a spell that doubles your power. it doesnt exist but it wouldnt be hard to make
Well considering how hard it is to create new magecraft in Nasuverse it would probably take a lot of effort to create it, especially since it's such a powerful spell, and even then it's still easier because SI has the mental library
What do you mean by fanon gradual growth?
In some fics they gradually grow into their evolved forms, and I've never seen this happen or be mentioned in the anime or games (I haven't personally completed any games and it's been a while since I watched any of the Pokemon anime though, so I might have just forgotten), so it's not canon but fanon (If you don't know what fanon is, an example is the name of Coil's company name: Fortress Constructions in Worm, it's not but people call it that and sometimes treat it as canon)
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That's a pretty good idea

Another SI idea: SI as Genos with a magic core, high-quality magic crest and high quality and quantity magic circuits in any setting with instinctual knowledge of basic bounded fields/hypnosis to hide magecraft and alert, and integrating/repairing tech and the whole built-into-magic circuits-spell thing that Sieg has of that perception sharing spell(He's Genos, he can make/buy drones and have them integrated into him and made as familiars), time alter, reinforcement/alteration/structural analysis/projection/tracing, Sieg's breakdown spell, a bunch of fire/electricity/aether spells, Galvanism and martial arts like Bajiquan and Pankration, and the ability of the Shadow Border/Storm Border (Travelling in the Imaginary Number Space or whatever it's called) as well as its shields (Pretty sure the wiki mentioned that it had them)
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Guiche SI 5.1
It had been a month since Louse got her new staff during this time I conducted even more tests with my Brimiric magic and found an interesting fact.

Just because someone is aligned to a particular element doesn't mean. One couldn't use magic fr the other elements. I just meant it's harder to use.

Of course, Void was the exception.

I didn't have enough Divinity to command True Ether as Louise did.

Still, it meant that I could use all the other elements.

The thing is that it required a lot of effort. A lot more effort than casting a spell aligned with one's own element.

The higher your power the easier it was to use spell outside your element.

My element was earth...

Which meant the hardest element for me to use was Wind...

You know this kind of rinds me of the Avatar elements or the elements in Naruto...

I wonder if Nature combination might be replicable with spells? Like strengthening fire with wind?

Require more test once I'm proficient in the other elements.

But for now, I need to continue my practice with my wind magic.

I was practising a dot wind spell that blew a gentle breeze.

"Ing, Hag!"

But so far all tries either left me with no results or a barely noticeable breeze.

And it was exhausting. As if I was summoning ten earth golems every single time.

Fifteen minutes later, I was too exhausted, mentally.

This was definitely going to take a while.

I suppose I could practise my sword forms while I wait for my exhaustion to subside.

With a sigh, I placed my rose wand in my pocket... I seriously need to get a new wand for myself as well. While this focus was alright I could be using something so much better.


I could make my own wand, couldn't I?

Closing my eyes and consulting my mental library showed me that yes I could... I had a huge way to make foci. Each in for a different purpose.

That reminds me...

There was a sentient wand in Fate wasn't there?

Consulting my mental library once more however was disappointing. There was nothing on how to make them. Even though there were so many other foci and ways to make them. Though considering that they were made by Zelretch I suppose that makes sense. Making them must require the second magic. So no wonder my library didn't have them. They would have made fantastic wands for Louise.

Pushing that thought aside for a moment i closed my eyes.

Having the Unlimited Bladeworks made learning how to wield the sword much easier.

Since any sword that had a wielder had their style and techniques engraved into them which I can look at and practice with.

"Trace on."

With those two words a curved sword formed within my hand... A katana far too long to be called one, yet the techniques and style held within it were beyond mesmerising that I had kept practising it since I had come to this world. Even during my spars with Louise.

A smile formed as I remembered the confused look on her face as I called it forth for our first spar. She had looked at me as I was mad. But soon reevaluated traced his fighting style and synced myself with it...

My muscles had cramps for hours that day as I pushed them far beyond what they could do even with Reinforcement.

Louise was furious when she found out what I did but I think I achieved what I was aiming for as she no longer looked at me like a madman when I traced Monohoshizao.

Going through the sword forms was relaxing in a way the large heavy blade giving muscles a good workout as I continued to move syncing myself with Sasaki movements but without pushing too far nor with any Reinforcement.

The deadly dance relaxed my mind in a way and gave my muscles a good burn.

Normal swords didn't push my muscles as much anymore.

