Zuko:"you want to learn how to be the avatar from me?"
Zuko:"you have nothing to learn from me."
Aang:"but you can bend the elements way better then me!"
Zuko:"you are mistaken, I am but a humble 'Fire-Bender', nothing more."
Aang:"but how?"
Zuko:"simple, Everything is Fire."
Zuko:"everything is full of energy, energy is heat, energy is motion, energy is light, energy is life itself."
Zuko:"fire is life itself, only something truly cold, truly empty and separate from all things would never be touched by my 'Fire-Bending'."
Zuko:"that space, those gaps between the stars above, that is the limit of my 'Fire-Bending', so yes, you have nothing to learn from me, for now."
Zuko:"learn from others, push your understanding of the sciences and the mechanics of the world, learn of the tricks and peculiarities of the other bending schools, and maybe, you will have what it takes to learn 'The <Universal> Truth'."
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So Zuko will be mistaken for avatar while he simply insists that "everything is fire" and everyone will look at him like he is a moron.
I could imagine the scenario.

Fire Nation Soldiers: He is the Avatar!
Zuko the Not-Avatar: No! I am not the Avatar! Everything is just fire.
Azula: When will my little brother stop denying he is the Avatar?
General Iroh: I'll give a week or two.
Zukos reason hunting down the avatar will this time will have many jokes in it
Azula:zuzu is saying he is trying to find the avatar
Others:He trying to find himself so deep so wise!!!(Past life meeting being a know fact)
Zuko With iroh:I will find that avatar i will show them That i am not the avatar but i am just a genius beyond their understanding!!!! Then they will stop the worship!!
Iroh Drinking tea:'Should i tell him that if he isnt the avatar like he is saying the that will just make them worship him more'....slurp!'Nah it will break his spirt'
Upon finding the ice berg
Zuko: I HAVE found the avatar and soon the world shall that i zuko am not as great as they think
Iroh:'i have to tell him eventually but that day is not to day'
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I've always imagined Firebending is more 'energy bending'. But with maybe some conceptual elements?

Because of Lightning bending.

As for why firebenders couldn't push stuff directly with energy? Either because of conceptual issues or because Fire benders can't seperate their movement energy from the energy they are releasing as heat unless they concentrate it into a very small area (lightning)

And there is atleast some conceptual parts to bending, considering the day/night stuff and the comet stuff and eclipse.
then Zuko would be the First Murim of the elemental nations? it would be nice if he unintentionally develops a cultivation
Self-insert as Koneko about two years before canon?

Uses chakra to recreate moves from Naruto and even manages to master Sage-mode just before canon starts.
You'll have to deal with Koneko's trauma as well though? But it is a new idea cause I don't think there's a SI!Koneko/Shirone yet.

How about collecting Sacred Gears as it's started that a person can have more sacred gears with the exception of the Longinus due to strict requirements.
You'll have to deal with Koneko's trauma as well though? But it is a new idea cause I don't think there's a SI!Koneko/Shirone yet.

How about collecting Sacred Gears as it's started that a person can have more sacred gears with the exception of the Longinus due to strict requirements.
What trauma? They will be koneko and know 100% why big sis did what she did
Iroh thoughts.
Zuko was a quiet child, there was also something special about him that Iroh couldn't quite put his finger on.

He was far more mature than his age would suggest.

He even managed to unlock his firebending on his first try.

But when the time came to practice he couldn't firebend at all. No matter what form he was taught and used he couldn't let out even a wisp of fire.

Ozai was quite angry at that and asked the child to get lost from his sight. I would have thought that it would devastate the child, but instead, I spotted a slight smile as if he had succeeded.

Was young Zuko perhaps hiding his ability to bend fire?

It would make sense, he was far more mature so perhaps he could sense the darkness within Ozai's heart?
SI OC as Koneko about an year before canon
She blinked as memories began to flow into her.

Looking around certainly confirmed her new memories.

She was incarnated into Koneko... Or Shirone as was her true name, about one year before Canon began.

She was in the forest napping on a tree just outside of Kuoh.

Turns out Shirone found napping in trees during lunch be quite comfortable.

Regardless there was one thing I needed to find out.

Whether or not Issei was here.

He was mine.

I hopped down from the branch and began to walk towards school.

She was not going to let anyone take him away from her.

It didn't take long for me to find out.

Turns out it was his first week in school.

And hadn't made friends with the assholes yet.

Perhaps I can introduce myself as his sempai?


Issei was excited, so far there hasn't been any problems and he has successfully transferred to what was once an all-girls school.

Though he came for one reason only!

To find a Girlfriend!

