Do we even get an explanation as to how Francois died and got tot he Throne but somehow Francesca is alive and summons Francois in F/SF??

Also, I'm still hoping for a Faker class Servant, if not Hephaestion's sister then Patroclus will do.
Do we even get an explanation as to how Francois died and got tot he Throne but somehow Francesca is alive and summons Francois in F/SF??

Probably the same way King Gilgamesh summons his Archer self in Babylonia. Either that or she's summoning him from a timeline where he actually died for good the first time; the Servant Summoning Ritual does incorporate aspects of the Second Magic.
Do we even get an explanation as to how Francois died and got tot he Throne but somehow Francesca is alive and summons Francois in F/SF??

Also, I'm still hoping for a Faker class Servant, if not Hephaestion's sister then Patroclus will do.
Probably the same way King Gilgamesh summons his Archer self in Babylonia. Either that or she's summoning him from a timeline where he actually died for good the first time; the Servant Summoning Ritual does incorporate aspects of the Second Magic.
I think it was mentioned in FSF that when Prelati died the first time, that version of himself was recorded in the Throne. He then started his own little cycle of reincarnation.
Do you think that when Nero comes to Chaldea, they could find a way to have her summon her Rider mount and steal its loyalty away from Manaka? That'd REALLY throw a wrench in Manaka's plans.
I think it was mentioned in FSF that when Prelati died the first time, that version of himself was recorded in the Throne. He then started his own little cycle of reincarnation.
That does sound like something that Francois 'my magecraft is so stronk it turns illusions into literal reality-warping' Prelati would do.

Besides; it would be far from the first time that the Throne told causality to go eat a dick and summoned someone who doesn't technically exist yet.
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-looks at Okeanos-
-looks back at the audience-
Something could be arranged.

(PS: No, I hadn't been initially planning on it.)
When I say to you that I vibrated in excitement and joy at what you said I am not joking.

Here's hoping Patroclus will survive Okeanos because TSOA already killed my heart gotdammit.

Also, Faker class in FGO will have class advantage over Alter Egos, if anyone wants to hear my explanation you can ask.
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When I say to you that I vibrated in excitement and joy at what you said I am not joking.

Here's hoping Patroclus will survive Okeanos because TSOA already killed my heart gotdammit.

Also, Faker class in FGO will have class advantage over Alter Egos, if anyone wants to hear my explanation you can ask.
I'm interested. Do Faker Servants have advantage or disadvantage against any other Classes aside Alter-Ego?
Prelati couldn't even beat Touko or Zouken though lmao.

No, but neither of them could take her down permanently. Touko killed her 30 times after she made the mistake of calling her "Scar Red", then one more for good measure when the other Aozakis asked Touko to stop. Didn't work. Even Zelretch himself killed her at one point.
I'm interested. Do Faker Servants have advantage or disadvantage against any other Classes aside Alter-Ego?
I'm basing it around how Alter-Egos are "a persona that has broken off and has been altered," while Fakers are Heroic Spirits whose legend center on them successfully impersonating another hero. Fakers are basically spitting in the face of Tamamo-Vitch and her dream of being more than just a tail. Fakers have their own histories, lives, and tales but obscure them with the mantle of another Heroic Spirit without that Heroic Spirit tainting them in return. It boils down to how Alter Egos are always living under the shadow of their original and can only attempt to move out of it, while Fakers actively choose to cloak themselves in the shadow cast by the Heroic Spirit they admire and are made all the better for it.

Fakers have full class advantage over Alter Egos, deal 50% extra damage to the Cavalry classes, receive 50% extra damage from the Knight Classes, and deal 50% less damage to other Fakers.

Even Zelretch himself killed her at one point.
Prelati's strategy on how to survive the Mage's Association: if you can't kill them, make sure they can't kill you.
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Sometime Fakers doesn't actually imply an actual Body Double as we know it, sometime they act as Lightning Rod to draw curses and other esoteric threats aimed at someone unto themselves.

They may still act as normal double but their main purpose could be as a 'scapegoat' type of curse handling.

What's new from the stream:

The new event has started! We've gotten stuck in the Imaginary Sea, and so our goal is to escape it by exploring the place.

We've gotten our Nemo SSR (Finally), and another new Foreigner who claims to be Van Gogh but is heavily implied not to actually be Van Gogh. Also, she's a girl. All signs point to her true identity being Willemina, his sister.

Xiang Yu, BB, Caster Gilles, Wu Zetian, and Skadi are also involved in the story, looking at the event bonuses.

Guifei, Nemo and Van Gogh will seem to be the main characters of the event. All of the Summer Servants and servants with summer costumes have a damage bonus, some more than others. All of the foreigners have a damage bonus as well.

Look at the wiki page for more info.

Edit: Actually, it looks like CasGilles only has a bonus because his book is related to Outer Gods, not because he's involved in the story. Oops.
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She's talking about the new FGO event in Japan. Nemo and Van Gogh are far away in the future and I can't think of a way to incorporate them into the story at this time, but it's still neat to know!
Fairy Mystic Codes as of Arc 2
Aoibheall (Lady of the Elements) (A Rank): A clip attached to a silver ornament in the shape of a butterfly etched with Fairy Runes. Four rhombus-cut gems are set in the wings: ruby, sapphire, emerald, and topaz. Each is attuned to one of the four classic elements, omitting Ether. The same amount of power is consumed whenever it is used, with a direction to either scale or delicacy. The smaller the scale, the finer the control. At its maximum, Aoibheall can create a destructive A-ranked attack about three kilometers in radius. When focused, it can allow for fine manipulation of the natural world - molten metal, diffusion of gas, and can affect multiple aspects of the immediate environment in rapid succession. The large-scale attacks Aoibheall is capable of require a short windup of two to three seconds, ample time for an enemy to close with its user if they are nearby. Fire, Water, Air, and Earth can be blended to modify the environment - steam, magma, ice, electricity and the like fall under that umbrella. It cannot directly control plant or animal life due to the absence of Ether, and manipulating humans directly is straight out - however, as blood falls under the designation of 'water', a sufficiently inhuman inventive mind could put it to highly destructive use against non-Servants. An area affected by Aoibheall is infused with mana, so can be turned into a weapon against spiritual beings.

Hands of Dullahan (Specter's Grasp) (B Rank): A pair of grey gloves that allow for a slight shifting of the time axis. Rather than as a defense like Avalon, the Hands reach through solid matter - but only that which is covered or touched by their material. This makes them useful for surgeries, destroying traps, and theft. Or executions, if one wishes simply to grasp a heart. The field stretches along the arm to nearly the elbow, allowing for some flexibility. Despite the complexities of how they function, the applications are still somewhat limited and can be halted by strong enough Magecraft or Magic Resistance. Bounded Fields of sufficient strength can lock out any attempts at phasing through.

Blade of the Fisher King (Wrath of the Good People) (A Rank): A curse in the form of a dagger. Some would posit that the natural order of the universe is rot and decay: all things of mortal make must one day fade. This order is enforced by the slightest cut of the blade in accelerated motion. Over the course of weeks, the body will fail and all attendant magecraft will collapse in an expanding radius. Even buildings called 'home' will fall into disorder. That is to say, it is a lingering punishment that will cause the desire for death. The process can be accelerated by the use of Fairy Runes, or if the target has a soul that is in poor condition (ie, in an advanced stage of soul-rot). All magecraft connected to the target will begin to fail, including codes, crests, and established spells such as Bounded Fields. Contracted familiars will either perish or the contracts dissolved. Magic circuits of those related to the target who do not disown them will begin to shrivel and fade, ultimately leaving duds in their wake. The mere existence of such a weapon would earn an instant Sealing Designation, though finding enforcers willing to brave executing it would be another matter.

Rings of Ice and Air (B Rank): Currently in Gilgamesh's possession. A pair of silver rings inscribed with Fairy Runes. Each has total control over their respective element in a limited range. However, when used in concert with other codes or Noble Phantasms by the wearer, more can be achieved - as shown with Aeolus' Bag of Winds in the battle against Su Daji/Tamamo-Vitch. Their greatest strength is the fact they were created by inhuman means, so resistance to human weapons means little.

Ring of Guardianship (C Rank): Currently in Gilgamesh's possession. A braided silver ring set with a chip of quartz. It projects shields of C Rank near the wearer at their discretion. The deployment is instantaneous and can be at any angle, but must be within three meters of the wearer. It is useful for slowing stronger attacks and negating weaker ones, but would fold like wet paper before a proper assault such as Gae Bolg or most Noble Phantasms. One of its strengths is that it was created by inhuman means, so an advantage against human arms and armor means little.
In Which We Warm Back Up
A/N: No content warnings. One more 'downtime' chapter after this, then I'm going to jump feet-first into Extra event. Awful lot of plot, but still managed to fit some fluff and a couple laughs in too.

I stretched my arms a little, marvelling at how the wine-red jacket moved over them. "Whoa."

Medea hummed. "The trousers are a bit long, but nothing reducing the length can't fix. Otherwise, it looks like a good fit!" She clapped her hands. "Almost a success. Astolfo?"

He sauntered out from behind the changing screen. Rather than the dark red and black ensemble I wore, his was eye-searingly pink with a white shirt. "So?" He placed his hands on his hips. "How do I look? Dashing?"

"You look like one of those marshmallows Mash got ahold of last April," I replied frankly.

His eyebrow twitched. "Was it a dashing marshmallow?"

"...sure?" Let's not pick that fight.

Astolfo perked up. "Great!"

Medea just smiled to herself. "Hm. Dark colors don't quite suit Matthew, as I thought. Black works, because that goes with about everything, but I think a white and periwinkle might go better. Or maybe green, to match your eyes…" She mused to herself as she rubbed her chin thoughtfully. "Anyways! Astolfo, I've finished the French Maid outfit!"

Astolfo shrugged. "Sure, sure. Back behind the screen?"

Medea waved him off. "Yes. Let's see… forest green jacket with… well, white is a bit much for contrast and grey doesn't quite fit… perhaps… goldenrod. Yes, a goldenrod shirt, and the tie and trousers to match the jacket." She hovered over me with a critical eye.

Well, one thing that had improved since Astolfo showed up was Medea had a new dress-up doll without restrictions. Now the terror of frills need never haunt me again!

A soft knock came at the door.

Medea slowly turned her head with a narrowed gaze. "What."

The door opened, and Gilgamesh strode in, radiating critical levels of smug. "I was hoping to borrow the craftsman for a time," he began.

"No. You monopolized him for the past two weeks!" Medea hissed angrily. "With all the work he put into your armor, he deserves a break!"

I don't know if being a clotheshorse counts as a break, but that's a sweet sentiment. you think I neglected people? Cu, Medusa, Musashi-

Medusa and Musashi definitely didn't sound neglected last night!


