Into that Vast and Unrelenting Darkness (40K Xeno Civilization Quest)

The bio plan does give us some neat stuff to use. We could use the extra acd right now as it is our lowest stat. It also expands the totem network and give us a bunch of warp based boons.

We could use an expansion on biotechnology as it would help the Khimer and Eldar a lot.
[X] Plan: Here Comes the Toy Maker with Industry

We do need some more industry, plus getting more stuff for the Toy Maker is fine. and it does go for some stuff we've left on the back burner for a bit.
We're actually not that far along in the tech tree for WyldTek stuff. Most of the stuff I went for in eco ascension has bene there for over six months. We've known we could make ecosystems for Naklis and Luna since, IIRC, May. I've been repeatedly trying to get support for things like fairy fire bottles and world tree for a few months; I gave up on it until the timeskip because I was convinced that I wouldn't be able to do it and I'm still pretty convinced that if we don't do it during the timeskip we'll always be busy with other stuff.

Part of the reason I am shilling and campaigning hard for it is that I'm pretty sure we won't get most of this anytime soon if we don't do it now.

I hear you, it's hard to get attention for less recent stuff that's still important. Completely with you on investing in wyldtek but my perspective is that the current winning plans hyper specialize too much.

Thematic synergy is important but not everything imo.
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I hear you, it's hard to get attention for less recent stuff that's still important. Completely with you on investing in wyldtek but my perspective is that the current winning plans hyper specialize too much.

Thematic synergy is important but not everything imo.
Well, we were advised by the GM to pick meme or hyperspecialized plans during the timeskip, so we're doing that.

And I am doing some other stuff. Trove gets manufacturing; the Ambassadors of the Outer Dark get embassies, our allies get some infrastructure.
Hey, hello, Plan tree-song had a formatting mistake that made it tally wrong. If you're interested in voting for it or did vote for it I suggest editing it to [] Plan: Tree-Song
Ok, g9nnatry to shill for my plans.

Ok, so do you want based options? Pptions which will literally nevee be picked otherwise cause they cost too much? Then my plans are for you.

Plan Union Time has Machines of Volatile lands option, which is super cool, but wouldn't normally be picked cause it is too expensive.

Plan Kill Chaos has several. Liar's Codex, Luminim and AntiChaos upgrades for our wards, Ambassador stuff. Like, people, y'all are constantly worried about chaos, here is an anti-chaos plan right here!

Or plan Assembling a digital realm, which takes Greater engines of assembly, HexTek routers, DigiPORTs, Heart- and Abysscodes to turn our Cyberspace into it's own dimension.

Meanwhile, Plan the Moooon takes long forgotten stuff like the 4 EXP Lunar Monks projects, and they are all super neat.

Plan Halloween goes all in on, frankly speaking, abandoned NekroTek and fulfills Marjak's corpse fetish.

Meanwhile, my Drugs and Lanterns plan actually builds a Dreamer ship, and takes Book of Cures which we will otherwise never pick!

Basically, all of my plans have superbased projects, and I think you should switch your vote to them. Here is a link to my post with them:

Into that Vast and Unrelenting Darkness (40K Xeno Civilization Quest) Mature - Sci-Fi - Fantasy

Edit: Approval votes: [X] Plan Eat Your Fucking Vegetables [X] Plan: Ecological Ascension [X] Plan: Impractically Large Explosions First, my suggestions for names: [X] Name for Mega Snotlings -[X] Hoblings [X] Stizlak's Shadow: -[X] The Dark Mojo: Mojo Phobo Just like I predicted, my plans had...
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do feel sorry for him here hoping to see a friend he hasn't seen for a long time and might never see again and who is one of the reasons why he has a better live (if I recall correctly)
we got them brain scans, and preserved body in the crypts. just need to tech up enough and all his friends will be immortal :D.

[X] Destroy It: It wouldn't get rid of the concepts it represented: the fears, the flaws: those, Stizlak could only fix by improving themselves. However, destroying it would mean its power would be returned to the Mojo.
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We got a celebration for Grot kind and most likely realizing the Toy Maker during this event, now we need something that'll close this event with a bang.

