So the familiar summoning in Halkeginia basically determines(?) the elemental affinity of the mage. Kirche summoned a fire salamander because she's a fire mage and Guiche summoned a mole because he's an earth mage so if we go with that he would get Bumblebee or Geodude. Beatrice is a yin mage if I remember correctly so maybe she could be Louise's familiar instead? Also because void is the only element that can summon humans. If we're talking about familiars outside the list maybe Skarner from LoL?
So the familiar summoning in Halkeginia basically determines(?) the elemental affinity of the mage. Kirche summoned a fire salamander because she's a fire mage and Guiche summoned a mole because he's an earth mage so if we go with that he would get Bumblebee or Geodude. Beatrice is a yin mage if I remember correctly so maybe she could be Louise's familiar instead? Also because void is the only element that can summon humans. If we're talking about familiars outside the list maybe Skarner from LoL?
if were running off of this logic, again, geo-bro please boss
uh, no. clearly, being the god tier mega-brad he is, guiche 2.0 is going to get a level 100 geo-bro with sand veil, strocks, da rude sandstorm, toxic & gyro ball. complete with a sandy rock.
So the familiar summoning in Halkeginia basically determines(?) the elemental affinity of the mage. Kirche summoned a fire salamander because she's a fire mage and Guiche summoned a mole because he's an earth mage so if we go with that he would get Bumblebee or Geodude. Beatrice is a yin mage if I remember correctly so maybe she could be Louise's familiar instead? Also because void is the only element that can summon humans. If we're talking about familiars outside the list maybe Skarner from LoL?

Not just element. But compatibility and the needs and desires of the mage doing the summoning comes into play.

Not just that. you have to remember this is not guiche. This is someone who was inserted into his body. And even if we don\t count this he also is slowly turning into a demiservant.
Wait..what about a Ralts? Its technically a fairy-type pokemon but plants and fairies have a connection to earth.../ and the psychic powers could be the connection to his magic circuits and mental library?

Honestly Ralts might be a good choice, I mean, the Fae and plant therefore earth connection I think is kind of a stretch but the magic and mental library thingy is there, also there's the whole Ralts is an empath thing and this is supposed to be the Nice!Guiche route
Beatrice :An interesting character and she is some kind of spirit, she also brings a different style of magic making three that can be used to focus the story on magic and the difference of each one, she is also very similar in appearance to Momorency of all people.

Tsukiumi:Someone who uses something like water magic (maybe it's magic for all we know) says that she is not human and starts calling Guiche a husband, which Guiche knows that if he agrees to kiss her he is technically, so is everyone else thinks Guiche has changed, so his familiar is a super beautiful woman, everyone thinks Guiche is still the same as always,to the point that he did it with a sacred ritual or the founder himself decided that it was familiar to him.

any pokemon: whichever comes would be interesting and no one would find anything strange where the author can get anyone he likes or matches his affinity, if the pokemon can evolve it can be linked to Guiche's strength or how far he has advanced in magic .

Any choice is good, but it could make several omakes on different summons at the end of each chapter if possible, but I think it's like I've been asked too much for that.

My preference is Tsukiumi just for the pure comedy, besides not being too powerful like some options, besides imagine Louise and Momorency's reaction to her!
Teacher fate SI (Rin)
Little Rin didn't know what to make of the man who was in front of her.

He had introduced himself as Jaune Pendragon, the Pendragon family, connected to Arthur Pendragon and Morgan Pendragon, which she was sure had long since died out.

Or they should have been.

But if this man was telling the truth then perhaps they were merely well hidden?

Such an old family must have quite a lot of knowledge. Perhaps she could even get them in her debt?

"So what exactly did you want to speak with me for Mister Pendragon?"

"Please just call me Jaune." He waved away. "Mister Pendragon makes me feel quite uncomfortable."

Well, he was definitely not Japanese, or else he wouldn't offer to call him by his first name so easily.

"Right, Jaune it is then, for what reason did you wish to meet me?"

"I wish to set up a workshop in this city and I came to ask your permission. I believe that you are the second owner are you not?"

A Pendragon, settling in her city? If he was truly one then she might be able to get quite a deal out of this.

"I see and if you don't mind me asking what exactly do you intend to do?"

"I intend to take in an apprentice."

Rin spit out her tea in shock as she began to cough in surprise and Jaune merely wiped his face with a napkin.

Once Rin managed to regain herself she asked one more question.

"I see, and you are currently searching for an apprentice?" Perhaps she could make him her teacher? It certainly was better than Kirei and there was no way she was ever going to Kirei to learn even if she had to continue relying only upon her books, she couldn't trust someone who couldn't even protect her father to teach her properly, plus that way she could make sure this was the real deal.

"No, I already found one." Rin's eyes narrowed at that.

"Really? I haven't heard of any other mages entering the city. I assume they will arrive shortly?"

"No, they are present in this city and have been for the past few years at least." Rin's smile turned brittle, but before she could respond Jaune continued. "They likely didn't inform because they were unaware of the concept of a second owner before I had explained it to them yesterday, as they were not brought up by a mage household."