If I have to live with Merlin giving me details on your love life, so do you!

I rubbed my forehead. I wasn't going to kill Merlin or anything. Just… let Fou go on a little vacation. Yeah. That'd work.

My, my! Well, you have an audience so best of luck!

Gilgamesh loomed over Medea. "Perhaps, witch, you forget your place," he offered in a darkly amused tone. His eyes glinted with sadistic promise.

Medea balled her fists, jaw clenched in impotent fury.

I frowned. "What'd I miss?"

Gilgamesh smoothly stepped back. "Nothing, craftsman. We were just discussing who has the greatest claim to your time."

"Hm. I see." I snapped my fingers. "That reminds me! I haven't spent much time with Cu Chulainn lately. Or Medusa. Or Musashi." I paused. "I'm going to need a directory if this keeps going. Anyways, Medea! Want to take the measurements and I'll give the clothes back?"

Medea inhaled and exhaled. "Of course."

"Oh, and Gilgamesh?"

He raised an eyebrow at me.

"I saw the Vimana's state. It's a fun ride, but unless you adjust your attitude it's staying broken." I folded my arms and stared him down. "Especially since I'd need Da Vinci to help with all the fiddly bits, and she's not going to even look at it if you stir up trouble!"

His expression flattened with surprising speed. "Duly noted."

"And by that corollary, if you do, you know, treat people like people, then I will fix it." I shook my head.

Gilgamesh pondered that as Medea slowly looked back and forth between us.

"Also I won't mention you threatening my friend to Charlie."

"Pardon?" The king's look was nothing short of quizzical.

"Because then he'd tell Hakuno." I gave a shit-eating grin.

"...I'm unsure if I did not prefer when you were terrified of me." Gilgamesh was a picture in exasperation and irritation. "At the very least, I did not have to suffer through such heavy-handed and blatant attempts at manipulation."

"Manipulation is subtle. Matthew is not," Medea noted in a tone of flat amusement. "This is less that and more bribery to entice you to act as he wishes. Everything is on the table and there's a notable lack of actual threat."

"You haven't met Hakuno."

"What would she do? Look at you in disappointment?" Medea quipped.

"You haven't the slightest idea what that woman is capable of," Gilgamesh shot back, still bristling with displeasure.

Medea gave a sweet smile, dismissing him. "Now Matthew, I have the measurements already - just go get changed and I'll get to work trimming the legs."

I shrugged. "Sure. Astolfo, you done yet?"

"Garters…! Are…! A…! Bitch…!" He let out a loud exhale. "Just gimme a sec for the heels!"

"Eh?" I squinted. "Why would a maid outfit need heels?"

"French maid," Medea corrected absently, already looking at a new bolt of cloth. "At this point it's less a uniform and more a fetish."

"...and you're okay with that?" I called over the divider.

"I like a breeze on my knees sometimes! It's fine!"

I looked over to Gilgamesh. "...put the Vimana in the vehicle hangar and I'll see if I can convince Da Vinci to give it a once-over. I'm busy today so I'll get to it… eventually."

Gilgamesh flexed his arms, crossed over his chest. "You seem to have a more charitable view of the people in this observatory than I. What guarantee do I have that they will not lay their unwashed hands upon my property?" His irritation was visibly less, which was a good sign.

I thought for a moment, then smiled. "True, magi do have a tendency of taking things that don't belong to them. No offense, Medea!"

"None taken. And before anyone says anything: I am not fool enough to tamper with the belongings of the strongest hero without permission." Medea's smile turned to a wry smirk. "And the Masters are far too well-behaved."

I nodded. "Right. So that leaves me with one safeguard I think you'll like!"

Gilgamesh raised an eyebrow. "I find myself curious. Go on."

"Beating up stupid magi is way easier than beating up fake Beasts," I noted.

Gilgamesh tilted his head, bewildered. "Hm?"


"Fou?" The small fluffy head popped out of a pile of strewn cloth.

Gilgamesh's eyes widened.

"Do you mind watching over Gilgamesh's ship after he dumps it in the hangar? Just when Da Vinci or someone else doesn't have eyes on it. If anyone has an issue with violence, I'll take the rap."

Medea frowned slightly, squinting at Fou. "...I'm aware he's not a standard animal, but I don't quite recognize…"

Fou licked his chops.

"I'll make cute eyes at Ophelia until she makes you something with too much sugar, sure."

Fou's eyes glowed with an unearthly light. "Foufoufoufoufou…" He sank back into the cloth-pile, vanishing.

"Dare I ask what he said?" The corner of Gilgamesh's mouth spasmed slightly.

"Eh. Somewhere between 'the contract is sealed' and flat-out evil laughter." I shrugged.

Medea pursed her lips. "I'm missing something, aren't I."

"He beat the tar out of a pseudo-Beast all on his own after the rest of us didn't so much as leave a mark," I explained.

"That little jerk's the Monster formerly known as Cath Palug," Astolfo explained, striding out from behind the divider. "Chuck met him a loooong time ago way back when. Don't ask when, because I don't really remember - just that he was around." He stood in a black-and-white ensemble with a frilly, poofy skirt and some kind of headband thing. Also gloves and heels. And leggings with garterbelts.

I'd kill someone before I wore a thing like that. No. Frills.

Medea blinked. "Oh." She turned and narrowed her eyes at me. "That truly does explain a great deal."

Gilgamesh huffed, no longer hiding his amusement. "Well, I suppose I can no longer honestly say my ship will have inadequate supervision."

"That's our Fou; will perform gruesome murder for cupcakes. Or interrupted naps. Or experimentation. Well, the list is pretty long." I shrugged. "...I'm gonna go get changed."

Gilgamesh gave me a sidelong look.

"I'll bribe you if you keep your creepy looming on this side of the divider."

Gilgamesh scoffed. "As though a construct of wood and paint would halt the eyes of the king." He paused. "I will permit it."

I exchanged a look with Medea. She shook her head and turned to fiddle with fabric. I just went behind the divider and got to shucking the suit off and letting my armor take its place in the form of more casual clothes.

"So what are you bribing him with?" Mash asked. Even two weeks later, her body still ached deep in her bones. She sat on the sidelines as Scathach continued to beat Cu Chulainn into shape.

Matthew cracked his neck as he arched his spine, groaning. His hands stretched overhead for a moment before he let them fall. "I might have added a few preventative measures into his armor as a whole. That's bribe enough."

"And you got him to agree to stop harassing other people?" Mash leaned against the wall behind her.

"Mostly. I didn't get a handshake, though. He's a lot of things, prideful included, but he's not going to walk into an obvious trap like that." Matthew paused. "Though that's mostly because he knew to look for it."

"Would you have bound him if he hadn't?" Mash put a hand on her shoulder and started kneading the joint, grimacing.

"Dunno. He's not unreasonable, I guess. Just kind of an ass? If he didn't shit on everyone as a matter of course, the confidence would be kind of hot." Matthew looked away.

"So the pillaging hero-king would be attractive to you if he dropped the 'pillaging' part." Mash's tone was dry.

"He's been… nice is a stretch. But trying. Making an effort, for him." Matthew hugged his knees to him. "I'm not about to jump into his arms, but I'm not about to call the game just yet either."

Calling the game. That was an apt description, Mash mused.

"So are you toying with him? That sounds dangerous."

Matthew choked. "That'd be fatal. No, I'm not. Just… trying to appease him a little while I make up my mind. Push his boundaries, see what I can get away with. And the thing is - he knows. Again, not stupid. I think he thinks it's funny. Cute, maybe. I have cards to play, but that's mostly because he's given me a hand to work with at all." He dropped his head and sighed. "Let's be honest, it's not his personality that's attractive."

"Hm. Not all of it, at least." Mash gave Matthew a shrewd look. "If there was nothing admirable there, you wouldn't even consider caving at all."

Matthew glanced up at her. "True. Very true."

Cu Chulainn was thrown onto his back with a meaty thud, and he rolled onto his feet.

"Slow. Pick up the pace, Setanta!" Scathach snapped.

Mash clenched her fist and eased it open.

"So did you get any feedback from Roman or Da Vinci?"

She shook her head. "Not yet. And Galahad…" Mash shut her eyes.

A field of flowers, a sleeping knight. His armor twisted off by great force, his wounds frozen in time. Not bleeding, not sealing. Just in stasis. Galahad lay amongst the vibrant pink petals that had painted her dreams as of late. The vision fluttered away in a storm of petals.

"He's not doing well. I've been feeling stronger personally lately, but I haven't had access to anything past his weapons and armor."

Matthew let out a sigh. "...yeah. I haven't really had a chance to look at anything lately; that breastplate took up a lot of time. Preserving the remaining integrity, working the metal, adding my own flair… it was a big project." He grimaced. "And now he wants me to repair the Vimana. Well, it's more that I offered it as a carrot to get him to stop picking fights with Medea, at least. I'm gonna need Da Vinci's help for that one."

Mash huffed in amusement. "I'm sure she'll be interested. She's the one who first designed a flying machine, you know?"

"I might have heard a time or ten," Matthew muttered wryly.

"Hehe!" Mash ducked her head. "Um… Still. They're worried about Senpai. Kadoc and Ophelia too. Nothing bad has happened, but…"

Matthew sat up. "What are we looking at?"

"Senpai's magic circuits have increased in quality. They've skyrocketed, actually. He can handle more and purer quality of mana, and his od levels actually went up." Mash ran a hand through her hair. "Without… without. It isn't something normally possible."

Without what had been done to them. Without invasive modifications, a person's circuits were generally set from birth. Mash's treatments hadn't been as extreme, but they were needed for even a chance at surviving the process of hosting a Servant in her body. There was no way to do so in a fully safe manner; many of her 'siblings' perished before even getting to the summoning stage due to that.

"I see." Matthew frowned, looking up. "Was there anything else? With Galahad, I mean," he corrected quickly.

"Mm-mm. He's been sleeping. He. He's injured, but it's not getting worse. But it's not improving either."


Mash jerked as she noticed Musashi leaning over them. "Ah-!"

Musashi folded her arms and gave them a concerned look as she stood back up. "I thought everyone who came back from Septem was fine. Weren't they?"

"Um…" Mash looked away.

"Kind of. It's complicated." Matthew stretched his arms overhead.

Musashi caught his hands and pulled him up. "If you say so." She slung an arm over Matthew's shoulders and offered a hand to help Mash up, which she accepted. "By the way, the Doc wanted to see you."

Matthew frowned. "For what? Da Vinci gave me a clean bill of health."

