Forneus' face was centimeters from his own. "This battle is unwinnable. My only fate is to break myself on that shield. Were I what I was, I would. After all, I would revive in his court. Why not?" To Jason's terror, tears as black as the sea's depths trickled down Forneus' cheeks. "I don't want it. I don't want to hurt. I'm a speaker, a teacher - not a fighter. I want humans to die. I want humans to grow. I want to trick them. I want them to learn. She broke us, broke me - we're not a monolith anymore. I don't know if we ever were."
Wow, I don't know if she is the best liar of them all, but I love the fact that Manaka giving them their portrayals in occultism, well it basically gave them independence from King Goetia and some want to side with Chaldea, like what happened in the temple of time, after we defeated Goetia before the final showdown, against Goetia "King of Men".

The black wings of a butterfly.
Why does my mind jump to the conclusion that they tried summoning Vortigern and got Morgan....and his essence for the ride?

A____, heritor of M_____.
L____n S___e.
If the name is Albion, I will laugh.

"I mean, one capable of forging the Holy Sword? And you, in your haste to preserve the boy's life-"
Oooooooooh shit, that is not......good for him.

You deserve better than heirship to Morgause."
God fucking dammit! Of course it's her!

Cloth woven of white, threaded with silver. The mystic codes bound into the noble garb. Shoulders broad and accentuated by pads that curved like thorns. Taller, but bones the same. A more mature face. Hair pale as snow and just as opaque. Eyes like frozen lakes, still holding their shine. A small half-smile of amusement. Grey gloves in place, the only true colors upon me were the book secured to my back - finally shining - and Aoibheall's gemstones glimmering at my throat
Oh fuck, similar body color scheme as Berseker Morgan

"The Starting Penalty is Five."
.....soooooo should I begin screaming in abject terror now or later?
Name: Patroclus
Class: Pretender
Alias: Heart of the Myrmidions
Alignment: True Neutral
Basis: Illiad
Origin: Man

The mentor, lover, and dearest friend of Achilles.

After killing another child in anger over a game, he was given to Peleus, Achilles father, who then squired him to the younger boy. Patroclus was older and wiser than Achilles, and the younger man kept his counsel.

In the war of Troy, Achilles refused to fight due to being denied by the king. In turn, Patroclus - with his blessing - took his arms and armor and fought on the field. His performance was such that the enemy were convinced that Achilles himself had bared his blade.

Until Hector. Until Apollo stole the man's wits and left him a victim to the Defender of Troy.

After his death, all the Myrmidions mourned, shearing their hair in a gesture of farewell and grief. For so many to make such a drastic action, he was surely loved by many beyond his own partner.

Not long after, Achilles took the field once more. The rest, as they say, is History.

Blunt, dry, yet full of love, compassion, and wisdom immediately below that surface, Patroclus was the anchor that held Achilles to the world. His dear friend, his councilor, the person he loved most. They had wives and conquests, but never would they truly part. Not until the gates of Hades themselves interceded.


NP: A+

Not far behind Achilles when the latter was not using his gifts, he made up for his (slightly) lesser combat capacity with his wits, skill, and intellect. If one were to compare them to a modern idea, it would be the 'Jock and Nerd' if the 'Nerd' were a touch older and in close to as good a physical form. And also that the Jock looked up to said Nerd and- I digress.

Capable in Pankration, battlefield medicine, tactics, and no small number of other valuable skills, he is every inch a student of Chiron. Just as Achilles was. His classes he could fit into are limited to two, both outside the main seven. On one hand, he could perform as Shielder due to utilizing Achilles' armor and shield in combat. His more fitting class, however, is Pretender - drawing on Achilles' reputation to empower himself while still holding those arms.


Valor (B): It was not Achilles' armor alone that allowed Patroclus to push the Trojans back. He is possessed of conviction and surety. As such, he can resist mental interference and his hand-to-hand skills are increased.

Teachings of the Sage (C+): An overarching skill encompassing all he learned at Chiron's side. Medicine, history, tactics. This breadth of experience and 'older-brother' style reliability also acts as a sort of Battlefield Charisma, giving him the experience and skill to lead.

Tithed Glory (B): A skill that ties Patroclus' fame to the man he impersonated for the good of the Myceneans. Due to his part in the Illiad being not only Achilles' compatriot but also his shadow (after a fashion), his own legend is tied so neatly to the Greatest of the Greeks that despite his lesser personal fame, he benefits from Achilles' all the same.

