In Nuclear Fire

Well, Cthulutech follows the philosophy of 'everything and the kitchen sink, and for extra measure let's throw the neighbor's kitchen sink at it too', so it would depend on what Peter wants to build from it.
Mosts of the stuff that the Earth Government and the Migou have would be valid, but Pathfinder would stay far, far away from anything involving the Outer Gods and Old Ones, so all the high-end stuff that the major cults have is a no-go.

Then we get to the Tagers and the Engles and things get weird. They are extra dimensional creatures summoned to bond and help humans, so… they are basically parahumans. If I were to introduce them I'd summon avatars of the shards themselves, like mini-endbringers or controlled Echidnas if you will.

Huh, so in this timeline the PRT will never discover that she can predict the Endbringers? Missing that little detail will certainly make them think less of her importance.
And her life is much, much better because of that.
Uhhh basically Cth*l*utech RPG(cant say it fully just in case :V but you know what I meant on that) .... Other than that I can think of Nasuverse and Doc Who on possible tech bases that could possibly do(given I am not really familiar with Doc Who) what I referred on the previous post I had on retrograding shit out of what he accidentally said or do out of people and shard's mind.

There's also Warframe cause I heard there was a released frame this recent years that can timetravel and the Void is as fucky as hell too.
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I literally spent like... 8 whole updates not reading this story, and had a great time with a mini binge-reading period after a hard day's work. What a damn tasty treat this story is indeed. I'm just so fucking glad that I had enough free time to catch up today.

Oh, and thanks for the amazing updates as always and keep up the good work mate! I can't wait to see what you have in store for the next one. Gods how I fucking missed this wonderful story. :grin:

Also, good guy Renick. You go mate!
Uhhh basically Cth*l*utech RPG(cant say it fully just in case :V but you know what I meant on that) .... Other than that I can think of Nasuverse and Doc Who on possible tech bases that could possibly do(given I am not really familiar with Doc Who) what I referred on the previous post I had on retrograding shit out of what he accidentally said or do out of people and shard's mind.

There's also Warframe cause I heard there was a released frame this recent years that can timetravel and the Void is as fucky as hell too.
Doc Who is a big no. I didn't watch it, for starters, but what little I know of it goes way, way, crazy.

Warframe is the same problem of CT as I explained it up there. Everything created by the Orokin, Grineer, or Corpus would be valid. But then we get to everything involving the Void and things get more complicate and far more dangerous. If Peter starts pushing to get Void powers or to harvest it using a Void Heart, then the only way to perfectly replicate it would be by actually punching a hole into that realm. Best case scenario he suceed, just like the Orokin did, and farms it safely. Worst case scenario, he creates a new Eye of Terror.

Nasuverse would be the same. If Peter wants a servant, some powerful artifact, or spells, Pathfinder's first answer would be to give him technological alternatives. Servants created this way would behave in a similar way but be relatively weaker robots. But again, if Peter pushes too much then he needs acess to the Root and that's when things can go super bad if he isn't careful.
Well, Cthulutech follows the philosophy of 'everything and the kitchen sink, and for extra measure let's throw the neighbor's kitchen sink at it too', so it would depend on what Peter wants to build from it.
Mosts of the stuff that the Earth Government and the Migou have would be valid, but Pathfinder would stay far, far away from anything involving the Outer Gods and Old Ones, so all the high-end stuff that the major cults have is a no-go.

Then we get to the Tagers and the Engles and things get weird. They are extra dimensional creatures summoned to bond and help humans, so… they are basically parahumans. If I were to introduce them I'd summon avatars of the shards themselves, like mini-endbringers or controlled Echidnas if you will.

And her life is much, much better because of that.
Doc Who is a big no. I didn't watch it, for starters, but what little I know of it goes way, way, crazy.
if Peter pushes too much then he needs acess to the Root and that's when things can go super bad if he isn't careful.
So basically anything that can detect dimensional energy should be avoided. So 40k (for an example) is right out as they have dealt with the warp and know to some extent how to detect/counter it.

