Anyone like any of the servants in the recent gudaguda event?

also, in my head, Kadoc and anastasia are the masters who end up most involved woth the gudaguda events. Anastasia ended up hitting it off with nobunaga in the singularity during the fuyuki singularity with musashi
"Fate/strange Fake -Whispers of Dawn- is a TV anime based on the Fate/strange Fake novel. It will be directed by Shun Enokido and Takahito Sakazume. It will be animated by A-1 PicturesWP​, Daisuke Ohigashi will write the scripts, Yuukei Yamada will design the characters, and Hiroyuki Sawano will compose the music.[1]"​

it's being released Dec. 31st of this year!
I haven't seen it myself, so unsure.

I did work on the Xmas chapter some, but I also bought The House In Fata Morgana and that's eaten my free time immeasurably. VNs, though.

I'm setting the weekend aside to write and my main goal is to get Xmas up by NA Anni. Wish me luck!

found the quote!
timestamp at 4:30


they completed the entire traum singularity, but not Avalon.... frustration.

Edit: around 6:30 they also briefly cover some details about daybit.
Last edited:

Those Eyes Let None Get Away

This craft essence features Medusa.


this image made me think of a detective movie production by chaldea with Musashi as her assistant and matthew providing a black and white noir effect and narration.
I blame Chaldea Case files and the movie singularity along with chaldea pictures remaining in the background for this idea.


In any case, how are you doing, @Blinktwice13 ? hope things are going well
I'm getting by. Definitely better than last month; I'll see if I can get Xmas out by Halloween.
Chaldea Christmas Special! Ho Ho (No?)!
And just in under the wire, I made it in time for Halloween! The past few months have been a time. Multiple sick family members, my boss is falling apart at the seams so that shit tumbled downhill, and a general emotional malaise have been but a fraction of what I've been dealing with. The first two scenes were done in July, but I hadn't written again until about a week or so ago. I can't speak to the quality of this, but I did have fun writing it.

Content Notes: the usual comic mischief. There's some PG content when the focus is on Matthew's first POV, and the last scene is just flat-out schmoop with barely clothed dudes making out. There's also a blink-and-you-miss-it implication that Hakuno is in Full Control of her Harem. Everything else should be at least 90% safe for work. For anything else, there's a few fragments of plot that I strung through past chapters and am continuing to drop through here.

Gawain twitched as he stared upon the garish stage. It was early in the morning, early enough that few Servants were out and about - and even fewer of the staff.

This did not, however, preclude it from being 'showtime'.

The two were dressed in crimson with white trim. Black boots clad their feet, and though the 'coats' extended into skirts their legs were bare beneath the knee. Each wore a red hat that extended into a floppy cone topped with a white pom-pom. All articles of clothing had that same white, furry trim.

Nero smirked at Elizabeth. "Oho! Dare you? Dare you challenge the Emperor? Come, then! Let us fight for the honor of being this year's Santa!"

"Eeeeh? Of course I'm gonna be Santa! Every idol worth the name has a Christmas Album! Why, Christmas is synonymous with names like Mariah Carey! Her songs are played wherever there's shopping!" Elizabeth pointed an accusing finger at Nero.

Gawain twitched again. He should probably intervene. True, Elizabeth's singing was less 'destructive' than it used to be, but it was still before dawn! Well, dawn in a non-burning England. Too early! The poor Masters would not be happy!

"I shall begin!" Nero pulled a microphone from… somewhere… and took a deep breath.

The air charged with expectation. Gawain felt the hairs on his neck stand on end.

Elizabeth, too, seemed to feel the unspecified danger. She froze, as though listening to a silent voice in her ear. Seconds later, she gave an undignified squeak and dove from the stage, sprinting until she cowered behind Gawain himself.

Something like cloth brushed his arm, and he swore he heard his next-youngest sibling's malevolent giggle.


Gawain flung his arms up, splinters bouncing off his elbows instead of his face. Elizabeth screeched in terror.

The stage was obliterated in a single strike from the behemoth collapsing atop it, Nero sent tumbling to the floor insensate.

"Snrrrr… mimimimi…"

Gawain hesitantly peeked out.

The pale-furred giant lay where the stage originally sat. Nero - in a fleetingly rare state of shock - sat on her behind and hands, staring up at the colossus.

Atop the large animal's stomach lay a swaddled bundle the size of a human. Black messy bedhead emerged from one end, and it moved as though sedately breathing. With the inhale and exhale of the antlered behemoth, so too did it rise and fall. It wriggled slightly and turned over.

Ritsuka Tohsaka's bleary blue eyes met Gawain's own.

"'s that time already, huh." Voice flat with exhaustion, he sat up.


All gathered looked at the tree procured by… by… Gawain was not certain, but it had appeared at some point. Someone clearly got it. Point being, atop it stood a small child.

He wore a white tunic with a golden belt, and a golden scarf fluttered in an intangible wind. With hair like the last rays of dawn and eyes like the sky, if it weren't for his unearthly pallor Gawain would have assumed him a member of his own family.

"Yup." Ritsuka squinted. "Anyone want to run interference while I get back to my bedroom to take a shower?"

Elizabeth squeaked. Gawain had no idea if it was in affirmation or negation.

Matthew's cackle resounded in the mostly-empty dining hall.

Ritsuka took a deep breath. He held it for a second. Two. Three. He let it out.

Matthew, thankfully, was not there. While he did consider the fae a friend and confidant, Ritsuka did not think he had anything to add to the proceedings.

"So to make this work, I'll have to give you a little reduction~!" BB cocked her hip, clad in a scandalously short-skirt nurse's outfit. "Otherwise, all these Casters' hard work will go to waste!"

Nothing positive, at any rate.

"Congratulations. You'll be shedding yourself of excess meat." Meltryllis gave a sharp smile.

Passionlip simply ducked her head, blushing darkly. "If… if it means I can use those arms…"

"It does." Da Vinci stepped in front of BB, hands clasped in front of her waist as she obscured the AI's line of sight. "So perhaps we can move things along…?"

BB scowled, brandishing an oversized syringe. "Fiiine. Move it, Mona Lisa - I've got an operation to complete!"

Ritsuka winced. Clearly the situation was continuing to devolve. He glanced at Aunt Touko.

She lifted The Briefcase with a raised brow.

He shook his head in response. No, no. Not yet.

BB approached Passionlip, eyes gleaming crimson. "Now, you're gonna feel just a little pinch. But don't worry, that's normal!" she chirped.

"Um… Mo- BB… do- I mean-" Passionlip leaned back as the needle came closer and closer. "A-are you certified for this?"

"What do you mean? I got my medical license from the University of Phoenix!" The hypodermic crept onward. "Doink!"

There was a flash of light, and to Ritsuka's perception the world around him glitched. It flickered, pixelated, warped. Bright pink binary poured forth, scattering like the petals of a long-forgotten flower. The code obscured his sight, filling the room.

The prosthetics were engulfed, the work of weeks vanishing into thin air.

He wrenched his eyes shut against the pressure, gritting his teeth.

She agreed to this. She knew the consequences.

That didn't change the fact that an AI with power beyond his comprehension and a sideways form of love was enacting its will upon the world around him. Ritsuka knew BB was a power unto herself, but it was moments like this where he realized how much luck went into Matthew catching her off-guard.

As suddenly as it appeared, the binary stream stopped; the light no longer illuminated the backs of his eyelids. He blinked, adjusting to the new sight.