With my training increased speeding up the rate at I assimilate Emiya's power began to increase quite a lot, my strength and speed were now 5 times the average human limit halfway to E rank.

But also increased my senses. And reaction times. Which is why I started to noticed two people spying on me the past week.

So far none of them have made a move against me, but none of my senses, physic or magical were good enough to identify who they were, so, for now, it's best not to react otherwise I might scare them away before I find out who they were.


Ah here comes Louise for our daily spar.

"Hello, Louise, ready to lose?" I asked with a smile.

"Ha." She grinned "Remind me again who's winning?"

Louise had been trained quite well by her mother. Don't let her short stature fool you she had a lot of muscles underneath her lean body, though she got a bit rusty during her time at the academy our daily spars has certainly made her an opponent to be feared. Then was also the fact that she had more experience than me and had gotten training for Karin the heavy wind...

Yeah... I might now be a match for her in terms of speed and strength but in terms of technique, she outperforms me when I was not cheating by tracing Sasaki's memories which I don't when sparring. Otherwise, what is the use?

Though she seems to have gotten stronger as well...

Wait.... What's that?

"Louise? What's that?"

"Oh, this? I told my mother about how you helped me find out what was wrong with my magic in exchange for sparring matches so she sent me this Swordwand. It's a Mythril rapier with a Kyanite core. Now we can duel properly."

Fuck... She was doing this because I was catching up with her, wasn't she?

As she drew her cerulean blue rapier it glittered in the sun and I swore I saw wind swirling around her.

Don't tell me.

Her dash at me with twice her top speed confirmed my suspicion as I barely managed to block her.



She was using wind magic to reduce the air resistance and boost her movements.

Very well.

"Two can play at that game, Louise!" I declared. It was on, this was going to stress my magic circuits and I was going to empty my tank fast... But I haven't mastered Reinforcement to use it in battle so I have to resort to this. It was wasteful but it would give me the power to equalise the gap for a short while.

"Prana Burst!" I chanted and my circuits glowed visibly under my clothes and I pushed off the ground, turning over some of the earth beneath my feet as our blades clashed more and sparks flew.

Our daily deadly dance continued only faster and stronger as the clang of metal echoes throughout the courtyard once more, smiles on our faces.

I understood what Lancer means now when he enjoys battle.

A friendly match to simply improve and test one's strength felt awesome when we knew our lives weren't in danger.

Each nick and cut was noted to be corrected for the future.



And I might have thought her the art of calling out an opponents name when aiming to end the fight...

It was fun...

But hey why shouldn't I?

There no guarantee that I would reincarnate once more... So may as well enjoy life.

#YOLT. Not as catchy as #YOLO...meh.
I have an idea for Guiches summon.
Anyone ever read the gamer manhwa?
Hanjehan (mc) makes a contract with an earth spirit.
Which looks like a young girl and is called gnome.
How about that look ?
A small challenge from me for the summoning .
Seeing as it's an earth spirit maybe uses some deity tied to the underworld?
Like Ereshkigal?
Or Hades?
Or even Zagreus?
Can Guiche do Overedge and does he still have to do Trace-Fractal like Shirou does when tracing highly mana-intensive projections or does he not have to do that due to his contract/slow fusion with EMIYA? Can he do Sword Barrel Full Open or not yet, and will he inherit EMIYA's talent and skill with the bow (Apparently Shirou only missed once while doing Japanese Archery which was on purpose, and apparently Archer uses a western style as well)
Pretty sure he only has the instructions not the actual experience on how to do Emiya's skills
I wonder if Nature combination might be replicable with spells? Like strengthening fire with wind?
Doesn't Tabatha create ice using a combination of wind and water?

Having the Unlimited Bladeworks made learning how to wield the sword much easier.

Since any sword that had a wielder had their style and techniques engraved into them which I can look at and practice with.
Why not get that talking sword to trace it's battle history and gain the skills from it?
Pretty sure he only has the instructions not the actual experience on how to do Emiya's skills
In the first chapter it's stated that he was basically a incomplete Demi servant without a "conscious" servant, and the more time spent training the more in sync and closer the process will be to completion, which implies that rather than Mash's Demi-servant contract it's more similar to Miyuverse Shirou's Complete Install, in which the more he fights utilising the EMIYA card, the more he was "invaded" by the heroic spirit, or Heavens Feel Shirou without the arm (or pain). It's also stated that "ROB hadn't wanted to make it too easy for him so he made it so that he'd reach the strength (Of either heroic spirit EMIYA or a Demi-servant of said heroic spirit)

Doesn't Tabatha create ice using a combination of wind and water?