Doctor who it would depend on the civilisation, but for the most part the time lord tech would detect the entities and block access to their universe.

The root has dimensional magic on a scale that dwarfs the entities, so it's a big big Nono. I mean if Alaya ever reached into the Worm multiverse it would almost instantly purge every parahuman by sending out counter guardians. That or it would write that whole multiverse cluster off.
Like it happened in I Want a Refund? No, nothing that extreme. At most we'll have a Skitter situation where Peter and the shard no longer recognize a distinction.

Thats not a shard speaking, thats the Simurgh.

Huh, so in this timeline the PRT will never discover that she can predict the Endbringers? Missing that little detail will certainly make them think less of her importance.

She's a precog that works with percentages rather than abstract values like blue or monday, that alone makes her value skyrocket and the PRT are veeeeeery aware of this.

But to repeat a question I asked before what about worlds like Resident Evil, Borderlands, Wolfenstein, Aliens, Warhammer, Metal Slug, Madness series, Doom, Rimworld, Starbound, Cyberpunk 77, Dwarf Fortress, Rouge Trooper, Killzone, Evil Genius, Red Faction, Subnautica, Iron Harvest, Factorio, Metal Arms: GITS, Arknights, Girls Frontline and Rachet and Clank, some of these must have come to your attention at some point.
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Do you only use shows you have watched if so can we get a list
and if you don't can we give you recommendations
Oh, dear lord, no.
I wouldn't know where to start, much less where to end. And worse if I start throwing videogames and books into that.
So basically anything that can detect dimensional energy should be avoided.
Pretty much, but also all things that go too conceptual or shoot way past Entities in the scale of power.

For example, Bionicle is a perfectly valid tree, but Peter woulnd't be able to build Mata Nui.
Alteast the timelords and timewar daleks are

Everyone else still gets clapped
The time lords during the time war were scary. They had a Sentiment weapon of mass destruction that literally just requires you to push a button.

But not they are are not the only ones that are really strong. The cyber men (the future ones) are super advanced.

The angels are just better left alone. Th ood (or how ever you pronounce them) can technically become similar to the entities.

then you have that weird ass creature that crapped the tardis in a separate universe to eat it.

You have the monks.

There are carinites (Shakespeareepisode).

Well the short of it, there are a lot of dangerous species both due to technical advancements or weird ass powers.
And Dr Who would be boring too, since the tech base is so advanced that you actually don't need anything else .... Only Stargate, PA, Culture and Necrons are still comparable.
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The problem with Warframe's Void (and the same with 40k's Warp) is that if Peter's power is shard based as @Poliamida said this could be very hard to replicate. See what happened with Clow's magic instead of giving Peter the capacity of creating some kind of magecraft system his power gave him a digital emulation. In a way Clow's cards worked as the Servant or Noble Phantasms in Type/Moon, they are the expression of something. The Fight is the expression of combat, as the sheer concept of that, and the Sword is literally the concept of cutting something, as Peter said with time that card could cut in two a planet, but in Peter's case they are more like an AI emulation of the concept. The Fight is more an AI all the martial arms uploaded in her core that could improve herself learning from her enemies (with some Eidolon-like issues but more control over them at least). Not only that her progression is incremental so the more she fights the more dangerous she is. Maybe in her original body can't fight Alexandria but giving her enough time and she would be near impossible to hit, pity that her disposition is more to fight than stall an enemy.