Passionlip stared at her new hands, standing upright. She turned her elbows and wrists, flexing her fingers gingerly. Her posture was perfect, revealing that her proportions were within the boundaries of an average human. Though her chest was still large, it was no longer to the point where her Divine Constructs were required to keep her body aright.

Meltryllis stirred. She lifted a leg, marveling at the dainty toes that twitched at her command. Slender, elegant. She stood on her toes and did a languid spin before returning to a flat-footed position. She smirked- but then her face froze.

She raised her hands, staring at them in confusion. Gingerly, she moved her fingers. She raised them, running them through her hair. Slowly she looked up.

BB smirked, eyes back to their usual lilac. "Merry Christmas, you idiots. Call it too many back-dated presents." She tapped a finger against her chin. "And when you need what I gave you once again, all it will take is a little willpower. Back and forth, as you like."

"BB… you…" Meltryllis' words were halting, shocked.

"Did you do something to Meltryllis?" Ritsuka asked, frowning. That hadn't been part of their deal. What…?

BB shrugged. "You made an eloquent case for Lip, so I decided Melt should have something of her own as well. Anyways, I'm going to go wander around so Senpai can find me - after you tell her of my good deed for the year." The AI winked with a devilish grin. "Have fun~!" Despite her heels, she managed to skip out of the workshop without hindrance.

Meltryllis let out a soft, confused sound.

"Melt?" Passionlip lightly touched the other Alter-Ego's arm with her new hands.

"I… can feel. The movement of the air-" Meltryllis gripped Passionlip's hand in her own. "Your warmth…" Her eyes were wide in shock.

Ritsuka looked at Da Vinci, only to receive a pleasantly mystified smile. It seemed she was as nonplussed as he was.

Touko merely sighed, letting The Briefcase vanish into thin air. "Well. Whatever happened, it seems to be a net benefit." She rubbed the back of her neck. "...I could use a smoke about now…"

Ritsuka watched the two girls talk quietly, looks of wonder upon their faces.

With a small smile, he made his way to exit the workshop himself.

He had to go tell Hakuno the good news, after all.


Kadoc prodded the bounded field encasing the two of them. "Looks like we're stuck." He frowned. Then, he gazed upwards.

Fou perched on the tip of the Gae Bolg, a cluster of familiar leaves and berries dangling from a 'festive' collar. He stared down in silent, solemn judgment.

Kadoc's eyes traced down the spear to the shimmering form of what looked to be a white bedsheet. It faded in and out of his range of vision, perfectly concealing what lay underneath.

Anastasia gave a polite cough.

Whoever was beneath the sheet remained quiet.

"Mistletoe, huh." Kadoc snorted. "So does it work on a technicality or what?"

"Ah. Mistletoe." Anastasia tapped her chin thoughtfully. "...Master?"

"Basic observation says a kiss between those in the boundary will cause it to disperse. But when we consider the list of suspects, that becomes a little more complicated." Kadoc held his chin between his index and thumb. "In terms of 'mischief', we also need to consider 'capability'. Nobunaga's brand tends to lean towards crudity, violence, or both. Also, she has no talent for magecraft. The Monkey King might do it for laughs to mock the holiday, but despite his range of talents he lacks this form of ability in his current class. The King of Heroes could do it, but that would require him taking an interest in Chaldea at large."

They were far from the only victims locked in place in the cafeteria. Emiya stood with a blank expression as Artoria continued to wolf down plates of food within their prison - at a table beneath the massive tree.

Hinako sat upon Xiang Yu's lap, alternating between glaring at the Servants and humans and narrowing her eyes at their barrier whenever it threatened to drop. Xiang Yu simply stroked her hair with a polite, placid smile that gave no indication of his thoughts.

A technician - Moony? Muen? Meuniere, right. He was trapped with Astolfo, deliberately avoiding eye contact. Astolfo gnawed on a turkey leg, utterly oblivious.

There was a soft wheeze from the sheet near the bounded field, only for it to be quickly stifled.

"The spear is pretty self-evident," Anastasia pointed out.

"Yes, and a number of things line up. That says who the 'accomplice' is, outside of Fou." Kadoc nodded. "And given the history of Erin and Christianity, I can only see him going out of his way to do this for one person - who in turn is the only one with means and motive. So it all lines up neatly. However!"

The sheet jostled in shock as Kadoc aimed a finger at it. Fou managed to keep a stable position atop the spear despite the movement.

"Given our conversations in the past, including his own thoughts on 'consent' and 'boundaries' - there must be alternative means to breaking the containment than a direct kiss! To force such a thing on others would be to go against his own personal standards… right, Matthew!?"

"The most basic process of elimination said it was him from the start. This is hardly one of your visual novels where the culprit of the killing game is in doubt." Hinako raised her voice slightly to be heard.

Kadoc's arm dropped.

"...Hinako likes Dangit Roomba?" Matthew asked from beneath the sheet.

The second-greatest mystery of Team A turned scarlet and promptly fumbled a book out of her sleeves to bury her face in. Xiang Yu continued to stroke one of her twintails.

Kadoc narrowed his eyes at the sheet, only for a soft and cold touch to his cheek to distract him.

The bounded field fell in a shower of pale flecks of light.

He looked to the side.

Viy blinked back from Anastasia's extended grasp. He immediately tore the cap off of a vodka bottle that appeared from (apparently) nowhere and began to chug.

Kadoc felt his own cheeks flare at the sudden onslaught of laughter from the two Caster Servants.

"I honestly could not say. Nor do I particularly care." Gilgamesh's eyes lowered. "Whatever they've decided to do during your little winter holiday is none of my concern."

Ritsuka rubbed his head. "Right. But I heard from Da Vinci that she had to tell Matthew about-"

"Yes, I recall. Overhearing the Lancer's particular view of the holiday was amusing. However, I had no part in whatever plot was hatched. Nor am I inclined to unveil my vision for the sake of such minor mischief." Gilgamesh rubbed his knuckles idly against his shirt.

"Then would you be willing to investigate the new arrivals?"

The two the new voice in the secluded hall. Blue sparks congealed into a familiar golden gaze framed by rose hair, and the rest of Tamamo-no-Mae's body followed.

"One of my tails has taken the kitchen. I'd have investigated the scent myself, but as I haven't divined any dangers I decided to keep my distance for the moment. In addition, the only active mana use is from your Caster." She inclined her head towards Ritsuka.

"Oh, so he's my Caster? As opposed to you and the others?" Ritsuka folded his arms with a flat look.

The King of Heroes and Fox Priestess both stared back, unimpressed.

Ritsuka dropped his arms and slumped. "Yeah."

"Well. Now you know where he is," Gilgamesh pointed out in an arch tone. He tilted his head towards Tamamo. "However, you said arrivals- plural. Your 'tail' would only be one."

"There's a second Spirit Origin in the cafeteria, but I have no intention of going in there until there's a more… moderating influence. Not to mention it's quiescent at the moment." Tamamo gave a small smirk. "Or until my dear husband can meet me there. From what I can tell, the bounded fields the little prince is employing are amusing, if harmless."

Ritsuka pressed the heel of his hand to his brow. "I see."

"Also, there are three presences of considerable power that manifested in the Rayshifting chamber, and have since begun to wander Chaldea." Tamamo shrugged.

"Clearly they are no threat, or the mongrel in nominal authority would have sounded an alarm." Gilgamesh closed his eyes, bored.

"When I say 'considerable', I mean 'if they meant to harm us we would likely be halfway to defeat by now'." Tamamo frowned. "And yes, I am including your power in that. Yours, the Monkey King's, and the Son of Zeus. And then some."

