Into that Vast and Unrelenting Darkness (40K Xeno Civilization Quest)

The Heart didn't exist before we spent a Warp on it; that was their starting project.
Well, I'd presume before they were lifeforce infused they existed as a piece of technology; we can't conjure material. And, with just a piece of technology and a single point of warp, we made a major demigod who's now one of our most powerful gods.

Now, a warp entity won't be quite that easy, I'll grant. They need definition. But the Toymaker has plenty of definition--we have their cult, we have their family (the Hermit and the Lady of Seasons aren't realized gods yet, but they've got temples), we have divine servants of them (the faeries), we have talismans, we have holy relics like On Bloks.

So they need definition and power. The rites grant power, but it's not that much, especially since they're investing energy into making the rites work. But the offerings? That's pure energy going towards the god, towards a god that already has a lot of definition and has started granting their priests miracles.

So they're probably going to realize as soon as the offering is completed.
[X] Plan: Ecological Ascension
[X] Grolls
[X] Stizlak's Shadow:
-[X] The Dark Mojo: Mojo Phobo

I'm just gonna wing it here, both 'Ecological Ascension' and 'Here Comes the Toy Maker with Industry' are good plans but I pretty much did a coin flip on this.
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[X] Stizlak's antianima was a part of him, and the thing had grown in the same ways anyone else's pent up and ignored problems would. He had fought himself here. The fact that it had been in the form of a trippy and uncomfortable dream quest was a fast forward. A short cut. But now, as the victor, there're easy choices he can make. But why should Stizlak be the one to make all the choices? The zoggin git of fear and darkness in front of him is his responsibility, and it's his turn to offer chances given to him. Congrats git, you're adopted.
-[X] Mojo Jojo

[X] Name for Mega Snotlings
-[X] Gnolls

Do you want a plan that finishes almost every project that has points in it, but isn't done? Would you like a lot of overdue projects to be completed before time resumes? Do you want to eat your fucking vegetables? I have the plan for you!

[X] Plan: Eat Your Fucking Vegetables
-[X] Fleets:
--[X] Resistance, Valiant, Delivery and Accomplishment:
---[X] Hunting the Phasmid
--[X] TKK Discovery
---[X] Yr Albain Scanning
---[X] Yr Albain Artefact Hunting
--[X] TKK Endeavor-B
---[X] Black Hole Study Duty
---[X] Kubaito Archaeology
---[X] H'Kek Medical Research
---[X] Flying Saucer Peace Mission
--[X] Spirit of Toxel
---[X] H'Kann Research
---[X] Explore Horizon

