Any other dead moms with sons or daughters in Worm?

Panacea maybe?

Anyone else?
Theo and Bonesaw canonically have dead moms. Panacea's mom was dying of cancer when she gave Amelia to Marquis. Other than that nothing springs to mind.
I just checked the wiki, and Lady Photon survived Leviathan canonically, but if you're changing things you could tweak it so her and Brandish die so Vicky and Crystal/Shielder are candidates. Brian and Aisha's mom is a druggie, easy to overdose.
Then proceeds to build the Evangelions..using dead mom.
you do know that dead moms are not required right the only need samples from Adam


This article is about the character from Neon Genesis Evangelion. For the character from the Rebuild of Evangelion film series, see Adams. This article has a collection of images to further represent its content. To see its gallery, visit Adam/Gallery. Adam (アダム, Adamu?) (Hebrew: בראשית ,אדם...
you do know that dead moms are not required right the only need samples from Adam
I think, and I could be wrong, it's been a while since I watched it, that while building the EVA needs Adam (or Lilith) parts, piloting it requires a bond between the pilot and the EVA, which they accomplish by binding the soul of a parent (it's always a mom) to the EVA to form a bond with their child.
Hmmm I'd go with the Eva Angel self insert idea, mainly Big Z, aka Zeruel, aka Angel of Might, aka indomitable badass. Self insert as Zeruel into worm and act as a "good endbringer" I'd honestly use some ideas from other stories that absolutely NAILED Zeruel as a character, top among them is Evangelion Nobody Dies. However, an SI building their very own NERV sounds just as amazing.
I think, and I could be wrong, it's been a while since I watched it, that while building the EVA needs Adam (or Lilith) parts, piloting it requires a bond between the pilot and the EVA, which they accomplish by binding the soul of a parent (it's always a mom) to the EVA to form a bond with their child.
Yep, because the 'scientific' Eva terminology aside, fact is their tech uses World Egg theory, so they're essentially using Reality Marbles to facilitate it. As such, the reason for using mother and child combinations is that the child at one point had the ability to survive within and be synchronised with the Reality Marble of their mom, and if you screw with said child's head juuust right, then the resulting psychological damage stunts their growth in such a way as to retain said synchronicity, allowing said child to puppet their mother's new body via their soul. In Shinji's case, this mandatory psychological damage also served to hide Gendo antagonising him for... other reasons.
Chris SI (Ben 10/Worm crossover)
My name is Chris..

Or atleast it was in this life.

I was reincarnated in to the World of worm....

This world.... Its horrible.

Its a fucking death city, the City that took away my Parents at the age of 10, which also surprise surpise.. Gave me powers.

Though the one thing good thing out of this was that knew for Certain that my power was not from Zion.

The designs and technical knowledge that I now had in my cranium was far too powerful for it to be from an entity.

"Can you repeat that please?" Armaster asked in surprise..

"My speciality is Alien Technology."

"You sound quite certain of it."

I nodded.

I was currently in the testing lab with Armsmaster. I had managed to get negotiate a bit of the wards contract. To have a final say in my image.

"Well then, you may begin when ready."

I nodded and got to the table and looked at all the equipment I had to work with.


"With the current Available tools I'll only be able to make Level three Technology."

"Level 3?"

I nodded, "My power has divides Technology in several tiers, from level 1 to level 20, level 1 bieng technology before the industrial Era, and Level 2 bieng the Current technology Level of Earth, from what I can see your Armour is Level 3 on the scale."

"I see." He seemed to be considering my words. "And Level 20?"

My breath hitched and Armsmaster definitely noticed it.

"At Level 20? Anything becomes possible even creating and destroying whole Universes."

Armsmaster stiffened at that. "I see and you can built something like that?"

I shook my head negatively, "No, I cannot do so. Atleast not yet, I'd have to slowly climb the technology Ladder, and that's not an easy process. I can use level 2 Technology to build level 3 techmology but nothing beyond that, and build level three tools."

"Which can be used to build Level 4 technology."

"Yes, but it would not be easy. And would take several years to get there."

Armsmaster gestured for me to continue and I turned to the table and began my first piece of work.


It took me 6 hours to finally complete the piece with Armsmaster carefully watching over my every move and asking questions at times about what I was doing. I answered him without stopping and finally my first device was completed.

"And this is? "

"I call it the Universal Badge. It functions as as a locator, a communicator, a Universal translator, a Radiation detector, weapon enhancement, has Internet access, can overide electronic locks and can self destruct."

He stared at it then at me for a few seconds. "You added a Self destruct?"

I shrugged, "Well, who know when it might be useful, besides it will not damage anyone. It just destroys itself."

"Very well, let's test it shall we?"