Gilgamesh's eyes slid open, expression unchanged.

Ritsuka still stepped back at the sudden charge in the air, hair prickling on the back of his neck.

Tamamo met his gaze evenly, utterly unruffled.

"How very bold of you to suggest such a thing to my face," Gilgamesh noted in a too-calm tone. "Assuming you have yet to touch the full depths of your abilities, I must wonder where this courage comes from."

The fox smiled, eyes shut. "Why, I'm merely a priestess, fox, and housewife! I surely wouldn't say such a thing unless someone was available to avert any potential fallout."

Gilgamesh glanced at Ritsuka, causing him to swallow harshly. The command seals burned on the back of his hand, for all he hadn't even begun to focus on them.

"Wrong direction~." Tamamo-no-Mae trilled.

The hallway took on a chill totally unlike any Ritsuka had ever felt. It wasn't the gale of tundra from Septem, nor even the antarctic winds that battered him before entering Chaldea proper. It was paired with pressure, a weight not dissimilar to Raphael's larger manifestations. With that… it might resemble the floor of the ocean, an aphotic abyss devoid of light and warmth.

Gilgamesh's narrowed eyes indicated he felt more of it than Ritsuka or Tamamo. It was clear he was the focus of the being's attention.

A faint 'clack' echoed through the hall. Then another. And another.

The scent of salt filled Ritsuka's nostrils.

Tamamo's smile bore teeth. Without words, her demeanor oozed the smugness of a well-savored 'I told you so'. Her eyes were still narrowed to near-slits.

A well-manicured hand slid onto Gilgamesh's shoulder. The nails were painted a blue-green so deep it was this side of black. Ritsuka's gaze followed the arm, clad in sweeping blues-

"King of Uruk," she addressed Gilgamesh. A voice not heard, a face not seen for months. "I'm sure you and my son are getting along? He's a kind young man; I find myself pressed to imagine what offense he could offer." Eyes like polished sapphire stared the King of Heroes down.

Gilgamesh's lip curled. "So you survived that war after all."

"Feigning surprise suits you ill, son of Ninsun." Her eyes narrowed. "Now answer me."

"Why, we were simply discussing how he was going to help darling Ritsuka corral his wayward Caster!" Tamamo chirped. "And that he would gladly act as king and mediate any unfortunate conflicts between myself and the new help in the kitchen."

An elegant eyebrow raised in a too-familiar expression, and Ritsuka felt as though the air was punched from his lungs. "I see. 'Darling' Ritsuka?"

"Of course! After all, he reunited me with my beloved on that oil rig!" Tamamo placed her hands on her cheeks. "For that alone, I owe him a debt of loyalty~!"

Gilgamesh's brow drew taut, but to Ritsuka's surprise he didn't move.

The tension in the air grew, until-

Rin let out an amused huff. "You truly are shameless, facet of Amaterasu. The King of Heroes would do no such thing." She dropped her hand from Gilgamesh's shoulder and turned her gaze on Ritsuka. Her eyes softened. "...hey."

Ritsuka found his breath and voice once more. "Mom," he rasped. His eyes burned.

She smiled. "I managed to get away from my duties for a week. My comrade was surprisingly eager to reunite us - but that's something to talk about later. For now, I want to spend this time with you, your sister, and your fa-"

Tears blurred Ritsuka's vision as he launched himself into her, arms flung around her shoulders.

"-oof. Alright. Later, then." Slender arms, full of strength to block out the world, circled his ribs. "...I missed you too."

Distantly, he was aware of Gilgamesh moving away. He said something, but Ritsuka was more focused on holding onto his mother. His mother, who he hadn't seen since the Incineration of Humanity began.

A hand gently carded through the back of his hair. Even if nothing else good came from the holiday, this was enough.

Ophelia stood ramrod-straight.

Killing Matthew would make Mash sad. I will not do it. Also, he means well. I must remember this.

She muffled a dignified squeak as Lord Kirschtaria's hand brushed hers.

Brynhildr shot her a sympathetic look where she was trapped in her own field alongside Sigurd.

Mash gave a long-suffering sigh, tapping her foot. She glanced up at the Christmas tree where it towered over the wreckage of some sort of stage. At the top was a tiny boy. "...that can't be safe."

Ophelia quietly agreed.

"Hm. The bounded field itself seems surprisingly flimsy for Servant-work, let alone a Caster's doing." Kirschtaria narrowed his eyes. He prodded the translucent film of light with a single finger. It bent like a bubble, but returned to its original form in the absence of pressure.

Kadoc shrugged from his table where he stabbed a piece of roast, only to stuff it into his mouth. He and Anastasia were one of the few couples that had escaped their prison, and were enjoying the 'prize' of the mysterious chef's cooking. The loud crash of pots and pans and the occasional bark could be heard from the kitchen. A shell-shocked Elizabeth clad in a Santa outfit ferried food in and out without comment or complaint.

…there was sure to be a story there. Perhaps connected to the small and antlered furball that assisted her and seemed to trail her footsteps.

Whatever the case may be, the mysterious Archer in red (who Ritsuka treated as a stuffy uncle) was seated next to the King of Knights with a discomfited look. The usurpation caused by his entrapment seemed to wear on him, for all his compatriot seemed at ease with the stream of food keeping her placated.

Ophelia tapped her foot on the floor, nerves starting to spike.

"Shall I incinerate the fool?" Surtr rumbled, flickering into view. The tiny fire sprite glowered, smoke wafting from his spherical body.

Fou's head snapped in their direction, eyes glowing a sullen red behind their greenish sheen.

" are on your own." Surtr vanished with a rude noise in a cloud of soot and sulfur.

Fou remained perched upon the tip of the spear leading into shimmering nonexistence, awaiting his next victim(s).

"...y'all are kind of stupid, huh." Matthew's tone was flat and utterly unimpressed.

"You do realize we didn't tell them the escape clause, right?" Cu Chulainn drawled.

"It's fucking mistletoe." A green-clad arm shot out from under the cloak, waving frantically. "Da Vinci said it was a tradition!"

"I did," the genius agreed. She sat sedately on Dr. Archaman's lap, the redhead sitting ramrod straight and face obscured by his hands. Notably, there was no bounded field hemming them in.

Da Vinci sipped what looked to be coffee with a candy cane poking out of it.

Ophelia was not going to kiss Kirschtaria Wodime. Her emotions were complex, an utter mess, and she was not prepared for-

Her eyes widened as she felt a light brush against the top of her head. Light shimmered and fractured into fractals, falling with the scent of fresh snow.

Ophelia's face grew hot.

"There," Kirschtaria said with satisfaction. "Chaste, yet viable. It seemed the most appropriate approach."

"Congrats, you are in temporary custody of the brain cell," Matthew droned. There was a sharp 'thwack'. "Ow!"

"Be nice."

"Or what, you'll spank me?" Ophelia could hear the leer in his voice.


Ophelia tugged her collar, avoiding Kirschtaria's eyes.

"I won't."

Matthew gasped dramatically.

Ophelia chanced a look at Kirschtaria.

He raised an eyebrow. "I'm… uncertain about the changes that the Child of Light has wrought in young Mister Kyrielight," he murmured conspiratorially.

"...why is it bad to not be spanked?"

All eyes went to the child atop the Christmas tree. Then they turned to where Matthew presumably stood.

"...I'll tell you when you're older?" he offered in a mortified squeak.