"Maybe it has to do with the changes Senpai went through?" Mash folded her hands behind her after she stabilized herself. "He might want to get in touch with Morgan for an opinion. I mean, assuming Medea or Da Vinci can't tell him anything."

"Do we have any other Casters?" Matthew mused.

"...Mozart? Hakuno kind of counts, but she's better with computers than magecraft." Musashi tilted her head so it leaned on Matthew's. "But, uh. I wouldn't ask Mozart for anything more than a musical production. Or maybe support in a fight from the back."


The three of them looked down and to the left.

Cu Chulainn laid on his stomach, chest heaving slowly. A bruise blossomed under his right eye, and several cuts showed through his bodysuit as they gradually oozed blood.

"Improvement." Scathach approached. "Mash, are you up to training today? Doctor Roman said your Saint Graph experienced strain from Septem."

Matthew looked at Cu Chulainn, then Scathach. "Not that I'm complaining about you being nice to my sister, but what makes her so different from Cu?" He gave Musashi a quick look, and she nodded and let him go. Then he knelt next to Cu and gently probed his wounds, hands glowing a faint gold.

"You sister is still a beginner, so harsher training isn't in store yet. The harder I push him the better he responds, so this sort of training works for him." Scathach paused. "Also, he likes it when you fuss over him so I consider it a bit of a favor."

Cu Chulainn's flat look gave way to a shit-eating grin as Matthew's fingers brushed the bruise under his eye, gingerly massaging it away. "Can't complain about my standard of care, that's for certain."

"Didn't you say you weren't a masochist?" Matthew muttered.

Mash choked.

"Eh. I'm not averse to pain; that's part of fighting. But it's not something I'm interested in an intimate sense." Cu Chulainn rolled onto his back so Matthew could get at the injuries on his front. "Might have a thing about getting my wounds tended, though." He grinned again.

Matthew gave Mash a tired look. "You see what I have to work with?"

"In all fairness, you did choose him," Mash pointed out. "And it's not like you're the only one putting up with him."

Musashi gave an awkward giggle. "Well, about that…"

Mash slowly turned to Musashi.

"Neither Medusa nor I have healing abilities, and out of the three of us Matthew's the most… nurturing?" Musashi's voice pitched upwards on the last word.

Matthew. Nurturing. Not one of the words Mash would use to describe him.

"...okay then." Mash wisely said nothing else.

Matthew slumped over Cu Chulainn's chest, the Lancer patting his head with a cheerful smile. "What did I do to get mocked like thiiiis?" he whined.

"Might be more appropriate to say that Matthew's the sort to dote on people when the impulse takes him," Cu noted. "Though Medusa's capable of it too, she just focuses more on Musashi and Matty."

"Charming as this is, I have an appointment with your paramour."

Everyone looked up.

Sasaki Kojirou folded his arms, a bokken tucked under his arm. "Miyamoto?"

"Kojirou." Musashi moved in a flash, wooden sword in her grip. "Let's go!"

The two vanished, and Mash barely managed to track their movements from the sound of colliding wood.

Scathach cleared her throat. "Mash?"

Mash jolted. "Ah. I think I might need a little longer to recover. I'll be sure to let you know when I'm feeling better."

"Mm." Scathach nodded. "Very well. Setanta, I believe Matthew needs to see Doctor Roman?"

Mash looked down and fought back a smile.

Cu Chulainn had wrapped an arm around the back of Matthew's neck and dragged his face into his chest. He laid there with a smirk while Matthew sprawled out on the floor with him.

"Setanta…" A note of warning entered Scathach's voice.

"Yes'm." Cu Chulainn gave a gusty sigh. "I'll tag along. You've been in that damn workshop too much lately," he opined.

Mash nodded in silent agreement. Matthew had put a lot of time into repairing Gilgamesh's armor, more than anything else he'd made yet. In all fairness, it was likely less time than the smith who forged it took to make it, but given how little time they had to start…

"So what will you be doing?" Matthew asked as he got up. He reached down, offering a hand to Cu Chulainn. Cu merely rolled to his feet and wrapped an arm around his shoulders.

"I have tea with Ophelia today." Mash smiled. "She wanted to talk about how Sigurd and Brynhildr are settling in."

Matthew perked up. "Good! I'm glad those two are getting on." He paused. "Um, could you do me a tiny favor?"

Mash folded her arms. "I'd like to hear it before I say yes." It likely wasn't anything like what Nobunaga tried to get her to do, but…

"Can you get Ophelia to make Fou some kind of dessert? He has a really robust digestive system, so she doesn't have to worry about poisoning him."

Mash scrunched her eyebrows together. "Why?"

"So he'll babysit Gilgamesh's Vimana while Da Vinci and I try to fix it."

Cu Chulainn let out a growling groan. "Again with fixing that bastard's shit!"

"It's a decent bribe and it keeps him pacified!" Matthew shot back. "Besides, it'll mostly be Da Vinci. I don't know anything about aircraft!"

"And if you can't fix it?" Cu pointed out in a dark tone. "I can't see him being too happy about it."

"Well, there's got to be an Indian Servant who knows how it works, right? I mean it is Indian. I think." Matthew frowned.

"It is. For one who utilized it, Ravana would count. Rama may know some of its workings, and we'd be more likely to summon him - but not as much as Ravana." Scathach put her hand to her chin in thought. "Beyond that, others would know of Vimana but not its care or repair."

"Ugh. At this rate I might nag Merlin into telling me how to fix it." Matthew tilted his head. "I mean, his Clairvoyance can do that, right?" He jolted. "Oh. I'm a moron."

Scathach narrowed her eyes. "What?"

"I can just ask how to fix it. I mean, it's a part of this world, isn't it?"

Cu Chulainn looked upwards. "Let's get you to the Doc."

"What? It could work!" Matthew complained as Cu shepherded him out of the room.

Scathach and Mash watched them go, the sound of wood clashing rhythmically in the background.

"Your brother is a piece of work. I say that having trained his lover and no small number of warriors." Scathach's voice was devoid of emotion.

"I know." Mash winced as an ache radiated through her shoulder, causing her to rub it.

Scathach gave her a look but said nothing beyond: "Perhaps a follow-up appointment is in order."

Romani folded his arms and leaned back in his chair. "I see. So you didn't have a frame of reference for Matthew's darker side, then."

Ritsuka left his hands in his lap. ", I didn't. At first I gathered people were scared of him, but I couldn't understand why. And then I saw what was done to him, and I understood why he acted out. But after that, what happened to Flauros was different than what happened to Zouken - or at least I didn't see what happened."

"No, the being once known as Zouken Matou suffered much as Flauros did." Da Vinci leaned against the wall behind Romani's chair. "According to our observational equipment, there was a breakdown of nearly all mystic workings within a five kilometer radius that could be traced to him. This included everything in his household, and even caused the very foundations of the building to rot. The rapid onset was likely due to him not having sufficient 'soul' to resist the curse itself - at his age and utilizing the life-extension methods he had, 'soul rot' had long since set in."

Ritsuka looked downward, and Roman sighed. "All of that said, we shouldn't be so quick to set such an advantage aside. I was wondering why Matthew hadn't used the dagger sooner in all honesty."

"What?" Ritsuka's mouth opened slightly as he jerked upright.

"Flauros utilized the Grail to create Boudica - as she was - from essence taken from the Daji composite. Further, he had a hand in the creation of Remus-Fenrir. He must have added a set of failsafes in case of danger, because both halves were able to survive what we determined to be at least an A-Rank Anti-Fortress assault." Da Vinci rested a finger on her chin. "Both parts - Remus and Fenrir - were still resilient afterwards, but from aligning the timeline, we were able to determine when those defenses began to fail."

"In other words, if we had utilized the curse on Flauros sooner, that would have neutralized three-fourths of the entire enemy group. At the very least half, and weakened Remus-Fenrir." Roman nodded. "You made the right call to utilize it. Not to mention, Illyasviel would have been weakened from summoning Heracles and fighting Valac. Heracles would have forced a contest of brute strength, and- well, you were there. I doubt I need to recount the situation."

Ritsuka still looked uncertain.

"I understand your hesitance. You were raised to be a decent person, one who would be able to live an upstanding life outside the moonlit world." Romani leaned over his desk with a small smile. "For what it's worth, I wouldn't blame you for making use of the Fisher King curse a last resort - so long as it isn't completely off the table." His smile turned to a grimace. "For what it's worth, however, if anyone deserved such a fate Flauros ranked high among them. Remember that outside of Chaldea, the world is an unending inferno devoid of life. He had a part in that, not to mention decimating the staff here. We have less than a hundred, Masters included. This also includes anyone we're able to wake with the Shroud of Avalon."

"...I'll keep all that in mind. I don't think I'll ever stomach having it as a first resort, though," Ritsuka admitted.

Romani nodded encouragingly. "Like I said, even if it's a last resort, keep it on the table. It's not something to use lightly, but the chain reaction from using it to strike a key enemy is too valuable to ignore."

"I thought you would be more hesitant about it. Didn't Lord Animusphere get struck by the dagger?" Ritsuka gave Romani a confused look.

"Well…" Romani rubbed the back of his neck. "We were able to contain it without too much issue. It was disgusting, but the rot was localized. Marisbilly's magecraft was hampered, but not completely undone - and Chaldea as a whole continued to function fine. So he didn't suffer the worst the curse had to offer, and in all honesty it was Matthew's first attempt. What he has now is far more potent."

"Which hasn't earned him any favors with the staff," Da Vinci muttered. "That or the revelation that the Director won't be coming back despite her miraculous survival, let alone why."

Romani heaved a deep sigh. "Yes. That has… continued to spiral." He dropped his arms at his side. "But, that isn't the only topic we're here to discuss."

The door slid open with a pneumatic hiss.

"Hakuno." Romani had never seen a record of this person. She was wreathed in mystery, with only Morgan's word to indicate she wasn't going to be a liability at some point. That, and the willingness of the Countess of Lovelace to offer her Saint Graph to make her 'real', whatever that meant.

"Hello!" Her smile was gentle, yet had an energy to it that belied her visual youth. "Sorry I'm late; Charlie and I got caught up and- I can't believe he remembers me!" She bit her lip in excitement. "Morgan warned me that that the memory sync might not have taken with him, but-"

Ritsuka straightened up. "She sent Charlie to Orleans?"

"I think it was more that she ensured the chain-summon; Merlin provided the memory feed." Da Vinci frowned. "And both are evasive as to how. From all that I can tell, Hakuno comes from a parallel world. The Moon there is fundamentally different to our own."

"My mom's good, but not pull spirits across parallel worlds good," Ritsuka murmured, almost to himself.

Romani felt a cold trickle of sweat trail the back of his neck, but he said nothing.

