Not a bad idea.... What type of Faunus should I make him? An owl Faunus?
Make him a Faunus that matches his archetype of an inventor and builder.

Owls are associated with wisdom and intellectual pursuits, so it would fit.

Personally I just want you to piss off Jacques, Atlas and the White Fang something fierce since you represent what none of them can bear.

Being rendered obsolete and left behind.
I can see a problem with that, unless you manage to built up to self-sufficiency.
Alot of assassin's, sabotage and being proclaimed some form of revolutionary, terrorist or what have you. You will have to practice the holy art of "CONSTANT VIGILANCE".
I would be really interested in reading Faunus in space. There are none that i am aware of that ever went anywhere out of orbit in any RWBY story
Honestly staying as a human have advantage for the story plotline as well. Mostly lack of hostility from pretty much all factions, and mostly it would show that humans and faunus can work together from a side who is considered most of times hostile/aggresive towards faunus as a whole.

But in the end your call ;).
if you are going into space then recommend Halo or Mass effect maybe StarWars

1. Dead Space
2. Kerbal Space Program
3. Jetsons. This one sounds fun and unique.
4. Space 1899 (space steampunk pretty much).
5. Astroneer.
6. Spelljammer (Forgotten Realms D&D in space).
7. Cowboy Bebop.
8. Macross.
9. Space Engineers.
10. Muv-Luv.

Some random more hipster suggestions ;). Mainstream sure works perfectly fine, but being unique could be fun as well :p.

And well... Gundams. All Gundams. Just to show Atlas how you properly mecha :p.
RWBY tinker of fiction SI 4
I hadn't realised, I could see in the night so clearly, it was obvious that I was a faunus.

Not just that... I could see so far away. When I stood at the centre of the town, I could easily make out the details on trees that are extremely far away with ease.

The other that I could turn my neck far beyond what should normally be possible...

I was an Owl faunus... Which was kind of silly... But unlike most faunus, my features made it extremely easy to hide in plain sight no human would think that I was a faunus unless they see me turning my head 270 degrees.

Faunus however had enhanced senses and overall better eyesight even if not sharp as mine.

But back to business.

I had slept quite well, the sun was rising and my muscles felt refreshed.

Strange. I expected to feel sore all over, but I didn't. I wonder why?

Shrugging I got one another canned pottage for breakfast and then headed to the electronics store to pick up several parts I needed to make the defence actually work.

I used the roof of the Electronics store to build an antenna. With it completed I connected it to the store's computer and created a wireless network connecting all the turrets systems to this wirelessly.

Once I was sure all the turrets were still functioning I began the final piece that would actually make the system work.

Virtual Intelligence.

Something to control the turrets even without me constantly present to aim and fire the Goddamn thing.

I sat down and began the long long process of coding...

This was going to take a while.


My back and my hands were aching by the time I had finished my rudimentary VI. I had to access the CCT even if the connection was not that good. I disliked connecting to it as that might catch the attention of someone. But I had to download footage of Grimm to feed to the VI so that I could run simulations.

But with all the 8 systems at the turrets and the computer I was using to write the VI into existence being in a network I had the processing power of 9 systems working together was enough to speed up the simulations and the processing.

It took nearly 7 hours to complete and the VI was finally active. Once I managed to confirm it was indeed active and keeping an eye out I disconnected from the CCT network immediately. I didn't want to linger any more than I had to.

But the defences were finally online.

I could finally relax.


Once I relaxed and took a bath using a large tub and the hand-pumped well.

I felt refreshed even if I was stuck in this dying world.

Right now then first, I had limited resources. This village was abandoned.

I was running on a timer unless I found a way to get more resources.

Or build something that would make more resources.

I had water which I could draw from the well.

I had food in the form of canned food.

I needed to create something that would

While there was a good stockpile or dust it was still limited. I would run out eventually.

So I needed to build something that would I could use in the place of dust to power the systems before I run out, not only that the ammunition for the turrets was also limited.

Now if it was a Laser turret or something similar then I wouldn't have to worry about running out of ammunition but they weren't.

The RWBY especially I picked gave me a lot of good ways to make something more efficient, Miniaturize, add modularity and even program quite well. But running on things other than dust or Aura? Yeah, that wasn't in its kit.

So for now all I could do was improve what I have and perhaps repair some of the other turrets within the village.