Why not get that talking sword to trace it's battle history and gain the skills from it?
I don't know this for sure but I'm pretty sure that when he traces a weapon's history and gains it's skills it's only temporary, and that Guiche is trying to build up muscle memory of original techniques rather than imperfectly utilise techniques meant for people of a different body structure and muscle mass (These techniques aren't like Tsubame Gaeshi or lightless three stage thrust either, they're just regular techniques and Derflinger's ability is his as a spirit sword, not the swords).
Also Derflinger's consciousness can travel from blade to blade when his own is destroyed, and this happens multiple times in the show, meaning that he most likely has transferred to different swords numerous times and as such "lost" the history of its previous forms, so not having much history compared to his age

Another suggestion for a familiar is Ciel's Seventh Holy Scripture but also maybe not, because from reading about it on Ciel's wiki page, the modifications, creation and abilities/uses of it are morbid as hell
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If you are still looking for summons for your Guiche, taking into account that:
-> He has the UBW inside him, thus he probably has a (very) strong affinity to the "Sword" element
-> He is inside the body of Guiche, which is a "Earth" element,
a logical summon would be a magic sword - or somebody affiliated with a magic sword - that can control the earth.

Thus, I will be dropping this link here (Tenshi Hinanawi), in the case you are kind of familiar with the Touhou universe.
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You know... I've always thought that the Magecraft like Structural Analysis, Reinforcement, and Projection if taken to extreme levels may actually help in getting True Magic. Just a theory.
You know... I've always thought that the Magecraft like Structural Analysis, Reinforcement, and Projection if taken to extreme levels may actually help in getting True Magic. Just a theory.
You know... I've always thought that the Magecraft like Structural Analysis, Reinforcement, and Projection if taken to extreme levels may actually help in getting True Magic. Just a theory.
Do you mean Denial of Nothingness? If so you're possibly right, since a True Magic doesn't necessarily have to be obtained from the Root (As shown by Magic Blue - The user didn't reach the Root to obtain it-), it can also be taught, taking Projection/Reinforcement/Structural Analysis/Tracing to extreme levels could be the foundations for being taught/learning Denial of Nothingness, alongside talent/knowledge of Aether and good magic control

Also suggestion for the later levels of syncing with EMIYA, and for something the Teacher SI can teach Shirou, theoretically and used in multiple fanon works, a way to get past Shirou's difficulty in using spells is to apply them to a blade (E.g a sword shaped bounded field, or blades with runes on them, or maybe even -this is my idea- Runes using blade shapes, so like an Omega symbol but instead of the 2 flat rectangular tips it has pointed blade tips, and yes I know Omega isn't a rune, it's just an example)

And another idea for Guiche/Teacher SI is extracting a mystery from an NP, Saint Graph or Mystic Code and/or craft essence and applying it to a different object/person

Also is it just me, or does Prototype Arthur kinda look like some images of Saito in the prototype OVA, when he uses Excalibur?
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Guiche SI 5.2
Yesterday was the last day of the current school year. Louise had gone home for the month while I decided to remain here. Travelling to the Gramont mansion would take days. Days I'd rather spend training and preparing myself. Not to mention I couldn't face Guiche's parents...

How would they react?

I had no idea what to do.

So I remained in school.

I breathed in the fresh morning air as I sat on the grass with a few papers and a "pencil" I made by transmuting wood into graphite a small stick of graphite.

I leaned against a tree, watching the sunrise from the academy courtyard.

I honestly do not know why people sleep in so late. It feels so refreshing, the cool breeze and the warm light from the sunrise feels heavenly.

With my mind relaxed I began my work.

Something wanted to do...

I began to try and personalize the chant for the familiar summoning.

or perhaps plagiarize a few lines...

Don't look at me... its too cool not to be used!
Silver and iron to the origin.

The first mystical metals ever used by mankind, this referred to the beginning of the mystery, and of civilization with both of them being excellent conductors of prana. So no changes there.

Gem and the Archduke of contracts to the cornerstone.
The ancestor is my great master Schweinorg."

This part referred to a contract made by a family of mages to the Second magician and the fact that most of their magecraft centres around Jewel craft. I had to change I had no contract or anything to do with Zelretch.

The alighted wind becomes a wall. The gates in the four directions close, coming from the crown, the three-forked road that leads to the kingdom circulate.