What better way then our old trusted friend that's been our side all along… THE NUKES
Anywhatz, if we're gonna fight any of dese Tightens, we're gonna need more pew-pew. Guess what dey say is true: no such thing 'as too much Pew-Pew.
They want the guns, then let's give them THE GUNS.
[X] Plan: Mega Everything!
-[X] Fleet Actions
--[X] TKK Resistance
---[X] Hunting the Phasmid
--[X] TKK Valiant
---[X] Drydock
--[X] TKK Endeavor-B
---[X] Three Brothers Xenoscience Monitors
---[X] Red Sun Security
--[X] TKK Accomplishment
---[X] Red Sun Extraction
---[X] Explore Horizon
--[X] TKK Discovery
---[X] H'k Peace Mission
---[X] Warp Route R-19

-[X] EXP (153/153)
--[X] MegaHarvester Manufactory (0/25) --> (25/25) +CUL
--[X] MegaMiner Hubs (0/20) --> (20/20) +EXP +LM +NK
--[X] MegaMachines of the Volatile Lands! (0/50) --> (50/50) +NK +LM
--[X] Megaparks (0/15) --> (15/15) +CUL
--[X] MegaMausoleum (0/25) --> (25/25) +FTH
--[X] Trove Mega-Gem Mines (0/15) --> (15/15) +EXP
--[X] OOG-87's MicroSingularity (0/25) --> (3/25)

-[X] CUL (130/130)
--[X] Orbital Pioneer Mega-Power Ships (0/20) --> (20/20) +ACD +EXP
--[X] Orbital Pioneer Mega Agri-Ships (0/25) --> (25/25) +EXP + WRP
--[X] Orbital Pioneer Factory Ships (0/25) --> (25/25) +EXP
--[X] Grand Flotilla (0/50) --> (50/50) ++CUL
--[X] Build-A-Bomb Workshop (0/10) --> (10/10) +CUL -NUC

-[X] FTH (118/126)
--[X] Lunar MegaShrine (0/20) --> (20/20) +FTH +EXP -Quartzbug Aggression
--[X] UnionTek Novagods (0/15) --> (15/15) +UnionTek Novagods -ART
--[X] Trovian Grand Gem Temple (0/10) --> (10/10) +FTH
--[X] Undying Arbor (0/25) --> (25/25) +CUL -2 BIO
--[X] Polar Tower of the Hermit (27/50) --> (50/50) +Magic +FTH -WRP
--[X] Hypercomm Quantum Consecratek (0/25) --> (25/25)
--[X] Archaeology! (0/15) --> (8/15)

-[X] ACD (119/119)
--[X] MegaBeast Serum (0/20) --> (20/20) +FTH +WRP +Shrine MegaBeasts -BIO
--[X] Charged Serum (0/25) --> (25/25)
--[X] MegaGrot Serum (0/15) --> (15/15) +CUL -BIO
--[X] Mountain Blood (0/25) --> (25/25) +WRP
--[X] Magma-Zone GeneLab (0/10) --> (10/10) +ACD +BIO
--[X] Abyssal Zone GeneLab (0/10) --> (10/10) +ACD +BIO
--[X] Temple Expedition (6/15) --> (15/15) +info
--[X] BlokBot Optimization Principle (0/25) --> (7/25)
--[X] NK: +1; 1 --> 2
--[X] LM: +2; 3 --> 5
--[X] WRP: +2; 1 --> 3
--[X] ART: -1; 4 --> 3
--[X] BIO: -2; 2 --> 0

[X] Plan: Impractically Large Explosions
-[X] Fleet Actions
--[X] TKK Resistance
---[X] Hunting the Phasmid
--[X] TKK Valiant
---[X] Drydock
--[X] TKK Endeavor-B
---[X] Three Brothers Xenoscience Monitors
---[X] Red Sun Security
--[X] TKK Accomplishment
---[X] Red Sun Extraction
---[X] Explore Horizon
--[X] TKK Discovery
---[X] H'k Peace Mission
---[X] Warp Route R-19

-[X] EXP (145/153)
--[X] OOG-87's MicroSingularity (0/25) --> (25/25) +ACD
--[X] Rising Sun (0/50) --> (50/50) +AutoVessel REP -2 NUC
--[X] Spra'ang Minerological Survey (0/10) --> (10/10) +EXP +NUC
--[X] MegaHarvester Manufactory (0/25) --> (25/25) +CUL
--[X] MegaMiner Hubs(0/20) --> (20/20) +EXP +LM +NUC
--[X] Tacchis Surface Mining (0/15) --> (15/15) +EXP +NUC
--[X] Ferrocrystal Manufacturing Complex (0/10) --> (8/10)