The week passed quickly with the turrets on the walls firing at any Grimm that rarely came into its range. I guess as a single person I do not emit as much negative emotions compared to hundreds of people.

But I digress. I did clean out the ridiculous DISGUSTING mold in the grocery store.

A shiver passes through my spine just remembering that monstrosity.

It was the most horrifying experience I've ever had using the rotting food as compost after on the dry soil of the farmland.

It was too much.

But it had to be done.

I didn't know how else I was going to get food. The canned stuff might last me about 5 to 6 months but after that?


As disgusting as it was it would help fertilise the land so I did it.

Not sure how long it would take though.

I also found another system, though this one was in quite a bad shape. It took a while to patch it up. Once completed I plugged it into the network, increasing the overall processing power of the grid.

I also managed to find a Bulldozer within the farm's garage. Not even sure what that was even used for though.

But it does give me an idea of what to choose for my next speciality.

I lay down in my bed waiting. I knew tonight was the day I get a new charge, and I already had an idea for it.

I had food to last months.

Dust? It would last me 2 months if I stretched it.

Ammunition? Depended on the frequency of Grimm attacks, how many and how strong they were.

So my next specialization had to be something...

I was not sure if this would work.

It was going to be a test.

If it worked though then I would have to worry about defence or power...

Though still, I wasn't sure how I could get the supplies for it.

If it didn't work I can try something more manageable next week.

Then I felt it.

And I chose...


This is not a vote... You can choose one and try to convince me why to pick that one...if you don't manage to convince me it will continue as I wish.....

[X] Fallout 4
[X] Command and Conquer Generals/Zero Hour
[X] Angel Beats
[X] Danmachi
[X] Atom the Beginning
[X] Skyrim
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I can see a problem with that, unless you manage to built up to self-sufficiency.
Alot of assassin's, sabotage and being proclaimed some form of revolutionary, terrorist or what have you. You will have to practice the holy art of "CONSTANT VIGILANCE".
I would be really interested in reading Faunus in space. There are none that i am aware of that ever went anywhere out of orbit in any RWBY story
There's a Star Wars quest where thanks to the MC, Remnant has attained space access, starting with Menagerie (due to making a deal with Ghira to provide a safe home for the MC's daughter).
[X] Fallout 4
[X] Command and Conquer Generals/Zero Hour
These two options seem like the best since they aren't outside Remnants ability to have developed analogues... except in this case these are Dust free tech. They wouldn't be too out there for Remnans to grok and wouldn't have too much trouble phasing Dust out from non-military applications. Plus C&C: Zero Hour Cold Fusion Reactors and Fallout 'Replicators' seems like a bulllshit combo to me. Plus Fallout 4 Synths could jumpstart and improve the development of Penny and other future Androids.


I think I'll go with;
[X] Command and Conquer Generals/Zero Hour
[X] Command and Conquer Generals/Zero Hour
You now have the power to make shoes!
How would an apocalypse tank fair against the grim?
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[X] Fallout
Cause you're going to need an energy source apart from dust cause that's mainly controlled by the SDC and using it as the powersource would make you dependent on SDC ( which is racist ) and would mean you waste time later to replace the power source for all your tech from dust to something more easily procured.
It also has really sturdy tech considering the stuff that survives a few hundred years in a nuclear wasteland.
Also fallout is post apocalypse tech and remenant is a apocalypse world so yeah
Tinker si RWBY
Angel Beats. - Grants the SI the ability to program the Angel player. Unlocks his Aura which is used to fuel the abilities programmed using the angel player.

Command and Conquer- has to create a the first dozer himself once done he has to build a command centre which he can stay inside and command the dozer and anything else he created and can be connected. Barracks can be crated but without people to train there isn't a use. Same with a war factory and an air field. Drones on the other hand would work commanded by the command center, so would superweapons. He however has to gather materials for it the game merely shows money and uses it to requisition materials...after all you can't build things with money.

FALLOUT 4 - can use most scrap to build weapons and tools. But things that require nuclear material can't be built unless he finds Nuclear material. With proper workshop, could eventually build the Molecular Relay or even Liberty prime!

Danmachi/ Skyrim- Allows SI to craft potions wine and a few things. Also allows SI to Smith magical weapons and Armour using the Forge.