Rin's eyebrows raised at this in disbelief. "Really? You took in an apprentice someone who wasn't raised in a mage household?" There was no way this man was a real pendragon. Why in the world would a real pendragon choose some no-name guy from a non-mage family over her?

"My apprentice's adoptive parent was a spell caster, not a mage, and thought the boy a few spells. But the boy has something very important. Something I haven't seen in any mage that I have personally met."

"Really? And what's that?" Rin was skeptical. After all, what could a noname person adopted by a spellcaster have?

"The Potential to become a Heroic Spirit."

Rin choked on her tea once more as she tried to comprehend what the man had just said.



Rin could hardly believe what the man had said becoming a heroic spirit is said to be impossible in the modern-day. Especially with magecraft and any supernatural event kept a secret these days.

"But that's impossible!"

"No, it's simply because of the way mages of the current time behave."

"What do you mean by that?!"

"Mages of this day and age hoard their secrets more zealously than some priests I've seen trying to convert people. Heroic spirits are those that have had their names carved into the etches of human history. Their deeds are so legendary that they are forever remembered by mankind. But mages of today are more interested in reaching Akasha and preserving their magecraft than going out and making their mark on the world."

His words made sense.

The man began chuckling.

"What are you laughing at?" Little Rin glared which only made her look more adorable to him which made him chuckle even more.

"Well, I'm thinking that those who become heroic spirits fighting battles as Kings, Generals, Fighters and even some scholars who were known for sharing their knowledge from the past seem to get a special place in the root as within the throne of heroes while mages of the modern era who actually strive for the root researching magecraft, fail to even get anything within their lifetime and have to pass on their work to their children in hopes that they would find a path to the root and even then there is so little chance of them actually reaching the root... It's so funny that they are doing the exact opposite of a well-known path to a place in the root is already known but claim to be trying to reach the root."

It was true...his words made some sense....but that was an attack on her pride.. she couldn't take it and not retaliate.

"Really?" She smiled sweetly. "Perhaps I should deny you permission to stay in my city then?"

At that, the man stopped laughing his face turning so solemn that it nearly took her off guard.

"I apologize, I suppose it was in poor taste."

"Mhm." She nodded but she wasn't going to forgive that easily. "I have two conditions for your stay in the city."

"Name them."

"You will teach me magecraft as well. twice during the weekends."

"I suppose that's alright." Rin blinked. She was sure he would deny that since a mage had to protect their secrets but considering what he had said before...

Well then let's see if you can accept this?

"I want you to bring me a high-quality Diamond, a Saphire, and a Ruby each month. Every one of them should be at least as big as my little finger." She said with a malicious smile holding up her little finger for comparison.

"Very well." He extended his hand to shake on the deal and Rin blinked at him in shock. She had expected him to try and bargain for it as she knew how expensive Diamonds were. And she a family specializing in gem magic could barely afford something like that. But for the man to simply accept it like that... He must have very deep pockets indeed...

Blinking away her shock she accepted his hand and shook it. Perhaps this would be quite a profitable deal for her after all.

Especially since she was sure that Kirei was purposefully mismanaging the Tohsaka owned estates as her legal guardian. Not that she could do anything since she had no proof and she wasn't strong enough to punch his lights out.



I left the Tohsaka house with a smile on my face...

Oh god, little Tohsaka was so cute! That was too close. I was barely able to stop myself from patting her head! She would have definitely blown it off if I did that!

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"You will teach me magecraft as well. twice during the weekends."
"I want you to bring me a high-quality Diamond, a Saphire, and a Ruby each month. Every one of them should be at least as big as my little finger." She said with a malicious smile holding up her little finger for comparison.
Dang. By the time the war starts, Rin is going to be scary as heck. She might even be equivalent to a low or mid-tier Servant by then.
As much as I would live to summon Tiamama I think she wouldn't make for a good story....but I suppose I can have her be summoned in the selfish Guche timeline? It would definitely keep him on his toes. But for this Guiche I'm thinking either Beatrice or Tsukiumi...

If you have another suggestion go ahead....
What about Huáng-Lóng, Yellow Dragon of the Center since it's attributed to the Earth element (I have no idea about any of Huáng-Lóngs "feats" as they're called , so I don't know if they're ridiculously OP, but they're most likely powerful, considering they're one of the mythological beasts of the cardinal directions: Azure Dragon of the East, [Wood], Vermillion Bird of the South [Fire], White Tiger of the West [Metal], and Black Tortoise of the North [Water])

The reason I'm not suggesting White Tiger as well is because Metal is a broad term, and in the Brimiric elements (And therefore the ritual), Bronze is classified as Earth, and not as a separate element
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And is the teacher SI's new body actually related to the Pendragon's (As an explanation of having a Magic Core if you give him one, or just because ROB thought it would be funny to give him a reason to call himself Jaune Pendragon by making his presumably new body have the Pendragon genes, or modified the timeline so Mordred also had an attachment like Arturia and use it on a woman at some point, resulting in a canonical explanation for the SI centuries later)?
Fate Teacher SI omake
Then there was another.