"So we're going to discuss how Morgan's separated from Matthew? Or how she's got Merlin on her side?" Ritsuka folded his arms. "I read the briefing you sent me before this meeting."

"We'll see. Mostly, we need a debriefing from Matthew, and hopefully Hakuno was able to get the information we're looking for in our own systems." Romani coughed. "After Septem, we mostly left him to his own devices outside the workup we did."

"For two weeks?" Ritsuka narrowed his eyes.

"Have you spoken to him?" Da Vinci asked in an arch tone.

Ritsuka flinched, dropping his arms. "Right. Fair." He exhaled. "I'll… apologize. And figure out how to let him know that. Well."

Romani furrowed his brow.

"That even if his weapon's upsetting, I'm not scared of him." Ritsuka nodded. "I think that's what's most important."

Hakuno hummed. "Even if someone is capable of great harm, that doesn't mean it's a certainty. Sometimes all they really want is to connect. So yes, giving him a reason to be the best he can be is most important."

Ritsuka smiled. "Right. Thanks, Hakuno. I'm grateful for the insight."

Hakuno was quiet for a moment. "W-well. Right! So, are we ready or…?" Her smile was firmer than before, her composure more certain.

"Almost." Romani turned to look at the door expectantly. He knew he'd look silly if it didn't work, but if it did-

"And hel- oh." Matthew strode in, pausing when he saw the assembled group. Cu Chulainn followed, intentionally stopping a moment late and bumping gently into him from behind before putting a hand on Matthew's hip.

Romani smiled. "And now we're all in attendance. There's several glaring omissions in a variety of after-action reports. Ritsuka's and yours." He paused. "Outside of the people in this room, we'll be keeping this information need-to-know. The other Masters can be informed at Ritsuka's discretion. Servants as well."

"So Mash at least," Matthew stated, placing a hand on his hip.

"Definitely," Ritsuka agreed firmly.

A smile flickered on Matthew's face before he returned to a stern look. "So where do we start?"

"Morgan informed us that a majority of the Beasts are under the command of a mastermind, one who didn't perform the incineration. They took advantage, but weren't the instigator." Da Vinci folded her arms. "So far we've fought the second 'Beast'. From what we can tell, they won't be on the same level as the genuine threat. That said, that isn't saying much."

"Daji wiped us out. If it wasn't for Fou, we'd be flattened," Matthew pointed out. "Even when she was cornered, she still almost took Gilgamesh. Fou told me he bluffed her into freezing up. He could have taken her, but it would… um." Matthew cleared his throat. "Consequences would be a little dire."

Romani stared at Matthew for a long moment. Matthew didn't flinch, but he wasn't forthcoming either.

"Daji mentioned a Manaka Sajyou," Cu Chulainn noted off-handedly. "So she might be the mastermind."

"Hm." Da Vinci's eyes flickered. "Not a name I know off the top of my head."

Ritsuka closed his eyes. "Me either, though I only met one or two people when Mom took me to the Clock Tower as a kid."

Matthew twitched. "Who?"

"Lady Edelfelt and Mom's teacher. Gramps Kischur was pretty funny when he babysat me; he made an illusion where we got to ride on dinosaurs with someone that came from a meteor!" Ritsuka smiled pleasantly, obviously having no clue exactly what had transpired.

" did your mother react?" Romani croaked.

"Hm? Oh, Gramps said not to tell her because she'd overreact. He did say that I had 'potential', though." Ritsuka coughed. "But that's something else entirely."

Yes. Yes it was.

"Baba Yaga said Manaka was someone to fear," Cu added. "When I asked." He tugged Matthew closer.

Matthew gave Cu Chulainn a confused look.

"She said she was insane, and if she was involved then she was in charge. Given the source was a Divine Spirit, I'd assume that meant something." He scratched his neck with his free hand. "Also, Morgan's got some kind of Council she's setting up."

Romani stiffened, folding his hands on his desk. "I see."

"The Tamamo we met was Amaterasu. That's big, right?" Matthew looked worried. "Like, I got the feeling she was important."

Ritsuka took a deep breath. "Matthew. She's the sun goddess of Shinto. She's easily one of the most important divinities of Japan itself." He frowned. "But how was she connected to Amaterasu…?"

Hakuno cleared her throat. "About that. Tamamo was a bunrei of Amaterasu in life. I… am less surprised than I should be that the whole masqueraded as a fragment." She swallowed. "Tamamo-no-Mae is not a weak Servant. Someone several magnitudes higher…"

"And Baba Yaga could have swept us all away in a storm at a bare minimum," Cu Chulainn added darkly. "They both had the power to do far more than they did."

"And if this 'Manaka' has the raw power to command a host of Beast-class threats, then there's no reason for her not to send one or more after us directly." Roman raised his hands to rest his chin. "They're playing a game, and we're a piece on the board."

"Not to mention I have the voice of Alaya hovering on the edge of my consciousness at all times," Matthew muttered.

Roman screwed his eyes shut. "Is that so."

"Ugh. If it weren't for the fact I'm fairly sure it's more a directive force than any true consciousness, I might actually try to hold humanity responsible. This time for certain." A flicker of bitterness entered Matthew's voice. "As it is, I'll have to live with it for the near future."

"Alayashiki, humanity's collective will for survival," Da Vinci mused.

A puppet moved by the will of the people and the voice of God. Romani allowed himself a flash of anger at the dark irony before smothering it.

"So in summary: things were bad and now they're fucked." Matthew scowled. "Multiple Beasts, a mastermind playing chess with Morgan, and Morgan's collecting a Council… right. If she's mimicking the Council of Avalon, then there's going to be nine of them, including her. So far we've met Baba Yaga and Amaterasu."

"And if they're all of that caliber then we have even more questions," Ritsuka added. He paused. "Though, I did have a thought."

Everyone turned to him.

"Can't we have Matthew use the Universal Language to ask Alayashiki where the other Singularities are? Or what exactly is going on?"

Matthew flinched. "...I had that thought."

"Let's leave that as a last resort," Cu Chulainn said in a deceptively light tone. "Anything that doesn't send bones skittering out his ears in a flow of blood is preferable, yeah?"

Romani clenched his hands together. No, that wasn't the voice of God. A god, perhaps, but not his. His messengers at least got a chance before punishment came.

Ritsuka swallowed loudly. "That's what that was?" he croaked. "I- I'm sorry, I should have made that connection far sooner. But it makes no sense to do that as a point of contact!"

"Well, it's a massive force that is currently under attack. Given what information we have on Counter Guardians, if things escalate to this point, delicacy would be a lesser concern," Da Vinci mused.

Romani breathed in, and out. "Right. So now we're up to speed."

Caspan Barthomeloi and the rest couldn't know about this. They'd try to push, Matthew would push back- there was no good way for this information to come out. From what he knew, Alayashiki was more concerned with the species as a whole than any collective. Strictly speaking, Servants could be called and trained to handle Rayshift applications and any number of functions around Chaldea. They'd see a restraining bolt where there was none, and Romani had no clue how much harassment Matthew would take.

Not to mention the other Servants would see and… reactions would vary. Gilgamesh at the very least would take dire offense, and even as bound as he was in Chaldea… Romani had every expectation Morgan would override the territory to let him loose. And that was before Medusa, Musashi, and Cu Chulainn were accounted for - let alone the likes of Medea.

But enough catastrophizing.

"Which brings me to our last point of order, and the reason I asked Hakuno to be here." Romani cleared his throat. "While you were in Septem, we noticed several anomalies in Kadoc Zemlupus' medical report. He and Ophelia signed off on us discussing them here with you. The first sub-topic is the effects the FATE system has on the Masters. The second is a direct understanding of Matthew's origins - we've already concluded that he isn't a designer baby like Mash was."

Matthew's eyes flashed. "And how do those go together? Or include Hakuno?"

"Because all of these answers have to be in Marisbilly Animusphere's personal files. Da Vinci can understand the encryptions, but there's layers there we can't grasp." Romani closed his eyes. "Either Hakuno gets us the information or we rely on Kirschtaria being able to access it as Marisbilly's heir."

Silence, for a moment.

"I understand wanting to understand the FATE system. Mash and I know that Ritsuka's been affected by our contracts." Romani opened his eyes to see Matthew nod at Ritsuka. "His circuits have modified, and from what I heard he's become more resilient. You managed to stand impossibly close to a volcanic event without being harmed by convection or the gas. That tracks with Mash, and your improved circuits and od likely come from me."

Ritsuka frowned, tilting his head. "But you don't want to know how you came into being?"

Matthew's face pinched. "Not particularly. Morgan modified me so deeply that it can't matter much, can it?"

"Your mother's kept us in the dark on more than one thing. What if there's some secret in how you were made that we need to know?" Da Vinci's gaze was piercing.

Not to say anything of Romani's own secrets. Morgan assured him that she wouldn't reveal Goetia, and she'd slipped a small block to Matthew to prevent him discovering it on accident. ...he didn't care to imagine Chaldea's reaction to his failures. The ones they weren't already aware of at any rate.

Hakuno shifted her weight. "That's all a moot point if I can't get through the defenses. Where I'm from, we don't have traditional magecraft. All that's left is spiritron hacking, and even that requires a connection to the Moon Cell. All remnants of magic are there. Lovelace's power and mine might not be enough if there's sufficient differences."

Romani refocused on her. She'd been quiet. Observing, analyzing.

"So before we get too in depth, we should have Hakuno look at the former Director's terminal," Ritsuka said decisively.

"Agreed." Romani stood. "Here it is," he said, gesturing at the monitor and keyboard on his desk.

Hakuno moved past him, murmuring her thanks as he stepped aside. She placed her hands on the keyboard, and her eyes lit with a blue haze. It took moments, but Romani quickly recognized that it was binary code.

"...this isn't the terminal." Hakuno withdrew her hands. "There's some dummy folders, but none of the information you want is on here."

Romani grit his teeth. "I see."

Matthew shut his eyes, then gave a low hiss. "Right. Not. Not poking directly, then."

Ritsuka quickly turned. "Matthew?"

He sidled backwards until he was directly next to Cu Chulainn before leaning on the taller man's shoulder for support. "I tried looking for the answers myself, and got a… warning. Not quite 'my skull runneth over' levels, but I got the impression that searching for those answers myself would have a bad result." Matthew swallowed. "Not sure why, but here we are. It did let me hear where the terminal is: in Marisbilly's workshop."

"Shit." Romani rubbed his eyes with his palms. "Of course it is."

"I mean, if Medea can't untangle his Bounded Fields, then Gilgamesh has to have something in the Gate of Babylon that can make do," Matthew pointed out, gingerly rubbing his forehead.