The tiny antlered furball gave a disapproving groan, hefting yet another platter over its head. The food was deposited on a table near Ophelia and Kirschtaria.

She immediately moved to sit down. She hadn't even had breakfast yet.

She also determinedly ignored how closely Kirschtaria followed her.


Asako's jaw dropped. "Aunt Sakura?"

The woman wiggled her fingers in a gesture of greeting. "Hello to you too, midget." Her smile was just this side of a smirk.

Asako jabbed her finger in accusation. "You're HERE!"

"I noticed." Sakura folded her arms, eyes flicking around the lounge. "Any reason you haven't headed for the cafeteria?"

"A little goatie told me that there was a mass prank going on there, and I decided I didn't want anything to do with it." Asako plopped back down onto the chaise and picked up the platter of cookies.

"I believe the term is 'a little birdie'," Sakura corrected smugly. Her smile faltered at the sound of offended bleating from behind the ceiling panels.

"LaVoisin's information network." Asako primly bit into a cookie.

Sakura slid into her own chair, eyebrows raised. "No hugs for your favorite aunt? I'm almost offended."

Asako plucked a cookie from the plate and flung it at Sakura's head, only for it to be caught.

It was only after Sakura bit it that she saw Asako's smug smile.

She gagged, snatched a napkin, and spat into it. "Oatmeal raisin? You little monster," she hissed.

"Learned from the best. Nyeeeeeh~!" Asako pulled her eyelid down and stuck out her tongue.

"Asako, be nice to your aunt." Shotaro shuffled into the room, favoring his bad leg.

"Rin run into you yet?" Sakura asked idly, composure back in place.

"Not as of yet," Shotaro demurred. "I think she went to find Ritsuka first."

"Good," Asako said forcefully. "He's been hanging by threads even before the shitshow on the big blue sea."

"Language, young lady." Shotaro dragged a chair over to the gathering and sat heavily.


He gave a haggard sigh. "...would you be responsible for the new arrivals in the cafeteria?"

"One came from Mesopotamia," Sakura mused. "The other I think Morgan wheedled Amaterasu into providing by using the Asset as a summoning point."

Asako perked up. "Asset?"

Sakura smiled. She didn't say anything further.

"Merry Christmas," a familiar voice called.

Asako perked up. "Mother." Her spine went straight.

Rin gave a small smile. "Asako. This is hardly London."

She relaxed. "Right, Mom." She grinned at Ritsuka, tucked under their mother's arm. "Hey big bro. Doing okay?"

Ritsuka blinked, then gave a small smile. "Yeah." He looked up. "Hi, Aunt Sakura."

"'Hi', he says." Sakura huffed. "What, no hug?"

"Perhaps if you got off your ass he might," Rin muttered.

"What? I can't hear you over your mother-henning, sister mine." Sakura gave a toothy grin.

A small vortex of dark water began to spiral into a sphere over Rin's pointer finger. "Why don't you say that a little louder, little sis." Her eyes glowed a violent azure over a placid smile.

Sakura leaned back, crossing her legs as pink lightning criss-crossed her head to toe. She just smirked.

"Ladies," Shotaro boomed, orange sparks shooting from his throat.

Both ducked their heads, the 'special effects' fizzling out.

Ritsuka gave a quiet laugh, hiding behind his mouth behind his hand.

Sakura's expression softened into something a little more genuine, and she stood. "I did miss you, kid."

Ritsuka looked up at Rin, and she let him go with a gentle pat on the back. He immediately ran to Sakura and wrapped her in his arms.

"Oof. You've grown some more. Had another spurt?" She ruffled his hair.

Rin sidled over to Shotaro, only to give an undignified squawk as he tugged her into his lap. Her look of affronted indignance was compromised by the high flush in her cheeks and sparkle in her eyes.

Shotaro just smiled innocently.

Asako stuck a finger in her mouth and made gagging noises as Sakura and Ritsuka burst out laughing.

"I missed you," Shotaro said plaintively.

"Naturally," Rin huffed, struggling to maintain an aloof air- and utterly failing.

"You should be proud! Achilles hit on him and it went right over his head," Asako chirped.

Rin stiffened. "What."

Ritsuka gave Asako an aggrieved look.

"Goats?" Sakura droned.

Asako just gave a shit-eating grin as Rin turned her gimlet stare onto Shotaro.

She kept the fact that Sigurd was summoned under her metaphorical hat. That would be fun to watch, if Sakura didn't already know.

Admittedly, being a professional shit-stirrer was only partially a mask for interacting with magus society. There was a certain joy to watching things explode.

Almost as gratifying as having her entire family under one (very large) roof, if only for a little while.

"He was just joking around! Rin!"

"I'm sure."

Ritsuka dissolved into mortified giggles.

Yep. Just the best.

The King observed as the Alter-Egos made their way into the cafeteria.

In normal times, he would have obliterated the daughter of his former Master for the temerity to issue orders.

Of course, in normal times, she was not host to the sea-mother of all that lives. The idea that she had sufficient compatibility with the fallen goddess, bound in the Sea of Imaginary Numbers-


Gilgamesh raised an eyebrow.

Charlemagne stumbled forward, eyes bright. "Your arms! Uh, did you- congrats!?" He cleared his throat, straightening his back. "I mean, you look more comfortable like this."

"Don't you mean 'beautiful'?" Meltryllis sneered.

That earned her a blank look. "...but Lip's always been beautiful?"

Gilgamesh tuned the interaction out. He had more immediate concerns.

As the King of Heroes, he had no equal among them. No 'hero', no monster, no artist could lay claim to his power. He was the wedge of Heaven, the one who began the final sundering of the Age of Gods.

Tiamat's legend predated his own, and her Divinity was on a level that even that witch Ishtar would have been forced to acknowledge.

And she had chosen to patronize Rin Tohsaka. His (surprisingly tolerable) Master's mother.

If she had chosen to return and take vengeance on mankind, it would have been immediately obvious. The sea-mother was many things, and none of them were subtle. Therefore, the only comprehensible reason she had chosen to act was-


Ah. Yes.

Charlemagne and Passionlip were nose-to-nose in yet another bounded field, the Beast of Calamity hovering overhead with a glowing sprig of vegetation dangling from its neck. It leaned over them, feet glued to the tip of the Lancer's cursed crimson spear.

"He never used to be comfortable enough to do this sort of thing, you know." The voice was conversational.

The craftsman let out a wild cackle, and the sound of rapidly shuffling feet reached Gilgamesh's ears.

"For years, it was just the two of us. Beryl… happened… when he was close to fifteen. Before or after, I can't recall. After that, Leonardo Da Vinci fully took him under her wing. Peperoncino forced his way into his life. Kadoc was dragged into his orbit. But he was never safe here. In no small part, that was due to what had happened to him. What was done. What was revealed."

Charlemagne smiled sheepishly at the Alter-Ego, only to lean in and give a chaste peck on the cheek. Even as she turned scarlet, the bounded field shattered into festive snowflakes.

"It's funny. Everything has an Origin, a truth of their very being. It informs and shapes their behavior. Unknown, it is inconsequential. Known, it reshapes them to the extreme. He was never told it, precisely… but he suspected. And it was enough to shape him into what you see now."

Gilgamesh cut his gaze to the side, taking in the presence.

She was tall - taller than he. Her hair was the same solid gold, tied into a plait that draped down her spine - but her eyes. She had the same brilliant green eyes as her 'son'. She wore a elegant dress of deepest red, thick enough to block out the winter's chill. On her brow sat a simple band of silver.