Magic Resistance (B): Dependent upon wearing the Divine Construct armor Achilles loaned him. If he is stripped of it, this skill becomes null.

Noble Phantasms

Akhilleus Kosmos (The Miniature World We Shared) (A+) (Barrier): Despite the different name, it is very much the same shield held by Achilles in his Rider incarnation. To oppose it is to make the world your opponent. Unlike Achilles, he cannot use its offensive power to crush enemies - but unlike Astolfo, if he is the one using it the durability might just outlast an onslaught like Vasavi Shakti.

Akhilleus Amarantos (Amaranth-Stained Armor He Gave Me) (A) (Anti-Unit): The Divine Construct Armor Achilles loaned Patroclus. While worn, it passively grants him a considerable amount of Magic Resistance. It can be invoked by the name Patroclus gave it in order to add two plus modifiers to all of his physical stats for a time, making him very nearly Achilles' equal on the field. Beyond that, it is a mighty defense that it took Durindana itself to pierce fully.
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Apologies for double post! I added a stat sheet but wanted to address these:
on a tangent note:
Does this mean the Dioscuri and jason might come to chaldea too? if so, which classes for each of them? Saber or rider for jason, saber or avenger for Gemini

I have picked who is getting Kirsch's three slots. Achilles and Pat joined the party without consent before Matthew went full MURDOR.

Wow, I don't know if she is the best liar of them all, but I love the fact that Manaka giving them their portrayals in occultism, well it basically gave them independence from King Goetia and some want to side with Chaldea, like what happened in the temple of time, after we defeated Goetia before the final showdown, against Goetia "King of Men".

Why does my mind jump to the conclusion that they tried summoning Vortigern and got Morgan....and his essence for the ride?

If the name is Albion, I will laugh.

Oooooooooh shit, that is not......good for him.

God fucking dammit! Of course it's her!

Oh fuck, similar body color scheme as Berseker Morgan

.....soooooo should I begin screaming in abject terror now or later?

Yup, adding the portfolios from the Lesser Key did give them a considerable boost but also added some Character to them. Not humanized, but more individualized - which might be worse for the Demon King Goetia in the long run.

Morgause is related, but it ain't her. I will say the A-name is related to who was summoned, but not a one-for-one match. He does take after Berserker Morgan (which is good and preferable to Ruler Morgan or worse Morgause).

With the endgame I have planned being started to be PROPERLY hinted at here... yeah, just pick a time to scream. It's all good.
I want to give more hints, but at this point, I would just end up saying it outright. If people can't figure it out and want to know badly enough, DMs are open.

It's kind of a spoiler and connected to my main plot for Camelot so I'll leave it at that. (If we waited that long to say Mash had Galahad, Matthew can wait that long to be Named.)
Name: Heracles
Class: Saber
Alias: Hercules, Son of Zeus, Hero of Twelve Labors
Alignment: Chaotic Good
Basis: Greek Myth
Origin: Heaven

The Strongest in the World, summoned in a non-Berserker class. While not as powerful as Archer, he compensates for having a Mythological Mystic Code at his disposal. Also his wits, charm, charisma, and surprisingly good looks. For those only exposed to him as a maddened 'rock monster', that last one can be a bit of a shock.

Matthew, no. - R. Archaman

His labors and life go without saying. The Hydra, Cerberus, Stymphalian Birds, Hippolyta's Sash, his death at the venom of the monster he slew - that is all common knowledge across the world. His fame gives him power in that regard.

So, we shall discuss what makes this summoning unique. Aside from his blade, he was called in response to his Master from Fuyuki joining the fray as an Alter-Ego. Squired to Kunapipi as her emissary much as Illyasviel was to Baba Yaga, his role was to act as a counter-stroke against a key threat in the Singularity the Goddess oversaw. In this case, the Hydra. Alone, he could not have done it even with his mighty blade. As an Archer perhaps, but not as Saber. So his Master fought at his side, and together between their legends - his own and hers gifted by the warrior possessing her - they made work out of the demonic beast, enhanced as it was.

