Absolutely brilliant use of Olga! I'm not sure if it was predicted at all by anyone else, but I couldn't figure out who it might be. I was wracking my brain trying to figure it out. It never occurred to me that she had ended up in friendly hands. It's been a long while since an Author has genuinely managed to surprise me like this. Well played.

I also loved the Illya and Herc moment. From the moment the volcano was mentioned as a symbol of his I had hoped for a random herc to appear.
Amazing, Olga is back! Just finished off an Shinjuku in my na FGO account (I did halloween last year) and how Moriarty used the phantom spirits by fusing them with heroic spirits has me wondering if Morgan and Minaka are doing something similar.

Looking forward to what I presume will be the end of septem and onto what I think will be EXTRA. Just asking though will you be doing saber wars? Some dont like it but its one of my favourite events because of how jacked up and funny it is.
I am stuck imagining Herakles and Shiro performing a bash brothers routine on Vadac, ala Major Louis Armstrong and Sig Curtis vs. Sloth from FMA:B. Meanwhile, Illya wholeheartedly approves of this.
I just want to say that Vesuvius is not a supervolcano, though the Phlegraean Field on the other side of Naples is a nasty volcanic zone.
So Olga is something along the lines of Ishtar, but 70% Olga and 30% Vivian instead of the 60% Ishtar and 40% Rin. Vivian is pretty refined, all things considered.
Though I bet that she can kick back/be a complete dork and while Olga acts like she doesn't agree, she secretly enjoys not having to hold herself up to Magi nobility standards. And she even has a valid excuse for it. After all, preventing herself of taking these actions might irritate the Spirit that she is sharing her new body (remember her old one was 100% vaporized) and ticking off Fae is a bad idea.
Also she basically spent over a month on a forced spa vacation. That does a lot for anxiety, nerves, what have you.
Not to mention having all the expectations of upholding behavior of the Animusphere legacy etc etc no longer matter. After all she's got marching orders from literal goddesses; that out-ranks a great deal of other obligations.

Though what Olga will be at the end of this is up for debate. Becasue her body was completely destroyed and Morgan made a new one for her in Avalon. Remember Merlin's comment about the place a while back?
"That's right. This land is abundant in mana. This is the Kingdom of Faeries on the Reverse Side of the World. Any normal human would explode on contact. Servants themselves would overload, and even beings from the Age of Gods would suffer beneath the weight. Only those born of the planet or those of the divine could withstand the purity of the mana. And if it were focused? Well, Avalon is more a weapon than a paradise in my eyes. I can't imagine a force that could contend with it."
Now I doubt she's the equivalent of Matthew but I doubt Vivian simply went for a carbon copy of Olga's original human body.

Edit: Yep there are definitely changes:
No crest marred her forehead, and she wore a dress of overlapping silver scales.
Originally the Animusphere Magic Crest was placed there, but now it's apparently gone. I'm not 100% sure aobut the particulares of Magi socity but she might not even be considered an Animusphere anymore due to her 'loosing' the Crest.
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So is Olga the one that escaped slash left Avalon or is that someone else

That's her, yep!

Looking forward to what I presume will be the end of septem and onto what I think will be EXTRA. Just asking though will you be doing saber wars? Some dont like it but its one of my favourite events because of how jacked up and funny it is.

I'll need to look up the script for it or a recap since I never played it. Started too late and my account got locked due to technical crap so I never saw a rerun.

I just want to say that Vesuvius is not a supervolcano, though the Phlegraean Field on the other side of Naples is a nasty volcanic zone.

Oh, got it. I'll go edit it asap. Thanks!
You'd think Ayaka would be the one stuck with Vivian, then again she's probably going to be somewhat critical to counter Manaka's plan.

Funny how her pigeon infested Garden is the 'Promised Land' for Arthur rather than Avalon. Guess Avalon isn't all that special lmao.
I...I don't know. I'm sorry, it's just really hard to enjoy these fight scenes.

Maybe it's the lack of "importance" attributed to individual Servants compared to other stories. Maybe it's too Many characters and not being able to give weight and attention to their individual existences and Noble Phantasms in the heat of combat. It might be how nothing stands out, it's just a steady rise towards a climax.

I don't know. I want to give constructive criticism, not whining.
I Would say it's the amount of poeple we need to keep a hold of.
And it's going to grow even larger as it happened in his other stories.
It's going to be hard to keep up without the wiki and Google.
And I can agree that the amount of servants also skewers the story,though you can still read it and enjoy it.
Just hope we don't get too many important named characters in a single chapter,that would really brake the story.
"Stopping a supervolcano is no easy feat," a familiar voice remarked begrudgingly. "But if you nap on me after I bothered to come all this way to save you, there will be consequences! Snap out of it, Matthew Kyrielight!"