"Still. Five years of constant contact alone, then three as time passed. And now he's standing on his own." Morgan gave a soft smile. "He finally seems… happy." She looked to Gilgamesh. Her expression did not change.

It made the sudden emptiness in her eyes bite all the harder.

"It really would be a shame if that were to change, hm?"

The goddess was skilled at aping humanity. This did not make her human. The instant she decided he was a threat to her chosen, she would strike. Weakened as she was, a direct battle would fall in the King's favor - which meant, naturally, that she would strike from an oblique angle.

"Hmph. So long as it holds value, I maintain what is mine." Gilgamesh narrowed his eyes.

Her eyelids slid shut, but her smile remained. "My, my! What a relief. It would have been unfortunate to have a misunderstanding dampen the festivities."

Gilgamesh held no ill intent towards the craftsman to begin with. If he deigned to share such thoughts, he would even admit to being fond of him - to a point.



The both of them looked back into the cafeteria.

Achilles had somehow managed to clamber up the bounded field, one hand and two feet lodged into it as he pounded the shimmering wall. Patroclus stood behind him, expression utterly unamused.

A familiar blond head shot out from a cloth that seemed to blend into the very air around it. "KISS YOUR FUCKING BOYFRIEND!" Matthew barked, shaking a green-clad fist - just before a black-gloved hand in a red sleeve hauled him back under.

Achilles froze, mouth partly open.

"Hm." Patroclus' hum carried in the suddenly quiet cafeteria. "We might be here a while."

I grumbled under the cloak once more, pressed back into Cu's chest. I'd snared so many couples - and a few not-couples (Astolfo why) - and like… three. Three had broken out.

Goddammit Emiya, give Auntie Artoria a hug.

As rich as this may sound, you seem to be more capable of expressing affection than a majority of the men you've captured.


Would you be able to escape these traps?

Yes! I wouldn't stick my tongue down his throat in public or anything, but I can hug him and stuff!

I'm shocked, really.

To be honest, it's more for Ritsuka's sake. I make the poor guy's blood pressure rocket enough already. If I decided to go full Throat GOAT in front of Chaldea - which would be one hell of a flex to assert dominance, come to think of it - I honestly don't think I'd mind too much.

Ah, yes. More things I had no desire to know about you. Truly the greatest gift of all.

'Tis the season!

Strictly speaking, I'm fairly sure the Christ-Messiah was birthed in summer. The human authorities merely co-opted local winter festivities in Europe to more easily evangelize.


"So. When do you think Master's going to get here?" Cu prodded my cheek with a leather-gloved finger. "Our deal was to get him and Mash into a field, and then you're mine for the rest of the day."

"Okay, I remember the first part, but the second's new." I leaned back, resting my head against his collarbone. "Not that I'm saying no, mind you."

"I've had you pressed up against my bare skin for multiple hours," Cu breathed in my ear. The heat of his body soaked into my back. "The only reason I haven't had 'reactions' is because my body's made of ether. That and every last ounce of my willpower."


"And after being crammed into this outfit, I don't feel much like sharing tonight." I felt his teeth gently close around my ear, dragging lightly before he released it with a firm lick.


Father preserve me from terrifyingly sheltered teenagers experiencing all the 'joys' of puberty from five years crammed into three months. And men willing to indulge them.



"So I'm sure Mash would forgive me in a year or so if we just-"

And at that moment, Ritsuka walked in. He was followed by a grown version of Rin, a similarly-aged version of Sakura, Shotaro, and Asako.


"...Shishou?" Grown-Sakura stared at Touko, suddenly frozen.

The Grand Magus raised an elegant brow, not moving from her spot next to Scathach.

Ritsuka slowly covered his face with his hands.

The two terrifying women exchanged a glance.

Then I was treated to the sight of the Queen of the Land of Shadows dipping the resident puppetmaster and plunging her tongue down her throat.

And the bounded field scattered.

Cu gave a low growl.

"Wait, you didn't know?" I hissed.

"What?" His grip shifted to my waist, and his fingers tensed along my hip. "I knew, I just wish that was us."

Fou let out a huffing growl.

"Well, we've got one last target and then we're free for the day." I reached back and stiffened as my fingers definitely brushed a nipple. "Uh."


"Uh. Chilly?" I squeaked.

"It's nice to meet you," Mash said in a strained tone.

My attention snapped back to my sister as she and Ritsuka stood side-by-side, talking to Rin.

Admittedly, most of my knowledge of dating came from limited exposure to pop culture, but meeting the parents before holding hands? Damn.

Not everyone can be wooed by a man from Ulster predating the middle ages, who is eagerness personified in all regards.

To be honest, I don't know if Ritsuka's wooing Mash at all. Actually, he's been kind of reticent about the whole thing. …now I'm wondering if this is actually a good idea.

"What's with the look?" Credit where credit was due, Cu immediately picked up on the change in atmosphere.

"...we're sure that he's into Mash, right? Like if he's not, then we should be trying to get him to tell her so she can be let down easy, and-"

"He is." Cu's tone was flat. "Trust me."

I blinked.

"We may have had a chat in Okeanos. I won't go into details - it was fairly private - but for the sake of argument, he's interested in his own way."

Fou began to exude an aura of light menace.

"Okay. Concern retracted." I ducked my head.

Cu sighed, breath tickling my neck. "It's a good concern to have. No one's going to fault you for caring for your friend."

Mash's hand twitched.



I felt his grin as he nosed at the back of my head. "Lead the way."

Ritsuka smiled happily. His family was together again, if only for a little while. Around the cafeteria, the bounded fields were coming down one by one. Apparently they'd figured out some key to release besides the obvious-

A wave of white snapped around him and Mash, enclosing them in a field.

He looked up.

Fou stared down impassively, mistletoe hung around his neck.

Ritsuka swallowed. "Fou," he began.

The small animal licked his chops.

"And you must be Matthew."

Oh no.

Ritsuka's Mother gave a thin smile.

Mash's eyes darted between Ritsuka, Rin, and Matthew's head poking out from under the cloak.

Matthew rolled his eyes. "Seriously!?" he hissed.

Mash stood still, wide-eyed.

There was a growl from the faerie. He held up a hand, used the other to pull someone else's arm out (most likely Cu Chulainn), and clasped hands with his partner in crime. He gave Ritsuka a meaningful stare.

Ah. Wait, if he was annoyed at Mash…

Connections formed, lightning-fast.

"So," Rin murmured, serenely stepping around the bounded field. "What exactly have you done to my child and his friend?"

Well. Against all odds, Mash put Matthew up to it. Not in general, most likely, but this particular situation. In that case, he didn't particularly hold it against him.

Ritsuka reached out.

Mash's hand was warm. Her nails were short, neatly kept, and her fingers and palm had a light amount of callus from her training with shields. Her fingers neatly fit between his, and their palms pressed together.

Despite himself, Ritsuka blushed.

Things began to develop rapidly from there. Rin paused in her stalking. The bounded field scattered. Mash came back to herself with a squeak, immediately turning scarlet.


The cloak flew into the air.

Cu Chulainn stood, clad in a Santa outfit with an open jacket and no shirt. Fou perched on the tip of his spear.

To his side, Matthew wore a skintight green suit with pointed trim in a lighter shade. His pointed shoes had bells where they were laced, and he wore a lighter colored choker with a sprig of holly affixed over his Adam's apple.

