Did we ever find out who that was? Because Artoria was born a few millenniums late.

At this point I'm half expecting it to be Artoria herself thanks to Merlin shenanigans. I mean, if Merlin can use Avalon to get from 2016 AD to 2655 BC, he should be able to use it to send Artoria back to 12,000 BC. (Remember, that was the real Merlin who showed up at the final battle against Tiamat, not just a Servant-projection.)
Story Outline
So I have a rough roadmap for the rest of the fic, as slow as my updates are (comparatively) nowadays. These do not include Chaldea chapters that I use to take a break/move the larger plot along. (Some will be single-chapter installments.) This is both so people know what they're getting into, and for me to use as reference if I forget anything. It's just a list of arc titles. From the top:

Singularity F
The Hundred Years of Devouring Night: Orleans
Fate/Stay Night: Grand Rebellion
Idol Duet at Castle Cachtice!
Roaring Winter at Empire's End: Septem
Beneath the Blasted Fig: Cyber Dystopia SE.RA.PH
Starry Sanzang Gets Kidnapped by Elementals
Enclosed Sea of Serpents and Sail: Okeanos
Fou-ex's Mistletoe Massacre: Express Christmas Shipping!
Flowers Blooming in the Sky: New Years Celebration
Fate/Zero Accel: Waltz of Gold and Silver
Conspiracy in the Mirrored Mist: London
Garden of Order: Paradox d'If
Epic of Storytime
Fou-ex's Great Return! Valentine's Day Express Shipping!
Great Sake Festival Heian-kyo!
Steel and Feather Domination Revolt: E Pluribus Unum
Fou-ex's Revenge! White Day Return Shipping!
White Princess Echo Dance
Bright Sun, White Sand: Island Paradise!
BGDQ: Baba Games Done Quick!
Black Dragon Roar/Howl of the Last Trumpet: Camelot/Jerusalem
Fou and Matt's Excellent Avalonian Adventure
Knights of the Round Grill: Chaldea Cooking Competition!
Samhain Wild Candy Hunt!
Thousand-Cursed Underworld Uprising/Brace Against the Breath of Stars: Yomotsu Hirasaka/Babylonia
Gods Playing Dice: Meeting Minutes of the Council
Land of Shadows Battle Trial! Twin Stars Shine!
Chaldea Kids' Production: A Christmas Carol (As Directed by W. Shakespeare)
Song of the First: Time Temple Salomon
When Omnipotence Became a Girl
Song of the Last: And Forever I Shall Hold Them In My Heart
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I like how the titles give away just enough to make you guess in some cases and in others they're just amusing.

Also, Oni's are coming out to play earlier, considering that Rashomon needed E Pluribus Unum cleared... And in Heian-kyo no less...
*gets on reading outfit*
Okay, I'm ready. Let's get back on the crazy train that is Chaldea!

Still working on the next chapter, have two scenes done out of like... six or seven. This was also for the purpose of pointing out that Xmas will probably end up getting posted in February if I'm lucky.

Work was rough last week :cry:
Fate/Zero Accel: Waltz of Gold and Silver
Well that's going to be nuts and a half. There's only one archer Gilgamesh so either Tokiomi gets a different servant or Gil gets yanked ala Cu. Meanwhile Mash and Lancelot get a reunion.
Fou-ex's Mistletoe Massacre: Express Christmas Shipping!
Here's hoping Kiyohime isn't in play. The war to meet Ritsuka under the mistletoe is going to be harrowing enough with Mash, Joan and whomever else he's managed to attract. Matthew realizes he needs more popcorn.
Gods Playing Dice: Meeting Minutes of the Council
So D&D, Warhammer Fantasy or 40k? :V
Samhain Wild Candy Hunt!
Matthew and Fou on sugar highs. Cleanup on alse five, six and seven please.
Knights of the Round Grill: Chaldea Cooking Competition!
Otherwise known as Emiya trying to teach Gawain how to actually cook in order to preserve his sanity.
Fou and Matt's Excellent Avalonian Adventure
"And that's how all of Avalon ended up on fire."
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fou had a girl/boyfriend
and it is going on a massacre
who is it?

what is fou's gender anyway?

Basically if the event has 'Fou-Ex' (a pun on FedEx), it's going to be romance shenanigans and a one-shot arc. Two at absolute most.

Fou isn't getting shipped because he's an animal; however Fou will be doing the shipping. Because comedy!
You know? You could make your own Santa Servant....how about Mash? Rider Mash using Fou "P-M Form" as a mount?