-[X] CUL (130/130)
--[X] Fusion Fireworks (0/25) --> (25/25) +CUL -NUC
--[X] Build-A-Bomb Workshop (0/10) --> (10/10) +CUL -NUC
--[X] BATTLEZONE NUCLEAR DOME (0/25) --> (25/25) +Quality to Fusion and Fission Weaponry +ACD
--[X] PizzaMek (0/25) --> (25/25) +CUL
--[X] Orbital Pioneer Mega-Power Ships (0/20) --> (20/20) +ACD +EXP
--[X] DazzleCubes (2/15) --> (15/15) +DazzleCubes
--[X] GeoTotems (0/25) --> (25/25) +EXP +FTH +NUC -WRP

-[X] FTH (120/126)
--[X] Thunder Rods (0/15) --> (15/15) +EXP +NUC +Superstorms
--[X] Bond-Technomata (0/30) --> (30/30) +psyker machine spirits
--[X] Storm-Cores (0/25) --> (25/25) +FTH
--[X] Volcano Cores (0/25) --> (25/25)+EXP
--[X] Brain of the Assembly (0/25) --> (25/25) +5 NUC +FTH -ART

-[X] ACD (119/119)
--[X] BlokBot Optimization Principle (0/25) --> (25/25) +EXP
--[X] Perpetunite Regeneration Matrix (0/20) --> (20/20) -2 NUC
--[X] MiniNukeTek (0/35) --> (35/35) +Fusion Rifles +Handcanons +MiniBombs -2 NUC
--[X] Atomic Engines (0/25) --> (25/25) +EXP -NUC
--[X] ZwergBot Disassembly Protocol (0/15) --> (14/15)
--[X] NUC: 0; 1 --> 1
--[X] LM: +1; 3 --> 4
--[X] ART: -1; 4 --> 3
--[X] WRP: -1; 1 --> 0

[X] Stizlak's Shadow
-[X] The Dark Mojo: Mojo Phobo
[X] Name for Mega Snotlings
-[X] Grolls

[X] Plan: Here Comes the Toy Maker with Industry
[X] Plan: Union Time
We got a celebration for Grot kind and most likely realizing the Toy Maker during this event, now we need something that'll close this event with a bang.
We're close, sure. But I don't think we're automatically getting the Toy Maker next turn. We didn't get his realization project this turn, so we need at least one more to get that, and the Christmas Projects we're getting only has two Toy Maker projects (the Temple to the Lady of Seasons helps, but it's not itself a Toy Maker project). I'm fairly sure we'll unlock the realization project next turn if we do nothing, but I really want to capitalize on the synergy of getting multiple Toy Maker things to push his realization across the finish line.

Bird told us we were underestimating how easy it was to realize a god, so lets not get complacent when we're so close to getting another god.
I will point out that only one of the two celestial gods we've realized had realization projects. The Toy Maker may not have one; Wan Xiu didn't.
Well we should do a proper holiday with gifts for everyone for the finale, especially the kids, and a big celebration of Yalbadoath themselves for this. I.e. anything labeled a children's toy, some serious buffs for yalby and friends, and after that I'm not sure, emphasize diplo maybe?
Honestly, once we do manage to realize the Toy Maker, I'd personally like to move on to another Celestial Pantheon. We've only gotten the realization project for one deity, and I think that we can make significant progress on others with some strategic projects. After all, we made significant progress on the Peerless Immortal Functionary by accident, and while he's certainly active, we also haven't really gotten the equivalent of a realization project from him.
Honestly, once we do manage to realize the Toy Maker, I'd personally like to move on to another Celestial Pantheon. We've only gotten the realization project for one deity, and I think that we can make significant progress on others with some strategic projects. After all, we made significant progress on the Peerless Immortal Functionary by accident, and while he's certainly active, we also haven't really gotten the equivalent of a realization project from him.
We're never going to get a realization project for Wan Xiu, because he's already realized despite never having one. We will get further Wan Xiu projects--but we've arguably done a lot in recent turns, because the ex-daemons are his subsidary spirits and the shrines are all linked to him.

I don't think realization projects are actually the norm--but it's hard to say, because we've got three active celestial gods, one of which was already realized prior to our civilization existing, another of which we realized by accident, and the last of which had a realization project.
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We also technically started forming the hobbgrot Mojo spirits and potential 'Orangeskin God'.

Then there's the Huntmaster we started doing recently, which gives a lot of Bloodborne vibes.