In fact, the thing about Peter's power being shard-based means that in some alternate Earth in Worm-Multiverse-Cluster there is an Origin System full of murderninjas yoinking everything isn't bolted to the floor. Which is bad for the rest of the Cluster (but not as bad as if Holy Terra is also there too).
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It's not like Peters shard would need to replicate the void to get the same effects.
Other than an operators super FU beam Warframe powers are rather easy to replicate with whats already available to shards on Bet.
Something that's made infinitely easier since frames only have 4 unique abilities tied to them.
Is Jujutsu kaisen feasible? it's not super techy but cursed energy as a source of power or being used in tech would work fantastically in earth bet due to it's general shittyness
Hmm, a PR Department. Maybe something like this for a statement, blaming gangs rather than going on a PR blitz against the PRT? I'm not sure becuase I think at one point they did declare the docks their territory, but I can see a response similar to this:

(Omake: Official Statement Taken from heavy gear's official web page)

It has come to my attention that a number of people have been shocked at the violence present when the Empire 88 attacked the docks. Somehow, through means and circumstance, people seem to think we are controlling territory. Allow me to be emphatic, this is not the case. Tech Priest initially set up housing and started providing other utilities in the territory the ABB used to control. Tech Priest and I expected that eventually the city of Brockton Bay would start to restore power, water and that after years of living under oppression of the ABB, the Asian community could return to normal. While we did expect some delays, we were certain that with the ABB disbanded that they could start working and become productive members of society. However, the city appeared to abandon them for lack of a better term. While they are not outright being hunted by the forces of law and order, the forces of civilization seem steadfast on ignoring them. I assume that the city will eventually fix this problem but thus far it has not. As such, I have had tech priest begin maintain and add housing to at least alleviate some of the problems as well as provide clean water.

Somehow, providing water and shelter to people in need has somehow made other gangs and people think we have territory. This is ridiculous. We do not demand tribute, nor do we want to be regarded as Warlords. We just patrol the docks more because the lifeblood of most economies is trade, and a safer port and cleaning up the boat graveyard would help the city more than anything else. It is a humanitarian and economic response to a humanitarian and economic problem. Heavy Gear does not intentionally have or claim territory. Like New Wave and the PRT, we have locations we are closer to. The PRT patrols downtown, and New Wave generally patrols the area around Arcadia and the medical district. Similarly, we patrol around the docks.

For some reason, the Empire 88 took offense to this, even though we do not participate in drug trading or other criminal enterprises. Whatever the case, the Empire decided to attack the docks. While normally we do not concern ourselves with the opinions of criminals, when a number of people with guns and capes decide that they want our resources we did what every other reasonable person would do: Defend ourselves. While the loss of life saddens me, they were Nazis looking to attack members of a minority. Rune actually killed one person by dropping a bus on his house. I believe that my teammates were perfectly in their right to defend themselves, especially from such an ignoble group.

I am well aware that the images and videos of these fights are gruesome, but the question is not so much why we had to defend ourselves with such vigor, but rather, how did it get to this point? While I am extremely proud of every member of heavy gear, the fact of the matter is the Bay never should have gotten to this point. The answer is that there are too many members in the gangs. People see PSAs and after-school announcements saying that gangs are bad, but without an example such as this it can seem far fetched or have horrible acting. If you ever have the desire to join a gang, all I ask is that you watch one of the linked videos first. Because that will be the end result of it. Gangs are a waste of time, a waste of resources, and a waste of lives. Brockton Bay has no need of them, nor does anyone else. There is a reason kids want to grow up to be cops, heroes, and firefighters. No kid wants to grow up to be Al Capone. Even if you succeed, all that life leads to is syphilis and Alcatraz. Though the Empire 88 started the confrontation, we certainly finished it. Likewise, realize if you join a gang you might wind up on the opposite side of our members. Or the Protectorate. Or New Wave. In short, stay away from Gangs. They provide no essential service and somehow make used car salesmen look good. So, I politely ask you, do not join any gang. Without new recruits, they will not sustain themselves nor terrorize people. Then maybe these horrors become a distant memory.

God Bless,

Belisarius Cawl
Nice omake. Not sure about ending with god bless though, this is after all the persona of an Arch Magos.