"Unless there's a failsafe that we can't access," Da Vinci pointed out. "And trying to coerce Gilgamesh into utilizing his clairvoyance to see any of this would end badly."

"He won't. He'd think it's more fitting for us to accomplish it on our own. If we rely on him too much, he'll get irritated." Cu Chulainn spoke in a knowing tone. "He's in a good mood, so we shouldn't squander it."

"Not words I would have expected from you," Romani pointed out.

A flicker of annoyance crossed Cu's face. "The man's a shitty king, and I've known some prize-winners. Doesn't mean I can't appreciate that he's making an effort, even if it's on his terms alone. If he continues improving, I might re-evaluate my opinion of him. All that aside? I like a good fight, but that's not one I'd pick unless I needed to."

"Or if he pissed you off enough," Ritsuka added.

"That too, Master." Cu grinned. "Looks like you've been paying attention."

"We've only been through two Singularities and a pseudo-Singularity together. Not to mention we met in one more." Ritsuka shook his head. "So… you guys said Wodime was the heir to Director Animusphere. Would he be able to access the workshop safely?"

"In theory." Romani looked to Da Vinci. "How's the Shroud?"

"The charge is too low at the moment to attempt the revival. It seems we will have to wait." Da Vinci scowled. "...I don't suppose you could attempt trying to find the entry method for the workshop?" she asked Matthew.

Ritsuka perked up. "If nothing else, it should tell us whether Kirschtaria Wodime can get us in there," he noted. His eyes flickered back and forth for a moment. "If you start to feel the pressure, just try to confirm the latter. Don't push." He paused. "Why would this thing want to prevent you from accessing the information directly…?"

"It can be subtle," Da Vinci noted. "With him it just doesn't need to. Or so I hypothesize."

"Baba Yaga said that he connected to the Origin to use the Universal Language, and it made him vulnerable to the Counter Force. Amaterasu echoed the sentiment," Cu Chulainn pointed out. His arm curled around Matthew protectively.

Hakuno stepped back from Romani's terminal. "So in other words, we need to be circumspect until we understand exactly what it is that Alayashiki intends. It seeks to counteract the current situation, but that doesn't make it an ally."

"Yes. Its sole goal is to avert human extinction. Everything else is secondary." Da Vinci nodded. "If it's concealing what we want to know but not how to get it, there must be other pieces that will mitigate a threat that would be unleashed if we learned it too early."

"Right. Matthew, just confirm that the workshop can be accessed by Kirschtaria. Don't try to bypass its protections." Romani stuffed his hands in his pockets.

"Okay." Matthew closed his eyes, lips moving slightly as he whispered to himself.

The room waited with bated breath.

"He can get in. Marisbilly keyed Wodime into the Bounded Fields. He wouldn't even need a passcode; just a smear of blood. Wodime can access the terminal and everything in it." Matthew opened his eyes. "I overheard Marisbilly leaving it to Wodime in case of his early demise. It was after I injured him." There wasn't a shred of shame in his voice, but it did go oddly flat.

"Then that's all we can accomplish here," Romani acknowledged. "I'll leave it to the two of you how and when to inform Mash."

"As soon as possible, and over food. I'm starving," Matthew groused.

"You're going to discuss this in the cafeteria?" Romani asked with a pained look.

"Um, yes? Only Gilgamesh has the power to get through my illusions, and he either already knows or won't care about most of this."

"He has a point," Ritsuka said with a hint of laughter in his voice. He paused. "Wait, we never talked about how the others are being affected by the FATE system!"

"Kadoc and Ophelia are. Asako isn't, for some reason," Da Vinci told him in a calm tone. "Kadoc seems to have developed a resistance to low temperatures and a sort of clairvoyance tied to location. He can find things. It might resemble Viy's power as far as we can tell. Ophelia has experienced a drastic increase in circuit quality, and her eye is undergoing some changes we have yet to quantify."

"So they're being influenced by Anastasia and Sigurd?" Matthew proposed.

"Sounds like," Cu Chulainn agreed. "The Duchess has power over ice and her familiar has the clairvoyance. Sigurd has a dragon factor and the crystallized wisdom he wears, so those are probably what's changed those two."

"And since it's just them, that means it is the FATE system - if Asako isn't changing, then it's because her contract was made by Morgan instead of Chaldea." Realization and a small amount of relief crossed Ritsuka's face. "That's… reassuring."

"Right. Anything else to discuss?" Romani was nearing the end of his energy, and without a cute idol to refresh himself he tended to drown his sorrows with candy. He wanted to curl up in an empty bed, gnaw on something sweet, and unwind.

"Oh! Da Vinci, I'm requisitioning you to help me fix Gilgamesh's plane." Matthew nodded. "I don't know anything about aircraft, and if anyone here can fix it, it's you."

Da Vinci hummed, eyes twinkling. "Well, I would certainly like to take a shot. However, despite my skill, I lack the power to do anything directly - so I'd mostly act in an advisory capacity." She paused. "Also, shouldn't we include Shotaro?"

"Dad?" Ritsuka tilted his head, then smacked his forehead. "Oh, right. Blacksmith."

"Do they tend to work on flying machines?" Matthew asked curiously.

"Well, Shotaro is host to a trio of forge-gods, so he's likely the best of us at direct metalworking." Da Vinci raised her eyebrows with an amused smile.

"Yeah…" Matthew nodded sheepishly.

Romani let out a long sigh. "If that's all, I need to take a break before returning to administrative duties. If you don't mind…?"

"Right, of course. I'll go find Mash." Ritsuka stood. "Matthew?"

"Yep, yep." Matthew followed him out, Cu Chulainn at their heels. "Wouldn't you rather find something more fun to do than listen to us bitch and moan about stuff we can't change?" Romani overheard as they left.

"Eh, I can take a quick nap while you chat. There's stuff I wanted to talk to you about, but it can wait a bit." The conversation faded as they gained distance.

Hakuno fidgeted. "Sorry I wasn't of more help."

"What I want to know is how you found an isolated terminal even I couldn't ferret out," Da Vinci muttered.

Hakuno smiled. "A few calculations, some analysis, and a quick scan for electronics through the base to find any unlinked to the network." She shrugged. "Information and support are sort of what I do."

"Duly noted." Romani let out a gusty sigh as he leaned back in his chair.

"I'll just… go see if Charlie's busy. Or maybe I can convince Gilgamesh to put up with me for a little bit." Hakuno giggled to herself. "I'm sure he has plenty to complain about. It's far too peaceful here for his tastes." She frowned thoughtfully. "Honestly, even when I worked with him, he was rarely this well-behaved…"

"I'll take it as a good sign." Romani nodded as Hakuno left, the door shutting behind her.

For a moment, he and Da Vinci remained in quiet.

"So why didn't we get Matthew to look into Mash's injury? None of our tech has registered any damage to her, so it has to be Galahad." Da Vinci leaned her elbow on Romani's chair.

"If we made him aware, he might resort to something dangerous. Whatever Fou is, he's capable of facing down a Beast on his own terms. Or he could reach out to the Reverse Side using Annwyn Ataraxia and extend a hand there." Romani folded his hands on his desk. "He has enough extreme methods on the table that driving him to desperation when we don't have all the facts to direct him is dangerous. Mash is the only other being that survived the Demi-Servant experiments."

Da Vinci looked away, face falling.

"Hundreds, Da Vinci. He was from the fifth batch, and Mash the seventh. He may not have seen all of them, but he's seen too many of his 'siblings' die. Can you see him letting Mash go if this proves fatal? Ever?" Roman shook his head. "He's growing in power. We didn't see it because we never gave him the materials or space, but… Morgan planted a seed of something in him, and it's going to bloom before all is said and done. I don't need a revelation to tell me that."


"Let's look at what he did in Septem. He managed to inflict harm on a Beast on his own terms, even at a meager level. He participated in reforging a Divine Construct, a broken Noble Phantasm - and in doing so fundamentally altered the nature of a Servant. Fou's 'imprinting' altered his form, which either occurred there or he simply deigned to reveal it. He single-handedly stopped Vesuvius, a divine site of destruction, from blowing sky-high. Even if it took everything he had, he still did it. He's crafted what is essentially a Marble Phantasm in the form of a Mystic Code, he broke the illusion in Orleans, and by crafting his knife he's shown a mastery of curses that I know you didn't teach."

Da Vinci stood up, rubbing her face. Her smile fell.

"He is a sentient being and deserving of love and support, and that may well be our best defense against him turning. But he's growing at an exponential rate, and has since Ritsuka contracted with him. Even with years of training, that only explains so much. Add to that, he isn't fully human. There's human DNA in there, but we have no reference material. He wasn't formed in the same manner as Mash, and- the number of unknowns are too great." Romani groaned. "And now he's become tapped by the collective survival instinct of mankind, the World itself. Contracts with Alayashiki usually impart power in exchange for becoming a Counter Guardian after death, but this is entirely different."

"Hm. It sounds like you need a third option. You won't find anything on your own, and you're scared to set him on the trail."

Romani's head snapped up, and he looked at the screen of his terminal.

A young girl reclined against the side of the screen, legs crossed and arms folded. Her long purple hair fell like a curtain behind her, and red bows were tied in it. Her dress was matched by a long black coat.

"You." The virus that had separated Matthew from the group at the start of the Singularity.

"Me!" Her eyes went wide open, and she smiled brightly. "There is, in fact, a method to help your little Shielder. However…" Her smile grew teeth. "It might be a lit-tle dicey~!"

Da Vinci leaned forward. "Start talking before I start running a system purge."

"Like you could," the virus scoffed.

"Perhaps Hakuno would be able to?" Da Vinci offered in a coy tone, eyes flashing with malice.

The girl stiffened. "Fine. I'll be straightforward." Her demeanor changed entirely, eyes flickering red for a split second. "S-. Hakuno. Hakuno has access to a suite of what we call Codecasts - her spoils for winning a Grail War in the Moon Cell. I won't bore you with the details. What's relevant is that there exists a Codecast that would permit her to enter a soul and purge impurities."

"So she could help?" Romani asked, flattening his hands against his desk and leaning in.

"As she is now, no. She'd need to access the Moon Cell directly to receive it." The girl in black glanced downward. "And as much as I'd like for her to remain with you and keep running… time itself is shuddering apart. Divergent parallels are meeting, and your big chance to get her that access is approaching. I won't lie, her receiving the memories needed to use that Codecast benefits me as well."

"Diver- timelines. What do you mean? Branching timelines can't intersect, that's…" Da Vinci trailed off.

