly one of the things I'm confident should work on Endbringers (although he may only have one shot at it, because if he misses Endbringer core, it's going to be bad), because in the end they are made ouf of very strange, but still somewhat organic matter.
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I think that it is a bit anticlimactic and utterly hilarious at the same time.
... oh god, Itachi would be a walking nightmare for everone if thats the case.
I don't know if this is Fannon or not but the reactions of everyone to Genjutsu what with all the majority of Worm's sheer terror at the idea of mind control (probably Simmie's fault) would be hilarious.
Hey Pendragon, Nice to see your on SV too. I just registered, hopefully you'll continue your Merchant Story, I like that one.

But here's an Idea, Why don't you do an OP Self-Insert fic as the father of the Sage of Six Path. You can start before the Otsutsuki arrives, do some kingdom building, get Kaguya as your wife and later reincarnate (again) to Canon Era.
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