-[X] EXP 153/153
--[X] Hypermodular Power Bay: A proposed idea by Toxel: make the power bays on ships even more modular in order to allow power to be easily divertable to the various subsystems as needed. This would require investing in producing a great deal many more PowerBloks, but it would both increase power efficiency and versatility in the field. 0/15 -->7/15, unlocks Hypermodular Power Bay upgrade for ships, improving performance and adaptability, costs 1 Nuclear Materla.
--[X] Mycelliometal Network: 0-->15/15, upgrades metal TotemTek Conduit Network, an arcane connection network that allows for inter-spirit communication and coordination, increasing CUL. Cost 1 Living Metal.
--[X] Fire Fairy Bottles: 0-->15/15, upgrades Shrines with Fire Fairy Bottles, increasing lifeforce available to shrines and allowing fire elementals to survive indefinitely without starving, increasing EXP. Cost 1 Biodata.
--[X] Voidfarmer Reactors: Right now, most living metal farms had to rely on the local electrical grid, and the power needed to grow Living Metal was not...inconsiderable. One proposed solution was a roll-out of specialized reactors designed specifically for growing living metal. This would cost a great deal of perpetunite, but it would improve the overall efficiency of the harvest. 0-->20/20, generates 2 Living Metal, costs 1 Nuclear Material.
--[X] Harvest Metal: There were many useful materials in the soil. It would require modifying and treating the living metal first, but it was theoretically possible to create a version capable of leeching the ground for said materials in order to both increase the rate at which living metal grew, but also allowed for other elements it had absorbed to be harvested. 0-->20/20, generates substantial EXP, grants Harvest Metal technology.
--[X] Master Control Shrines: First Gen Master Control Shrines were simply large TekShrines that doubled as servers for other shrines on their networks. Your priests wanted to work on a more sophisticated version that instead let Shrines interface on a more fundamental level, amplifying their effects. 0-->25/25, establish Master Control Shrine network, increasing FTH and EXP, cost 1 Network.
--[X] Infinite Inspiration Accelerator: The Lunar Monks believed that the Overview Effect, when paired with a special mental accelerator designed to stimulate the neurons while allowing the organic brain to, VERY BRIEFLY, piggyback off of a vast quantum computer could allow for moments of simulated genius. 0-->25/25, unlock Infinite Inspiration Accelerator, increasing both CUL and ACD by an elevated amount. Cost 1 Network.
--[X] Meeklak Q-Bit Factories: Calling them factories was likely a misnomer, but 'quantum particle synthesis facility' was a bit too unwieldy. While already fairly cheap to replace, it would be a great help to the Directorates budget to make it even cheaper by setting up manufacturing facilities on Meeklak that could utilize its unique elecro-chemical makeup to simplify the process. 4-->25/25, create Meeklak Q-Bit Factories, increasing ACD and NT.
--[X] Construct Valiant Class Ship: Another proposed idea was for a ship designed for actual combat: the Valiant. For obvious reasons, it would be larger in order to add space for redundant systems and weapon platforms, but at the size you were making it, you'd also be able to install fusion cannons as a shortrange but powerful laser weapon. 0-->5/35, costs 2 nuclear material, gain a Valiant equipped with all non-Civilian Compartments and upgrades as well as a variable amount of nuclear weapons and powerful but short-range Fusion Cannons.
-[X] CUL 130/130
--[X] Orbital Caravan Network: Void logistics was likely to grow more and more complex as time goes on: one suggestion had been an expansion of the Orbital Pioneer Program with the development of a caravaneer project meant to coordinate transportation of important supplies and resources between pioneer communities and the planets. 0/15-->9/15, generates EXP by developing a large dedicated transport network for void-townships.
--[X] Wonderpark Space Docks: The Guild was always looking to expand Wonderpark: their biggest idea had been to construct a dock district that could be used by the Park to both serve as a logistics hub and, more importantly, allow them to run their own asteroid mining operation, allowing for regular expansion of the Park. It would also allow them to create their own space vessels, of course: apparently, the Guild hoped to start running cruises. 9-->15/15, Wonderpark gains Docking District, increasing EXP. Allows for construction of CUL Ships.
--[X] DazzleCubes: A fairly recent invention by the artists of Teklia, DazzleCubes consisted of holoprojectors utilizing special algorithms to produce imagery designed to strongly capture attention. A number of Directorate Fleet officers thought this might be weaponizeable, and had suggested giving the TekArtists more funding to see if they could develop better DazzleCubes. 2-->15/15, grants Crude DazzleCube technology, a infantry scale non-lethal weapon that can be used to distract clusters of enemies.
--[X] Frontier Security Force: In the event of any serious attack on the colonies or outposts, analysts expected that most would fold like a tissue. A light civilian security garrison for each colony wouldn't stop any attacks, but might at least buy time. 2-->15/15, creates Frontier Security Force.
--[X] Oceanic Magmacourt: While normal Pyrefly Courts constructed inside specially designed eco-domes was certainly an excellent idea, another way to help Erichtheo and the Oceans benefit from the power of fire fairies was the erection of special underwater facilities designed to allow for the cultivation of spirits of fire born of the ocean and their mingling with the local sea-life. 4-->15/15, Underwater Totem
--[X] Sleepwalk Brew: 0-->15/15, grants ACD, CUL, and FTH as the Directorate gains access to the Sleepwalk Potion for use in recreation, art, and religious ceremonies. Risky.
--[X] Heavy Trawlers: Another faction in the Salvage Cabals had begun creating massive fortress ships to sail the garbage sea. These heavy trawlers served as mobile bases, trade centers, and to some extent townships. Some had proposed standardizing the design and upgrading the schematic for use in non-lunar enviroments. 0-->20/20, Lunar Salvage Cabals upgraded to provide access to Heavy Trawlers, amphibious heavy vehicles that generate EXP and can be used as mobile land and sea fortifications by your ground forces.
--[X] Winterspite Battlezone Lodging: Well, it helped buy credit towards repurchasing the client contract at least: Banefrost wanted to expand Battlezone with lodging and amenities designed to cater to his Kabal. Warded sleeping and leisure areas, gladiatorial (or at least as one could come under Directorate law) arenas, game shows… 5-->25/25, Winterspite gains Battlezone Lodging.
--[X] Jr. Genetics Playsets: A product of wonderpark, engineer your own simple genetic modifications to plants and insects! Change the color your pet pyrefly glows! Produce GigaFlowers! Become a Jr Geneneer today! 2-->25/25, increases ACD, cost 1 Biodata.
-[X] FTH 126/126
--[X] Nuclear Ritual Engines: Mag-Tek Altars had proven an effective way of amplifying the effects of Mystek Rites. Some theorized that they could be improved further via nuclear reactor bloks, providing the Altar spirit with additional surges of power to channel into occult motion: to that end, they wanted to apply Mystek principles to nuclear design. 0-->15/15, Mag-Tek Altars upgraded with Nuclear Ritual Engines, unknown effects, costs 2 Nuclear Material. You want this.
--[X] The Road-Docks: The Priests of the Roadguide wished to expand their temple, provide it the means to construct the Great Conclave and affiliated orders their own ships with which to explore the cosmos and do the work of their gods. These Temple-Ships would be manned by complements of Priests and Theurgists, specializing in dealing with problems of a more supernatural nature such as, they claimed, the Scourer-Phasmid. 0-->15/15, gain Road-Docks, allowing for the construction of FTH Ships.
--[X] Rite of War: A proposed rite that would allow for the enchantment of various ship weaponry in order to generate short term bursts of high performance, allowing for increased reactivity in combat situations. It would likely require a great deal of lifeforce, however, both to perfect and be easily utilizable in the field. 0/15-->9/15, Mystek Ritual Compartment upgraded with Rite of War, very slightly increasing the damage of all weapons and in combat situations allowing one weapon system an additional increase of performance. Costs 1 Warp.
--[X] Rite of Soul: You can make the spirits more awake. Could you increase the shine of their soul? A heady proposition: some believed that by experimenting with God-Machine technology, more advanced versions of the Rite of Anima could be developed. No one was entirely sure what the results of this would be, however. 3-->15/15, unlocks Rite of Soul, increasing EXP and FTH.
--[X] Rite of Communion: Others had suggested an idea: the Rite of Anima required a form of Communion between a Bond-Spirit and a lesser machine spirit. Could the same rite be adapted to let this dance take place between Tekket and Bond-Spirit instead? Such a thing would be monumental, certainly. 0-->15/15, unlocks Rite of Communion, increasing FTH and CUL.
--[X] Holywick Lantern Candles: Long ago, it was said that the Lanternkeeper had created fifteen special candles, meant to lit in the final and most dark hours of Tekket history, a means to drive back the shadow once more. Those candles had been lost long ago, set ablaze by the Destroyers in their mad quest to snuff out Tekket. But it is said that the Tenth Candle was made from Sacred Bees Wax. The Order of the Candle wished to attempt to create simulacrums of this sacred tenth candle, using the wax from a Chorus Bee, in the hopes that they might confer an echo of the original candles holy power. 4-->15/15, Gain Holywick Lantern Candle Artefact, increasing FTH and conferring an additional degree of protection.
--[X] War-Muses: The Dancer was Beauty, but Beauty must be protected. A number of Muses wanted to join the Fleet, given bodies capable of combat, so that when the Destroyers came once more to erase all that was good, even the servants of the Dancer could aid in the survival of the Directorate. Specifically, through blade-craft, as the clash of swords was sufficiently close enough to a dance to fall under the domain of the Muses patron. 5-->15/15, gain War-Muses, advanced intelligent combat automata specializing in Blade-Dancing.
--[X] Gremlin.EXE: Gremlins. 0-->20/20, develop Gremlin-Drones, created by taming mischievous data-spirits.
--[X] Bond-Technomata: No Bond-Spirit was nearly mature enough to achieve a third metamorphosis yet, but potentially this process could be accelerated with sufficient amounts of Life-Force, and many Mysteks were salivating over the possibility: Bond-Machina had the ability to generate energy far in excess of their power systems and the ability to use that energy to strengthen and manipulate machinery. Who knows what powers their evolution would have? 0-->30/30, create Bond-Technomata, advanced psyker machine spirits.
-[X] ACD 119/119
--[X] Totem-Net: Alternatively, the Totems could be provided improved server software to allow for a variety of useful, if mundane, programs such as ecology simulators to be ran on them and allowing limited inter-totem communication. In essence, Wyld-Shrines would gain their own complex network to allow their users more functionality. 0/15-->6/15, Totems upgraded to utilize Totem-Net, increasing ACD. Cost 1 Network.
--[X] Gestalt Protocol: Another route to improving the strength of Machine Spirits, some of your scientists belonging to the Grand Reconfiguration Committee theorized that synthetic souls were just as modular as their form: they believed that there might exist some manner to merge machine spirits in order to radically accelerate their growth, creating Gestalt-Drones. They would no doubt be very, very different from typical Bond-Drones, however. Recently, the Assembly had begun to pursue experiments in this vein as a potential alternative method to grow their Avatars. 3-->15/15, develop Gestalt-Drones, advanced automata created from a multitude of fused together synthetic souls instead of singular awoken machine spirits.
--[X] Temple Expedition: It would take a military escort, a great many BlockBots, and probably heavy artillery, but the Fleet believe that it should be possible to push past the Quartzbugs and do an in-depth exploration of the Quartz Temple and unravel its secrets. 6-->15/15, grants information.
--[X] HoloTek: With technology becoming more and more sophisticated, a number of optical researchers had proposed funding more research into their field of study to create advanced HoloBriks that could be used in conjunction with Mind Machine interfaces to create sophisticated 3D simulator pods. 1-->25/25, unlocks Crude HoloDeck Technology, increasing CUL.
--[X] Peer Review Board: Objectively, a peer reviewed project was better. 3-->25/25, Tekniks gain Board of Peer Review, increasing ART by 1 and raising WRP.
--[X] Mega-Art Charging Stations: Mega-Art Spirits typically had more than enough energy to spare, and, granted their creators were allowed to use the surplus to help advance the cause of Art, they were willing to incorporate the technology required to allow them to recharge plus sized Lifeforce Batteries in order to allow the Directorate to convert tourism to energy. 4-->25/25, develop Mega-Art Charging Stations, increasing CUL by an elevated amount and increasing Warp.
--[X] Basic Particle Field Generator: It was clear that Warp-Space was dangerous, and while the particle barrier had proven somewhat effective, it could still be improved. To do this, the Directorate had authorized extensive access to assorted resources. 5-->30/30, gain Crude Warp-Shield Technology, slightly increasing the safety of warp travel.

You all read my propaganda last time. You know.