...that voice. Harsh, unyielding, but…!

My eyes snapped open, and I found myself upright.
Oh hey, it's Vivian!!
"Well, well. It has been a little while, hasn't it? Professor Lev?" She smiled in faux-sweetness, golden eyes flickering with violent promise. Her white hair tumbled down her shoulders, divested of its customary braid. No crest marred her forehead, and she wore a dress of overlapping silver scales.

"...Director?" Ritsuka whispered harshly.
Omigod she's back.

Being completely honest, I was tearing up when I realized it was Olga hosting Vivian. A complete surprise, but a pleasant one nonetheless. Can't wait to see how one Olga will be now that she'd no longer burdened with keeping up appearances and being able to relate - on some level - with Matthew.

On the note of the fight scenes, yeah, they're Blink's weaknesses, but I've read Grail and Keys, and seeing how over time, the fight scenes have been getting better, especially this recent one. I felt like I was watching a movie, with each scene change focusing on another part of the narrative. I especially loved the fight against Remus, with all of them working in conjunction to strip him of his powers. I think that was the best out of three fights.
You'd think Ayaka would be the one stuck with Vivian, then again she's probably going to be somewhat critical to counter Manaka's plan.

Funny how her pigeon infested Garden is the 'Promised Land' for Arthur rather than Avalon. Guess Avalon isn't all that special lmao.

Well, she is Prototype Shirou, up to including the Harem Protagonist EX power. And you know Nasuverse's rules about prototypes.
Well, she is Prototype Shirou, up to including the Harem Protagonist EX power. And you know Nasuverse's rules about prototypes.
The only confirmed power of Ayaka that we know is that she's stupid good with Formalcraft (Elemental Conversion version), the so called magecraft for dummies.

And like any other Protagonist she have some weird feats which includes whatever the fuck that makes her eyes and hair glows when she took off her glasses, the one that make her entire Garden blooms (Merlin's blood? She's half-Brit isn't she?), and of course the one where she beat the snot off Sancraid, a seasoned Templar with a Mobile Bounded Field with Magic Resistance at the same level as King Arthur.
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So approximately ten percent of that info was in the wiki, can you pm me a link to reliable sources? I want to fit Ayaka in (preferably close to when I bring in Proto!Saber) but want to make sure she fits thematically and I know what the base character is before I add mods.
Don't neglect Strange/Fake. If you end up doing Agartha, bring True Rider along and look at Berserker of El Dorado's face when she realizes who you have. Even better if you somehow set True Rider up with Twinkleheels.

EDIT: Here's Amaterasu, with Tamamo for comparison.
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I appreciate your honesty. Fight scenes continue to be a work in progress, but for that particular critique I did try to incorporate some of what you had said before.

I guess it boils down to a difference in writing styles? Nasu is great at writing action setpieces where each character stands out and shines, while I struggle with fight scenes from the start, and find things easier as a natural progression with multiple moving parts that blend together. Also he's just plain better at writing than I am, and Fate and Type-Moon properties are his baby to start with. It's called the Nasuverse for a reason, after all.

And as for other fics, I'll admit that I haven't followed as many Fate fics as I have, say, Worm and the like. Beyond that I don't really hold my work up in comparison to other authors' because either I feel bad about myself or I feel slimy for looking down on others. So drawing comparisons is a bit rough for me.
I agree with Saiyajin here, and actually, I'll just take this as an opportunity to air my problems with the story so far as a whole. The reason why I haven't done so sooner is because things were starting to look better with this chapter but, well, it didn't live up to my hopes.

The amount of unnecessary characters you brought into the story is bringing it down not just in fights but also in all other aspects. You should really focus on what you already have rather than go for the cool factor and bring in more characters, leading to a boring, predictable downwards spiral of necessary escalation if you want to keep the story at least somewhat interesting. Medea is the first victim of this that comes to mind, an age of the gods caster servant who has incredible utility and skill, as well as a noble phantasm that opens up a lot of interesting tactical options, relegated to somewhat contributing to the creation of one (1) mystic code and then being forgotten for the rest of the story. You end up underdeveloping the cast (if at all) and this also affects the antagonists, with the only exception so far being La Voslin (or whatever her name was) and even there I'm getting the feeling that it's because she is going to be switching sides.

Then you have the number one offender, the council of the goddesses.