These ones were not needed for me as they were what connected the mage to the grail if they were going to be a master in the grail war.

Shut (fill).
Shut (fill).
Shut (fill).
Shut (fill).
Shut (fill).
Repeat every five times.
Simply, shatter once filled.
I announce.
This uses the magic circle drawn with a precious metal to build up energy in five layers. Once they were filled completely the circle would glow brightly, and with the last two lines of the chant, the gathered prana from the grail and the mage is used to reach the throne. The grails prana is used to reach the throne and the mage's prana is used to find a compatible servant if a catalyst stronger connection than the mage isn't used.

Your self is under me, my fate is in your sword.
In accordance with the approach of the Holy Grail, if you abide by this feeling, this reason, then answer.

Here is my oath. I am the one who becomes all the good of the world of the dead, I am the one who lays out all the evil of the world of the dead.

This chant will be heard by the heroic spirit, here you speak your oath, what exactly you wish to accomplish by summoning them and what they might gain from the summoning in this case the holy grail. If the heroic spirit accepts then good, else it will go to the next compatible heroic spirit and they will hear your oath, what you wish to accomplish by summoning them and what they gain. This repeats until a heroic spirit accepts. And since the throes of heroes exist outside time and space, this takes in an instant for the mage.

You, seven heavens clad in three words of power, arrive from the ring of deterrence, O keeper of the balance!
These final words bind the heroic spirit who is bound to the command seals. The three absolute command seals with the symbols for Command, absolute, and order hidden within them using an intricate design based on the servant class. Each command seal, unique in its design and never the same.

Unfortunately why I had no idea. I suspect is also something belonging to the second magic.

I wasn't doing a servant summoning put I plan to some of it for the familiar summoning ritual, after all, why fix something that wasn't broken?

It took me a while of scribbling around but I think I was happy with how it turned out.

It was definitely going to sound so cool!

I couldn't wait for the summoning ritual!

Now then time to get my daily morning exercise.

With a wave of my wand, I levitated several clumps of earth to wrap around my arms and legs and then transmuted them into iron.

My hand immediately notice the slight weight. but not as much as my legs it was quite different since I usually practised with the sword. MY upper body and my lower bodies strength were imbalanced.

This had to be corrected.

I should have done this the moment I came here! With magic healing damaged muscles or helping them repair quickly was a non-issue... Though I definitely have to be careful not to tear them.

Torn muscles are fucking painful!

Taking a breath, I began my new daily routine.

Running around the academy.

I would run until I couldn't run anymore after which I'd use levitation to float myself to my room where I had a ward with runestones erected. Five runestones made the ward, the runes carved into obsidian and four of them on each corner with one in the centre. I had to use obsidian instead of the actual gems to make true runestones because I am kind of short on money at the moment. But I won't regret spending what I did for Louise. Anyways, each rune had a gem that suited it for it to reach it to show its full power. Only Dagaz and Laguz would reach their full power on Obsidian. So at least one of the runes I used for my ward is reaching its true potential.


( ᛊ ) Sowilo for healing, (ᛚ)Laguz for potential, (ᛗ)Mannaz for the self in the centre, (ᛖ)Eihwaz for adjustment, and (ᚲ) Kenaz for transformation.

The entire ward was made to enhance my healing and encourage my growth. As I released my levitation spell on top of my bed I fell with a thump. My aches slowly beginning to ease up as the primordial runestones began their work healing and improving my body.

With the second wave of my wand, I shut the door and locked it before I removed my clothes with another small spell.

Brimiric magic might not be as structured as Nasuverse magic but it's damn convenient.

Then I cast the first wind spell I managed to make.

The Airconditioning spell.

The spell cooled the air in the closed room and the walls and the furniture down to a comfortable temperature.

It also utterly exhausted my mental energy as I had to push much more energy since my element was earth.

With that my consciousness drifted to sleep and I would wake in a few hours for lunch and to talk with Colbert if he was free and then research and practise my blade technique before practising reinforcement, structural analysis and projection until I was exhausted then went for dinner before falling asleep again.

This would be how my month passed and soon the holidays were over within the blink of an eye.