[X] Plan: Tree-Song
-[X] Fleets:
--[X] Resistance, Valiant, Delivery and Accomplishment:
---[X] Hunting the Phasmid
--[X] TKK Discovery
---[X] Yr Albain Scanning
---[X] Yr Albain Artefact Hunting
--[X] TKK Endeavor-B
---[X] Black Hole Study Duty
---[X] Kubaito Archaeology
---[X] H'Kek Medical Research
---[X] Flying Saucer Peace Mission
--[X] Spirit of Toxel
---[X] H'Kann Research
---[X] Explore Horizon

-[X] EXP 153/153
--[X] Trovian Logging Operations: Trove was home to multiple very colorful forms of flora. Blue, purple, and cyan tended to be the most common pigmentation, but there were a variety of other varieties, such as a type of tree that seemed to have an almost sapphire-like gleam to its bark, or a particular variety of extremely crimson pine-equivalent. By setting up sustainable, eco-friendly logging facilities, Trovian wood could easily find a niche as a luxury decoration material. 0/10 -->8/10, increases EXP.
--[X] Erichthean Great Orchestrion: A proposal by some Pelagic Monks was the creation of a singular, titanic Orchestrion within the darkness of the abyssal zone in order to accelerate the awakening of the worlds spirits. If the designed panned out, then these Great Orchestrions could be deployed on other worlds, as well. 0/10 -->10/10, increases FTH from Great Orchestrion.
--[X] Flamedance Muses: The recent surge in art and culture had caused many residents of Naklis to become enamored with fire dances, with many elementalist rituals and festival-rites making use of the art as a method to amplify the element of fire. Some Muses had expressed interest in the practice, and wished to modify their forms in such a way that they could house a fire elemental in order to draw from it to perform ever more elaborate and impressive firedances. 0/10 -->10/10, unlock Flamedance Muses, increasing CUL. Cost 1 Nuclear Material.
--[X] Metalsong Muses: Many of the Ferromonks and Metallomancers of Naklis had begun to incorporate into their art stringed instruments crafted from living metal, turning many of their rituals into something akin to a performance. A number of more musically inclined Muses wished to incorporate such instruments into their form, so that they could assist in such rites. 0/10 -->10/10, unlock Metalsong Muses, increasing CUL. Cost 1 Living Metal.
--[X] Trove Mega-Gem Mines: The Megagems were made entirely out of precious gems that could be used for decoration, rituals, and processed into more useful materials. By establishing some mines, Trove could start building up a resource stockpile. 0/15 -->15/15, increases EXP.
--[X] Mycelliometal Network: 0/15, upgrades metal TotemTek Conduit Network, an arcane connection network that allows for inter-spirit communication and coordination, increasing CUL. Cost 1 Living Metal.
--[X] ShrineCity: Another idea some had: why not a planetary TekShrine complex? The effect would be somewhat diluted even with the Totem Network and the Orchestrion Units, but it would still serve as a very culturally powerful holy site for those interested in Shrine-Keeping and central complex they could utilize for research and ceremonies, and would still benefit spiritual development in the Directorate. 0/20 -->20/20, establishes ShrineCity, a Holy Site that increases FTH by an elevated amount.
--[X] Sacred Groves: The Arbor Guardians had proven an effective source of power for your Shrines. A number of Druids wanted to expand upon this by developing a series of mobile eco-domes containing specially cultivated groves to serve as mobile reserves of life-force. The majority of the life-force generated by these groves would likely go to the Wyld-Shrines, but it would likely provide a small surplus that could be put to other projects. 0/20 -->20/20, unlock Sacred Grove infrastructure, increasing FTH and Warp.
--[X] CityBlok Resonance-Drives: The Orchestrions were useful enough that many CityBloks unaffected by the shortage had proposed (once the shortage was handled) installing as standard in the major CityShrines and ShrineDistricts the resonance drives as standard, essentially allowing the common citizen to more easily benefit from the new field of science in their day to day life. 0/20 -->20/20, upgrades Arcoocubes with Resonance-Drives, increasing FTH and CUL.
--[X] Community Ampitheaters: With Theatriurgy becoming more and more commonplace, some among the Directorate had suggested constructing additional facilities in each Arcolocube to help communities host and create their own plays. 0/25 -->25/25, increase CUL and Warp, Arcolocubes gain Ampitheaters
-[X] CUL 130/130
--[X] Wonderpark Space Docks: The Guild was always looking to expand Wonderpark: their biggest idea had been to construct a dock district that could be used by the Park to both serve as a logistics hub and, more importantly, allow them to run their own asteroid mining operation, allowing for regular expansion of the Park. It would also allow them to create their own space vessels, of course: apparently, the Guild hoped to start running cruises. 12/15-->15/15, Wonderpark gains Docking District, increasing EXP. Allows for construction of CUL Ships.
--[X] Glasmite Resonart: The elemental material recovered from Trove after the establishment of the Totem Network might not contain ampouls of mystic and nuclear power, but they still had useful qualities: they were exceedingly efficient for crafting small resonant devices, for one, allowing a degree of miniaturization of the Orchestrion Units and simplification of production. Some Trovian artists wanted to start incorporating the material into their works, allowing for a variety of aural effects and, notably, for every piece of art in the Directorate to become a spiritual amplifier. 0/10 -->10/10, Glasmite Resonart becomes standardized, increasing CUL and Warp. Cost 1 Nuclear Material.
--[X] Metamorphae Muses: Just as Machina was to Drone, so too did many a PygmaliTek believe there existed a form of Muse elevated above, blessed by the Dancer to act as her envoys. A method must be undertook, a ritual to invoke the Goddess of Art in order to unlock this divine transformation. 0/10 -->10/10, unlock Holy Metamorphaen Muses, automata empowered via Divine Rite, granting elevated FTH. Cost 1 Warp.
--[X] Naturae Muses: Just as Might Oak was to mere Sapling, so too did many a PygmaliTek believe there existed a form of Muse elevated above, fused with the essence of nature and bonded to the WyldAltars of the world. A study must be undertook, the Artefacts of the Gods studied to bring about this synthesis. 0/10 -->10/10, unlock Sacred Naturae Muses, automata empowered by Nature, granting elevated FTH. Cost 1 Warp.
--[X]Archaeology!: With increased interest in nature came increased increased interest in Teklia's fossil record. With that in mind, some Rangers and Wonderpark had suggested creating a museum of natural history and forming teams of elite archeologists to comb the wilds of Teklia for bones to house this facility. 0/15-->2/15, creates Wonderpark Archaeology Division, generating CUL and BioData.
--[X] Glasmite Hymnals: Glasmite presented an interesting oppurtunity: it could be used to modify TekGrimoires by adding micro-resonant engines, allowing the devices to utilize arcano-vibration tones to perform the same tasks as an Orchestrion, albeit to far lesser effect. This would also turn the artefacts into handy tools for any Occultek looking to incorporate more music into their life in general. 0/15 -->15/15, TekGrimoires upgraded to Glasmite Hymnals, allowing all Orchestrion related technology to be used in grimoires at greatly reduced efficiency.
--[X] Crystaleaf Arbor Guardians: It was extremely obvious to most Elementalists that the unique genomes found in Trove offered a way to give more unto the spirits of Gem. One idea was modifying Arbor Guardians to incorporate some of the genetics of these organisms to increase their overall sympathy with Gems, which would help accelerate the development of Gem Vita on lifebearing worlds. 0/15 -->15/15, upgrades Arbor Guardians with Crystaleaf Genomic Mods, increasing CUL and accelerating gem vita development on life bearing worlds. Cost 1 Biodata.
--[X] Mystek Apiaries: 0/15 -->15/15, Mysteks gain Chorus Beeswax Candles, increasing CUL.