I grinned as I showed him how to operate the badge.


"Universe destroying Alien technology? And you believe it? What a 10 year old young boy said? " Piggot raised an eyebrow in disbelief.

"My lie detector picked up as 89% true, he definitely believes it to be true. Even if it might not be. He has Tremendous potential, I'd rate him a Tinker 8 from the Device he made, it is one of the most efficient devices I have ever seen to date and has several redundancies in place making it extremely rugged."

"A Tinker 8? That is high praise from you Armsmaster."

"He maybe young but he is very Mature. I would like to request to take him as my apprentice one his registration into the wards has been completed."

"Very well, and you said he had a request?"

"Yes, he wishes for the Symbol on the device to be his signature."

"On his costume?" Piggot asked and Armsmaster confirmed.

"A green them definitely looks PR friendly, very well, he can ask Glenn to incorporate it and make it fit into a theme. Dismissed."

Armsmaster nodded and left the office.
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hmm not bad as expecting but definitely a pussy way

what he shouldve done was get on the moon by using teleporters and making and mastering technology
Should have trained in secret, and than troll them.
Who said he can't do just that?
He can train and evolve his skills, that's when they question him how he vaporized the Leviatan, he can simply point out that he had already informed them about it.
It's not his problem if they didn't believe what he said.:p
Chris SI
I didn't know why worm depicted Glenn the way it did but he was actually quite easy to get along with he even liked my suggestion of making a theme song for me even if it was just limited without any vocals.

Tossing around ideas we finally managed to settle down on a theme of Green, white and Black as Tinkers often upgrade their equipment and was not constant.

He even liked my Logo. He wanted to place in on my shoulders and back but I asked it to it to just be in the front.

Eventually, we finished deciding to keep the Logo in the front but adding the logo to most of my equipment as well.

And finally was the Name.

That actually was a problem... I had to come up with a name before my debut and get Glenn's approval.

Finishing the final contact I was finally a full ward and was going to meet the remaining Wards.

From what I've seen on TV, currently, there was Triumph and Aegis. Vista, Shadow stalker, Gallant and Browbeat had not joined yet.


As I finalised the contract with Director Piggot and a youth guard official, I heard a voice behind me and turned towards the voice to see the current leader of the Wards East-North-East—Triumph—enter the meeting room. He was wearing a gold lion helm, shoulder pads and belt, and skintight suit

"Triumph," Director Piggot said. She motioned toward me. "Allow me to introduce you to our newest Ward: Celestial Prime."

Triumph gave a friendly wave and held out his hand and, I took it. "Welcome to the team."

Director dismissed us and he began to lead me through the halls to the Wards lounge. "So you're the new ward."

"Yup, the only Alien tech Tinker on the planet."

I Could imagine his eyebrows rising. "Really?"

"Yep." I grinned popping the P and he smiled.

"I see."

We finally reached the Wards main hall and when the red light finally switched off and the door opened I was greeted by Aegis.

Triumphs eye's glinted playfully. "Aegis this is Celestial Prime, the new Ward and the only Alien Tech Tinker," Celestial Prime this is Aegis, the Shield."

He extended his hand and I shook it. "You can just call me Prime for short. I'm Chris though."

"Nice to meet you Prime." He gave a smile and took off his helmet, "I'm Aegis, Carlos out of costume, " he paused "So Alien Tinker, huh, now that's a first. So are you going to make power armour?"

Hmmm, Early Iron Man Amour comes under Level 3 tech but the so I could make it, it would just take some time. But Bleeding Edge was Level 4 Tech and that would take quite a while to make.

"I could, but Power Armour takes time to make but yes it is possible," then I spotted something.. "Hey is that what I think it is?"

"A play station 3, yes, yes it is."

"Cool, What games are there?" I asked as I sat down on the couch with Aegis and triumph beside me. There was even a Minifridge with several fuzzy drinks.

Honestly, while I understand that some of the PRT is corrupt especially Cauldron, the Wards seem to be pretty nice.

IT was like a superhero hangout!
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Wait, what year is it?
Ps3 was 2006, so unless its 2005 or the kids are really excited about old tech the timeline is wierd.

Thanks for pointing it out.

Well he's 10 atm, and was in Arcadia alongside Taylor, and if he was in the same year level as her that'd put him at what? 15-16yrs old? circa 2011.

Given how the PS3 had a November release date in 2006, you might seem off the mark, but when you take into account the alternate world and tinker-tech giving their tech tree a jumpstart everything gets thrown back into question anyway, even without trying to figure out if Japan Bet has been tanked yet and how that'd affect release dates. Really though? I'd just say "close enough" and roll with it.