"Ah, the Mari Lwyd! It's a yuletide tradition from Wales, nicely done. Though, I thought it was traditionally used for wassailing…"

A blonde woman loomed over Matthew, smiling genially. She was clad in a red dress, simple and comfortable yet still elegant. Her green eyes were bright, yet there was something… off about her. Something Otherly.

"What." Rin's eyebrow twitched.

"Singing," Matthew clarified. "I can carry a tune okay, and Cu's really good-"

He smirked.

"-but Fou."

The animal let out a wail that made Ritsuka's bones shake.

"Duly noted." The woman grimaced.

Matthew nodded, and in the middle of his head's movement, he froze.

It was at that point Ritsuka realized why the woman's voice sounded familiar. He'd heard it in Fuyuki. The one what wasn't on fire.

He slowly turned.

She smiled.


Ritsuka heard the faint clatter of cutlery as Artoria stood up straight, shock clear on her face. Mash squeaked in mortification, grip tightening on Ritsuka's hand.

Cu Chulainn went pale.

And Morgan squealed, scooping Matthew up in a bear hug. "My baby! Look at you playing matchmaker to foolish mortals! I'm so proud!" She rained noisy kisses on top of his head, the faerie prince's shock giving way to utter bewilderment.

Ritsuka made eye contact with his aunt and mother.

His mother looked away, and Aunt Sakura just shrugged.

Thankfully, the sheer awkwardness was disrupted by Chaldea's usual chaos resuming in force.


A light brown buzzsaw of fur rocketed out of the kitchen, Tamamo-no-Mae leading it through the center of the group. Ritsuka glimpsed a cake on a platter in the fox's grip, and a serene smile on her face- then the two were past.

Emiya stood, planted a firm kiss on the King of Knights - who was still in shock - and marched through the dissolving boundary and into the kitchen.

"...Merry… Crisis…?"

Oh, right. There was a child on the tree. …wait.

There was a child on the tree.

Roman let his forehead thud into Da Vinci's back. "Is it over yet?"

"The shenanigans or the holiday?" she replied.


"Romani, that's hardly the spirit of the season," she teased. With a sweep of her arm, she placed it around his shoulders and turned sideways in his lap.

"I'm Jewish." The doctor's tone could have flash-frozen magma. "I'm fairly sure participating in this would be some form of sacrilege."

"Ehhh. He was important, but ultimately it's up to humans how important."

Oh. Joy. The angel had arrived.

Raphael hovered to the side, a familiar red hat on their head. "Strictly speaking, syncretism isn't as widespread as you'd think. For example, though many would see Aphrodite as an evolution of Ishtar, the two goddesses are distinctly less related than assumed! Because space."

Roman and Da Vinci exchanged a look. By unspoken agreement, they decided to let that one pass. For sanity's sake.

"Point being, this is one of those blurry areas where-"

"Perhaps now isn't the time to discuss Judeo-Christian metaphysics," Da Vinci cautioned. "...ah."

Roman looked.

The child atop the tree - who was clearly a Servant - pitched forward, plummeting towards the ground. No one seemed to move to catch him.

There was a strangled sound of irritation, and a ring of runes flared into view around the young boy. With a soft rustle in the air, his descent slowed until he came to a gentle stop at the foot of the tree. His hair hovered right above the ground, only for the ring to rotate him upright.

Matthew scrambled from Morgan's grip, stomping over to where the kid floated. He threw up his hands in exasperation, letting the spell fade.

The Servant continued to hover, golden scarf floating in an intangible breeze.

Matthew did not move, clearly figuring out that the child was in no actual danger.

And then the child smiled.

There seemed to be a rapid back-and-forth - or rather Matthew talked very quickly and the boy managed to get all of two word in edgewise - and then.


Cu Chulainn opened his mouth-


Morgan was clearly tickled. "I HAVE A GRANDBABY!" she squealed.

The chain reaction was immediate.

Gawain, hereto unobserved, foamed at the mouth and keeled backwards. Artoria swallowed a whole drumstick, bone and all - and continued eating. There was a small explosion from the kitchen.

Mash crumpled into Ritsuka's side, and Cu Chulainn turned a variety of 'interesting' colors. Knowing the man's history, Roman could only imagine his thoughts on the subject.

And every member of staff still in the cafeteria made a break for the door, just in time for a bouncy, upbeat tune to begin.


The screaming reached a fever pitch as the exit was clogged with the human stampede.

Surprisingly, Meuniere remained seated, Astolfo's arm around his waist. He looked utterly perplexed, even as Astolfo kept shooting him contemplative looks.

Da Vinci let out a sharp hiss. "Better prepare a bed for that man in medical if that pans out," she muttered, smile a borderline grimace.



Elizabeth crumpled, only for Fou to use her as a perch to bark, mewl, and yip to the tune of the pop classic. Tears streamed down her face, her broken expression turned skyward beneath the conquering paws.

"I just wanted to sing."

The tiny elemental that had been following her around gently pat her arm.

"Huh. How'd I miss an avatar of the Horned God of the Isles running around?" Raphael bobbed around to Fou's caterwauling.

Roman felt the blood rush from his head, blinking rapidly. "Eh?"

"Pardon?" Da Vinci's smile grew taut.

Matthew happily danced without any semblance of rhythm or grace, 'Voyager' firmly in his arms. The little boy simply smiled happily, utterly serene in the face of chaos.

The Tohsaka family collapsed as one at the nearest table, Rin laughing so hard that tears were visible in her eyes. Only her sister matched her mirth. Shotaro's shoulders shook with suppressed laughter, and Asako yowled.

Touko Aozaki etched runes first around her ears, then around Scathach's. The warrior relaxed minutely after.

And Mash stumbled into Ritsuka's lap, causing both to turn new and interesting shades of red.

"..." Roman rubbed his forehead.

"Well, she could do worse?" Da Vinci offered.

"So much worse," Roman agreed without hesitation.

Hakuno hummed happily, cutting into the cake. "Thank you all so much!" she chirped. "Nero, I know you wanted to sing, but it was nice of you to let Elizabeth have her time."

Nero glanced sideways. "Of course!" she replied with a taut smile.

"Tamamo, this cake is delicious! And you said you made it?"

"After a fashion," she purred with a smirk.

There were a series of rattles and yowls from the closet, as though a chained beast were imprisoned within.

"And thank you, BB. What you did for Melt and Lip was very kind." Hakuno leaned over and gave the AI a gentle peck on the cheek.

BB grinned evilly. "Yes, it was! I deserve all that praise and more~!"

Hakuno was either oblivious to the varying expressions around her, or simply did not care. Either way, there was cake, company, and entertainment.

After all, all three were in lingerie while she wore footy pajamas.

…it was good to be Queen of the Moon.

Voyager hummed cheerfully, floating along in the hall. The people of Chaldea seemed kind enough. There were many powerful Servants, and the Masters shared strong bonds.

He could only hope it would be enough when all was said and done.

The Sun saved him from the evil princess, but it was too late for him to go back. His friend had already fallen to rage and despair. Now she lashed out, reaching to hurt everyone near her.

Voyager knew he couldn't save her alone. But he couldn't wait at the Sun's side for Chaldea to get there. He couldn't do nothing.

But… the Sun said there was someone with the power to save his friend. Someone to protect.

Voyager was curious about Ritsuka Tohsaka. What was it about him that the Sun saw his potential? What made him uniquely qualified to save Erice?

At least Matthew seemed nice. Although… his words were concerning. Especially since he wasn't joking.