They do tend to specify which one they mean.
It's not like Peters shard would need to replicate the void to get the same effects.
It's a question of how far would Peter push to get a desired effect. The Orokin created machines that allowed them to pump void into the real world, so what would happen if Peter builds one of those? His shard will need to come up with a solution for that.
Something that's made infinitely easier since frames only have 4 unique abilities tied to them.
I'm not limiting myself with gameplay mechanics so if Peter builds a warframe he'll get their lore-friendly versions. Of course, if he doesn't use Void he'll need another for of energy to replace it with.

Ultimately in cases like these I'll do what's more narratively satisfying.
Is Jujutsu kaisen feasible? it's not super techy but cursed energy as a source of power or being used in tech would work fantastically in earth bet due to it's general shittyness
I have no idea what that is so I'll say no.
You know, since one of the problesm with their territory is that people are hemorraging money without having sources of revenue, they could diminish that by decreasing their living costs.

Like, hooking up their territory's electric grid with a power source as to make sure everyone has free power.

And maybe sending some mecha-zerg into the ocean to fish. I mean, Taylor herself could basically provide them with a shit ton of crab, lobster and shrimp.
And that could be sold to locals for cheap or free, while selling them normally outside their territory.

It could even generate more jobs if they have actual people managing that.
CT's Quiet Screens would had been nice also. Also would SCP be a good one?
Servants created this way would behave in a similar way but be relatively weaker robots.
Uhhhh I'd like to point out that there is a much alternative scenario of the standard or original Servant Summoning for his Shard. The Moon Cell's way of Summoning Servants is more akin to accessing its database it has that works like the Throne and based on how it percieved them on Earth and mixing memetic reactions based on humanity's perception on this people to compose their Heroic Spirit and by extension their Servant vessel templates.

Even then Pathfinder could just emulate a Silver Key technologically/magically, or even Twin Arms that has eternal youth, True and False Mind's Eye, fucking Precognition akin to getting a vision style and most importantly, getting wired to the Thaumaturgic Foundation to make him easily cast magecraft of all things in speed dial.
Worst case scenario, he creates a new Eye of Terror.
Ah so the cons would make him fear what the possibilites of failing , got it. Still I know there's paranoia and even then the fucking Orokin's first time access to the Void was more plunging to the cliff and actually surviving, Pete would had the necessary equipment and safety measures on what to expect on accessing the Void's powers so I would think he would have a much higher chance.

I mean if Alaya ever reached into the Worm multiverse it would almost instantly purge every parahuman by sending out counter guardians. That or it would write that whole multiverse cluster off.
Your overestimating and pointing out what you think as the worst scenario fam. Sit down and think for a second why the Counter Force did not shot down quickly literal harvester magitech ships sent from a super super powerful and ancient magitech dyson sphere to harvest the planet's resources and elevate them into Divine Spirits?

While it was us squishy humies who basically rolled a d20 and won it all that venerating them as gods that started it all, what is the difference on us calling Scion our 'greatest' hero for the Counter Force to just nod and wave and glue him to the planet's lifespan and turn him into a Divine Spirit so he aint gonna blow the planet up cause it would kill him too.

Even then, think of the Cycle in another angle, its literally a cycle of rebirth and with thw other myths we have that existed in Nasulore, the Counter Force merely nudged here and there at that time and not outright destroyed the Texture completely.

In Lostbelt angle and Quantum Timelock even, Bet and by extension Wormverse cluster would have a Lostbelt Depth of E-A depending on the itiration of the planet's changes the Entities have like that Earth where the parahumans literally became the central government and built a caste system is one of the worst case.

Bet would had been around Lostbelt C or D in my opinion given it still has an intact modern society and the cluster would only be a candidate for culling and be still salvagable so cutting it off from the Human Order without even trying to save such precious resources is a big no no in how the Counter Force and the culling works.

Closest thing the Counter Force would do is help nudge humanity to a much better and a fighting chance by making accidents prone to happen on S-Class threats, thereby making them die quicker, like a wild accidental bolt Fletchlette shot killing Ziz that would had been in the dark zone Dinah have, venerate a person/s into an agent/s that would be there in the right time and the right place to help increase the chance of killing Zion like how Ziz basically is Taylor Hebert's plot armor and later on Dinah on killing Zion.