--[X] Fruit of the Occult Tree: Some trees bore fruit, swollen and rich, heavy with vitality. These fruits, your Occulteks believed, could be used to manufacture an improvement to their Grimoires: by installing a life-support network and occasionally feeding these lifefruit their own vital energy, they could harvest the juices as an offering during the Auto-Rituals, they might be able to more easily entice spirits to do their bidding, especially those unbound entities of nature. 0/15 -->15/15, TekGrimoires upgraded with Lifefruit Heart, increasing FTH.
--[X] Spire Orchestrion: A proposed expansion to the Elemental Spire was the installation of a giant Orchestrion unit powered by the elemental energies of the spire, used to begin weaving great songs of power and life into the planet, allowing for some (light) terraformation projects to proceed with the Elementals permission. 0/15 -->15/15, upgrade Elemental Spire with Awakening Orchestrion, increasing CUL and Warp.
--[X] ArcanoTek Orchestrions: If it could strengthen spirits, then the Calculators believed it might be possible to empower the arcane. To that end, they wished to research a method to turn Orchestrions into what amounted to ritual accelerators, capable of being deployed to improve the effect of the Directorates many means of channeling higher powers into the physical realm. 0/20 -->20/20, deploy ArcanoTek Orchestrions, amplifying the effect of all Rites and Sorcery. Cost 1 Warp.
-[X] FTH 126/126
--[X] Greater Arbor Guardian: A much more modest proposal would be spending lifeforce to accelerate the development of multiple arbor guardians across the Directorate: these Greater Arbor Guardians would strengthen the shrines considerably, and would especially enrich the spirits of nature. 0/10 -->10/10, develop Greater Arbor Guardian, increasing FTH and strengthening Shrines. Cost 1 Warp.
--[X] Glasmitian Aural Pillars: An alternative (or supplement) to designing WyldSong Amplifiers to improve Totems was using Glasmite to construct a series of aural generators throughout the network capable of generating resonances. Cheaper than repurposing Orchestrion technology, these Aural Pillars would be weaker overall, but once established they would require no maintenance and little power. 0/15-->15/15, Totem Network upgraded with Aural Pillars.
--[X] Orchestrion AutoTuner Matrix: A program could, in theory, be designed in order to optimize the performance of the Orchestrion units. This would serve as a fairly useful improvement by ensuring that operators could utilize the devices far more easily, simplifying their deployment somewhat. 0/15 -->15/15, upgrades Orchestrions with AutoTune Matrixes, increasing CUL.
--[X] Holywick Lantern Candles: Long ago, it was said that the Lanternkeeper had created fifteen special candles, meant to lit in the final and most dark hours of Tekket history, a means to drive back the shadow once more. Those candles had been lost long ago, set ablaze by the Destroyers in their mad quest to snuff out Tekket. But it is said that the Tenth Candle was made from Sacred Bees Wax. The Order of the Candle wished to attempt to create simulacrums of this sacred tenth candle, using the wax from a Chorus Bee, in the hopes that they might confer an echo of the original candles holy power. 4/15 -->15/15, Gain Holywick Lantern Candle Artefact, increasing FTH and conferring an additional degree of protection.
--[X] Shrine-Hives: Fundamentally, it would not be difficult at all to redesign shrines to serve as hives for Chorus Bees, allowing for small amounts of lifeforce to be siphoned from the bees honey. In exchange, they would receive by and large the same benefits as the Arbor Guardians, receiving larger portions of lifeforce given directly. 0/15 -->15/15, Shrines on habitable planets upgraded with Shrine-Hives, increasing CUL.
--[X] Hallowed Shrine: Another proposal had been to spend resources to develop a more advanced, theologically oriented shrine and accompanying rites to fully dedicate the Shrines and their offerings to specific gods. While these shrines wouldn't benefit the machine spirits of an area, they would likely very much please whatever deities they were connected to. 0/20 -->20/20, Shrines upgraded to provide FTH.
--[X] Undying Arbor: Why should the Directorate stop at eternal life? Why not go further? Attempt to create something with such vigor that even active attempts to slay it would not be enough, with enough vitality that it could weather even the most brutal assault. An organism so hardy that it would be capable of outlasting the Directorate itself. A truely undying arbor guardian. 0/25 -->25/25, upgrades Arbors with advanced regeneration, cell repair, immune system, and redundant survival organs, increasing CUL and creating extremely hard to kill trees and other megaflora. Cost 2 Biodata.
--[X] Calling Dance: The Grandmasters believed that the Dancer could be summoned again by creating a smaller, more easily replicable version of the ritual used to manifest her the first time, blessing performances and allowing them to act as arcane conduits for the theurgic energies of the goddess. 0/25 -->25/25, gain Calling Dance, allowing for artistic performances such as song and dance to generate theurgic power, increasing Warp by 1 and CUL.
-[X] ACD 119/119
--[X] Totem-Net: Alternatively, the Totems could be provided improved server software to allow for a variety of useful, if mundane, programs such as ecology simulators to be ran on them and allowing limited inter-totem communication. In essence, Wyld-Shrines would gain their own complex network to allow their users more functionality. 0/15-->4/15, Totems upgraded to utilize Totem-Net, increasing ACD. Cost 1 Network.
--[X] Arbor Minds: Tree nervous systems were decidedly non-complex. Plants in general were fairly simple organisms, intellectually. This was in all likelyhood one of the larger barriers to their spiritual growth: after all, it was a known fact that the soul could only grow at an acceptable speed when provided sufficient processing power. However, their nervous system being so simple meant that, in theory, it wouldn't be hard to design a method to allow your computers to interface with them, providing the tree increased intelligence. 0/15 -->15/15, increases CUL, cost 1 Network
--[X] Totem-Net: Alternatively, the Totems could be provided improved server software to allow for a variety of useful, if mundane, programs such as ecology simulators to be ran on them and allowing limited inter-totem communication. In essence, Wyld-Shrines would gain their own complex network to allow their users more functionality. 0/15 -->15/15, Totems upgraded to utilize Totem-Net, increasing ACD. Cost 1 Network.
--[X] TotemTek Peripherals: Heat management, soil enrichment, atmosphere filtering, there are a variety of mundane upgrades that could be installed on Totems to improve functionality. They would require at least some Perpetunite to improve the power generation, but these peripherals could allow regions to be more efficiently managed. 0/15 -->15/15, Totems upgraded with TotemTek Peripherals, increasing CUL. Cost 1 Nuclear Material.
--[X] Mindwaltz Resonance: A much more theoretical proposal by some in the Academy was using neural-scanners and Orchestrions to attempt to develop a resonance pattern capable of stimulating the mind, improving the focus, the memory, and the logical abilities of Directorate scientists and engineers. 0/25 -->25/25, deploys Mindwaltz Resonance, increasing ACD considerably. Cost 1 Warp.
--[X] ArborSerum: Another proposal was making wisespread the practice of using MegaFlora Serum to accelerate Arbor Guardian Growth, increasing the total lifeforce flowing throughout the Totem-Net, and even developing specialized blends specifically for use in trees and other already-large flora. 0/25 -->25/25, develop ArborSerum, increasing CUL and Warp.
--[]X BioArt: It was certainly an interesting idea: give Artists the means to craft floral organisms that they could incorporate into their art, allowing them to make wholly biological pieces and exhibits, or exhibits that incorporate carefully shaped biological tissue into their design. In essence, allowing the creation of BioArtwork. 0/20 -->20/20, develop BioArt, increasing CUL as Art in the Directorate becomes far easier at incorporating life and nature into its design. Cost 1 Biodata.

