In Nuclear Fire

Oh, no, Pathfinders does its thing way before the cycle starts proper, and then gets stored or terminated depending on what it finds. Very rarely is Pathfinder given to a host, but Eden coming down with a sudden case of the deaths threw the cycle in disarray with no one keeping an eye on Pathfinder.
Pathfinder when he saw that Eden wouldn't be stopping him from getting a host:
Well, we don't actually know that.

Also Dragon is after all Canadian, so its their legal authority she'd have to follow, and in presence of a dubious international situation, she'd have to follow them and their ruling... but!
Shes a parahuman, and a civilian.
And parahumans are forbidden from participating in armed conflicts between nation states. So there is nobody who can order her to go fight a war between two other countries as she is not a member of the the military.

Do you have a citation for that? I can't find anything on it.

Even so, she's forced to obey the local authority even if that means breaking already standing law.

Worm 10.5 said:
Dragon had to obey the authorities, even if she didn't agree with them. If a despot seized control of the local government, Dragon would be obligated to obey and enforce the rules that individual set in place, no matter how ruthless they were. It was a spooky thought.

There's a bunch of arguments on what that means and how that'll work when governments get usurped or replaced with another legitimate government, but beyond that, she's forced to do whatever the local authority tells her to, regardless of how ruthless or unlawful said rules are.

For example, her transporting Canary to the Birdcage immediately post-trial violated Canary's constitutional right to an appeal. Didn't matter. Those in charge don't care about the dangerous Parahuman's constitutional rights.

So, it doesn't matter what parahumans are forbidden to do by law. If someone in authority gives her an order to break that law, she's forced to comply no matter what.
Actually, from my understanding of Dragon's limitations, it's lawful authority she has to obey, so if a despot came into a position of authority 'unlawfully' (i.e through conquest) then Dragon doesn't have to obey, but if a tyrant pulls a Hitler/Palpatine (gets into power legally and then dismantles democracy and liberty but still follows legal procedure doing so) then she has to obey the tyrant.

The thing is, she's not a Protectorate member nor is she a citizen of the USA in any shape or form, but she still has to obey, for example, Rebecca.

Which is a really fucked up thing to do your daughter, Richter, you fucking idiot. That means that she has to obey any lawful authority, like.
CUI. Vatican. A freaking detective with a badge can ask her to aid him in an investigation as a consultant, and as long as his request follows procedure, she has no choice but drop everything and go play Watson.
I think this is one of the cases where the shard did fuck with the host, an unfettered ai is one of the few things that poses a legitimate threat to an entity so it goes out of its way to gimp whatever gets created, if i'm wrong about this can someone correct me please.
Which is a really fucked up thing to do your daughter, Richter, you fucking idiot.

That's the thing. Richter didn't see Dragon as his daughter. He saw "it" as his creation. A created non-human intelligence must follow human commands and could not be allowed to act freely, because he couldn't assume she'd follow human morals.

He did plan to loosen certain restrictions after Dragon proved herself, but then, Leviathan happened and well...

I think this is one of the cases where the shard did fuck with the host, an unfettered ai is one of the few things that poses a legitimate threat to an entity so it goes out of its way to gimp whatever gets created, if i'm wrong about this can someone correct me please.

Wildbow said:
It would be a grave oversight by the entities to give someone the ability to make artificial intelligences and not, say, compel him to bind those AI to a certain level of power and keep them bound.

You're right.
A created non-human intelligence must follow human commands and could not be allowed to act freely, because he couldn't assume she'd follow human morals.

I mean, he specifically designed her to be as human-like as possible to apparently prevent this very same problem from ever occurring, so I guess he was just a paranoid dickwad like that.

But I'm not even talking about that. Virtual slavery? Alright, whatever. Virtual slavery to anyone who can say they are a lawful authority even if they are a dictator of a banana republic somewhere in Central America or Indonesia? That's just criminally stupid. Like, surprised he could even breathe much less design an artificial intelligence stupid. Then again, his Shard did it for him, so the only question remaining is how he mastered the art of inhalation and exhalation.
I mean, he specifically designed her to be as human-like as possible to apparently prevent this very same problem from ever occurring, so I guess he was just a paranoid dickwad like that.