His nature is more paternal than anything in this form, perhaps seeing Illyasviel's adoration as a chance at redemption. Or perhaps he simply loves her on her own merits. To those around him, he is genial if a bit distant. It is somewhat sad, as-

Matthew. No. - Da Vinci

Ahem. He regards Jason as a dear friend, and though he acknowledges the man's poor personality he is still partial to him. As for his other compatriots - again, genial but distant. Ah, but given Jason is now single perhaps-

Fou fou fou! - a pawprint

He could snap me in half and I'd thank him for the honor! Decipher that as you like!


NP: A++

His Parameters are not unlike those under Mad Enhancement, but more due to his Mythological Mystic Code than a lack of sanity. He also retains his cunning in addition to his battle-sense, so planning is now on the table as well as actual technique. Fast, deadly, and intelligent, he is a match even against those with greater parameters - putting paid to those who believe only in raw numbers as a path to victory. His skills are a touch more diverse and his body a bit younger than his Berserker incarnation.

As a note, as he is younger he has not completed his labors and thus is not qualified for the Noble Phantasm 'God Hand'.


Magic Resistance (A): Modern Magecraft cannot touch Heracles in this form. The Saber Class' natural resistance and his own innate Divinity compound into a mighty shield equivalent to a dragonkin.

Riding (C): As his legend does not involve him having a steed of great renown, he has the base amount for the Saber class.

Divinity (A): The son of a chief god whose name even today is world-renowned, his Divinity is of the highest rank. It doesn't hurt that he underwent apotheosis after death as well.

Valor (A+): As in his Berserker incarnation, however in the absence of Mad Enhancement it functions properly. Able to nullify mental interference entirely and granting a massive boost to his physical skills, he is able to fight and kill monsters bare-handed.

Mind's Eye (Fake) (B): Again like as Berserker, he has a sixth sense for battle that allows him to evade danger and see through feints.

Battle Continuation (A): This is a skill across all his classes, given his ability to persist in combat. It would take more than the usual strike to bring him down.

Teachings of the Sage (B): A skill gained through Chiron's tutelage, encompassing a range of tactical and non-combat abilities unavailable to him as Berserker. He was not particularly skilled in arts such as medicine, and to ask him to play a lyre is to court death. The rank is mostly linked to tactical acumen and the ability to make use of the environment.

Noble Phantasms

Mystic Code Marmyadose (Blade of Vesuvius' Heart) (A++) (Anti-Fortress): A powerful sword forged by the god Hephaestus, the heat of the earth's blood is held in the blade. Eventually passed down to the likes of King Arthur, it has a storied history. When named alone, it releases a gout of magma that sunders walls and barriers, only empowered by the strength of its wielder's swing. Also, as a powerful Mystic Code, it enhances his parameters as shown above.

Nine Lives (Shooting the Hundred Heads) (A+) (Anti-Unit): The school of fighting developed after defeating the Hydra, based on rapid fluid motion for consecutive strikes. The speed and severity is meant to fight regenerators and slay the immortal, hence the name. When used in conjunction with Marmyadose, it becomes 'Nine Lives Marmyadose', which focuses the destructive power of the sword into the blade itself for even greater stopping power. While it would not unleash as great an area of effect as the code alone, the power is focused into (comparatively) pinpoint strikes to pierce through any enemy.

Pelt of the Nemean Lion (Beast's Hide That Rejects Weaponry) (B) (Barrier): A protective worn phantasm that negates all human weaponry that pierces or slashes. Blunt impact is reduced. However, innate physical techniques such as claws, martial arts, or fangs can pierce it. Likewise, so can spellcraft - assuming it can get past Heracles' Magic Resistance first. The power is not commensurate with the rank, as it is more defined by the limits of what it will not block rather than the power of the artifact. Although Saber Heracles was not summoned after the completion of his labors, Killing the Nemean Lion is one this incarnation accomplished.
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The proper reveal for that in-story will be in the Zero arc, which should give some implications to gnaw on.
In which all of Fuyuki City will be exploding/imploding/on fire/iced over/dead rising from the grave/cats and dogs living together/mass hysteria.....again.

Matthew: "Well, all's well that ends well. Sooooo, anyone got marshmellows? I feel like having smores.":D
Mash: "......." :facepalm: -dope slap-
Also his wits, charm, charisma, and surprisingly good looks. For those only exposed to him as a maddened 'rock monster', that last one can be a bit of a shock.