Aside from all that though, fun fic idea-
Alucard from Hellsing gains control of Schrodinger's power by isolating his soul, reconstituting it into a new person, then casting it out of his being and through the myriad worlds. Queue an amnesiac vampiric catboy waking up in a new world after being punted through the dimensional abyss. Should be a decent prompt for Worm, Fate, DxD, MtG, any number of things really. Hell, given how many familiars he's forced to shed, you could apply the idea to anyone he could ever have eaten. Void Familiar Baskerville anyone?
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Chis SI 3

"Well done!" Glenn gave a small applause as I finished playing the Ben 10 theme. Hey if I was going to use Ben 10 tech, why not get his theme too? Besides, Glenn did agree that having a theme during a debut was a good idea. "I especially like the starting where you incorporated an Alien-like sound. It fits with the theme that you are going to. This is definitely going to be a PR hit!" He finished excitedly. "Though do you think you could make one for the Wards?"

I paused for a bit....what theme could I use for the wards? I was using Ben 10 as a theme so something else, oh I know!

Yes, that one!

"I have an idea of what to make." I nodded "Perhaps I can build a device where the Wards theme plays when all the Wards are deployed, to a location?"

He gave it a bit of thought before agreeing. "Yes, that would be better. We would play this theme on your debut. But the Wards theme on any time they are deployed. It would be like a signal of hope! It would let civilians know that the wards are here, and that everything will be alright."

I found myself being picked up and hugged the life out of by the big man. Who sighed as he released me. "I wish more Wards were like you, most of them don't seem to enjoy PR, I have to make several concessions. Not you though, you seem to genuinely like it."

"Hey, if I'm going to be out Heroing, may as well do it in style!" I grinned as if the fact I was blatantly infringing on copyrights of another universe didn't matter.

"Well said!" Glenn smiled before turning to his assistants "now Shoo, I have work, I'll call you to have the theme recorded at a sound studio later."

I gave him a grateful nod as I kept the Guitar down and left the PR meeting room.


A whole month passed as I finally finished up my first power armour. Just a few days left for my debut.

It was a smooth black with glowing green circuitry all over it that would glow a bright green when activated, and the Universal Badge strapped on the chest.

Kind of like a Black Iron man Armour except it had a much different power source, it ran on a Deuteruim fueled fusion reactor.

The faceplate had an Upgrade circle that would glow when it was operating and flicker when I talked inside of it. Hey going in a style meant it was going to be in style.

Most of the edges were seamless and it was finally done!

I pushed the comm in my lad and spoke into it. "Armsmaster? I have finished my Power Armour."

"Very well, I'll be there in a moment."

I cleaned up my table and put away my tools as I waited for Armsmaster to arrive to inspect and check out my work!

I'm so excited I wonder what he'll say about it?

"This is?"

I was so excited that I didn't notice him enter and begin observing my tech.

"So what do you think?"

"It's very good work, though how do you power all the systems that I can see? The power requirements must be quite a lot. "

"Oh, I used cooled liquid Heavy Dueteriumoxide, inside a pressurised container. Then there are two electrodes inside it which starts the reaction by oscillating the current causing the Deuterium atoms to flow into the anode and into the crystal lattice of the palladium, on the cathode the Deuterium monoxide ions gather and release more atoms of Deuterium into the solution and then the Oxygen atoms join together to form an oxygen molecule which is released out into the air. This gives the of the current needed to continue the reaction. Once the Deuterium reaches a critical saturation point within the crystal lattice of the palladium anode the deuterium will begin to fuse together and form Helium 4 which releases about 48 mega electron-volts each. This is used to power all the systems within the Armour. "

As I finished I waited for Armsmaster to say something he was walking around my armour as if observing something, or perhaps trying to find something?

" Armsmaster? "

He snapped out of his fugue and turned to me. "Good work, I don't see any inherent flaw in it though if you can please submit a blueprint-"

"I already have one, I'm sending it to your mail right now." I opened the lab computer and sent him the blueprints on the Armour, of course, I had blueprints why did he think I wouldn't? I had to plan the whole thing before I begin building after all.

Armsmaster took a look at the took the blueprint on the computer and began to go over it for a few minutes. "Good work Celestial" he gave an encouraging nod "Send some pictures from all sides to the PR department for approval, I have some matters to talk to talk to the director about."

He left in a bit of a hurry, I wonder, did I do something wrong?

Just in case I did a recheck on all my safety and redundant backup systems.

Nothing seemed wrong after several checks even the Rudementery intelligence that helped operate it was fine, I ran a diagnostic on it and no errors were found.

I wonder what caused him to react that way though?
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A bit of help if you guys could? Imagine you are a news reporter in the conference where Celestial Prime has just been introduced.

What questions would you have for him?