You have made a group of literal god-level characters, or in other words, a nice, pretty little collection of deus ex machinas to be pulled out the sleeve at your leisure. This dramatically lowers the stakes in the story (and they are low enough as is) or just removes them outright. In all honesty, I feel like you wrote yourself into a corner here, seeing as you always have a handy goddess to throw at a problem and pull of the impossible whenever you feel like it. You have already committed to utilizing them so you're forced to escalate in order to keep the story interesting, but that level of power ultimately makes the protagonists have to rely on the aforementioned deus ex machinas, ultimately undermining any of their achievements and feats.

I'm gonna guess that that's what you've committed to in regards to the progression of the story, and it is possible to pull it off by buffing the protagonists, but as of right now I am not all that trusting of your capability to pull it off and have it be satisfying.

Your fight scenes aren't bad and I'm honestly not the best person to judge them, seeing as I'm not all that interested in them, but the utilization of noble phantasms is grating. You usually just use them as glorified fireworks rather than the trump cards of heroic spirits that they are. Another thing is how you portray the servants themselves in fights, with the most recent example being Ceaser and Boudica. On one side you have the Queen of Victory, on the other, you have fucking Ceaser. You could have had an epic strategic battle between two armies, but you chose to go with the pretty fireworks option instead and wasted a perfectly good opportunity.

Then there's Matthew, who has so far checked a depressing amount of the Mary Sue boxes. Despite his trauma and (supposed) misanthropy, I have yet to see him mistrust someone and vice versa. His little rebellion when it comes to studying history has also yet to bite him in the ass, and even when it should Morgan is right there to hold his hand and save him from his immaturity. He has so far had an answer to every situation, was able to avert any major catastrophe, fix every tragedy and has had a strange amount of skill when it comes to things that he should have no prior experience with. You can justify that with Morgan helping him with them, but by that admission what is he worth without Morgan doing everything for him? Though this is more of a personal problem with the character itself rather than a critique, so take it as you will.

I guess I should apologize in case I came off as a bit too aggressive, this isn't meant to insult or anything like that, but I'm aware that it could look like that.
Well there is a fairly easy way to limit the Goddess coven. Manaka mentioned some sort of balance/deal she had with the coven, a sort of 'Rules of War' in her conflict with Morgan.

So maybe at some near point she informs them that either they dial back their direct interference or she takes off all the breaks and everybody loses.

As a result while they can guide and advise, they can't be as blatant as they've been in this Singularity and the main cast need to carry the day without help.

Edit: Of course this is fine with Morgan and co since they've gotten the Pseudo-Servants they were working on to team Chaldea, things have been tweaked in the later singularities to be balanced/in their favor; and the main cast has 'leveled up' enough that they can most likely handle the coming trials with no hand holding.
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Well there is a fairly easy way to limit the Goddess coven. Manaka mentioned some sort of balance/deal she had with the coven, a sort of 'Rules of War' in her conflict with Morgan.

So maybe at some near point she informs them that either they dial back their direct interference or she takes off all the breaks and everybody loses.

As a result while they can guide and advise, they can't be as blatant as they've been in this Singularity and the main cast need to carry the day without help.
True, and a valid method to resolve that particular issue, even though I am not really a big fan of the whole balance deal that is happening. Then again, that is more of a personal preference so I won't criticize it.
even though I am not really a big fan of the whole balance deal that is happening.
Meta-wise, yes the author is keeping some level of balance between the two chess-masters of the story ( Chaldea's closer to 'pawn' right now). In-universe the 'accord' is probably since if both parties threw everything they had into this conflict, things they both want would get destroyed and nobody wins. Sort of like how biological, chemical and nuclear weapons are seen in conflicts.
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Meta-wise, yes the author is keeping some level of balance between the two chess-masters of the story ( Chaldea's closer to 'pawn' right now). In-universe the 'accord' is probably since if both parties threw everything they had into this conflict, things they both want would get destroyed and nobody wins. Sort of like how biological, chemical and nuclear weapons are seen in conflicts.
Oh, I'm fully aware of that. As I said, this comes to personal preference. I like stories where all sides in a conflict play for keeps from the beginning, plans and dominoes coming into play and being set down since minute one, with the only thing keeping them from going all-in being either internal conflict or MAD.

The reason why I dislike both the council and the deal as much as I do is that, by writing them in their current form, Blink has effectively railroaded the story - and himself to an extent - when it comes to plot progression and cut off a decent chunk of interesting twists that could otherwise be employed. Especially since both internal conflict and MAD are valid options in the story.
This was very satisfying to read. I like that you have everyone use the abilities that they have intelligently, and not suddenly forget them whenever its convenient for the plot for them to not be able to do something.