Last edited:
Edit: Approval votes:
[X] Plan Eat Your Fucking Vegetables
[X] Plan: Ecological Ascension
[X] Plan: Impractically Large Explosions

First, my suggestions for names:
[X] Name for Mega Snotlings
-[X] Hoblings
[X] Stizlak's Shadow:
-[X] The Dark Mojo: Mojo Phobo

Just like I predicted, my plans had no chance, but I am still gonna post them all JIC there is an upset.

Ok, so, this plan is focused on boosting our manufacturing and unions. It uses left over points to get a bunch of neat projects we keep not taking due to urgent stuff.

[X] Plan: Union Time

-[X] Fleets:

--[X] Resistance, Valiant, Delivery and Accomplishment:

---[X] Hunting the Phasmid

--[X] TKK Discovery

---[X] Yr Albain Scanning

---[X] Yr Albain Artefact Hunting

--[X] TKK Endeavor-B

---[X] Black Hole Study Duty

---[X] Emerald Line Agri-Outposts


---[X] H'Kek Medical Research


---[X] Flying Saucer Peace Mission

--[X] Spirit of Toxel

---[X] H'Kann Research

---[X] Explore Horizon

-[X] EXP (155/153 +2 Frontier Society)

--[X] Union Wayside Caravanserai 0--> 25/25

--[X] Naklis Powertool Factory 0--> 15/15

--[X] MegaMachines of the Volatile Lands! 0-->50/50 +1 NK +1 LM

--[X] Gleam Manufacturing District 0--> 15/15

--[X] Ferrocrystal Manufacturing Complex 0--> 10/10

--[X] Alkemote Bottling Facility 0--> 25/25 +1 WRP

--[X] Erichthean PharmaFactory 0--> 15/15 -1 BIO

-[X] CUL (130/130)

--[X] Folk Mantras 0--> 25/25

--[X] Comradist Dispensers 0--> 25/25

--[X] Orbital Pioneer Factory Ships 0--> 25/25

--[X] The Mazovist Script 0--> 30/30

--[X] Orbital Pioneer Mega-Power Ships 0--> 20/20

--[X] Emerald Line Agri-Outposts 0→ 5/5

-[X] FTH (127/126+1 Frontier Society)

--[X] UnionTek Novagods 0--> 15/15 -1 ART

--[X] Silvertine Androids 0--> 25/25

--[X] Bond-Technomata 0--> 30/30

--[X] DarkHeart Machina Platforms 0-->25/25

--[X] Rite of Communion 0--> 15/15

--[X] Rite of Soul 3--> 15/15

--[X] Nuclear Ritual Engines 0--> 15/15 -2 NK

-[X] ACD (119/113+6)

--[X] Artificing Chamber 0--> 25/25 -1 ART

--[X] BlokBot Optimization Principle 0--> 25/25

--[X] Robogrot 0--> 20/20 -1NT

--[X] Gestalt Protocol 3--> 15/15

--[X] Mountain Blood 0--> 25/25 +1 WRP

--[X] Antientropic Fields 0-->10/10

--[X] MotherTennae 0→2/50

-[X] Resource Management

–[X] Nuclear Material: 1 --> 0

–[X] Biodata: 4--> 3

–[X] ART: 4 --> 2

–[X] Warp (WP): 1 --> 3

–[X] Living Metal: 3 --> 4

–[X] Network: 4 -->3

–[X] Intel: 0

This plan is based around the HexTek router and digiPort options, which try to turn our CyberSpace into a real dimension. It also upgrades our coding with Abysscode and Heartcode.

[X] Plan: Assembling a Digital Realm


--[X] Resistance, Valiant, Delivery and Accomplishment:

---[X] Hunting the Phasmid

--[X] TKK Discovery

---[X] Yr Albain Scanning

---[X] Yr Albain Artefact Hunting

--[X] TKK Endeavor-B

---[X] Vaul-Mire Expeditions

---[X] Moby Monstro Observation


---[X] H'Kek Medical Research


---[X] Flying Saucer Peace Mission

--[X] Spirit of Toxel

---[X] H'Kann Research

---[X] Explore Horizon

-[X] EXP(153/153)

--[X]OOG-87's MicroSingularity 0-->25/25

--[X] Spra'ang Minerological Survey 0--> 10/10 +1 NK

--[X] Tacchis Surface Mining 0--> 15/15 +1 NK

--[X] Greater Engines of the Assembly 0--> 100/100 -5 NK +1 WRP, +1 NT, +1ART, +1 BIO

--[X] Court of Cycles 0→ 3/25

-[X] CUL (130/130)

--[X] Theatriengine Stage 0-->25/25

--[X] Ogre Masks 0-->50/50

--[X] GeoTotems 0--> 20/20 -1 WRP, +1 NK

--[X] Muse Arcano-Core 0-->20/20 -2 NK

--[X] Playright Folio 0-->15/50

-[X] FTH (130/126 +2 Admiral Aliya +2 Frontier Society)

--[X]The Book 0--> 15/15

--[X] The Dagger 0-->15/15

--[X] DigiPORTs 0--> 25/25 -1 NK

--[X] HexTek Routers 0--> 25/25 -1 WRP +1 NT

--[X] OrphiaTek DreamBrain 0-->25/25 -1 NT

--[X] Brain of the Assembly 0→ 25/25 +5 NK -1 ART

-[X] ACD(119/113+6)

--[X]Gestalt Protocol 3-->15/15

--[X] Abysscode 0-->25/25 +1 NT

--[X] Heartcode 0-->50/50 +1 NT

--[X] LumSoft Drivers 0→ 25/25 -1 NT +1 WRP

--[X] CyberGrimoire 0→ 7/25

-[X] Resource Management

–[X] Nuclear Material: 1

–[X] Biodata: 4

–[X] ART: 4

–[X] Warp (WP): 1 --> 1

–[X] Living Metal: 3

–[X] Network: 4 -->6

–[X] Intel: 0

This one is focused on boosting our NekroTek, which kinda fell behind. Plus, Umbral Muses are super cool.

[X]Plan: Halloween Strikes Back!


--[X] Resistance, Valiant, Delivery and Accomplishment:

---[X] Hunting the Phasmid

--[X] TKK Discovery

---[X] Yr Albain Scanning

---[X] Yr Albain Artefact Hunting

--[X] TKK Endeavor-B

---[X] Iron Crown Xenotheology Outpost

---[X] Emerald Line Agri-Outposts


---[X] H'Kek Medical Research


---[X] Flying Saucer Peace Mission

--[X] Spirit of Toxel

---[X] H'Kann Research

---[X] Explore Horizon

-[X]EXP (150/153):

--[X] Great Grave of Spra'ang 0--> 10/10

--[X] Auton Eco-Domes 0--> 25/25 +1 WRP, -1 FA

--[X] MegaMausoleum 0--> 25/25

--[X] Void Rail Shrine Network 0--> 50/50

--[X] Spra'ang Minerological Survey 0--> 10/10 +1 NK

--[X] Sacred Groves 0--> 20/20 +1 WRP

--[X] Spra'ang Ammonia-Megaslurp 0--> 10/10

--[X] Spra'ang Embassies 0→3/15

-[X] CUL (130/130):

--[X] Ghost Song Resonance 0--> 25/25

--[X] Musite Seance Engine 0--> 25/25 -1 WRP

--[X] Umbral Cthonite Muses 0--> 25/25 -1 WRP

--[X] Deathmasks 0--> 20/20

--[X] OfrenDex 0--> 15/15

--[X] Festival of the Dead 0--> 10/10

--[X] Emerald Line Agri-Outposts 0→ 5/5

--[X] Construct MothaShip Class 0→ 5/15

-[X] FTH (126/126)

--[X] Temple to the Trainmaster 0--> 25/25

--[X] Cthonic Shrines 0--> 15/15

--[X] Elegiasts Resonance 0--> 25/25 -1 WRP

--[X] OrphiaTek Digital Death Index 0--> 25/25 -1 NT

--[X] Temple to the Drowning Death 0--> 25/25

--[X] Iron Crown Xenotheology Outpost 0→5/5

--[X] Rite of Soul 3→4/15

--[X] BioPreservation Techniques 0--> 5/5 -1 BIO

-[X] ACD (113/113+6)

--[X] Tissue Reanimation Devices 0--> 40/40 +1 FA, -1 AV, -1 BIO, -1 WRP

--[X] Ekto Detektor 0--> 25/25 +1 WRP

--[X] Bionics 0--> 25/25

--[X] Antientropic Fields 0-->10/10

--[X] HoloTek 1--> 20/25

-[X] Resource Management

–[X] Nuclear Material: 1 --> 2

–[X] Biodata: 4 --> 2

–[X] ART: 4

–[X] Warp (WP): 1 --> 0

–[X] Living Metal: 3

–[X] Network: 4 -->3

–[X] Intel: 0

This plan follows up some of the Moon synergy we have with even more. Plus, Lunar Monks have a bunch of neat stuff we keep on not investing in.