If he was that much like Erice, then Voyager was afraid what would happen. It would be one thing if he 'lost' Voyager, but they had only met that day.

What would happen if he lost someone he really loved?

I leaned back into the wall, bracketed by Cu's arms.

"I'm not taking the kid on." Red glared down at me.

"O…kay? I didn't say I was going to adopt him either. I'm barely an adult myself." I shifted uncomfortably. "Having Morgan around is weird. And a little uncomfortable. I'm used to her being in my head, not here."


"Hey, at least then if she was embarrassing it was just me." I broke eye contact and looked towards my bed. "No Musashi or Medusa tonight?"

"Nope. They've been shacked up all day." Some of the tension leeched from Cu's voice. "Last I heard, Medusa requisitioned some silk."

"Silk?" I glanced back up.

Cu smirked. "I doubt it was for anything wholesome." One arm came down, fingers trailing towards the side of my neck. He dragged the tips down, crossing my bare chest and pausing near my navel. He pushed his hand forward, splaying the fingers across my stomach and flattening his palm over my abdomen. His eyes burned. "Sorry if I spooked you."

I leaned into his other arm, letting my head rest on his wrist. "It's fine. I get it." And I did - his past with his son would definitely color any interaction he had with a kid, let alone one that belonged to a partner.

He looked down, then flicked his eyes back up. "Yeah?" He lifted his hand, trailing his fingers down to the waist of my boxers.

I frowned. "There's a bed right there."

In a heartbeat I was crowded fully into the wall, my chin propped upwards on Cu's collarbone and his lips brushing mine with the lightest pressure. I could feel his heart beat a steady rhythm into my throat, even as mine started to jackhammer in my chest. "Maybe I wanna collect for having to wear this suit all day. Being stuck under that cloak and not able to touch you like this." His breath washed over my face, warm with a sharp, spicy smell. Something like cinnamon, probably from whatever alcohol he'd gotten into.

I swallowed. "I do appreciate you helping out-"

"So maybe I just wanna take you against this wall. Legs around my waist, arms around my neck. Pants around my thighs." He tugged the waistband down slightly, thumbing the soft hair under my navel.

"My pants around your…?"

He pressed forward, and his tongue flicked between my lips and grazed the inside of my mouth. He leaned back slightly. "Don't be coy." The growl reverberated through his chest, even though he wasn't loud at all.

I swallowed again, licking my lips.

"If you'd prefer the bed, we can do that." The low rumble did things to me - things I knew Cu noticed, close as he was. "Or."

I let out a muffled yelp as he dove back in, plunging his tongue into my mouth and running it over my teeth. Cinnamon. Definitely cinnamon. And the bite of alcohol. Whiskey…?

I have no idea what whiskey tastes like.

Cu pulled back, licking his lips. His other hand trailed down my shoulder, then further. Down the side of my ribs, fingers dragging on muscle. It stopped on my hip, and he moved his other hand to the opposite. He easily gripped them, palms on my hipbones.

"Or…?" I rasped, catching my breath.

He grinned and leaned past my face, mouth near my ear.

"I can pick you up all by myself. Put my superhuman strength to good use. I wouldn't have to put you down for hours. No wall required."

That was. An option. "Sure."

I managed not to embarrass myself as he scooped me into his arms, and latched on with minimal flailing.

Cu's fanged grin made my blood start pounding, my palms sweat, and-

"...I probably should have taken your underwear off first."

Ah. "Yeah."

The two of us broke down snickering, all tension - sexual and otherwise - gone. He set me down on my feet. "Bed it is, then. You up for an extra round or two?"

I made an inquisitive sound without verbalizing.

"Welll. It is yule. If you're a good boy, I might let you stuff my stocking." Cu waggled his eyebrows.

"You're Santa though. Shouldn't you-" I cut myself off. "Oh. Oh."

He smirked.

I leaned into his chest, arms around his neck. "I can work with this."

"Attaboy, Mischief. Now c'mere."

The computer on my desk sputtered to life, a slow tune starting up.

"I'll wait up for you dear; Santa baby, so hurry down the chimney tonight…"
Roman is going to go grey by the end of all this I know it.

Also I'm going to have to reread this chapter a couple of times to keep track of all the insanity that is all happening at the same time in it.
Hakuno was either oblivious to the varying expressions around her, or simply did not care. Either way, there was cake, company, and entertainment.

After all, all three were in lingerie while she wore footy pajamas.

…it was good to be Queen of the Moon.

Hakuno is truly a woman of taste and culture.
All Hail the cute Queen.

Roman is going to go grey by the end of all this I know it.

to be fair that is his real hair-color XD
"I shall begin!" Nero pulled a microphone from… somewhere… and took a deep breath.

The air charged with expectation. Gawain felt the hairs on his neck stand on end.

Elizabeth, too, seemed to feel the unspecified danger. She froze, as though listening to a silent voice in her ear. Seconds later, she gave an undignified squeak and dove from the stage, sprinting until she cowered behind Gawain himself.

Something like cloth brushed his arm, and he swore he heard his next-youngest sibling's malevolent giggle.


Gawain flung his arms up, splinters bouncing off his elbows instead of his face. Elizabeth screeched in terror.

The stage was obliterated in a single strike from the behemoth collapsing atop it, Nero sent tumbling to the floor insensate.

"Snrrrr… mimimimi…"

That didn't change the fact that an AI with power beyond his comprehension and a sideways form of love was enacting its will upon the world around him. Ritsuka knew BB was a power unto herself, but it was moments like this where he realized how much luck went into Matthew catching her off-guard.

So true, given what she did in Imaginary scramble to help.
"I… can feel. The movement of the air-" Meltryllis gripped Passionlip's hand in her own. "Your warmth…" Her eyes were wide in shock.

Ritsuka looked at Da Vinci, only to receive a pleasantly mystified smile. It seemed she was as nonplussed as he was.

Touko merely sighed, letting The Briefcase vanish into thin air. "Well. Whatever happened, it seems to be a net benefit." She rubbed the back of her neck. "...I could use a smoke about now…"

that is so sweet
Passionlip stared at her new hands, standing upright. She turned her elbows and wrists, flexing her fingers gingerly. Her posture was perfect, revealing that her proportions were within the boundaries of an average human. Though her chest was still large, it was no longer to the point where her Divine Constructs were required to keep her body aright.

how big is she now? my mental image has a range from 135 to 120 cm

They were far from the only victims locked in place in the cafeteria. Emiya stood with a blank expression as Artoria continued to wolf down plates of food within their prison - at a table beneath the massive tree.

Hinako sat upon Xiang Yu's lap, alternating between glaring at the Servants and humans and narrowing her eyes at their barrier whenever it threatened to drop. Xiang Yu simply stroked her hair with a polite, placid smile that gave no indication of his thoughts.

A technician - Moony? Muen? Meuniere, right. He was trapped with Astolfo, deliberately avoiding eye contact. Astolfo gnawed on a turkey leg, utterly oblivious.

There was a soft wheeze from the sheet near the bounded field, only for it to be quickly stifled.
Heh, 'now kiss', and 'I ship it' in that order

"Given our conversations in the past, including his own thoughts on 'consent' and 'boundaries' - there must be alternative means to breaking the containment than a direct kiss! To force such a thing on others would be to go against his own personal standards… right, Matthew!?"

"The most basic process of elimination said it was him from the start. This is hardly one of your visual novels where the culprit of the killing game is in doubt." Hinako raised her voice slightly to be heard.

Kadoc's arm dropped.