"My name is BB. I am an AI created from the discarded feelings of yet another AI, the sum total of her love for one who became 'real'. I am sixty-nine days of love compressed into one being. Memory abandoned. Everything I do, I do for my beloved Senpai." BB's eyes shone red, even as golden lettering patterned her dress and coat. "I am beholden to your prince of fairies as an ally, willingly or not. The consequences of my actions come for us all, prepared or not. All we can do is constrain the point of contact. I will announce the beginning of that reckoning, which Chaldea must face. Even as I too, once tried to discard my feelings… nothing stays gone forever."

Romani leaned back, eyes wide.

"Your enemy is my enemy. If you can fulfill my wishes… then I will give all I have. Save my Senpai. Bring her happiness. And perhaps, just perhaps… give me a space to stand at her side." BB bit her lip. "'This is not who I normally am', I would say. But again, this is a consequence of my actions. Once I would have been able to brush such things off, but." She shook her head and stood tall, dominating the screen. "Tell them what you wish. In three days' time, a new 'Singularity' will appear." Her eyes flashed red once more. "Prepare. The year 2030 approaches, comingled with the sins of your founders' past."

The terminal shut itself off.

"...I'll go find Shotaro and begin on the Vimana." Da Vinci stepped through the door behind Romani's desk, leaving him alone.

"...damn it all." Romani stood, and woodenly staggered to find some candy and curl up on a couch for some brief moments of rest.

"And that's all she wrote!" I chirped.

Mash stared at me, potatoes plopping off of her fork onto her plate.

Cu Chulainn ate idly, and Ritsuka's flat expression begged for the sweet release of death. Too bad, Master!

Fou's ears slowly crested the side of the table. "Fou?"

"Oh yeah, did Ophelia agree to making cake for Fou?" I asked, changing the subject.

"...yes?" Mash squeaked. "Let's back up a minute here, Matthew. So some person who even Calamities fear and obey is going against Morgan, and we're trapped in their game?"


"The Masters, except Asako, are transforming from their connections to us - the Primary Servants?"

"Looks like it, I think."

"And the circumstances of your creation might explain everything you've managed to pull off?"

I shrugged. "I mean, it's not like it was hard for most of it?"

"Which is exactly the point," Mash stressed, aggrieved. She looked over her shoulder, checking on where Ophelia sat with Kadoc at their own table. Kadoc waved. "Are we briefing them on this, too?"

"Some of it. I'm gonna whip up a little audio-concealer for Ritsuka and he can do it." I grinned. "Head Master responsibilities, don't you know? I figure the FATE system bit and the 'incoming Beasticles' bit are relevant enough."

"And not you?" Ritsuka asked, frowning.

I paused. "That, I'll leave to your discretion." I swallowed, then dug into my food.

"So. How're you holding up?" Cu cut in.

I paused.

Fou sank beneath the table, his question long answered and no sugar in sight.

"I've been thinkin'. Awful lot of stuff happened in the last stretch of the mission, and it wasn't like you didn't have enough to process." Cu leaned on the table.

"Like what?" I asked warily.

"Well, the whole thing with Daji. She got to you pretty hard."

I shook my head. "That was fighting for my life. Amakusa ran me through too. If she managed to fully get through my armor, I figure Avalon would have kept me alive. Whatever you're thinking of with her, it's nothing I haven't faced before."

Ritsuka looked at me. "What?"

"Daji pinned me and started gouging my throat. Then she tried to eat me when she had the botched transformation." I shrugged. "It was a fight? I fought."

It was scary, sure, but that was part and parcel of fighting for survival.

He slumped, blinking. "That's. You didn't tell me."

"When did I have time? After that, my skull got assaulted by the Counter Force and we all split to go knock heads again. And then I spent two weeks fixing stupidly high-quality armor." I sighed. "Seriously. Aoibheall took less effort than that thing."

"You also didn't have Gilgamesh breathing down your neck for Aoibheall," Cu added mildly, brushing my hair back with his hand. "Also, I like the name." He smirked.

"It is pretty," Mash admitted. She frowned. "But about Gilgamesh."

"I mean, dropping shiny metal in his lap keeps him from being a creep. And he's more tolerable when appeased, so…" I shrugged before leaning into Cu's side.

"Mm. And the results of the knife?"

The table went quiet.

Cu sighed. "Alright, give me a moment." He gently sat me upright and looked around. "Ah, good. There they are." He waved his arm.

"Are we having that conversation now?" Medusa asked as she approached. She had a knowing look in her eye as she slid in next to me on the bench.

"Hup! Hey guys!" Musashi dropped next to Ritsuka, smiling at me.

...I honestly have no idea what's happening.

Who can say? Perhaps they're just concerned given you spent two weeks after a stressful mission… not avoiding them exactly, but not seeking them out?


"Did I miss something?" Ritsuka asked, blinking.

"Just having a little chat," Cu replied with a cocky grin. He turned to me. "So. About that knife of yours."

I closed my eyes. Here we go.

"It's gross, but not worse than anything the rest of us have done," he continued airily. "So laying that at your feet is a little unfair."

Ritsuka's blinking sped up. "Huh?"

Medusa sighed. "I was the Gorgon, Master. I've no pride for it, and dislike that version of myself, but it happened. I turned men to stone, slaughtered heroes as an immortal monster. My Bloodfort I invoke is no mistake - it's something I could do instantaneously as that creature. Melt humans down and consume them." She inhaled, and exhaled. "Among other things."

"I slew armies single-handedly. Spilled entrails under the sun to rot and feed the carrion birds." Cu folded his arms on the table, leaning on me. "My blades have tasted far more blood than yours." He looked at me with a wry smile. "You know the worst of me, too."

"I'm a swordmaster. I didn't get that title by cutting wood," Musashi said pointedly. "There's a lot of people here with a lot of stories. Most of the paths to becoming a Heroic Spirit are paved in blood in some form or fashion."

I stared at them. I mean, I knew that they had rough lives, but…

You expected them to judge you?

...a little.

Ritsuka sighed. "I had this discussion with Dr. Roman. He said that your dagger was an asset and we shouldn't disregard it entirely." He glanced downward. "And… I didn't mean to imply that there was something wrong with you, personally. I was unsettled, but that was because of what happened to Flauros." He looked up. "I apologize for making you feel unwelcome. As a Master of Chaldea, I should do better by all the Servants, but especially you and Mash."

I swallowed harshly.

"I was the one who used it." Mash folded her arms as she spoke up once more. "And I would do so again. We needed to stop Flauros then and there, and against him… I can't regret using it. He killed so many people, and was ready to kill even more. He had to be stopped, and someone like him… letting him suffer was better than…" She cut herself off. "It made a morally questionable situation far less complex," she finished after a moment's thought.

"Mm. And it's not like we left him to suffer." Cu put his elbow on my shoulder, and I leaned my head on it. "Ran the bastard through myself."

...I might have left him a little longer. Maybe. Probably.

I've never claimed to be a 'good' person. But on some other rando, someone who isn't on par with Zouken or Flauros? Maybe some restraint isn't unwarranted.

"I-. Thanks." I fiddled with my hands on the table. "Though I do agree with the idea that I shouldn't subject people to that unless we're out of options or they're particularly loathsome. It was pretty intense, and I have plenty of tools to dismantle situations in other ways."

"And people!" Musashi chimed in with a dark grin.

"...yes." Ritsuka's expression had switched back to exasperation.

Cu clapped me on the back soundly. "Good! Glad we got that cleared up." He gave me a look. "So, there's one other thing I was thinking about."

I tilted my head as Medusa chuckled behind me.

"So you'll recall how Chaldea has a means of securing supplies from places we've been, right?" he began.


"I recall an offer of a camping trip some time ago." Cu's eyes glinted expectantly. "Given we can make trips without a Master in that case, I figured we could put together a little expedition to Septem now that the snow's gone."

"Hm. Do you think there'll be a fight?" Musashi mused.

"I've been on a resource gathering mission before," Medusa cut in. "Da Vinci explained it as collecting data for a replication engine that worked on a mixture of synthesis and magecraft. Unfortunately the information is burned through after repeated use, hence why multiple excursions are required. Although we're experiencing things like the climate, direct interaction is limited."

Cu immediately looked distressed. "Wait, does that mean I can't fish?"

"I've got this one," Mash said, waving her hand. "Collecting various things like fruits and vegetables is possible, as is hunting and fishing for meat. Collecting grains and materials like ores, stone, and fabric is also possible. We can even procure luxuries and modern necessities like toiletries, medicine, and other things thanks to the link to Fuyuki. However, the only combat would be if you encountered an enemy that had materials we could harvest."

"Like those wolves we fought in Septem, or the demons from Orleans? That ice and those spines could be used in lots of crafting," Ritsuka pointed out thoughtfully. "At least, that's what I gathered from watching Matthew," he amended.

"Oh no, I could definitely make something nasty from those," I agreed.

Musashi rubbed her chin. "Hm… maybe if we're lucky I'll find something. I'm getting rusty only having Kojirou to spar against. I need to get my blades back in practice."

"Wasn't he your greatest rival?" Cu Chulainn asked.

"Still fighting the same person all the time." Musashi sighed. "If I could convince one of the others to spar…"

"Have you tried?" Ritsuka asked. "I'm sure Artoria would be interested in matching blades with someone who has a different skillset. Or Bradamante, maybe? Charlie, too."

"I wonder if Souichirou would feel up to a spar?" I thought aloud.

Musashi dropped her head to the table. "...I may have gotten caught up in my rivalry."

"Well, it's something for you to think on." Medusa gave her a warm smile. Musashi blushed even as she smiled back.

"So it's settled! We'll go get set up, spend the night, and come back tomorrow." Cu punched the air. "And with your Fairy Magecraft, we'll be able to turn nature itself into comfort no problem!" He wrapped an arm around my shoulder, eyes sparkling with happiness. "Ah, it'll be a good break!"

Medusa hummed. "I suppose I should pack a light to read in the evening…"

"Eh. Even if it's a boar or something at least I'll get some live steel practice in," Musashi noted with a shrug. She grinned. "And we'll have a little space to ourselves."

I smiled, feeling lighter. "Yeah, that sounds great. Uh, Rits-"

"I'll get the Doctor to okay it. Call it repayment for everything." He smiled gently. "Mash and I can easily hold things down here for one night."

Cu wrapped an arm around me and rocked us side-to-side. "Yes! Excellent!" He rocked a little too hard, and we ended up toppling into Medusa, who gave a startled laugh.

Musashi cackled from her safety across the table. "Well don't get started without me!" she jeered.

Ritsuka rubbed his forehead. "Repeat to yourself: it won't be your problem after they head out," he murmured. Mash gently pat his shoulder with a fond look.

Ritsuka waved as the four Servants vanished into light, dispatched to the coordinates.


He twitched. "Asako."