-[X] Fleets:

--[X] Resistance, Valiant, Delivery and Accomplishment:

---[X] Hunting the Phasmid

--[X] TKK Discovery

---[X] Yr Albain Scanning

---[X] Yr Albain Artefact Hunting

--[X] TKK Endeavor-B

---[X] Vaul-Mire Expeditions

---[X] Moby Monstro Observation


---[X] H'Kek Medical Research


---[X] Flying Saucer Peace Mission

--[X] Spirit of Toxel

---[X] H'Kann Research

---[X] Explore Horizon

-[X] EXP(155/153+2 Frontier Society)

--[X] Cosmic Empathy Engine 0-->25/25 -1NT

--[X] Endless Enlightenment Matrix 0--> 25/25 -1 NT

--[X] Supreme Comprehension Psychotron 0--> 25/25 -1NT

--[X] Infinite Inspiration Accelerator 0--> 25/25 -1 NT

--[X] Tacchis Forge-Temple Paleotech Cogitator Mainframe 0→ 25/25 -1 ART +1 NT

--[X] Expanded Lunar Forges 0→ 30/30 +1 ART

-[X] CUL (130/130)

--[X] Ascendant Lunite Muses 0-->25/25 -1 WRP

--[X] Lunar Consulls 0--> 25/25 -1 NT

--[X] Cabal Exterminator Corp 0→15/15

--[X] Heavy Trawlers 0--> 20/20

--[X] Mobile Shrines 0--> 20/20

--[X] Fleet Super Battlebot League 0-->25/25

---[X] Luna

-[X] FTH (126/126)

--[X] Rite of Soul 3→ 4/15

--[X] Lunar MegaShrine 0--> 20/20

--[X] Meditative Talismans 0-->15/15 -1 NT

--[X] Godtek Emulator I: //GATE 0--> 25/25 -1 ART, +5 NT

--[X] Guardian Spirit Manifestation Engine 0-->25/25 -1 ART

--[X] Depleted Cursite ShrineCores 0--> 25/25

--[X] Awakening Totems 0→ 15/15 -1 NT

-[X] ACD(113/113)

--[X] Totem-Net 0--> 15/15 -1 NT

--[X] Mountain Blood 0--> 25/25 +1WRP

--[X] Temple Expedition 6--> 9+6 Admirals /15

--[X] Naklean MagmaBugs 0→ 15/15 -1 BIO

--[X] ZwergBot Disassembly Protocol 0-->15/15

--[X] Living Metal Rounds 0--> 20/20 -1 LM

--[X] Totem Power Grid 0→ 15/15 -1 NK

--[X] MagTek Blasters 0→ 5/15

-[X] Resource Management:

–[X] Nuclear Material: 1 → 0

–[X] Biodata: 4 → 3

–[X] ART: 4-->1

–[X] Warp (WP): 1

–[X] Living Metal: 3-->2

–[X] Network: 4 --> 2

–[X] Intel: 0

This is a compromise plan that tries to get all of the things below. Not my favourite, but it is the only way I am getting the music stuff in.

[X]Plan: Music, God, Tree and Tower compromise

-[X] Fleets:

--[X] Resistance, Valiant, Delivery and Accomplishment:

---[X] Hunting the Phasmid

--[X] TKK Discovery

---[X] Yr Albain Scanning

---[X] Yr Albain Artefact Hunting

--[X] TKK Endeavor-B

---[X] Vaul-Mire Expeditions

---[X] Emerald Line Agri-Outposts


---[X] H'Kek Medical Research


---[X] Flying Saucer Peace Mission

--[X] Spirit of Toxel

---[X] H'Kann Research

---[X] Explore Horizon

-[X]EXP(155/153 +2 Admiral Aliya):

--[X]CityBlok Resonance-Drives 0-->20/20

--[X] Nuclear Resonance Engines 0-->50/50 -1 WRP,+2 NK

--[X] Oracle Chamber Upgrades: 0→ 25/25, Oracle Chambers expanded, increasing EXP and CUL.

--[X] Void Rail Shrine Network 0-->50/50

--[X] Metalsong Muses 0-->10/10 -1 LM

-[X]CUL (130/130):

--[X]Empyrean Resonances 0-->50/50 -2 WRP

--[X] Celestial Resonance: 0→50/50, gain Celestial Resonance, increasing all categories. Cost 1 ART and 1 WRP.

--[X] Crystaleaf Arbor Guardians 0 → 15/15 -1 BIO

--[X] Glasmite Resonart 0-->10/10 +1 WRP -1 NK

--[X] Emerald Line Agri-Outposts 0→ 5/5


--[X]World Tree 0-->15/15 -1 WRP

--[X] Lifegiver Effigies 0--> 15/15 -1 ART +3 WRP

--[X] Glasmitian Aural Pillars 0--> 15/15

--[X] Calling Dance 0--> 25/25 +1 WRP

--[X] Hallowed Shrine 0--> 20/20

--[X] Polar Tower of the Hermit 27→ 50/50

--[X]Shrine-Conduits 0--> 10/10 -1 LM

--[X] Blargian Drunkard Rock 0→3/25

-[X]ACD (113/113+6):

--[X]Holy Emulator 0--> 50/50 -1 NT, -1 WRP

--[X] Mountain Blood 0--> 25/25 + 1WRP

--[X] Peer Review Board 3--> 25/25 +1 ART and +1 WRP

--[X] Arbor Minds 0→ 15/15 -1 NT

--[X] Gestalt Protocol 3→ 9/15

-[X] Resource Management:

–[X] Nuclear Material: 1→ 2

–[X] Biodata: 4 → 3

–[X] ART: 4 --> 3

–[X] Warp (WP): 1 -->1

–[X] Living Metal: 3 --> 1

–[X] Network: 4 → 2

–[X] Intel: 0

This plan follows our great hero JACK "KILL CHAOS" GARLAND on his quest to KILL CHAOS.


-[X] Fleets:

--[X] Resistance, Valiant, Delivery and Accomplishment:

---[X] Hunting the Phasmid

--[X] TKK Discovery

---[X] Yr Albain Scanning

---[X] Yr Albain Artefact Hunting

--[X] TKK Endeavor-B

---[X] Iron Crown Xenotheology Outpost

---[X] Emerald Line Agri-Outposts


---[X] H'Kek Medical Research


---[X] Flying Saucer Peace Mission

--[X] Spirit of Toxel

---[X] H'Kann Research

---[X] Explore Horizon

-[X] EXP (155/153 +2 Frontier Society)

--[X] Spra'ang Embassies 0→ 15/15

--[X] Spra'ang Minerological Survey 0→ 10/10 +1NK

--[X] Lumium Wardstones 0→ 45/45 -1 NK

--[X] Biocity Biogarden 0→ 15/15 + 1 BIO

--[X] Community Ampitheaters 0→ 25/25 +1 WRP

--[X] Sacred Groves 0→ 20/20 +1 WRP

--[X] Fire Fairy Bottles 0→ 15/15 -1 BIO

--[X] Flamedance Muses 0→ 10/10 -1 NK

-[X] CUL (130/130)

--[X] The Secret Histories 0→ 25/25 -1 WRP +1 ART

--[X] Theatriengine Stage 0→ 25/25

--[X] Liars Codex 0→ 50/50 -1 WRP

--[X] Theatritheurgic Warfare 0→ 25/25 -1 WRP

--[X] Emerald Line Agri-Outposts 0→ 5/5

-[X] FTH (126/126)

--[X] Well of the Dreamer of Wishes 0→ 25/25

--[X] The Garden of Life and Death 0→ 25/25 -3 BIO

--[X] AntiChaos Warding 0→ 40/40 -1 ART

--[X] Hostrees 0→ 25/25

--[X] Iron Crown Xenotheology Outpost 0→5/5

--[X] Rite of Soul 3→9/15

-[X] ACD (120/113+6 +1 FS)

--[X] Devourer Warforme Study 0→ 25/25 +1 BIO

--[X] Biocity Gastroreactors 0→ 25/25 -2 BIO +1 NK

--[X] Magma-Zone GeneLab 0→ 10/10 +1 BIO

--[X] Lumium Bird "Biology" 0→ 25/25 + 1 BIO

--[X] Abyssal Zone GeneLab 0→ 10/10 + 1 BIO

--[X] Sandscorn Devourer Eco-Hybridization 0→ 15/15 -2 BIO

--[X] Glacier GeneLab 0→10/10 +1 BIO

-[X] Resource Management

–[X] Nuclear Material: 1 --> 0

–[X] Biodata: 4 → 2

–[X] ART: 4 → 4

–[X] Warp (WP): 1 → 0

–[X] Living Metal: 3

–[X] Network: 4 → 4

–[X] Intel: 0

This is a mixture between medicine and Lanternkeeper plans. Lanternkeeper has been kinda abndoned despite being a very neat god that is very relevant to us.