The springtime summoning ritual was upon me.
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Liked the chapter, but just a point of order here, this:
These ones were not needed for me as they were what connected the mage to the grail if they were going to be a master in the grail war.
Is incorrect,
the connection to the grail is bound up in the command seals, which is why it's such a big deal when they spontaneously appear on one's hand when the grail selects someone to participate, and why they're fought over; due to them essentially being a ticket to participate in the grail war, as well as being a channel to feed prana to one's servant, subsidising their cost to the point of the summon (and therefore participation in the war) being a practical possibility.

Of course, one can summon a Servant ahead of time in the hope that the grail takes an interest and awards said summoner a set of command seals at a latter date, but such a thing isn't guaranteed (unless you're a founding family member, in which case you can either obtain it outright, or 'requisition' it from whatever family member had it originally via spiritual surgery or similar methods, such as Wishcraft, Absorption, or isolation and transference via Jewelcraft).

As for this bit?:
The alighted wind becomes a wall. The gates in the four directions close, coming from the crown, the three-forked road that leads to the kingdom circulate.

The first sentence actually referring to taking the forces that've been called upon thus far (silver and iron to the origin, whatever one is using as a foundation, plus a relevant invocation of something connected to the Root, whether that be supplication to a conceptual ancestor, or paying someone/something a tribute,) and forming a bounded field with the invoked concepts (silver and iron) to create an isolated space, with the invoked entity/concept (Zelretch, Red, etc,) serving as an anchor-point for said bounded field that anchors it to the Root/Akasha (in the case of Zelretch, tracing his connection to the Second Magic to tap the Root, whereas in the case of 'let Red be the color I pay tribute to', well, it's probably a case of feeding the Red Shadow some prana in order to be allowed to summon, though it could also be a reference to another potential path to the Root, seeing as Touko Aozaki is referred to as 'Dirty Red' as both a play on her name (which can mean Orange) and the fact that she was passed over as inadequate for achieving the Fifth, in favour of her sister, implying her capacity to reach the Root to be tainted and crippled (there's also the whole color-wheel/sephirot metaphor in there, with Malkuth being the place where all the colors mix, being base, mundane, impure, and tainted, as well as a red-shift/blue-shift comparison between Touko and her sister. ...It's a pretty sick burn, and personalised too, so it kinda makes sense that Touko makes a point to kill anyone who utters it considering the sheer level of insult involved and the fact that not answering in kind would see her regarded as easy prey by her fellow magi). So yeah, 'let Red be the color I pay tribute to' could also be a reference to a path to the Fifth Magic, fulfilling the same purpose as a reference to the Second, i.e, Zelretch's Kaleidoscope.)

'The gates in the four directions close' is actually pretty simple, it's isolating a point within the Sephirot, allowing for power and the essence of whatever is being summoned to build up there, 'coming from the crown' being a denotation of both the starting location and the direction of 'travel' of the summoning.

'The three-forked road that leads to the kingdom circulate' is where it gets interesting. It's actually causing the outer paths of the Sephirot to circle around the centre path, essentially integrating their aspects/facets into the summon as it travels from Keter to Malkuth. Think of the process like one of those old weaving looms that spins thread into string, or string into rope. Put another way? The invitation is literally 3D-printing the summoned Servant into being by arranging and layering it's invoked essence in a specific manner.

And as for:
Shut (fill).
Shut (fill).
Shut (fill).
Shut (fill).
Shut (fill).
Repeat every five times.
Simply, shatter once filled.
It's again pretty simple, starting at the Crown/Keter, it's filling the isolated space to capacity with the summon's essence (while the three-forked road/outer sephira circle and etch/interweave their facets into said essence,) before shattering the barrier between said isolated space and the next lower wrung on the central path of the sephirot, then repeating said steps, forming an additional layer comprised of the next-lower sephirot around a core comprised of the previous layers, kind of like a layered jaw-breaker or a matryoshka doll. This repeats five times, going from Keter to Malkuth, with the end result appearing in the summoning circle, before the process loops and repeats, doing so constantly throughout the course of the summoning, with the resulting 'echo' of the summoned heroic spirit superimposing upon itself and fusing with it's previous super-positionings as a result, gaining more and more substance with every cycle/loop and repetition, until eventually, with the help of the Servant Class restriction to filter out contradictory content, they gain enough stability to manifest as a living, breathing being... or close enough, because Servants = spiritual bodies, etc.

The whole thing is actually kinda like that scene in The Fifth Element where Leeloo gets reconstituted at/near the start.
So yeah, you'd actually be better off changing it to "were unneeded due to my use of Brimir's ritual as the summoning's basis", or something.

Regardless though, love your work, keep it up :D
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