As if the Universe was listening to his pleas a girl in Kouh uniform called out to him and now he was walking to class with the said girl beside him

"Hello Kohai, you're a freshman aren't you?"

"Wait Kohai? Aren't you younger than me?"

The girl shook her head."No, I'm just naturally short and even if I was younger I'm still your sempai since I've been here longer."

"So how can I help you sempai?" so she merely looked short, she definitely was really cute.

"What's your name?"

"Issei, Hyoudou Issei." He gave a short bow.

"My real name is Shirone, though in public please call me Koneko." She whispered the first part.


"It's my fake name." A fake name? Why does she have a fake name?

"Why in the world-." She raised a finger to her mouth indicating silence and I stopped.

She leaned in before whispering once more."I'm a Superhero."

"What." was she chuunibyou? She was a chuunibyou wasn't she? Why was the first girl who showed interest in him a chuuni?

"You think I'm delusional right?"

"Well, I didn't think I'd encounter a Chuuni in high school." instead of getting offended the girl merely chuckled.

"Well, look down at my feet."

He looked down but nothing seemed-wait, her feet she wasn't touching the ground. Almost instantly she landed the short gap closing.

Superpowers are real?

Superheroes are real?


"Then why did you tell me?"

"Because I believe you are special and I want to train you so you can access your gift as well. "

Oh my god! Superpowers were real!

And he was talking to a real superhero!

And apparently, he had a superpower too?

This was so awesome!

This day could not get any better.

"Also, I know this is sudden, but would you like to go out with me?"

He was wrong, it got even better.

"YES! YESYES! A THOUSAND TIMES YES!" He clapped his hand on his mouth oh god. What was wrong with him.

Fortunately, the girl seemed to be cool as a cucumber.

"Cool, want to exchange phone numbers?"

"Yes! Please." He whipped out his phone ready to enter it the girl looked around and waited until there were no students too close before she lifted her hand and it glowed the light vanished leaving a phone.

That's a superhero phone for you!

The moment he got home he was going to celebrate!

"Alright then, so want to go. Out this Saturday?"


"Cool, see ya later!" She gave him a two-finger salute before turning around and leaving, her hands in her pockets.

"SCORE!" he let out in joy as the girl was far enough.

Unfortunately for Issei, the girl was Kuoh's mascot and the fact she asked him on a date would travel through gossip faster than light making the president of the Occult research club quite curious as to why she asked someone out.

But, she wouldn't get any answers, not in this day.


Koneko was acting strange.

She had heard that Koneko asked a boy out. How exactly someone brought her out of her shell she didn't know but she wanted to find out.

And Koneko got extremely defensive when she ever questioned about it.

Not to mention. She leaves for "training" after school every day.

She could bet that she wasn't actually training but going out with her new boyfriend.

She asked Sona for help but There wasn't much on Hyoudou Issei as he was new to the school.

She couldn't spy on Koneko because there was no way she can hide from Koneko's senses.

At least she told the truth on Saturday when she asked where she was going.

Koneko going on a date.

Unfortunately, she couldn't spy.

Or maybe she could, she'd have to contact her brother... But for something like this?


She would have to trust Koneko, it was not like she was doing something dangerous after all.

Still, she wished Koneko would open up to her a bit more.


He was on a date with a cute girl!

After a week of grueling training!

While Shirone apparently did her own training by climbing trees.

Without her hands...

Which somehow resulted in several trees that blew up.

Don't ask him how that works. He was still doing normal push-ups and other exercises, except much more intensely.

Every, single, day.

Though he won't complain since Shirone-Chan apparently somehow could speed up his recovery by sleeping next to him so he was fine the next morning, without any soreness.

She was too cute!

Especially since her ears and tail popped out when she was alone with and sleeping next to him.

She even purred like a cat when he couldn't hold back and scratched the back of her ears.

What the hell kind of superpower did she have anyway?

"So where are we going?"

"Well, there's this nice restaurant dad recommended to me that might be good."


She was apparently also one of few words.


His face went red at the reminder of how his parents behaved when they learned she was his girlfriend.

"You promised me that you won't tell anyone."

A tiny smirk appeared on her face.

"I didn't tell anyone, I'm just teasing you."

"You aren't going to let this go are you?"

Her widening grin was all the answer I needed.

"Whyyyy." I let out a wail of despair.

And she let out a giggle.

It was the most beautiful sound he had ever hear. Like the chime of little bells.


As we stepped into the open restaurant one of the few restaurants where the view outside was actually decent.