[X]Plan: Drugs and Lanterns:

-[X] Fleets:

--[X] Resistance, Valiant, Delivery and Accomplishment:

---[X] Hunting the Phasmid

--[X] TKK Discovery

---[X] Yr Albain Scanning

---[X] Yr Albain Artefact Hunting

--[X] TKK Endeavor-B

---[X] Vaul-Mire Expeditions

---[X] Moby Monstro Observation


---[X] H'Kek Medical Research


---[X] Flying Saucer Peace Mission

--[X] Spirit of Toxel

---[X] H'Kann Research

---[X] Explore Horizon

-[X] EXP (155/153 +2 FS)

--[X] Alkemote Bottling Facility 0→ 25/25 +1 WRP

--[X] Biocity Biogarden 0→15/15 + 1 BIO

--[X] Erichthean PharmaFactory 0→ 15/15 -1 BIO

--[X] Erichtheo Totem Network 0→ 10/10

--[X] The Seed 0→ 25/25 - 1WRP, +2 WRP

--[X] Construct Dreamer Class Ship 0→ 40/40 -1 NT

---[X] South

--[X] Union Wayside Caravanserai 0→ 25/25

-[X] CUL (130/130)

--[X] Nukes for Meds 0→25/25 -1 NK


--[X] Sleepwalk Brew 0→ 15/15

--[X] Corpse Trade 0→ 25/25 +1 BIO

--[X] Mystek Apiaries 0→ 15/15

--[X] Fruit of the Occult Tree 0→ 15/15

--[X] Naturae Muses 0→ 10/10 -1 WRP

-[X] FTH (126/126)

--[X] The Book of Cures 0→ 50/50 -1 BIO

--[X] The Garden of Life and Death 0→ 25/25 -3 BIO

--[X] Nova Mechanica Vitruvian Engine 0→ 25/25 -1 ART

--[X] Shrine-Hives 0→ 15/15

--[X] Holywick Lantern Candles 4→ 15/15

-[X] ACD (110/113+6+1 FS)

--[X] Mountain Blood 0→ 25/25 +1 WRP

--[X] Bionics 0→ 25/25

--[X] OmniPatcher 0→ 25/25

--[X] Miniaturized Deblocker 0→ 15/15

--[X] Magma-Zone GeneLab 0→ 10/10 + BIO

--[X] Abyssal Zone GeneLab 0→ 10/10 +BIO

--[X] Glacier GeneLab 0→10/10 + BIO

-[X] Resource Management

--[X] Nuclear Material: 1 → 0

--[X] Biodata: 4 --> 4

--[X] ART: 4 → 3

--[X] Warp (WP): 1 --> 2

--[X] Living Metal: 3

--[X] Network: 4 → 3

--[X] Intel: 0
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[X] Plan Eat Your Fucking Vegetables

[X]Plan: Drugs and Lanterns

[X] Plan: Union Time

[X] Stizlak's antianima was a part of him, and the thing had grown in the same ways anyone else's pent up and ignored problems would. He had fought himself here. The fact that it had been in the form of a trippy and uncomfortable dream quest was a fast forward. A short cut. But now, as the victor, there're easy choices he can make. But why should Stizlak be the one to make all the choices? The zoggin git of fear and darkness in front of him is his responsibility, and it's his turn to offer chances given to him. Congrats git, you're adopted.
-[X] Mojo Jojo

This honestly gives us a bunch of stuff it feels like we should have had actual centuries ago. Plus I just think we leave these things be too long.
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I would like to boldly suggest that we do not murder or maim the manifestation of Stizlak's fears and traumas. That is NOT how you get a persona or do mental health. Also, No the different texts were not Chaos, they're a massive Alan Wake reference since Bird has decided to incorporate the Remedyverse into this quest. One of the paragraphs is straight up perfectly done Alan Wake prose. Did you know that Alan Wake is a writer? And the things he writes happen?

Not exactly the healthiest thing to do with your Jungian shadow archetype self, while surrounded by all the other you people that have picked up certain responsibilities and traits to help you govern your huge family. Considering the AAAA and everything else going on in our mental health toolkit... I highly doubt that the directorate has no idea what anything like this situation is. Plus this is the perfect situation to narratively call back to Kyte making the decision to help Stizlak. Anyway.



[X] Plan: A Gift to our Gods and Shrines

[X] Plan: Ecological Ascension

[X] Plan: Trees Trees Trees Trees

[X] Plan Eat Your Fucking Vegetables

[X] The Dark Mojo
-[X] Mojo Jojo
[X] Name for Mega Snotlings
-[X] Gnolls
Anyway, my only way to sway votes to shill super hard, and so here is my 6 am shilling attempts.

Do tou want to turn our industry not garbage? Take projects that we need, but couldn't take due to urgency and shinies? Well, plan Union time is for you.

Hey bros, Jack Garland here, making a check. If you want to be Kill Chaos bro, you want to vote for Plan: JACK "KILL CHAOS" GARLAND APPROVED.

You want to take some unlikely to be taken project just due to super synergy? You want to build a true new realm? Well, plan Assembling a Digital Realm is for you.

You want to make our medicine absolutely cracked? Plan Drugs and Lanterns got your back.

You want to actually do something with Lunar Monks society which had been de-facto abandoned despite having a plethora of neat stuff? Then cote for The MOOOON plan.

Do you want Halloween to strike back against Christmas? Do you wantva plan with maximum synergy? Do you actually wwnt our Nekrotek to be worth something? Then vote for the Halloween plan.
[X] Plan Eat Your Fucking Vegetables
[X] Plan Union Time

[X] Stizlak's antianima was a part of him, and the thing had grown in the same ways anyone else's pent up and ignored problems would. He had fought himself here. The fact that it had been in the form of a trippy and uncomfortable dream quest was a fast forward. A short cut. But now, as the victor, there're easy choices he can make. But why should Stizlak be the one to make all the choices? The zoggin git of fear and darkness in front of him is his responsibility, and it's his turn to offer chances given to him. Congrats git, you're adopted.
-[X] Mojo Jojo

It's a long shot but I think these are our best bets in a time pause turn. Catching up on needed upgrades and finishing incomplete projects. A lot of these are from early game that we've just neglected for no reason. In normal turns we have diplomatic commitments and will always need to meet immediate needs.

Eco ascension and toy maker are great plans but both have the momentum to get those projects done pretty soon. Sure it might not be all in one turn but they're far enough along in the tech tree already.