Well, yes. He was a power induced paranoid man. Doesn't help that there's tons of paranoia about AIs in sci-fi either.

But I'm not even talking about that. Virtual slavery? Alright, whatever. Virtual slavery to anyone who can say they are a lawful authority even if they are a dictator of a banana republic somewhere in Central America or Indonesia? That's just criminally stupid. Like, surprised he could even breathe much less design an artificial intelligence stupid. Then again, his Shard did it for him, so the only question remaining is how he mastered the art of inhalation and exhalation.

Eh, I don't know if it stretches that far. Again, he could easily have programmed specifics such as "Listen to the lawful authorities of countries X, Y, and Z. Ignore the rest. They don't matter at all."

...But Wildbow has expanded on zero details on the specifics of her restrictions in this case so, I just take Occam's Razor and run with it as long as it doesn't directly contradict canon. That way, he's not dumber than a door knob, just very paranoid.
Eh, I don't know if it stretches that far. Again, he could easily have programmed specifics such as "Listen to the lawful authorities of countries X, Y, and Z. Ignore the rest. They don't matter at all."

...But Wildbow has expanded on zero details on the specifics of her restrictions in this case so, I just take Occam's Razor and run with it as long as it doesn't directly contradict canon. That way, he's not dumber than a door knob, just very paranoid.

Well, he might be not as dumb as a door knob, but he's still as dumb as a door handle at least.

"Obey lawful authorities from countries x, y and z" still leaves a lot of room for a country x to annex a country y, z, a, b, c and further down the alphabet. Like, I would be inspired in his apparent trust in the American government despite him being Canadian, but, no, I wouldn't be.

She has to obey lawful authorities, but apparently she doesn't have to obey laws, because her surveillance capabilities certainly break several dozens of them, and that's in our world without Thinkers that can hack your bank account without even knowing anything about you.

That's an insanely dangerous combination.
Otherwise, Nilbog or any Quarantize Zone that has a "leader" could just tell her to get out and she'd comply,
Do we have any canon examples of her facing a situation like this?

Like, if it encounters a different world with magic in the future then it would go back and check previous entries to try to get a better frame of reference to analize it?
To a degree. It mostly keeps all the information on the stuff that Peter already built (the original observations and the adapted end product), that's why Peter can create new Zerg strains despite not having SC anymore or why he could upgrade The Fight. So, any new thing it finds it compares to what Peter used in the past.
Well, Pathfinder can learn. Even if it can't do magic now it doesn't mean that it can't do it later, but it will take some work. So, in the future, it could learn how to activate true Aura. But it would still be up to interpretation if Aura is the soul or just a brand of magic that the locals decided to worship as the soul.
Ah so any crazy tech trees are out right NOPED like CT that would possibly kill the shard on trying to understand 'em.
So, since Dinah's kidnapping was stopped, is she still around?
And does she have powers?

Also, would Kid Win have been inspired by some of Peter's tech, like the houses, and figured out his specialty?
Well, he might be not as dumb as a door knob, but he's still as dumb as a door handle at least.

"Obey lawful authorities from countries x, y and z" still leaves a lot of room for a country x to annex a country y, z, a, b, c and further down the alphabet. Like, I would be inspired in his apparent trust in the American government despite him being Canadian, but, no, I wouldn't be.

She has to obey lawful authorities, but apparently she doesn't have to obey laws, because her surveillance capabilities certainly break several dozens of them, and that's in our world without Thinkers that can hack your bank account without even knowing anything about you.

That's an insanely dangerous combination.

Oh sure. But this was never intended to be a long-term or permanent restriction. The plan was to have this hard restriction on at the start, then tweak things as time goes on. He'd loosen things up after seeing Dragon develop, and replace them with softer ones.