We both took our seats a young waitress took both our orders. I took fish steak with chips and a Chocolate Milkshake for dessert cats loved fish didn't they? And sure enough, Shirone ordered the same thing, except three whole plates of it and three milkshakes.

There is no way she can finish it all right?

Turns out I was wrong.

She could indeed eat that much.

My wallet was going to cry and I nearly despaired.

But when the bill came she took a look at the Bill and paid half of it.

When I asked her why she did so, I won't ever forget the answer.

"We are on a date, that means both of us supposed to put an effort to make it work, if a date expects the other side to pay all off it, then they do not value or respect the other person, they are merely using them for free stuff."

In movies, it's always the guy that pays the bill.

But perhaps I was mistaken and that was just fiction?

So was just too adorable!

I suppose I'm not going to use the recording of her purring when she nibbled on her fish steak. Though if she teases me again I'm definitely teasing her back. Must save it in an external drive before I do that though.

"So where to next?"

"Well, I'm not sure what kind of movies you like so.."

"I like anime."


A girl that actually likes anime?

And actually, admitted it?

This is the best day ever!

Though what am I supposed to do now?

"Hey, how about we visit Akihabara?" She suggested the craziest idea ever. As if we had that kind of time.

"You do know that would take hours even with the Shinkansen?"


Right, I forgot about that for a second.

"So how do we do this?"

She grabbed my hand and the next instant our surroundings changed.

Just like that, we were in Akihabara.

In the middle of a busy street.

"You know I haven't exactly asked what your power is."


Right, later then, now, to the merchandise!


Koneko was really starting to make her annoyed.

Whenever she leaves early she tells her that she was training every time she asked Koneko. Which she was sure was not what Koneko was actually doing.

She was starting to actually get concerned now. What had made her change? Was the boy blackmailing her? No way that was true. Koneko was a Rook and could fold him over in half if he did.

So what had changed?

Koneko was still very quiet as she usually was. She just stayed out most of the time now.

Was she worrying too much over nothing.

As much as she wanted to let go of her curiosity and her greed won out in the end.

Perhaps she could use her familiar to spy?

Have it look like it was going on a regular patrol of the town while occasionally flying near Koneko's location?

That might work.

Though she'd need more than one.

Her mind made up she called Kiba and Akeno.


Our time in Akihabara wasn't wasted turns out DragonBall exists in this universe. When I told issei that Ki was a real thing...

I began to literally feel his excitement and joy.

And from that day Issei did his training with enthusiasm.

Before he merely did it because I asked him to and because he wanted to see what his power was.

Now he truly wanted it.

He wanted to able to use Ki.

And that was something that I could teach him.

Ki and Chakra came Naturally to Nekomatas and it came naturally to me as well. But I was more focused on training my Chakra control and reserves for now.

It took me two weeks to completely master tree walking to the level it merely required a bit of will to stick myself to any solid surface.

However one day I felt someone was watching me. I felt it for a second before the feeling left me.

Perhaps it might have been my imagination but after a few minutes, I felt it come back a second and third time.

Once was an accident, twice maybe coincidence but three times? That was enemy action.

When the feeling disappeared once more I took out my phone and sent Issei a message to not come to the training grounds today and to do as he wished.

With that done I instead began to head to the Kouh hot springs.

It was time for the next stage, water walking.

I simply wanted to do it, and the hot springs as a way to homage.

It had nothing to do with the fact someone was trying to spy on me.


Not at all.


Even after I had entered the hot springs I felt the periodic watchers. They didn't stay long enough for me to locate them.

Still, the fact they continued to observe me gave some information on who was spying on me.

The one who was spying on me was definitely not a gentleman if he was male.

Or they were female.

If they were male perhaps... Azazel? Though I don't think it was him. I didn't do anything to attract his attention.

Wait... Maybe... Kuroka? No... What was watching me didn't release any chakra that I could sense. Though if it was Kuroka there's no guarantee that I could sense her.

Who would... Wait. Rias?

Yes... That was very likely, my behaviour as Koneko hasn't changed much except the fact I was now spending my time after school, training.

Though she insists I tell truth.

She didn't trust me.

For some reason, the realisation hurt a bit.

But it doesn't matter. If it is really Rias then there wasn't much to worry about.

Though I was not letting her have her claws on Issei.

I needed to make it to high-class devil and get my own Evil pieces before Rias finds out Issei's true potential. Either that or make issei powerful enough that even eight pawn pieces would not be enough for Rias to incarnate him as a Devil.

I was not letting anyone have him...

I closed my eyes and formed the Ram hand seal ignoring the watcher's eyes in favour of keeping my concentration. And then stepped onto the water.