"...Hinako likes Dangit Roomba?" Matthew asked from beneath the sheet.

Dangit Roomba! curse you MonoRoomba!
now i'm curious as to her favorite characters from there

In addition, the only active mana use is from your Caster." She inclined her head towards Ritsuka.

"Oh, so he's my Caster? As opposed to you and the others?" Ritsuka folded his arms with a flat look.


The tension in the air grew, until-

Rin let out an amused huff. "You truly are shameless, facet of Amaterasu. The King of Heroes would do no such thing." She dropped her hand from Gilgamesh's shoulder

and turned her gaze on Ritsuka. Her eyes softened. "...hey."


Ophelia stood ramrod-straight.

Killing Matthew would make Mash sad. I will not do it. Also, he means well. I must remember this.

She muffled a dignified squeak as Lord Kirschtaria's hand brushed hers.

go matthew!

Kadoc shrugged from his table where he stabbed a piece of roast, only to stuff it into his mouth. He and Anastasia were one of the few couples that had escaped their prison, and were enjoying the 'prize' of the mysterious chef's cooking. The loud crash of pots and pans and the occasional bark could be heard from the kitchen. A shell-shocked Elizabeth clad in a Santa outfit ferried food in and out without comment or complaint.

…there was sure to be a story there. Perhaps connected to the small and antlered furball that assisted her and seemed to trail her footsteps.

CAT GO WOOF! :rofl:
Whatever the case may be, the mysterious Archer in red (who Ritsuka treated as a stuffy uncle) was seated next to the King of Knights with a discomfited look.

what is discomfited?

Rin sidled over to Shotaro, only to give an undignified squawk as he tugged her into his lap. Her look of affronted indignance was compromised by the high flush in her cheeks and sparkle in her eyes.

Shotaro just smiled innocently.

Go tsunerin!

Charlemagne and Passionlip were nose-to-nose in yet another bounded field, the Beast of Calamity hovering overhead with a glowing sprig of vegetation dangling from its neck. It leaned over them, feet glued to the tip of the Lancer's cursed crimson spear.

must be a tight bounded field
wishes that were him

"It's funny. Everything has an Origin, a truth of their very being. It informs and shapes their behavior. Unknown, it is inconsequential. Known, it reshapes them to the extreme. He was never told it, precisely… but he suspected. And it was enough to shape him into what you see now."

explains a lot, and worrying.

Then I was treated to the sight of the Queen of the Land of Shadows dipping the resident puppetmaster and plunging her tongue down her throat
Unexpected but hot. wonder if cat will make her the bunny suit

And Morgan squealed, scooping Matthew up in a bear hug. "My baby! Look at you playing matchmaker to foolish mortals! I'm so proud!" She rained noisy kisses on top of his head, the faerie prince's shock giving way to utter bewilderment.


Cu Chulainn opened his mouth-


Morgan was clearly tickled. "I HAVE A GRANDBABY!" she squealed.

Morgan's reactions are priceless

I grumbled under the cloak once more, pressed back into Cu's chest. I'd snared so many couples - and a few not-couples (Astolfo why) - and like… three. Three had broken out.

Surprisingly, Meuniere remained seated, Astolfo's arm around his waist. He looked utterly perplexed, even as Astolfo kept shooting him contemplative looks.

I ship it!

If he was that much like Erice, then Voyager was afraid what would happen. It would be one thing if he 'lost' Voyager, but they had only met that day.

What would happen if he lost someone he really loved?

*spine shuddes*

"Hey, at least then if she was embarrassing it was just me." I broke eye contact and looked towards my bed. "No Musashi or Medusa tonight?"

"Nope. They've been shacked up all day." Some of the tension leeched from Cu's voice. "Last I heard, Medusa requisitioned some silk."

"Silk?" I glanced back up.

Now I wonder what they made.
Great chapter, this sakura's brattiness was a surprise, but not unpleasent
Edit: what does Discomfited mean?
Last edited:
Ahhhh, never enough wholesome moments. Also, the bestest boi is here. Love and cherish him, always. Very nice to see Mama Morgan in person this time.
Dangit Roomba! curse you MonoRoomba!
now i'm curious as to her favorite characters from there

explains a lot, and worrying.

Unexpected but hot. wonder if cat will make her the bunny suit

Now I wonder what they made.
Great chapter, this sakura's brattiness was a surprise, but not unpleasent
Edit: what does Discomfited mean?

In order:

1: Hinako's favorite DR character is Junko. She's terrible, but fun to watch.

2. I've strewn hints as to Matthew's Origin around, and his mercurial personality is tied heavily into it. Between the Origin, his nature as a Fairy, and other aspects… yeah, he's not the most stable cast member by a long shot.

3. I did hint somewhere that Touko and Scathach were more than professionally associated at some point, but heck if I can remember where. The fic's over half a million words and I'm not even to London!

4. Asako got it from somewhere.

5. Discomfited is a fancy word for 'was uncomfortable'.
Hakuno was either oblivious to the varying expressions around her, or simply did not care. Either way, there was cake, company, and entertainment.

After all, all three were in lingerie while she wore footy pajamas.

Wait, so Hakuno is literally lounging around with food while being waited hand and foot by scantily clad beautiful women? She's really flexing her royalty, I suppose. And probably taking a bit too much influence from Nero.

Glad to see you and this fix is back though! Always fun to read the antics, although I do wonder why Voyager is here.
The Sun saved him from the evil princess, but it was too late for him to go back. His friend had already fallen to rage and despair. Now she lashed out, reaching to hurt everyone near her.
So if I'm reading this right Erice has gone mad in Camelot/Jerusalem and Ozymandias sent Voyager to Chaldea to have Matthew help her. Don't know who the Evil Princess is though.
So if I'm reading this right Erice has gone mad in Camelot/Jerusalem and Ozymandias sent Voyager to Chaldea to have Matthew help her. Don't know who the Evil Princess is though.

I was referencing Quetzalcoatl here.

Erice is the main antagonist in Babylonia. It's been a while but she did appear in the Evil Club intro back around… Septem? Yeah. Septem.

Quetz sent Voyager to get Ritsuka's help. Partly because he's the one most likely to save her, and partly because I've gradually alluded to there having been prior contact between the two. See the one time Ritsuka got babysat by Zelretch and the Dino-ride? Yeah.

Manaka's the Evil Princess, full stop.
Alright so. This Britomart is the daughter of the original Britomart, and her personality is basically the same as her mother's was at her age. Britomart Senior was transformed into a fairy by Fairy Queen Gloriana, thus Junior was born a fairy. Upon listening to Merlin's stories about her mother and Artoria, Britomart decided she wanted to be a hero and go on adventures too, so Merlin directed her to Chaldea.
Fou-ex's Mistletoe Massacre: Express Christmas Shipping!
Flowers Blooming in the Sky: New Years Celebration
Fate/Zero Accel: Waltz of Gold and Silver

next is the new years story, not sure what events it's based on if any, but i do think fireworks will be involved, so possible nobu and okita involvement

looking forward to whatever you have planned with fate zero - matthew will really enjoy Iskandar~

lastly, thinking on a mary fou'd servant details:
Rider with high endurance, mana and luck
riding skill EX "because of all our wild se-" *matthew gets punched*
the sheet could be compared to No Face May king, Skills referring fou's singing ability and a 'lover's bond' like Hokusai's father daughter bond skill
the mistletoe barrier could be listed as an E grade NP
Love the idea of romani headdesking as he has to read about this new 'servant'