The tiny redhead smiled widely as she stood, arms akimbo. "So, I talked to Doctor Roman and Da Vinci, and they say I can try the FATE system to summon Servants!"

"We both summoned in the past, so we agreed to let her use the two charges so long as you assent," Ophelia added, walking in behind her alongside Kadoc.

"I'm a little scared to see what she comes up with," Kadoc admitted. "Prodigies, man." He gave her a rueful look, but not a resentful one.

"Well, whoever it is will be beholden to Chaldea in general. She has her Primaries," Ritsuka pointed out. "And that means yes, by the way," he added in a dry tone.

Asako pumped her arm in the air. "Yesss."

Mash giggled, leaning against Ritsuka's shoulder. "So who will we have in the chamber this time?"

Ritsuka folded his arms and tapped his elbow in thought. "Doctor. Please alert-" He paused. "Are Anastasia and Sigurd nearby? What about Aunt Touko and Dad?"

"Aunt Touko and Dad are in the chamber already," Asako said proudly.

"Sigurd is with Brynhildr. I can probably get one of the others," Ophelia noted. She smiled slightly. "I'm loathe to separate them so soon, or disturb their bliss."


The duchess appeared next to Kadoc. "Well. Will we be all?"

Ritsuka considered it. "Two more, to stand in for Matthew and Sigurd."

"Huh. I wonder what he thinks will happen on a supply run?" Anastasia asked with a furrowed brow.

"Oh, he'll get up to a thing or three," Kadoc offered with a straight face.

Asako's eyes scrunched up in thought, then widened. "Oh. Oh, ew! Kadoc!"

"I have done nothing wrong. That's all on you." He smirked.

"Cleopatra and Marie?" Ritsuka offered to Ophelia quickly, the slight burn of exasperation tickling inside his forehead. Tension headaches were becoming dear acquaintances.

Ophelia nodded with a sympathetic smile. "That's acceptable. Here's hoping Caesar answers the call."

"Contacting them and sending them ahead!" Da Vinci chirped over the intercom.

Ritsuka nodded. "Alright. Let's go."

He led them out of the Rayshift chamber, but Asako bolted ahead, giggling in excitement.

"So what're you thinking she should cut her teeth on? Requisition mission?" Kadoc asked in a bored tone.

"She's too young for a proper Singularity. She's only twelve," Ophelia replied.

"I don't know how much that will matter. Most of the heavy lifting is done by Servants, and she's a better magus than me besides," Ritsuka commented. He smiled a little. "Besides, she'll have Aunt Touko with her. Between that and whatever Morgan gave Dad, she might be the safest one out of all of us in the field."

"Nah, still you. Mash's defenses are insane, and Matthew's battlefield control is also nuts. That's before you add in whoever else you bring." Kadoc smirked a little. "Though it looks like Cu Chulainn's turning into a mainstay."

Mash looked at the ceiling and pointedly said nothing.

"It makes sense. He keeps Matthew grounded fairly effectively, and that's before his combat prowess. Agility, strength, versatility with his runes. Added to that, his Noble Phantasm is highly cost-effective. He rounds the team out nicely, both in social and practical compatibility." Ophelia nodded once.

"He keeps him grounded when he's not trying to rile him into a bloodbath," Kadoc added pointedly.

"He swore not to do that again," Ritsuka replied as they arrived at the summoning chamber. "From the sound of things, he did it in a way that was binding."

"Geasa," Ophelia acknowledged in agreement.

"What took you guys so long?" Asako asked, standing before the summoning circle.

"Masters," Cleopatra acknowledged with a haughty nod. She folded her arms, white dress draped around her.

"Ah! Bonjour, mes amis!" Marie perked up. "It's lovely to see you all looking so well!"

Shotaro gave a sheepish smile and a wave, wiping a bit of soot from his face. "Da Vinci said I should take a break from fixing up the Vimana for this. It really is fascinating! The mercury fuel and quartz crystals are rather ingenious, you know."

"You always did like fancy rides, Dad," Ritsuka teased, feeling some of his tension lessen.

"And you always despised fast speed and heights," Touko remarked in dark amusement, stepping out of thin air.

"Eheh…" Ritsuka rubbed the back of his head.

"So can we start or what!?" Asako balled her hands into excited fists. "I've been training under Lord El-Melloi II for weeks! I'm totally ready!"

Ritsuka exhaled. "We'll discuss that after we see who answers." He nodded at the observation room. "Let's get started."

"Well, he's definitely grown into the role since he took it," Kadoc muttered with a small smirk.

"He was pleasant enough to work with in Septem," Ophelia agreed.

Ritsuka didn't acknowledge them, though he felt his ears heat up at the praise.

Mash held his arm with a small, knowing smile.

The circle on the floor glowed a faint blue.

Asako thrust her hand forward. "Okay! Summon start!" Her command seals flashed.

Rings of light coalesced, revolving at speed before collapsing into a column that reached the ceiling. The radiance overwhelmed for a moment before gradually fading.

Ritsuka blinked his eyes clear, smiling as he saw familiar armor and green laurels.

"Chaldea, hm? Well, if nothing else I can bring a bit more order here." Caesar's dark eyes belied his approval. "Gaius Julius Caesar, Rider Class. It's good to see you all again." He turned to Asako after glancing at Kadoc. "Or in some cases, to meet you."

Cleopatra trembled. "G...Gaius…" Her voice shook despite her attempt to remain aloof. She stamped her foot. "What took you so long!?"

Caesar's expression turned embarrassed. "Ah, beloved, don't be angry. I would have followed immediately after, but circumstances did not permit it."

"F-fine! You, you! You arrogant man!" She crossed her arms, head tilted up and away as her lip wobbled. "I suppose that it's all well and good that you're here, then. Chaldea could use your expertise."

"Oh, Cleopatra. I truly am sorry for worrying you." He stepped forward and opened his arms in offering. "Will you forgive my foolishness in not coming sooner?"

For a heartbeat, it looked like the Pharaoh was going to stand her ground.


Then she launched herself at him, flinging her arms around his neck in a tight embrace.

Ritsuka smiled at the reunion. It was one of the parts at Septem's end that had struck him as a little sad. He'd hoped this would be the result, but hadn't been certain.

Mash giggled. "It's nice that they're together again." She paused. "And not to mention, Caesar is incredibly efficient at running an organization. He might be like Medea and Da Vinci and help more with operations here."

"Right. Medea's been handling medical while Dr. Roman has been doing administrative duties," Ritsuka murmured, almost to himself. "This might free up the Doctor and let her tend to her workshop some more."

"...well that's nice," Kadoc remarked. "But you guys mind clearing the circle? We've got enough juice for one more new arrival."

Cleopatra shot him a withering glare, only for Anastasia to return it.

Touko cleared her throat. "If you would?" she asked politely. Lugh's fur shimmered as he sat on her shoulder with a stare of interest.

Ophelia rubbed the bridge of her nose. Ritsuka sympathized.

"C'mon, everyone. Let's not make a fuss. This is a happy occasion," Shotaro soothed. He smiled at Cleopatra and Caesar. "I'm glad for the both of you. I'm sure if we ask Emiya, he'll put his best work forward to make a nice meal in celebration. And besides, I'm sure you'd want to continue the reunion in a place of greater comfort."

Cleopatra's glare softened. "That is true, Shotaro Tohsaka. I will take your recommendation under advisement."

Caesar smirked with a knowing look in his eyes. "Well, it may not be the grandeur of Rome, but I'm curious to see the work of your chef. Far be it from us to keep things waiting, especially when there's still much to do."

Cleopatra marched him away from the circle, arm latched around his waist. "Gaius, don't you dare lapse into your workaholism again-!"

"Yes, yes, of course! I'll be sure to make time for leisure, and especially for us-"

Asako stuck her hand out with a flat look as they walked towards the exit, waiting at the back. "Summon."

The light took on a sickly glow, pale white flickering with tinges of green. The halos revolved almost indolently before crashing into a pillar of white.

Ritsuka felt the hair on the back of his neck prickle in warning.

"Senpai?" Mash whispered, tightening her grip on his arm as the light washed over them. Her armor was in place, appearing in a flurry of blue motes.

"Hold. They answered our call, so unless they turn hostile…" he murmured.

The light cleared.

A woman of middle-to-advanced age stood. She wore a white dress with a white hair cover. Her moon-shaped face gazed upon the gathering.

Marie gave a startled gasp. "You-!"

"Ah, I see. So. The price is set, and the contract sealed. There's no profit in a world of ash and naught."

The Servant gave a calm smile, and Ritsuka felt as though he'd been doused in cold oil. There was no hint of friendship or affability in those dark eyes, but nor was there malice. Simply cold professionalism. There might have been a flicker of humanity, but-

"So as I decided upon the end of our last encounter, I have come to offer my services. Caster class Servant. Catherine Monvoisin, or LaVoisin. Whichever you prefer." She paused. "Do not mistake this for atonement, Master. I simply ply my trades and wares for those who will grant me the greatest reward."

Ritsuka's breath caught in his lungs. That- that was the woman who was Prelati's second in command, back in Orleans. What was he supposed to-

"Welcome to Chaldea!" Asako planted her fists on her hips. "I'm sure you'll be a great help in saving the world!" she continued with a smile. "After all, we're all stuck together so we'll all fight our hardest to make sure things turn out right!"

And that really was the case, wasn't it? The situation was so dire that they really couldn't turn away even former foes.

Marie shook her head, then smiled. "Of course. Welcome, Madame LaVoisin. Though our last meeting was acrimonious, I look forward to our collaboration. Please, make yourself at home." She offered a hand, palm upward.

LaVoisin looked at Asako, then Marie. Then her eyes cast about the room. Slowly, some of the ice in them thawed. Not much, not enough to affect her bearing. But that little spark of humanity did not gutter and continued to burn strong.

"Well," LaVoisin murmured in dry amusement, placing her weathered hand in Marie's dantier one as she stepped forward. "How could I refuse such a warm reception?"

As he felt the tension drain from his shoulders, Ritsuka smiled.

I let out a whoop as we dashed through the woods, green leaves heavy on the trees. The wind rushed by us, and the air was crisp and fresh. Our footsteps were guarded by grace, or in my case magecraft - not a single twig snapped underfoot.

Medusa settled herself against a tree close to the riverside, a thick book tucked under her arm. "Shall we camp here?"

I looked to Cu Chulainn.

"Mm. We can sleep a little further back, but we might be able to catch some good fare near here." He looked around with a wide smile. "Time to get a fishing rod put together."

Musashi sighed. "Guess I'll just wander around and look for large animals to stab. Or something."

"And I'll set up a place for us to sleep tonight. Or not-sleep." My smile turned mischievous.

"We'll get there when we get there," Cu teased. "For now, let's just relax and have some fun."