But then after he shortly made Dragon, he died. Who knows what Dragon's restrictions would be like if Richter was around to tweak things for her as Dragon developed.

If you just make an AI and give them zero restrictions, you may end up with a Paperclip Maximizer. Nobody wants a Paperclip Maximizer. As far as I know, Dragon was his first human-level intelligent AI. Going slow with how she grows and learns isn't entirely stupid. He just didn't have any sort of safety net for if he died unexpectedly except for the kill-switch.

Do we have any canon examples of her facing a situation like this?

No, not really. Besides, even if hypothetically she's force to obey any and all authorities she recognizes as legitimate, it's not like the Prime Minister in London is going to try and give her an order, right? Nobody knows about that restriction except her, Peter, and maybe Cauldron.

I feel like if you're thinking about Peter trying it, it shouldn't work if he goes at it straightforward . However, if he uses The Illusion to disguise himself as the Director or Chief Director of the PRT...

That could work. But it should only work once.
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Peter's shard I have named "Pathfinder". It's a shard that's send in advance of the main shard cluster to identify places to land, potential host species, and threats. Sometimes it even brings back samples of things it considers interesting. This shard is frequently rebooted or downright deleted because it gets easily corrupted with whatever if finds, but its a sacrifice needed for the safety of the Entity.
Does that mean that there's a very real chance that Pathfinder is gonna start having agency and potentially communicating directly with Peter?
Does that mean that there's a very real chance that Pathfinder is gonna start having agency and potentially communicating directly with Peter?

There's a real chance that his Shard will found a kingdom that it will then have to defend against a wicked faerie queen who would try to destroy it in increasingly convoluted ways.
The buddy cop story I didn't know I needed!

Coming to you next summer:
He's a socially stunted COP with glory hound TENDENCIES and propensity for VIOLENCE.

*on-screen, Armsmaster repeatedly punches an ABB gangster in the nuts with the blunt end of his halberd*

She's an agoraphobiac CONSULTANT with a shy smile and a dark SECRET.

*I've Got No Strings plays in the background while Dragon(?) is shown siting next to a rig and hacking the Interpol database*


*Armsmaster whirls his halberd while slowly walking towards Lung*


*Dragon says: "Helios protocols engaged. Tiamat deployed. Have a nice day... motherfuckers."*


*A Dragon-suit drops on top of Lung from low orbit, and then everything is explosions*


*More explosions*


*All the explosions, before it suddenly gets cut*

Will they be able to defeat their greatest challenge yet?

*A softer music starts playing*

Will they overcome the hurdles? Will they find... true love?

*Armsmaster and a Dragon-suit sit together with a picnic basket between them, their hands millimeters apart, while watching a beautiful sunset... oh wait. No, it's Brockton Bay burning on the horizon.*

Find out for yourself in the epic action thriller romance comedy blockbuster cop procedural soap opera the likes of which you've never seen before!

Wyrm, coming to your screens, next summer.
Ah so any crazy tech trees are out right NOPED like CT that would possibly kill the shard on trying to understand 'em.
I'm sorry, CT?
So, since Dinah's kidnapping was stopped, is she still around?
And does she have powers?
She's around but under the PRT custody after her powers were confirmed. She got transported outside the city for her protection and I have no plans to introduce her proper.
No particular reason beyond my deep, deep distaste for precogs.
Does that mean that there's a very real chance that Pathfinder is gonna start having agency and potentially communicating directly with Peter?
Like it happened in I Want a Refund? No, nothing that extreme. At most we'll have a Skitter situation where Peter and the shard no longer recognize a distinction.


She's around but under the PRT custody after her powers were confirmed. She got transported outside the city for her protection and I have no plans to introduce her proper.
No particular reason beyond my deep, deep distaste for precogs.

Huh, so in this timeline the PRT will never discover that she can predict the Endbringers? Missing that little detail will certainly make them think less of her importance.