I didn't know why the Handseals were never used in DxD. But it really worked. In helping channel chakra.

I sank to my ankles the amount of chakra not enough to keep me afloat and I increase it nearly shooting myself out of it as I hurried to reduce it.

It required a delicate balance and I needed to keep adjusting my chakra output constantly, trying to keep myself from sinking.

I wondered how long it would take to get this down?

Once I was done with this there was something I wanted to try a lot.

The Water Dragon jutsu.

I was an avid Naruto fan enough that I remembered a lot of techniques hand seals, and embarrassingly enough I spent my chuuni phase practising them... Which of course failed...

But here... In this world?

The excitement began to bubble through me-SPLASH.


Channelling chakra I surfaced again.

My mind had wandered again.

I was not at the level I could do this absent absentmindedly yet.

Ignore the sense of someone watching you even if they weren't trying to be subtle anymore.

As if I wouldn't notice even if my eyes were closed.

Ignore them and focus on training, especially since I didn't sense any evil intent from them...

Being a Nekoshou had a lot of perks...

Really...was this why they were killed?

Like the Uzushio.


"Grble!" Mother fucker!

This was going to be a painfully long time.


Now she felt bad.

Koneko was really training as she had said and she had not believed her

She really should apologise.


She was using a hand sign!

A staple of ninjas in anime!

Did Koneko also watch anime?

How come she didn't know this?

She was definitely asking her when she got home...
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Huh... Female SI. Neat.

You know, I've been trying to understand the difference between chakra and touki as I'm pretty sure their similar but different. One example is that there's no mention of a chakra system in the body in DxD
Huh... Female SI. Neat.

You know, I've been trying to understand the difference between chakra and touki as I'm pretty sure they're similar but different. One example is that there's no mention of a chakra system in the body in DxD

touki is something like fighting spirit. Something anyone can access if they train hard enough. Sairaorg can access it.

Chakra is a combination of physical and mental/spiritual energies.

Ki is the energy of one's life force.

Ki and Touki are extremely similar and they might even be the same thing.
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Does anyone here miss Music Greg SI? I'm waiting until now for the PHO's reaction, besides it would be amazing to have a musical boost in the battle against Leviatan.
Boosted Gear Alternate Version 2
He took a deep breath as he finally relaxed.

What the hell?

Yuuma was there...

Then...was that dream a prediction of the future?

Maybe he would have another dream like that tonight?

With a heavy head, he closed his eyes and drifted off to sleep.


Issei was very paranoid now. Even as he walked to school he always turned around every few minutes.

HE felt as if he could be stabbed in the back at any moment.

Even in class, he couldn't sit still.

"Hey, Issei I found a perfect spot."

Even as Mottohama and Matsuda invited him to the debauchery Issei was still frightened.

"NO!" Issei yelled, frightened, the invitation only terrified him even more, what if Yuuma was in the changing room?

"Issei? Buddy You alright?"

"Leave me alone!" Issei brushed them off and ran out of the classroom leaving quite a surprising everyone in the classroom at Issei rejecting to peep on girls.

Perhaps Yuuma was hiding waiting to strike him from anywhere?

He didn't get a dream yesterday.

Was this the dream?

Was he dreaming right now?

He didn't know.

He couldn't tell.

So, he ran and ran.

He had to hide.


Somewhere where no one would bother him.

No one comes to the Roof during lunch. Perhaps he would be safe there?

When he reached the roof there was someone.

The resident Handsome prince.

"Issei Hyoudou right? Are you Alright you look quite pale."

Usually, Issei would be quite jealous. But right now it was a breath of relief.

Was this why girls threw themselves at him? The guy looked like he couldn't harm a fly.

His tension began to bleed out as he leaned against the door and fell on his butt.

"Yeah, I think I'm going to sleep for a while, could you wake me up when lunch ends?"

"Alright then, I can do that, are you sure you're alright though."

"Yeah." Issei relaxed and closed his eyes as he lay on the roof. "Thanks, man, I guess you're actually pretty cool."

"I do try." came the amused voice of Kiba and Issei smiled before letting himself go.

Guess he isn't a pretty bastard after all. He's a genuinely nice guy.

Maybe he'll be a better friend than the two traitorous assholes?
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Does anyone here miss Music Greg SI? I'm waiting until now for the PHO's reaction, besides it would be amazing to have a musical boost in the battle against Leviatan.
I didn't think people really liked it that much.

Perhaps a Dinah scene? Where she had run away due to her parents not taking her seriously and she finds him as he is about to set up for his next performance in the park in costume? Or perhaps Dinah runs into him setting up for his next concert while running away from coils mercenaries?