"Hm. Well, better get started. I imagine that at least Matthew needs to eat, and I would like dinner," Medusa pointed out in amusement.

In the distance, there was a great roar.

"What was that?" Cu asked, eyebrows raised in curiosity.

"A fight?" Musashi asked with a glint in her eye.

"Dinner!" I cheered.

Medusa just laughed to herself before slipping her book away.

And really, that set the tone for our excursion.
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Honestly I'd have stopped before this, it just makes it seem like you're beating a dead horse and overbloating thing it with information-dumps and talking. It got increasingly awkward the longer it went on and the deal with Gilgamesh became filled with details no one care about. Especially considering the following talk with Mash makes it seem redundant with the armor deal.

Gilgamesh pondered that as Medea slowly looked back and forth between us.

"Also I won't mention you threatening my friend to Charlie."

"Pardon?" The king's look was nothing short of quizzical.

"Because then he'd tell Hakuno." I gave a shit-eating grin.

"...I'm unsure if I did not prefer when you were terrified of me." Gilgamesh was a picture in exasperation and irritation. "At the very least, I did not have to suffer through such heavy-handed and blatant attempts at manipulation."

"Manipulation is subtle. Matthew is not," Medea noted in a tone of flat amusement. "This is less that and more bribery to entice you to act as he wishes. Everything is on the table and there's a notable lack of actual threat."

"You haven't met Hakuno."

"What would she do? Look at you in disappointment?" Medea quipped.

"You haven't the slightest idea what that woman is capable of," Gilgamesh shot back, still bristling with displeasure.

Medea gave a sweet smile, dismissing him. "Now Matthew, I have the measurements already - just go get changed and I'll get to work trimming the legs."

I shrugged. "Sure. Astolfo, you done yet?"

"Garters…! Are…! A…! Bitch…!" He let out a loud exhale. "Just gimme a sec for the heels!"

"Eh?" I squinted. "Why would a maid outfit need heels?"

"French maid," Medea corrected absently, already looking at a new bolt of cloth. "At this point it's less a uniform and more a fetish."

"...and you're okay with that?" I called over the divider.

"I like a breeze on my knees sometimes! It's fine!"

I looked over to Gilgamesh. "...put the Vimana in the vehicle hangar and I'll see if I can convince Da Vinci to give it a once-over. I'm busy today so I'll get to it… eventually."

Gilgamesh flexed his arms, crossed over his chest. "You seem to have a more charitable view of the people in this observatory than I. What guarantee do I have that they will not lay their unwashed hands upon my property?" His irritation was visibly less, which was a good sign.

I thought for a moment, then smiled. "True, magi do have a tendency of taking things that don't belong to them. No offense, Medea!"

"None taken. And before anyone says anything: I am not fool enough to tamper with the belongings of the strongest hero without permission." Medea's smile turned to a wry smirk. "And the Masters are far too well-behaved."

I nodded. "Right. So that leaves me with one safeguard I think you'll like!"

Gilgamesh raised an eyebrow. "I find myself curious. Go on."

"Beating up stupid magi is way easier than beating up fake Beasts," I noted.

Gilgamesh tilted his head, bewildered. "Hm?"


"Fou?" The small fluffy head popped out of a pile of strewn cloth.

Gilgamesh's eyes widened.

"Do you mind watching over Gilgamesh's ship after he dumps it in the hangar? Just when Da Vinci or someone else doesn't have eyes on it. If anyone has an issue with violence, I'll take the rap."

Medea frowned slightly, squinting at Fou. "...I'm aware he's not a standard animal, but I don't quite recognize…"

Fou licked his chops.

"I'll make cute eyes at Ophelia until she makes you something with too much sugar, sure."

Fou's eyes glowed with an unearthly light. "Foufoufoufoufou…" He sank back into the cloth-pile, vanishing.

"Dare I ask what he said?" The corner of Gilgamesh's mouth spasmed slightly.

"Eh. Somewhere between 'the contract is sealed' and flat-out evil laughter." I shrugged.

Medea pursed her lips. "I'm missing something, aren't I."

"He beat the tar out of a pseudo-Beast all on his own after the rest of us didn't so much as leave a mark," I explained.

"That little jerk's the Monster formerly known as Cath Palug," Astolfo explained, striding out from behind the divider. "Chuck met him a loooong time ago way back when. Don't ask when, because I don't really remember - just that he was around." He stood in a black-and-white ensemble with a frilly, poofy skirt and some kind of headband thing. Also gloves and heels. And leggings with garterbelts.

I'd kill someone before I wore a thing like that. No. Frills.

Medea blinked. "Oh." She turned and narrowed her eyes at me. "That truly does explain a great deal."

Gilgamesh huffed, no longer hiding his amusement. "Well, I suppose I can no longer honestly say my ship will have inadequate supervision."

"That's our Fou; will perform gruesome murder for cupcakes. Or interrupted naps. Or experimentation. Well, the list is pretty long." I shrugged. "...I'm gonna go get changed."

Gilgamesh gave me a sidelong look.

"I'll bribe you if you keep your creepy looming on this side of the divider."

Gilgamesh scoffed. "As though a construct of wood and paint would halt the eyes of the king." He paused. "I will permit it."

I exchanged a look with Medea. She shook her head and turned to fiddle with fabric. I just went behind the divider and got to shucking the suit off and letting my armor take its place in the form of more casual clothes.

I return to reading.

"He is a sentient being and deserving of love and support, and that may well be our best defense against him turning. But he's growing at an exponential rate, and has since Ritsuka contracted with him. Even with years of training, that only explains so much. Add to that, he isn't fully human. There's human DNA in there, but we have no reference material. He wasn't formed in the same manner as Mash, and- the number of unknowns are too great." Romani groaned. "And now he's become tapped by the collective survival instinct of mankind, the World itself. Contracts with Alayashiki usually impart power in exchange for becoming a Counter Guardian after death, but this is entirely different."
Yeah, there is a time when constant growth becomes SoD breaking, for various reasons.
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Marie shook her head, then smiled. "Of course. Welcome, Madame LaVoisin. Though our last meeting was acrimonious, I look forward to our collaboration. Please, make yourself at home." She offered a hand, palm upward.

In all honesty, this chapter did get a bit redundant. A lot of scenes/elements didn't really seem necessary, or were stretched out to be way longer than they should have, so it was kind of alternating between filler and Important Stuff. The build-up to Kirsch's revival and the EXTRA event was nice, though. I'm excited.
Just… let Fou go on a little vacation. Yeah. That'd work.
And that kiddies is how Avalon blew up.
"Senpai's magic circuits have increased in quality. They've skyrocketed, actually. He can handle more and purer quality of mana, and his od levels actually went up."

Without what had been done to them. Without invasive modifications, a person's circuits were generally set from birth. Mash's treatments hadn't been as extreme, but they were needed for even a chance at surviving the process of hosting a Servant in her body. There was no way to do so in a fully safe manner; many of her 'siblings' perished before even getting to the summoning stage due to that.
Ah Morgan what did you do, again?!?

Excuse you! I am not always the cause of weirdness around here!

I'll believe that when it see the proof.
he made an illusion where we got to ride on dinosaurs with someone that came from a meteor!
Hey there Quetz. Though I'm sure she was upset she couldn't teach the kids some of the wonders of lucha libre. :grin:
His messengers at least got a chance before punishment came.
Nah, that wasn't punishment Roman; that was incentive for Matthew to get his butt in gear. The punishments would have started if he kept lazing around.
Ah a between the Singularities chapter, very nice!

Great to see the reaction from the other members of the team to the Fisher King Curse, as well as the slowly sinking realisation at just how utterly terrifying that the curse in question can be.

He stabbed Marisbilly, who to be fair is by all accounts a total asshat, but given the fact that the curse destroys all things that they've worked on and given that Matthew himself is someone that never would have come into existence if not for Chaldea...

For want of a nail and all that.

And it's good to see Shirou Shotaro making use of his new abillities! Although I do wonder what an amalgamation of forging gods can make himself.

Guess we'll just to have to find out later.

And two new additions to the squad!

Ceaser! Yay! That'll certainly keep at least one Egyptian Queen happy!

And LaVoisin?

Well it's certainly typical of an FGO protagonist to recruit a spirit who had been trying to thwart/kill/subject-to-unending-agony them in their last encounter.

Another new awesome chapter!
Yeah, there is a time when constant growth becomes SoD breaking, for various reasons.
Considering half the nonsense Matthew has done I have the sneaking suspicion Morgan grabbed a Sayian sperm cell from somewhere, doused it in a bath of steroids and liquid cocaine, and slipped that in "Justice League Unlimited: Epilogue" style.

That or the pure-blooded fey in Fate universes are just that naturally bullshit.
The girl stiffened. "Fine. I'll be straightforward." Her demeanor changed entirely, eyes flickering red for a split second. "S-. Hakuno. Hakuno has access to a suite of what we call Codecasts - her spoils for winning a Grail War in the Moon Cell. I won't bore you with the details. What's relevant is that there exists a Codecast that would permit her to enter a soul and purge impurities."

Called it. The Ten Thousand Colored Stagnation, Kiara's unique Code Cast. There's also a lesser version, Thesis of the Still Heart, also developed by Kiara, which is essentially a medical software allowing treatment of the heart and soul from the outside. You already know what the Ten Thousand Colored Stagnation can do.

"My name is BB. I am an AI created from the discarded feelings of yet another AI, the sum total of her love for one who became 'real'. I am sixty-nine days of love compressed into one being. Memory abandoned. Everything I do, I do for my beloved Senpai." BB's eyes shone red, even as golden lettering patterned her dress and coat. "I am beholden to your prince of fairies as an ally, willingly or not. The consequences of my actions come for us all, prepared or not. All we can do is constrain the point of contact. I will announce the beginning of that reckoning, which Chaldea must face. Even as I too, once tried to discard my feelings… nothing stays gone forever."

Romani leaned back, eyes wide.

"Your enemy is my enemy. If you can fulfill my wishes… then I will give all I have. Save my Senpai. Bring her happiness. And perhaps, just perhaps… give me a space to stand at her side." BB bit her lip. "'This is not who I normally am', I would say. But again, this is a consequence of my actions. Once I would have been able to brush such things off, but." She shook her head and stood tall, dominating the screen. "Tell them what you wish. In three days' time, a new 'Singularity' will appear." Her eyes flashed red once more. "Prepare. The year 2030 approaches, comingled with the sins of your founders' past."

Yup. Here comes Seraphix, SERAPH and Kiara.

Psst. @Blinktwice13. You can't just leave poor Kingprotea all alone in cyberspace, but she's a bit too big to fit in Chaldea... any plans?