Other approval votes for
[X] Plan: Assembling a Digital Realm
[X] Plan: Impractically Large Explosions
[X] Plan: Ecological Ascension
[X] Plan: Here Comes the Toy Maker with Industry
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I'm assuming people that want the Toy Maker are already on board, but I'll go down and list a couple of other things to shill for in Plan: Here Comes the Toy Maker with Industry
  • Manufacturing: Bird has told us a few times now that our manufacturing is one of our weakest points in the Directorate, and my plan gets a lot of that squared away. Red Sun Extraction, Gleam Manufacturing District, Erichthean PharmaFactory, Ferrocrystal Manufacturing Complex, Meeklak Q-Bit Factories, Alkemote Bottling Facility, and Spra'ang Tekropolis all get our manufacturing capabilities up to snuff and spread out from just Naklis and Teklia.
  • Security: We're planning to get the Wintersprite Outpost contract when the time stop ends, but I went ahead and got a couple things that would also improve their safety. Red Sun Security to let them hold on long enough for Wintersprite to arrive, and Hunting the Phasmid to ensure Wintersprite has one less enemy to be distracted by. Plus, with Zoggian Drunkard Rock, we'll have all the Rep we need to rehire the Kabal for another 5 turns.
  • The Wyld: Bird mentioned before that the Polar Tower and World Tree have some good synergy, particularly by spreading Wyld magic across Teklia. Combined with the Song of the North, this combo would ensure a massive buff to our Wyld and Vita.
  • Outpost Building: Do you know how long it's been since we've built up outposts? 15+ turns. We have more upgrades to outpost building than actual outposts, so now's a good time to put those upgrades to actual use and get all 5 possible outpost building actions.
  • The MicroSingularity: There are shockingly few plans that are getting the MicroSingularity. We've never gotten past the 2nd tier of character projects before, and the time stop is a massive chance to finally get down one of their tech lines.
Eco ascension and toy maker are great plans but both have the momentum to get those projects done pretty soon. Sure it might not be all in one turn but they're far enough along in the tech tree already.
We're actually not that far along in the tech tree for WyldTek stuff. Most of the stuff I went for in eco ascension has bene there for over six months. We've known we could make ecosystems for Naklis and Luna since, IIRC, May. I've been repeatedly trying to get support for things like fairy fire bottles and world tree for a few months; I gave up on it until the timeskip because I was convinced that I wouldn't be able to do it and I'm still pretty convinced that if we don't do it during the timeskip we'll always be busy with other stuff.

Part of the reason I am shilling and campaigning so hard for it is that I'm pretty sure we won't get most of this anytime soon if we don't do it now.
I'm going to repost my reasons to vote for my plan. But, because it's long, it goes behind a spoiler:

A mostly complete list of reasons why this plan is very good and should be voted for:

1. We've had the options for bioforming Naklis and creating a rock-based ecosystem for Luna since May. The GM even told us how--mobile shrines, mountain, blood, stuff like the pyrefly domes and fairy fire bottles. We've not taken it, despite the fact that creating an ecology for Naklis as it is rather than as it could be would be. We've massively improved computers, we've expanded the fleet, and we've helped our allies greatly. But WyldTek has largely gotten neglected, so there's been no bioforming. It kept getting pushed back. This plan would finally get all that, and get it all once for synergistic effects.

Wouldn't it be cool to have pebblecrabs scuttling all across the surface of Luna, and vast seas of mountain blood swum by stone fish? Wouldn't it be cool to have algae and pyreflies that can take the harsh conditions of Naklis? Wouldn't it be cool to have a reputation as the guys who can not only make bespoke gods, but bespoke ecosystems?
2. It greatly improves our totem network through expansions on three colonies. This gives our WyldTek an enormous boost, especially when coupled with the World Tree, naturae muses, lifegiver effigies, coralhearts, and the Rite of Nature's Awakening. Fairy fire bottles will also augment shrines, which helps all our civilization.
3. According to the GM, creating biological spaceships--like the ones that the Exoditi use--is a theoretical possibility but not within our capabilities right now. By getting the symbiotic arcology, we get closer to having the necessary technology to construct one. For instance, the Wings of Kurnos use leafy feathers to absorb solar energy. The symbiotic arcology would let us do something similar with grass. It would also help with heat dissipation, lighting, and life support. If we want to be able to construct living spaceships either for ourselves or for the Exoditi, the symbiotic arcology would be a major step forward. The genelabs will also further improve our BioTek generally, and getting them all at once should make for a really good synergy.

In addition to helping out Yr Albain, I think this might be a benefit for the Khimer, given the amount of biotechnology they use. While most of their biotechnology is medical in nature, trading some of the symbionts we engineer to them would help reduce their dependency on mining and rare metals--because they could craft replacements with carbon, water, oxygen, and trace minerals. They've got a lot more of that right now than they do metals. This would allow them to concentrate their industry on the things that can't be replicated biologically.
4. Getting the World Tree unlocks the Great Land Vita. I bet a kaiju plan would work a lot better if it could be done the same time as the great land vita--at least one of them, that we saw in Prophecy Scroll: Wood, is a giant animal, and I bet some other ones are too.
5. It would get a lot of points. At least 8 EXP, 4 CUL, 7 FTH, and 5 ACD, not including temporary boosts--and almost certainly a great deal more given the point cost for some of these projects and the synergies involved. So economically, this represents a good shot in the arm for us.
6. It would finally do two of the warp-routes we got from the Khimer so long ago. It would also expand our knowledge of the Galactic East greatly; we'd be doing three exploration actions there. Plus, we'd be able to begin infiltration Volcanus 9 once we observe it. Given that we're doing so during the timeskip, we won't even have to worry about our information being out of date if we don't send a follow up mission immediately.
7. It helps Yr Albain's war efforts a lot through scanning and artifact hunting, as well as creating the Eye of Isha to strengthen the Wings. The fact that we're doing so during the timeskip means that our efforts will strengthen Yr Albain's hand far more than it would otherwise. It's like they got a shot in the arm all at once, rather than benefits distributed more gradually over time.
8. It gets not one, but two outposts--Iron Crown and the Emerald Line. Now, I know some people will be worried about Iron Crown, but hear me out--we already have wards, two societies that specialize in countering Chaos, and we're not actively messing around with Chaos; we're just documenting a long-abandoned site without any active spiritual presence. Plus, I'm getting the embassies to the Outer Dark. They're a cool faction we haven't done enough for, and while they're a minor warp power, according to the GM they're basically custom-made to eat Chaos' lunch. We all saw how effective they were during that one side story.

Doing Vaulmire expeditions should also give some useful information for when we colonize the planet. I'd like to send Pioneers to the three planets in Vaulket after we do AutoPlanet. The psychic metamaterials we get from there should prove very interesting, and I bet we could get biodata from Vaulmire.

We're also in no danger during the timewarp, at least from invasion. If we do the wrong project and fail a hazardtek roll we could get a minor daemon incursion (though we wouldn't lose points for it), but just putting up the outposts shouldn't trigger a hazard roll.
9. Mt. Wander is a going issue. My plan does the most, AFAIK, to help make them no longer one. We can't get rid of them and we can't be sure they'll never wake again, so we should try and pacify them. And the projects that should help the most with that are mountain blood, GeoTotems, Lunar MegaShrine, and mobile shrines. Lunar MegaShrine already pacifies hostile Lunar fauna so it should also work on Mt. Wander, and mobile shrines should have a similar effect given that Lunar MegaShrine is just a really really big shrine. GeoTotems helps distribute the effect into rock, and mountain blood helps us understand Mt. Wander.

I'm hopeful that this will allow us to wake them up safely, and even if not it should hopefully put them in a better mood if they do wake up again. With the dream engines, it might even be possible to get a project that would allow Mt. Wander to wander Luna without damaging anything--given the weird spatial paradoxes, perhaps we could arrange it so things would simply move out of the way.
10. It teaches us more about the history of our system by getting the Lunar temple expedition and the archaeology expansion for WonderPark. The results should be highly interesting.
11. It creates a factory complex on Trove that will make the place industrially self-sufficient.

Now, some people are talking about doing the Toymaker. But, hear me out--next turn they get additional stuff (the resonance) and an offering. One offering turned a ship into a demigod; four made a galaxy-scale god. The Toymaker is already really close to manifesting, judging by the fact that they're started granting miracles. They're probably going to realize next turn even if we don't do anything. If we don't, well, then we can boost our gods generally and probably trigger both them and the Huntmaster to realize at the same time.
At this point I don't think the campainging stuff is fun for me so instead I'll just repeat that every Stizlak deserves better.