Into that Vast and Unrelenting Darkness (40K Xeno Civilization Quest)

everyone this is not a shipyard
The second was a large ship-graveyard. Unknown composition: the best guess is, at some point in the distant past two groups fought each other to the point both of their ships were reduced to a massive, planet sized debris field forming an artificial asteroid belt between the fifth and sixth planets of the system, barren desert worlds.
it a massive graveyard and there no way our exploration ships are gonna be able to drag these things through warp back to our home systemen. We can barely go through the warp ourselves and our ships ain't powerful enough to do haul it in realspace either since there exploration ships not haulers of masssive battleship. We ain't gonna be able to refit them any time since there massive behomeths and it in another system far away which we don't have the resource to set up a massive refitting operation or more like building operation for some of these ships being so far there also the fact that space hulks in 40ks are a fucking nightmare in everyway. IMO the best we can likely do for the near future is set up a research post to investigate them for nice tech with some heavy guards to since u know space hulks are nightmares

Personally, i think we can spin this one of two ways with the Teket, either we go super isolationist because we distrust aliens (no wonder, one of them tried and almost succeeded at genociding us) or we go the more humanitarian route, what with us not wanting other species to suffer what we did to reach the stars.
the reasoning inquest from tekket for the more isolationist route of don't interact until they advance enough/contact us when advanced enough are not out of xenophobia but out the very reasonable concern of tekket potentially irrevocable destroying/warping other alien civilization which lends
With the discovery of these creatures would come a discussion in the Directorate: how to approach intelligent, less technologically developed life and go about preventing the repeating the historical crimes of Tekket civilization: imperialism, colonialism, and subjugation, both material and cultural. Fundamentally, even merely establishing limited contact with pre- space flight cultures ran the risk of causing catastrophic societal damage depending on how the knowledge of your existence and public perception of you influenced planetary politics, much less any more direct means of influencing them or intervening in their affairs. Even if done with benevolent intentions, history was replete with examples of interventionism conducted by foreign superpowers going horrible awry, and when dealing with the power disparity provided by space flight and warp-drive, the potential for accidentally sharpening the contradictions of a society in unpredictable ways or upsetting the balance of power to destabilizing degrees was increased to unacceptable levels.
A few argue that there should be no contact whatsoever should be made with undeveloped species except when the potential for the extinction of the species is to occur: a strict policy, perhaps, but it would provide the strongest safeguard against accidental abuse by the Directorate. Even providing humanitarian aid could produce unintended ripple effects capable of destroying societies at the level of power disparity you'd be operating at: depending on how developed a world was, their entire global industry could potentially be what amounts to a ROUNDING ERROR in your economy, especially as the Directorate continued to grow and expand: it would be all too easy, for instance, to destroy a societies agriculture industry by accidentally making them reliant on Tekket grown food, or their medical industry because their doctors couldn't compete with your advanced pharmaceuticals, or their mining industry because a year of their annual GDP could be outdone in a month on Naklis alone, or...Well, so on and so forth. Quarth but on a planetary scale was something the Directorate needed to avoid at all costs: it could not become a destroyer of society in a misguided attempt to play hero.
so it seems like it already the latter option u presented
it a massive graveyard and there no way our exploration ships are gonna be able to drag these things through warp back to our home systemen. We can barely go through the warp ourselves and our ships ain't powerful enough to do haul it in realspace either since there exploration ships not haulers of masssive battleship. We ain't gonna be able to refit them any time since there massive behomeths and it in another system far away which we don't have the resource to set up a massive refitting operation or more like building operation for some of these ships being so far there also the fact that space hulks in 40ks are a fucking nightmare in everyway. IMO the best we can likely do for the near future is set up a research post to investigate them for nice tech with some heavy guards to since u know space hulks are nightmares
We have super-modular tech.

With a little bit of tech development, making a ship that transforms itself in a processing plant, then spits out more ships to throw back, ought to be feasible-ish.

Not now, maybe, but in 5 turns/
We have super-modular tech.

With a little bit of tech development, making a ship that transforms itself in a processing plant, then spits out more ships to throw back, ought to be feasible-ish.

Not now, maybe, but in 5 turns/
our modular tech is limited it only modular with our stuff not with foreign tech right now to build a single exploration ship or colony ship right now take most of our civilization expansion/indrustial ablity over a timespan of 2 decades to build a single milltiarty ship takes a timespan of 20-40 years. I strongly doubt anytime soon we are going to be able to build a automated shipyard that can spit out ships any time
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[X] Xeno-Preservationist

From a practical perspective, Xeno-Preservationists should result in them being likely well inclined towards us when they reach the stars. No guarantee of course, but its hard to get a better rep without upending their civilization
[X] Xeno-Preparationists: The hard-interventionist option: diplomatic contact would be established, information would be relayed, but no material assistance outside civilization shattering calamities. That way, societies could prepare for the Destroyers. This would cause unpredictable damage to said culture, but it was seen by many as an acceptable compromise in the name of survival.
[X] Xeno-Preservationist

Meeting Orks first was more or less inevitable due to Orks being the dominant alien life in the galaxy in terms of sheer numbers.

Hopefully at least some of the wrecks in the graveyard aren't Ork stuff since if all of them are Ork stuff we can't really learn anything from them due to Ork tech being reliant on WAAGH field to one extent or another.

But this place *is* worth setting up a outpost to study the wrecks and stuff.

Edit: if the large amphibioids are the original owners of the planet, we are going to need a LOT more ground force tech and strength to try to beat the Orks squatting on the planet and return the planet to its rightful owners.
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From a practical perspective, Xeno-Preservationists should result in them being likely well inclined towards us when they reach the stars. No guarantee of course, but its hard to get a better rep without upending their civilization

If i knew that there was a more technologically developed civilisation that discovered humanity in like 1600s and decided not to help us since "ThAt WiLl UpEnD yOuR cIvIlIsAtIoN" , I would've hated them for their ignorance and all the preventable deaths (like of starvation , diseases , wars , etc.), which they didn't prevent coz of their "cultural preservation" bullshit
[X] Xeno-Preservationist: A slightly more interventionist version of the Xeno-Isolationist party that still embraced minimal contact with species that were less technologically developed, but permitted humanitarian aid in response civilization collapsing catastrophes as opposed to having extinction level events be the benchmark for when the Directorate needed to step in.
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I do want to give kudos to The Bird for giving a great example/rundown on why intervention can be a horrible idea.
[X] Xeno-Preservationist

Seems like a decent middle ground. Interacting can result in pretty bad outcomes pretty quick, but there times where those outcomes are better than the alternative.
[X] Xeno-Preservationist: A slightly more interventionist version of the Xeno-Isolationist party that still embraced minimal contact with species that were less technologically developed, but permitted humanitarian aid in response civilization collapsing catastrophes as opposed to having extinction level events be the benchmark for when the Directorate needed to step in.
Had two ideas.
First off, as to how much intervention, why not just ask? Not just the leaders, ask random people off the street how much help they would like. Do they want to stand on their own? Or do they want help in extreme cases? Or in less extreme cases as well? Make it clear that this is about them, they get to decide their own future.
Second idea, another option, the choice to balance out help received by giving something in return. This is purely about them, instead of being reliant on handouts, they simply exchange something they have in abundance for something they really need. For example, if they need some medicine and have an abundance of food, they exchange food for medicine and the Tekket go dump the food in a sun or something because, lets be honest, the Tekket have more than enough food.