Jaune looked at what was in front of him without believing what he was seeing, all the information he had about magic could not explain what was in front of him, I saw the little computer use mana and do something similar to magic, but he he knew on a fundamental level that it was not magic of any kind.

Shinji on the other hand thought that he did something wrong and the teacher seemed shocked that he never saw him act like that, Sakura, Rin and Shirou also just looked at their teacher not knowing what to think since they never saw him act like this before.

"Did i do something wrong?" Shinji asked uncertainly.

Shinji's words seemed to have taken Jaune out of his shock.

"Oh, no, you didn't do anything wrong, just you did something that I still don't understand what you did, it overcame everything I could imagine, Shinji what is it?" Jeune asked with something like almost childlike curiosity in her voice.

"Well I managed to create a circuit of mana conditive materials, so I thought that if I could create something like a computer program that could do something with that mana, then using numerology as a base and advanced mathematics I would create a computer program that could do a simple spell. " Shinji spoke.

While Sakura and Shirou saw nothing wrong with that with the limited knowledge they both had, but Rin on the other hand compared that to the mystical code, Jaune on the other hand knew that it was different on a fundamental level,all the magic stuff was in his mind, and that didn't exist, that was something else entirely.

"I thought there was only one candidate to enter the throne of heroes here, to know that there was a second of a totally different path now this is new." Thought Jaune.

A few weeks later.

Jaune had to deal with Rin who seemed to have her world break after understanding what Shinji did, the boy somehow created a technology that could reproduce using mana, was not magecraft and had its disadvantages, but could use mana.

A new branch of technology that didn't suffer from the loss of power that magecraft used, couldn't use the conceptual effects at the moment, but it could work wonders, if Shinji could continue to create that he could change the world and get into the throne of heroes by that, if he can show it to the world of course.

"Is this Shinji different? He of course couldn't be like the Shinji I used to know, isn't he. Or could he?" Jaune thought

The idea irritated him, knowing that all that potential and bright future was wasted in such a way, turning this boy into the human garbage that he remembered, that was so horrible if not perhaps more than the waste that was done with Sakura.

"I am correcting this, I am correcting this so much." Thought Jaune.

Years later Shinji, wearing armor created by himself, fought on an equal footing with Gilgamesh who respected him seeing that he would be the one who would make the dream he had come true.
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Then there was another.

Jaune looked at what was in front of him without believing what he was seeing, all the information he had about magic could not explain what was in front of him, I saw the little computer use mana and do something similar to magic, but he he knew on a fundamental level that it was not magic of any kind.

Shinji on the other hand thought that he did something wrong and the teacher seemed shocked that he never saw him act like that, Sakura, Rin and Shirou also just looked at their teacher not knowing what to think since they never saw him act like this before.

"Did i do something wrong?" Shinji asked uncertainly.

Shinji's words seemed to have taken Jaune out of his shock.

"Oh, no, you didn't do anything wrong, just you did something that I still don't understand what you did, it overcame everything I could imagine, Shinji what is it?" Jeune asked with something like almost childlike curiosity in her voice.

"Well I managed to create a circuit of mana conditive materials, so I thought that if I could create something like a computer program that could do something with that mana, then using numerology as a base and advanced mathematics I would create a computer program that could do a simple spell. " Shinji spoke.

While Sakura and Shirou saw nothing wrong with that with the limited knowledge they both had, but Rin on the other hand compared that to the mystical code, Jaune on the other hand knew that it was different on a fundamental level,all the magic stuff was in his mind, and that didn't exist, that was something else entirely.

"I thought there was only one candidate to enter the throne of heroes here, to know that there was a second of a totally different path now this is new." Thought Jaune.

A few weeks later.

Jaune had to deal with Rin who seemed to have his world break after understanding what Shinji did, the boy somehow created a technology that could reproduce using mana, was not magecraft and had its disadvantages, but could use mana.

A new branch of technology that didn't suffer from the loss of power that magecraft used, couldn't use the conceptual effects at the moment, but it could work wonders, if Shinji could continue to create that he could change the world and get into the throne of heroes by that, if he can show it to the world of course.

"Is this Shinji different? He of course couldn't be like the Shinji I used to know, isn't he. Or could he?" Jaune thought

The idea irritated him, knowing that all that potential and bright future was wasted in such a way, turning this boy into the human garbage that he remembered, that was so horrible if not perhaps more than the waste that was done with Sakura.

"I am correcting this, I am correcting this so much." Thought Jaune.

Years later Shinji, wearing armor created by himself, fought on an equal footing with Gilgamesh who respected him seeing that he would be the one who would make the dream he had come true.
That.... Thats not a bad idea.. I think you're talking about spiritual hackers in Fate extra right?
Hmmm, is it possible to create a Sacred Gear or something similar in Fate? It Does'nt have to be a Longinus class, a Twice Critical is fine
Hmmm, is it possible to create a Sacred Gear or something similar in Fate? It Does'nt have to be a Longinus class, a Twice Critical is fine
Well Ereshkigal can trap souls in cages, and it's possible to do a sort of sentient thing in weapons (The whatever Ad is that Morgan based off of Sir Kay and put in Rhongomyniad)
So with the right magecraft and a combination of the aforementioned things, probably