The complex relationship developing between Matthew and Gil continues to be interesting. It's going in a better direction, even if it's not particularly normal or even objectively healthy, but I can't help but feel like until Enkidu shows up, there's an upper limit to how emotionally invested he'll allow himself to be in anyone. Or atleast, what he'll admit to himself and others.

As for Galahad... I don't know if this is intentional or not, but I don't really understand his demeanor. His ACTIONS certainly make sense - he's already explained why he attacked Matthew so many years ago, and why he's only drip-feeding Mash his abilities. He was only doing what he felt was right. But his stoic and vaguely superior attitude seems to be a persistent thing, even when he's trying to explain himself/reconcile with Mash and even when he's doing people a favor.

Does he find it grating that he's been type-cast as a bad guy because Matthew shared his side of the story first, or is he just overly serious and playing up the 'noble' side of 'noble knight'? I'm not saying he should be a meme like ara ara morgan, but the fact that he basically never lightens up seems to be a recurring theme...

The interaction between Nero and the Valkyries was great
I hope that Romulus gets a chance to shine in the next update
I kind of want to see Olga flip out
Having not played Extra, I'd like a better idea of what Hakuno can and can't do
I want to see Romani and Da Vinci spit out their coffee when Olga shows back up
Gatekeeper (Huge Equinox Spoilers!)
Name: Vivian (Olga Marie Animusphere)
Class: Gatekeeper
Alias: Lady of the Lake (Former Director of Chaldea)
Alignment: Lawful Good (Lawful Neutral)
Basis: Arthurian Romance (FGO)
Origin: Earth

The soul loosed from the superdense information body known as Chaldeas. Set adrift towards the Origin, she was rescued by Morgan and brought to Avalon. As Avalon in many texts is referred to as an afterlife, it was the simple act of a goddess towards one she had blessed. Contrarywise, it was Morgan doing all she could to right a wrong where she had no immediate solution. There her soul remained until Morgan hammered out her contract with BB and recruited the magus Touko Aozaki to her cause. Aozaki used her newfound power to rapidly create a puppet suitable as a base container. BB followed suit by investing the soul with the energy needed to live in the form of the remaining consciousness of the Lady of the Lake.

For over a month, Olga Marie slumbered in the Lady's demesne. Vivian's influence echoed across her soul, giving her the resolve, gravitas, and elegance of Morgan's chief rival. It may have also made her a little kinder in a general sense. While Olga Marie is nominally the one in control, she is influenced deeply by Vivian herself. If faced with one Vivian had loved, she would say 'Ah, it's you!' in joy before devolving into confused embarrassment. Likewise, if ever faced with Merlin, her response would be 'How suits your tower, wizard bastard?'

Even though she is now ambulatory, her stamina is poor. Prone to flashy acts and wielding power she never had in her first life, there is a propensity for burning herself out. Eventually she will fully attune and become a force of nature, but for now she is a (somewhat) relaxed Olga Marie with shiny new toys and far fewer burdens on her shoulders.

Though her role as gatekeeper to Avalon itself may well be equal to any duty she held in Chaldea...


MAN: B++


Fairy Runes (B++): Able to invoke a number of effects as a pseudo- Marble Phantasm by utilizing the written language of the World. It could be used towards Item Construction, but Vivian was more a guardian of relics than a crafter of them.

Animusphere Magecraft (--): Stripped of her Crest when her body was destroyed, Olga Marie lacks the ability to invoke her family's spells. In magus society, she no longer qualifies as the Animusphere heir. This skill is noted only for its absence.

Item Construction (C+): Above average by dint of having access to basic skill associated with fairy-kind.

Territory Creation (Lake) (A++): Olga Marie is able to quickly and precisely establish a territory. This skill is directly linked to her primary Noble Phantasm, allowing its use. However in a nonstandard function, maintenance is rather high and results in any such Territory being temporary at best.

Magic Resistance (B+): Passively given by the garb of the Lady of the Lake, Olga Marie is immune to all but the highest ranks of thaumaturgy.

Gatekeeper (A): The skill for which the class is named. An arbitrator of boundaries. At rank A, it denotes Vivian's role as the one who guards the path to Avalon. As part of the related duties, she is the first line of defense against invasion or damage, such as would be presented by the incineration of human history or extended corrosion of the World by All the World's Evils. In terms of benefit, it gives a heavy plus modifier in checks made against invaders and checks to establish boundaries between the protectorate and enemy.