Finally, the one that would be literally an unsalvagable that the culling would be literallly 100% is if Wards happen where its basically post apocalypse without a chance on humanity desiring to be a space faring civ. which is one of the main prerogative the Human Order have.
It's a question of how far would Peter push to get a desired effect. The Orokin created machines that allowed them to pump void into the real world, so what would happen if Peter builds one of those? His shard will need to come up with a solution for that.

I'm not limiting myself with gameplay mechanics so if Peter builds a warframe he'll get their lore-friendly versions. Of course, if he doesn't use Void he'll need another for of energy to replace it with.
Shouldn't his power provide an approximation of their power source in a similar way that other powers do for theirs? Like laser beam eyes, flight, wind blades, metal object creations, illusions... there are so many unique exotic effects in use by Parahumans this shouldn't be an issue at all.

Again, the only unique thing in Warframe that cannot be easily replicated by Shards would be the operators Void beam.
Who owns pathfinder?

Zion, eden, abaddon or some 4th party i dont know about
Honestly I didn't give this topic much thought because I don't think it will impact the story that much, but I'm leaning towards Eden.
I'm sorry I wasn't clear
I meant a list of the fictions you're using for the story
not everything you have ever read
but I can see where the misunderstanding came from,
I don't really have a list of 'approved trees' or anything like that, I use just my memory and the suggestions of my betas for what I want to do. I didn't even remamber that Cardcaptor Sakura was a thing before one of my betas reminded me of it, and I realized that I could do some really fund stuff with it.

Ultimately, I follow 3 rules when picking trees:
1, I have to know it so I can have a solid idea of what Peter can do and how he can achieve it.
2, it has to be internally consistent and have overall clear rules. This is to boost the feeling of 'tinker' and make it more believable. This is one of the reason why I'm not interested on SCP, or why I wouldn't use looney tunes or anything like that.
3, it can't be too broad. I want tree that are distinctive. SC was already pushing this rule a bit, but Marvel and DC are a big no.

What I can do if you're interested is give you the list of the trees I already decided for the future:

World of Darkness
Dragon Ball
God of War
Horizon Zero Dawn (or Bionicle, I'm not sure)

At some point in the future, not sure when, I'll go for Saint Seiya and Azur Lane.

Uhhhh I'd like to point out that there is a much alternative scenario of the standard or original Servant Summoning for his Shard. The Moon Cell's way of Summoning Servants is more akin to accessing its database it has that works like the Throne and based on how it percieved them on Earth and mixing memetic reactions based on humanity's perception on this people to compose their Heroic Spirit and by extension their Servant vessel templates.

Even then Pathfinder could just emulate a Silver Key technologically/magically, or even Twin Arms that has eternal youth, True and False Mind's Eye, fucking Precognition akin to getting a vision style and most importantly, getting wired to the Thaumaturgic Foundation to make him easily cast magecraft of all things in speed dial.
Eh... I'll be honest, I'm not very versed on Nasu-Lore and I barely understood what you said up there.
The only thing I know of Fate comes from FGO, and I'm barely playing it anymore.

Finally, the one that would be literally an unsalvagable that the culling would be literallly 100% is if Wards happen where its basically post apocalypse without a chance on humanity desiring to be a space faring civ. which is one of the main prerogative the Human Order have.
Wards will not happen.

Shouldn't his power provide an approximation of their power source in a similar way that other powers do for theirs? Like laser beam eyes, flight, wind blades, metal object creations, illusions... there are so many unique exotic effects in use by Parahumans this shouldn't be an issue at all.

Again, the only unique thing in Warframe that cannot be easily replicated by Shards would be the operators Void beam.
I refuse to believe that all tinkertech is just shard fuckery, otherwise there would be absolutely no point on using tinkers to harvest information. There is a point where shards will need to give purely technological solutions, if only to see what happens.