Atom the Beginning- Allows for the creation of powerful robots. Robots that can feel and have a heart.
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[X] command and conquer.
Make sense and allows him to rebuild(or at least try) the ruins into a base capable of taking care of few infantry units with no support.
[X] command and conquer.
Make sense and allows him to rebuild(or at least try) the ruins into a base capable of taking care of few infantry units with no support.
Isn't command and conquer too militaristic for our goal? It would make sense if we're trying to save or conquer Remnant but our aim is to leave right?

Honestly it depends on what route the Author wants to take the story.
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Isn't command and conquer too militaristic for our goal? It would make sense if we're trying to save or conquer Remnant but our aim is to leave right?

Honestly it depends on what route the Author wants to take the story.
How can we leave Remnant if the Grimm and Salem are hellbent in drowning us in numbers to death? We do need a strong military to keep them at bay so that we build enough ships to gtfo of dodge. Plus not all of the natives want to leave and believe that the world can be salvaged. So you might as well give them the means to combat the grimm on a massive scale without having to rely on Hunters to do everything.
Age of Empires also work for ONE very GOOD reason -> Priest unit. It literally allows to with a bit of time to take over enemy units. All those Grimm? They may work for you instead
I just totally had a mental flash of a bible class crammed with different Grim, stuffed in sailor fuku's and listening to a priest teach theology.

As for what setting to draw in? Skyrim, hands down. The reason why is simple really, the MC needs personal arms and armour, as well as further fortifications to his camp and sufficient knowledge of agriculture to create a sustainable food source.

Skyrim should allow the MC access to Dwemer artifice. It should also allow the MC to combine said Dwemer artifice with enchanting, something the Dwemer never did directly due to them pursuing artifice over magic.

This in turn should allow for things such as a Van Helsing-style repeating crossbow that's strong enough to one-shot common grim such as Beowolves, or enchanted power armour.

More to the point, it'd allow the MC to build automations to reinforce his defensive perimeter and tend to a food garden, which it'd also give him the ability to successfully make.

And beyond everything else, it should give him the ability to develop a (possibly primitive) briarheart analogue or other easily created and enduring power source via enchanting, eliminating his dependence on his dwindling supplies of Dust.

An example of the minimum bar he should be able to surpass would be kludging together a primitive wind-powered generator and enhance it with magic, because again, Dwemer x Enchanting for the win.

All this aside though, chances are he'll need to forage the surrounding wilderness to supplement whatever un-rotted seed stock he finds in town in order to start a garden plot. In such circumstances, the ability to tell if something's poisonous either before or upon first taste is invaluable, and even more so for the ability to brew potions to cure or survive such poisoning, not to mention all the other uses being able to heal or otherwise enhance yourself has while surrounded by grim.

It's a hell of a lot better than command and conquer anyway:

"Oh hey, there's grim in the Forrest, let's build a base"
"Oh hey, grim are swarming the area, they must have been attracted by the building of my base..."
"Oh hey, grim are attacking and have somehow broken into my base. If only I had good enough arms and armour to fight them off with, or somehow realised this could happen." (studiously ignores the villagers who died attempting the exact same tactic...)


So yeah, command and conquer? Not a fan of picking it atm, maybe in another couple weeks when the MC has something approaching a decent basis for employing it's tech. As is, I don't really see him surviving the attempt to build the base in the first place, much less living long enough to get swarmed within it.

Fallout would be a decent pick due to it's aptitude for scavenging and making use of various forms of xenotech, which RWBY tech would fall under, but Skyrim would still be best between the two of them for now, because food.
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Isn't command and conquer too militaristic for our goal? It would make sense if we're trying to save or conquer Remnant but our aim is to leave right?

Honestly it depends on what route the Author wants to take the story.
We are on a freaking death world.
The reasons why humanity is alive are that everyone gas magic powers and it runs on teenage angst.
And the buildings and equipment will be militaristic yes.
I think that poeple will be more glad about sturdy buildings that they could decorate, than whine about them being too militaristic.
[X] Skyrim
Building weapons, armor, and crafting potions for survivability. You're on a death world that is precariously on the edge of ending if Salem decided to fuck everything and everyone. If ya wanna nope the fuck out, you need to live to be able to do it. As a bonus, when he comes across settlers, he can arm them to help him defend the homestead till leaving is viable.