Elemental Core (B): Something akin to a Goddess' Divine Core, but with caveats. The usual boons are in place - wards against mental interference, varying increases to parameters and skills, an immutable body - however it also imposes a weakness to 'unearthly' attributes such as those with 'Existence Outside the Domain'. However, the 'Gatekeeper' skill helps cover some of those weaknesses, though not completely. Divinity is also part and parcel of this skill.

Endowment of Arms (EX): The ability to loan out weapons summoned by the Noble Phantasm of Vivian. The ability to distribute arms varying from spears to holy swords to scabbards of immortality. Of course, this necessitates the presence of said items, and not all are available at any given moment.

Noble Phantasms:

Demesne Vivienne (Sanctuary of the Inner Sea) (A++): Anti-Encampment High Thaumaturgy. A restricted Marble Phantasm that uses the 'Territory Creation (Lake)' skill to manifest a large body of water. The surface tension is enough that it can be stood upon. As water imbued with the energies of Avalon, it has powerful properties of rejuvenation. Merely being near it exposes targets to a diluted form that restores energy and vigor. Small doses when imbibed can heal most wounds. Larger ones can inflict damage by inflicting mana poisoning by way of overdose. The water itself is under Olga Marie's control, and can be moved in a variety of ways: simple movement for offense and defense, and state-changes such as freezing or evaporation towards the same ends.

Armaments of Avalon (Treasury of the Inner Sea) (EX): Anti-Unit Summoning-Based Noble Phantasm. In the depths of the lake, all manner of treasures are hidden for the Lady to draw, wield, and dispense at her leisure. If a weapon was made by a being of the World - such as a Fairy or other Elemental - it is stored there. Unlike the proper Noble Phantasms, a True Name Release does nothing beyond identify the treasures, which have their own passive properties. As an example: Excalibur can be drawn and wielded with the appropriate sharpness, but invoking its name does not release the light of the Planet. Likewise, were it in her keeping, the scabbard would provide regenerative properties but lack the invocation of barriers a True Name Release would provide. The treasures all have passive strengths that she can draw upon and distribute. When not in her keeping, a True Name Release becomes possible - but at great cost to the one invoking them. The mana requirement is far more exorbitant than their use as a Noble Phantasm in the keeping of their proper legends, and can even result in the death of the user. To even access this Noble Phantasm, the use of 'Demesne Vivienne' is required to create the space in which the treasures are stored.
But his stoic and vaguely superior attitude seems to be a persistent thing, even when he's trying to explain himself/reconcile with Mash and even when he's doing people a favor.
Morgan: "Fun police. That attitude is baked into his soul."
Alias: Lady of the Lake (Former Director of Chaldea)
Cue begging and whining by the Magi for her to become director again so Caster Seven can be reined in.
Olga: "You didn't hear who I was bonded to, did you?"
she was rescued by Morgan and brought to Avalon.
Morgan: "Oh I think I got something!" -Reels in Olga's soul with a fishing rod-
Merlin: "I don't know, it looks a little small. We might need to throw it back."
Vivian's influence echoed across her soul, giving her the resolve, gravitas, and elegance of Morgan's chief rival.
-Thinks about Morgan's sillier/derpy moments, in particular her spilling stuff due to Catboy-Matthew and cooing over Matthew/Cú-
Resolve yes. Gravitas and elegance? Probably not all the time.

Vivian: 'Ohh, we should try this. It looks fun!'
Olga: "No! It's silly and embarrassing!" (secretly wants to but in denial)
Vivian: 'Yes we will.'
Olga: "No. We. Aren't."
Vivian: 'Yes.'
Olga: "No."
Vivian: 'Yes.'
Olga: "No."
Vivian: 'Yes.'
Olga: "No."
Vivian: 'Yes.'
Olga: "No."
Vivian: 'No.'
Olga: "Yes.....DAMITT!"
Vivian: 'Hah! I win!'
So she can call forth Excalibur, but she can't shoot beams from it, only use it like a normal sword. If she gave it to someone else, they could shoot the beam, but it'd cost far more mana than when Artoria uses it, quite possibly killing the temporary user in the process. Wonder how that would work if she gave it to Artoria...

Likewise, if ever faced with Merlin, her response would be 'How suits your tower, wizard bastard?'

Hmmm... Now I kinda want to bring Gilgamesh into Avalon. Ea should be strong enough to destroy the Tower, thereby setting Merlin free. Even if Merlin dies in the process, he'll still wind up in the Throne as a proper Heroic Spirit; and since he'd be dead, he'd no longer qualify for the Beast class.