Matthew, no. - R. Archaman

His nature is more paternal than anything in this form, perhaps seeing Illyasviel's adoration as a chance at redemption. Or perhaps he simply loves her on her own merits. To those around him, he is genial if a bit distant. It is somewhat sad, as-

Matthew. No. - Da Vinci

As for his other compatriots - again, genial but distant. Ah, but given Jason is now single perhaps-

Fou fou fou! - a pawprint

He could snap me in half and I'd thank him for the honor! Decipher that as you like!

Pffft! matthew! :rofl:

a 5 star servant with the obvious build no question. Possibly replace BC or EotMF with teachings in FGO. Though, 2 points:
A) is the lion pelt over his shoulder the Nemean Lion pelt? if so, it's immune to penetration from mortal weaponry and functions as a noble phantasm
B) Since he is a saber, would it not be appropriate to give him B or C riding as per the class skill?
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Pffft! matthew!

a 5 star servant with the obvious build no question. Possibly replace BC or EotMF with teachings. Though, 2 points:
A) is the lion pelt over his shoulder the Nemean Lion pelt? if so, it's immune to penetration from mortal weaponry and functions as a noble phantasm
B) Since he is a saber, would it not be appropriate to give him B or C riding as per the class skill?

...I am very tired and blaming that for the obvious miss. Will update accordingly.
I think blackbeard and asako are similar in that they both hide what really think. As hector put it an idiot acting like a genius isn't dangerous a genius acting like an idiot is.
Well! That was certainly a chapter! Certainly wasn't expecting Matthew going OWA but here we are nonetheless.

As a note, as he is younger he has not completed his labors and thus is not qualified for the Noble Phantasm 'God Hand'.

Ah so he's now slightly more killable in exchange for being even more likely to end your existence. Seems fair.
Wow, Matthew has gotten hornier hasn't he? Also, Matt? Sweetie? If you want Medea to keep talking to you, you will not look at Jason.
More comments have occurred to me.
On my way down I looked to my side and saw-


She held a familiar, jagged knife to Ritsuka's neck. My Master (friend) stood stock still under Medea's hand.

Her wrist twitched, and a thin sliver of blood dripped down Ritsuka's neck. The mage's hand shook, and her lips parted.

After a reread in getting these quotes i figured out it wasn't Celinke holding the fisher king dagger, which was my first terrified reaction and confusion, but Medea holding rule breaker makes more sense.

on the subject of Patroclus, given he was originally planned to be Faker, would he qualify for stuff like B in riding, c independent action and C in Camouflage ala 'Hephaestion's' OG build? I understand why not if not, but it would make mental sense to me. a 3 to 4 star pretender in either case, ther armor likely acting as a skill in place of battle continuation with the shield as his NP.

and to Heracles, My big problem with berserkers in general is the fact they deprive the servant of something, so if berserker Heracles had God hand and Nine lives even in that form, my problems with him vanish.
personally, i think if this was his Saber form if he was older, his Nine lives would resemble Shirou's projection from Heaven's feel along with God hand.

lastly, in argument for the mounts, yes he didn't have any particular deeds of note, but his natural archer form would have had God hand and his hydra tip venom bow on account of it being his archer weapon.
If Heracles was a Rider, i could see him with god hand but getting back Cerberus and the Stygian horses like he had with Alcaides, following the same logic as Aśvatthāman and his chakram - in spite of not wielding them in life, they were things that would fit for the class associated with him in life

To clarify, I still really enjoy the designs, just wanted to share thoughts/questions/mental reasonings I had.
Pat could have those skills, but I feel that what I gave him more than compensates. Given I can't recall him taking the chariot for a spin I wouldn't give him that high a riding stat.
So, since the Okeanos climax happened, next is the wrap up where they hopefully calm matthew down and give him back his circlet.

And then Fou-ex begins his Christmas Adventure! who is this mysteriously masked fluffy hero of the holidays!? Will Anastasia get that Circle fan she wanted!? Who will be wrapped up in a ribbon as a present!? all these Questions and more coming soon!
So, since the Okeanos climax happened, next is the wrap up where they hopefully calm matthew down and give him back his circlet.

And then Fou-ex begins his Christmas Adventure! who is this mysteriously masked fluffy hero of the holidays!? Will Anastasia get that Circle fan she wanted!? Who will be wrapped up in a ribbon as a present!? all these Questions and more coming soon!
The awnsers in order are.cerrunos, with violence and many people. The real question is will santa matthew make Romani question gods plan once more.
I wonder if (cool mom) mom morgan has any embarrasing stories about caliburns... Aiming tendancies.